Is anyone else embarrassed about this campaign?

Which policies has Hillary proposed that involve Government controlling our civilization?

Just one example would be fine

You cannot be so naive, can you?

Hillary Clinton’s Complex Corporate Ties
You didn't answer my question did you

Yes, I believe I did. :)

Name the policies

I see Trump is offering a massive corporate tax break and huge trade embargo

What has Hillary offered corporate America?


Threatening tariffs is not a huge trade embargo.
Are you saying Trump lacks the balls?
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Honestly? Saw this coming for 20+ years

The political elite have been screwing the public that entire time, giving the public the finger the entire time. Wasting our time and money. The public is simply giving the finger back to the elite

I do understand that part of it, yeah. I'm not terribly fond of professional politicians in general myself. And I think there are fixes to a system that allows them to behave the way they do.

It's the messenger(s) I question.

It will be obvious how serious these folks are very soon. I'm suspecting they are all a bunch of hot air but it will be a moment of truth on August 9.

August 9 is when the voters fo Wisconsin travel to their polling place to either re-instate Paul Ryan or pick his successor. Obviously if Trump has any influence on these dopes, they will have a very easy time voting out Mr. Ryan. It is also 3 weeks after the GOP convetnion that Mr. Ryan will chair will supposedly rob Mr. Trump of his nomination.

Whether Trump has any clout at all will be revealed then.
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Republicans have gone off the deep end......half of them hate Donald Trump and are trying to derail him....and the other half hate the first half for trying to derail Donald Trump!
It has been entertaining to say the least........every debate brings a new surprise and they seem to be getting nastier and vulgar.....and most of Trump supporters love that kind of action......:rolleyes:
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Yes....a woman who has broken the law......time and again by using an illegal email server is the leading candidate of a party that traffics in open and proud racism........and their second candidate is a supporter of an economic system responsible for the murder of close to 100 million men, women and children around the world....and all it takes for their followers to look the other way.......a promise of free college that is fucking embarrassing.....
Yes, I am embarrassed by this campaign, I guess when a person has been a democrat all his life and suddenly becomes a republican, there are aspects of his personality he can not change, or does not think of changing.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show.
It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides.
Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.

Both sides? Really?

Why is it that you people cannot discuss the crazy GOP campaign without bringing up the very subdued Dem campaign?
Clearly this is rhetorical.
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

This is the consequence of a GOP whose agenda is bankrupt of new ideas and viable solutions – republicans have nothing of value or merit to offer the American people, resulting in this idiocy between Trump and Cruz.
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Honestly? Saw this coming for 20+ years

The political elite have been screwing the public that entire time, giving the public the finger the entire time. Wasting our time and money. The public is simply giving the finger back to the elite

By electing one of the elite....try again.
You don't have to like the Democratic party but the Republican party is an embarrassment. How do you teach your kid about politics with this
Donald Trump defends size of his penis -
That debate was a joke, I don't want this to be the "new" normal for political debates. Everyone deserves better than this nonsense.

libs faux outrage over WORDS but supporting abortion, gay "marriage", terrorists, welfare, illegal immigration etc....
You don't have to like the Democratic party but the Republican party is an embarrassment. How do you teach your kid about politics with this
Donald Trump defends size of his penis -
That debate was a joke, I don't want this to be the "new" normal for political debates. Everyone deserves better than this nonsense.

libs faux outrage over WORDS but supporting abortion, gay "marriage", terrorists, welfare, illegal immigration etc....
Will you refuse Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance?
You don't have to like the Democratic party but the Republican party is an embarrassment. How do you teach your kid about politics with this
Donald Trump defends size of his penis -
That debate was a joke, I don't want this to be the "new" normal for political debates. Everyone deserves better than this nonsense.

libs faux outrage over WORDS but supporting abortion, gay "marriage", terrorists, welfare, illegal immigration etc....
Will you refuse Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance?

you libtards have been SAYING THIS FOR DECADES- a lie and scare tactic.
You don't have to like the Democratic party but the Republican party is an embarrassment. How do you teach your kid about politics with this
Donald Trump defends size of his penis -
That debate was a joke, I don't want this to be the "new" normal for political debates. Everyone deserves better than this nonsense.

libs faux outrage over WORDS but supporting abortion, gay "marriage", terrorists, welfare, illegal immigration etc....
Will you refuse Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance?

you libtards have been SAYING THIS FOR DECADES- a lie and scare tactic.
So, you won't refuse Socialist programs.
The world has a right to know the size of Trump's penis. I am sure that he would not have commented on it in the presidential debates if it wasn't important.
This is where politics in American Idol America had to was inevitable. The majority of leftist voters are dumber than a pile of shovels thanks to the progs turning public schools into laughing academies. All they know how to do is text, tweet, and twitter about "diversity" and gorebal warming. They can't spell, do simple math, find Panama on a map, name past presidents or historical events. Hell, Obozo said "Abe Lincoln built an intercontinental railroad" and that Emperor Hirohito surrendered to MacArthur....and Barry graduated from Harvard!

"Conservative" voters are at least literate but not much brighter blaming "unions" and "n1ggers" for the country's problems while arming themselves to the teeth with the latest laser-sights without knowing how to clean their weapons. They believe it's fine that China builds our stuff as long as they can find a $4 hammer to pound their thumbs with.

But none of this is new really....back in the 19th century pols called each other hideous names, challenged each other to duels, and often went after each other with fists and feets. Now that my candidate (Rubio) has fallen out, I'm enjoying the show and hope it gets even more bizarre. I'm not voting for any of these freaks and neither should anybody else. :eusa_naughty:
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This is where politics in American Idol America had to was inevitable. The majority of leftist voters are dumber than a pile of shovels thanks to the progs turning public schools into laughing academies. All they know how to do is text, tweet, and twitter about "diversity" and gorebal warming. They can't spell, do simple math, find Panama on a map, name past presidents or historical events. Hell, Obozo said "Abe Lincoln built an intercontinental railroad" and that Emperor Hirohito surrendered to MacArthur....and Barry graduated from Harvard!

"Conservative" voters are at least literate but not much brighter blaming "unions" and "n1ggers" for the country's problems while arming themselves to the teeth with the latest laser-sights without knowing how to clean their weapons. They believe it's fine that China builds our stuff as long as they can find a $4 hammer to pound their thumbs with.

But none of this is new really....back in the 19th century pols called each other hideous names, challenged each other to duels, and often went after each other with fists and feets. Now that my candidate (Rubio) has fallen out, I'm enjoying the show and hope it gets even more neither should anybody else. :eusa_naughty:bizarre. I'm not voting for any of these freaks and

And many won't. That is why I feel this election will destroy the GOP's majorities in the house and senate.
Both sides? Really?

Why is it that you people cannot discuss the crazy GOP campaign without bringing up the very subdued Dem campaign?

"subdued"? :lol: You've got a communist posing as a socialist who spent his honeymoon in the soviet union beating the granny-pants off a psychopath who imagined snipers laying in wait as she walked a red carpet in Bosnia, swindled countless people in Arkansas in a land deal, pretended she understood "cattle futures" enough to bank a $100,000 bribe, probably had a hand in the murder of Vince Foster and others, and now has been caught sending and receiving hundreds of highly classified emails that would put you or me in a prison cell for the next 20 years.

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