Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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Yeah- because no one is allowed to have parades......or flags......or PDA.....

Yes your cult has been quite successful at selling debauchery in all public venues. Note the girl on the right wearing the RAINBOW dress as a jester. The root of the weed stands directly in the center of the sluttery.

Yes- if wasn't for the Gheys- we straights would never have a clue how to engage in debauchery in public......

That is actually true. LGBT parades paved that road.

Right- because if it was not for LGBT parades, we straight people would not have a clue.....

God you are so delusional in your hatred towards gays.

Faggots and transgender freaks say they only want to be left alone yet they're the ones bringing their lifestyles in public.
So do breeders...
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......

We have a tiny faction if ignorant bigots with an unwarranted hatred of gay Americans.
Faggots make up 3% of the population, guess who that makes the tiny faction idiot?

Darkfury also thinks that since k*kes make up only 3% of the population that makes the tiny fraction of ignorant bigots like him okay.
I have no problem with those of the Jewish faith, democrats thou? Need to have their asses beat.
I look at it this way... most people don't care. But when you are bombarded with something on a daily basis, told you're a bigot if you don't agree with something, ordinary people that normally don't give a shit, start to give a shit. And not in a good way.

If someone doesn't "agree" that blacks should have rights equal to whites, is that person a bigot, yes or no?

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I look at it this way... most people don't care. But when you are bombarded with something on a daily basis, told you're a bigot if you don't agree with something, ordinary people that normally don't give a shit, start to give a shit. And not in a good way.

If someone doesn't "agree" that blacks should have rights equal to whites, is that person a bigot, yes or no?

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Equating the tint of one's skin with someone's sexuall proclivities isn't even in the same universe, dumb ass. I have noticed that it has been the leftard clown posse of sniveling purse swingers that have gotten so butthurt for even MENTIONING that I was tired of hearing abiout the queer agenda....most telling. I have come to the point that I despsie queers AND leftards equally. (snicker)
In the privacy of their own sanctuary I do not care how anyone gets their freak on. Public display of your sexual preference is not necessary in my opinion. Parades, flags and PDA is way out of line for one's sexual leanings.
What is the need for the attention grabbing behavior?

In the privacy of their own sanctuary, no one except them knows how they get it on. They tell us they only want to be left alone to live their lives the way they choose to live them yet the ONLY way we know about what they do is because THEY bring it in public. THEY bring it in public then whine about how what they do is a private matter. I don't share what I do privately with my wife. What makes them think the rest of the world wants to hear about them?

Nobody I know shares what they do privately with their partner or spouse- gay or straight.

Just some like you apply a double standard when it comes to gays.

Okay: not Okay.....LOL
If someone doesn't "agree" that blacks should have rights equal to whites, is that person a bigot, yes or no?

Why are you talking about race on thread about deviant sexual behaviors?
Because all they have is a race card and if they can't play it they have no argument.

Remind them once isn't a race

LOL....yes because Contards do seem confused on the issue.
I look at it this way... most people don't care. But when you are bombarded with something on a daily basis, told you're a bigot if you don't agree with something, ordinary people that normally don't give a shit, start to give a shit. And not in a good way.

If someone doesn't "agree" that blacks should have rights equal to whites, is that person a bigot, yes or no?

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Equating the tint of one's skin with someone's sexuall proclivities isn't even in the same universe, dumb ass. I have noticed that it has been the leftard clown posse of sniveling purse swingers that have gotten so butthurt for even MENTIONING that I was tired of hearing abiout the queer agenda....most telling. I have come to the point that I despsie queers AND leftards equally. (snicker)

Yeah- you came to that point last year in 8th grade.
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......

We have a tiny faction if ignorant bigots with an unwarranted hatred of gay Americans.
Faggots make up 3% of the population, guess who that makes the tiny faction idiot?

Darkfury also thinks that since k*kes make up only 3% of the population that makes the tiny fraction of ignorant bigots like him okay.
I have no problem with those of the Jewish faith, democrats thou? Need to have their asses beat.

LOL.....Darkfury.....still pissed off that its not legal to gather 4 or 5 of his bravest friends to drive out and find a lone guy that might be a 'f*ggot' or a k*ke and bravely beat him up.
I never needed a ghey to show me...

Yes but you needed them to pave public indecency without getting fined or arrested, didn't you?
Is that who got nudes in film in the 1960's?

Films...Hollywood...gays...degenerative culture....

Hey, you're getting good at this logical-deduction thing!
So you think that all in Hollywood is ghey, since their are no lecherous straight married males in the country..
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