Is anyone else embarrassed about this campaign?

I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

yes. it's embarrassing. but look at some of the people on this board. doesn't it explain everything you need to know about what's going on?
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
It isn't hard to understand at all. How can you be clueless at this late date? Most supporters of Trump probably don't like his antics but they don't really care because they are sick of politicians bettering themselves with lip service.

They believe it takes someone like Trump to get us going in the right direction. Someone that understands you can't spend your way into prosperity. Someone that doesn't drop to his knees when some tin horn dictator pulls out his pecker. This isn't rocket science.
Well, I do agree, this ain't rocket science. Which is why his attraction is difficult to understand.

The amount of flaws and questions and shortcomings that you're ignoring/forgiving is staggering.
I haven't ignored anything but you are a well oiled liar. It's what you do.
Link? Example?
I also had difficulty understanding the popularity of Palin, but at least she was obviously a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. Trump? No.

Trump to me seems like Sarah Palin drowning in testosterone. Why doesn't the party demand more fundamental dignity from its candidates?

palin wasn't conservative either. i think that's the problem with your party. you pick out these loudmouthed regressive extremists who want to do away with every social advance made since the 1950's and call them conservative.

but really, what's the diffeene between palin and trump? there isn't any.
I also had difficulty understanding the popularity of Palin, but at least she was obviously a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. Trump? No.

Trump to me seems like Sarah Palin drowning in testosterone. Why doesn't the party demand more fundamental dignity from its candidates?
They own the party, they don't own the candidates. At least Trump says what's on his mind, for better or worse instead of some focus group polled canned answers.
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

yes. it's embarrassing. but look at some of the people on this board. doesn't it explain everything you need to know about what's going on?

The wings can essentially be deafened by the volume of their echo chambers, but this party has taken it to all new levels since, what, 2008 or so.

And it's not terribly difficult to draw a straight and short line from conservative media to this behavior.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show.
It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides.
Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.

Both sides? Really?

WH is it that you people cannot discuss the crazy GOP campaign without bringing up the very subdued Dem campaign?

Of course it is subdued. If your opponent front runner is a mind-numbing jackass why on earth would you do anything to interrupt him?
My point is on the right - you have a large group of sheep falling for someone who is using the nations anger as a ruse; it is amazing how many people have fell for his garbage.
On the left, you have an elitist/corporatist who is the exact opposite of what leftist stand for - yet because she has a (D) after her name - they follow her. Equally duped.

Silly nutter. There are not many leftists pulling levers in this nation. Why would a leftist ever become POTUS?

Hillary, like Obama is a centrist with a slight lean to the left. That's where most Americans are. That's why they get lots of support. Your take on what makes up the bulk of the Dem base is off. Moderate liberals are what is asked for. Stop buying the overblown rhetoric and you might figure it out.

Bernie is to the left of Hillary. Just far enough left that he won't likely win the nomination.
Why is it that you people cannot discuss the crazy GOP campaign without bringing up the very subdued Dem campaign?

What delusional retard thinks the there is a "Dem" campaign. You fucking retard. Hillary is a joke, but when faced with the most ridiculous joke on planet Earth, Bernie Sanders, things change, for dumbass, illiterate, retarded fucking idiots.

The Donald 2016!
There is a dem campaign. They have selected Hillary as expected and are looking on in amusement at what has become of the once Grand Old Party
I also had difficulty understanding the popularity of Palin, but at least she was obviously a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. Trump? No.

Trump to me seems like Sarah Palin drowning in testosterone. Why doesn't the party demand more fundamental dignity from its candidates?

palin wasn't conservative either. i think that's the problem with your party. you pick out these loudmouthed regressive extremists who want to do away with every social advance made since the 1950's ...
blah blah blah. You and your loud mouth lying again. Many conservatives helped put a lot of social programs in place.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
It isn't hard to understand at all. How can you be clueless at this late date? Most supporters of Trump probably don't like his antics but they don't really care because they are sick of politicians bettering themselves with lip service.

They believe it takes someone like Trump to get us going in the right direction. Someone that understands you can't spend your way into prosperity. Someone that doesn't drop to his knees when some tin horn dictator pulls out his pecker. This isn't rocket science.
Well, I do agree, this ain't rocket science. Which is why his attraction is difficult to understand.

The amount of flaws and questions and shortcomings that you're ignoring/forgiving is staggering.
I haven't ignored anything but you are a well oiled liar. It's what you do.
Link? Example?
Link example? Where's the link to your asshole? That's where you get your information. Everyone else can just read the above words.
I also had difficulty understanding the popularity of Palin, but at least she was obviously a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. Trump? No.

Trump to me seems like Sarah Palin drowning in testosterone. Why doesn't the party demand more fundamental dignity from its candidates?

palin wasn't conservative either. i think that's the problem with your party. you pick out these loudmouthed regressive extremists who want to do away with every social advance made since the 1950's ...
blah blah blah. You and your loud mouth lying again. Many conservatives helped put a lot of social programs in place.
When was that?
Fifty years ago?
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
It isn't hard to understand at all. How can you be clueless at this late date? Most supporters of Trump probably don't like his antics but they don't really care because they are sick of politicians bettering themselves with lip service.

They believe it takes someone like Trump to get us going in the right direction. Someone that understands you can't spend your way into prosperity. Someone that doesn't drop to his knees when some tin horn dictator pulls out his pecker. This isn't rocket science.
Well, I do agree, this ain't rocket science. Which is why his attraction is difficult to understand.

The amount of flaws and questions and shortcomings that you're ignoring/forgiving is staggering.
I haven't ignored anything but you are a well oiled liar. It's what you do.
Link? Example?
Link example? Where's the link to your asshole? That's where you get your information. Everyone else can just read the above words.
Where's the link to my asshole?

Well, you're representing your party wonderfully here. Right on the money.
I also had difficulty understanding the popularity of Palin, but at least she was obviously a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. Trump? No.

Trump to me seems like Sarah Palin drowning in testosterone. Why doesn't the party demand more fundamental dignity from its candidates?

palin wasn't conservative either. i think that's the problem with your party. you pick out these loudmouthed regressive extremists who want to do away with every social advance made since the 1950's ...
blah blah blah. You and your loud mouth lying again. Many conservatives helped put a lot of social programs in place.

That's an interesting topic. Let's explore that.

What social programs in the past 50 years have conservatives championed?
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

The Powers that Be are desperate.

This is driven by their belief that they are entitled to power.
It isn't hard to understand at all. How can you be clueless at this late date? Most supporters of Trump probably don't like his antics but they don't really care because they are sick of politicians bettering themselves with lip service.

They believe it takes someone like Trump to get us going in the right direction. Someone that understands you can't spend your way into prosperity. Someone that doesn't drop to his knees when some tin horn dictator pulls out his pecker. This isn't rocket science.
Well, I do agree, this ain't rocket science. Which is why his attraction is difficult to understand.

The amount of flaws and questions and shortcomings that you're ignoring/forgiving is staggering.
I haven't ignored anything but you are a well oiled liar. It's what you do.
Link? Example?
Link example? Where's the link to your asshole? That's where you get your information. Everyone else can just read the above words.
Where's the link to my asshole?

Well, you're representing your party wonderfully here. Right on the money.
I'm not a party member but I did call you a liar. Thanks for providing yet further evidence.
Well, I do agree, this ain't rocket science. Which is why his attraction is difficult to understand.

The amount of flaws and questions and shortcomings that you're ignoring/forgiving is staggering.
I haven't ignored anything but you are a well oiled liar. It's what you do.
Link? Example?
Link example? Where's the link to your asshole? That's where you get your information. Everyone else can just read the above words.
Where's the link to my asshole?

Well, you're representing your party wonderfully here. Right on the money.
I'm not a party member but I did call you a liar. Thanks for providing yet further evidence.
Were you going to provide any examples, or am I just playing Whack-A-Mole™ again?

Come on, butch up and let me have it.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.

Message received, they need to be a whole lot more PC. Could it be that Trump has a sense of humor and was just responding to the punk ass remark made by Rubio? Or he isn't going to take punk ass remarks from losers like Rubio or Cruz?
I haven't ignored anything but you are a well oiled liar. It's what you do.
Link? Example?
Link example? Where's the link to your asshole? That's where you get your information. Everyone else can just read the above words.
Where's the link to my asshole?

Well, you're representing your party wonderfully here. Right on the money.
I'm not a party member but I did call you a liar. Thanks for providing yet further evidence.
Were you going to provide any examples, or am I just playing Whack-A-Mole™ again?

Come on, butch up and let me have it.
It's right up there so you can play with your little dick instead. You don't own me, you smarmy liar.
I was on my second scotch last night when I saw this, and this morning I was thinking to myself "I must be imagining what I think I heard".

Well, I checked it out, and sadly I remembered it correctly.

So far in this campaign - and we still have a ways to go, mind you - we have had a candidate from a major party talk about the size of his dick during an official, nationally televised debate.

Now, as of yesterday, we have had the main opponent of that candidate confirm that he does not want to have sex with that man.

Is anyone else embarrassed? Is this really what we want?

"And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has fifty years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."

Not only the campaign but also the candidates are embarrassing. Bunch of clowns.
This entire campaign is like one looong reality TV show. It just goes to show how easy people can be fooled...both sides. Why anyone would believe either Hillary or Trump is beyond comprehension.
I really have put some effort into understanding the attraction to Trump, and I do understand it a bit more than before, but I'd love to know if his and Cruz' supporters aren't even a little embarrassed by this stuff.

I've seen zero indication of it so far.
Message received, they need to be a whole lot more PC. Could it be that Trump has a sense of humor and was just responding to the punk ass remark made by Rubio? Or he isn't going to take punk ass remarks from losers like Rubio or Cruz?
They can be whatever they want. I'll leave the "need to" stuff to the PC Police.

Let them keep doing this, let them be who they are. Freedom of expression. I'm just saying it's embarrassing.

Do you think it is?
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