Is anyone else just embarassed?

Ray you are not a Republican just a far right crazy. You support Trump's bigoted racism and sexism. Real Republicans don't.

Yeah, and you know what a real Republican is.

Real Republicans want to save this country from the wicked witch of New York. Real Republicans are very concerned about a liberal Supreme Court for the next several generations, not to mention the 80 other appointments around the country as soon as the next President gets in.

Real Republicans are fearful of their constitutional firearms rights and a near open border policy. Real Republicans are worried about the 20 trillion dollar debt and growing. Real Republicans will not take their ball and go home simply because they don't have the perfect candidate. That's what real Republicans are about.
I'm wondering how some stupid comments years ago would affect National Security and the economy and illegal immigration in 2016 and on....

I'm wondering why this is nuclear news, because a Blue Team President was ACTUALLY groping women in the Oval Office -- the excuse was it was all a private matter and consensual. And his spouse was blaming it all on a Red Team conspiracy to take down her husband and heading the Bimbo squad.

See --- Red Team. Tie on the pads, Strap the helmet tight, bite that mouth guard and play the damn game.
THAT'S how you do it.. Now get out there and DESTROY what's left of America.. :tongue-44:
I'm wondering why this is nuclear news, because a Blue Team President was ACTUALLY groping women in the Oval Office -- the excuse was it was all a private matter and consensual. And his spouse was blaming it all on a Red Team conspiracy to take down her husband and heading the Bimbo squad.

Not only that, but they told us at the time that what people do in private has nothing to do with how well they do their job in office. It's none of our business.
I'm wondering why this is nuclear news, because a Blue Team President was ACTUALLY groping women in the Oval Office -- the excuse was it was all a private matter and consensual. And his spouse was blaming it all on a Red Team conspiracy to take down her husband and heading the Bimbo squad.

Not only that, but they told us at the time that what people do in private has nothing to do with how well they do their job in office. It's none of our business.

Think of this as a baptism to CLEANSE both sides. Because TODAY -- you can do nothing wrong in politics if the "other side" did it also.. Except what America NEEDS right now is EXORCISM, not more cross-blaming and absolution..

Need an intervention by some humble adults that CARE about America MORE then they care about winning..
Okay, just for fun, I'm gonna try this again.

We've got Trump's long list of embarrassing comments and hilarious lack of self control.

We've got the lying, corrupt Hillary machine.

Today we find out that Donna Brazille is sending Hillary debate questions ahead of time. After hearing that poor Donna is a persecuted Christian woman.

Come on. Be honest. Are you not AT ALL embarrassed for the COUNTRY by the WHOLE CAMPAIGN, top to bottom, Left to Right?

Come on.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?
I'm not embarrassed exactly. I'm surprised that both parties no longer represent the middle class. And, I'm beginning to think I should not have been. Really, the dems turned their backs on workers in 1972. One could say, Slick brought them back to the center, but really what he did was coopt Perot's debt warnings. Small wonder why Ted Kennedy never drank that coolaide. Ted gave Obama the nod over Hillary, and no one should dispute Obama's been the most liberal potus since LBJ ... and like LBJ, Obama's been more concerned with those at the bottom than in the middle.

Reagan's rising tide did nothing for middle class wages ... but if he haven't noticed it, shit's gotten a lot less expensive overall. Cars are a lot better, and houses are a lot bigger. Although Trump is literally running against Reaganomics (though if anyone bothered to look at his tax plan, it's remarkabley similar despite the debt being a whole lot worse.)
After reading 21 pages of, oh its just guy stuff, and any way Bill did it to. its clear why warts and all more woman will vote Hillary.
Okay, just for fun, I'm gonna try this again.

We've got Trump's long list of embarrassing comments and hilarious lack of self control.

We've got the lying, corrupt Hillary machine.

Today we find out that Donna Brazille is sending Hillary debate questions ahead of time. After hearing that poor Donna is a persecuted Christian woman.

Come on. Be honest. Are you not AT ALL embarrassed for the COUNTRY by the WHOLE CAMPAIGN, top to bottom, Left to Right?

Come on.

The problem is that no great candidates will ever run for the job. The MSM controls what goes on in our elections and who wants to be torn apart by them along with their family?

As long as we buy their papers, participate in their blogs, turn on their news channel every time we hear some gossip like what Trump said on the bus, or how Mitt Romney transports his dog when going on vacation, or how much George Bush drank 20 years before he ran for President, they will keep treating us to these stories and nobody worth spit will want to endure that.

When we as a public start paying attention to issues instead of paying attention to these stupid Enquirer stories, maybe then we can get some people to run that won't be embarrassing at all.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

As well you should be, do it again and I'll think twice before replying to another one of your threads, Damn it!

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

Neither one of them is my candidate so... Hell yes I'm, embarrassed. This is the best we have in the way of candidates? Seriously? Anyone who is not embarrassed should be ashamed of their idiotic selves.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

As well you should be, do it again and I'll think twice before replying to another one of your threads, Damn it!

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

Neither one of them is my candidate so... Hell yes I'm, embarrassed. This is the best we have in the way of candidates? Seriously? Anyone who is not embarrassed should be ashamed of their idiotic selves.
Most of them won't admit it, though.

It's always the same: No matter how horrific, how embarrassing, how blatantly BAD their candidate gets, it's "yeah, but...." and point the finger at the other candidate.

How do we improve ourselves if we refuse to be honest about ourselves? How do we improve ANYTHING?
I love it. The plot keeps evolving, teams switching sides, then back. The main characters are a business tycoon looking to rebuild America after struggling on life support for so long. The other a career politicians with more skeletons in her closet than the tombs of Egypt.

Now a sex pervert has inadvertently rekindled a federal investigation while sniffing around for underage indiscretions and as a result reversed hero/villain status with the political parties. All tied in due to the close relationship with his spouse and the left wing candidate. Bookies are working overtime placing bets on lifespans. All the characters are perfectly typecast, well acted and the audience kept at the edge of their seats.

I'm giving this election a five star rating.
I love it. The plot keeps evolving, teams switching sides, then back. The main characters are a business tycoon looking to rebuild America after struggling on life support for so long. The other a career politicians with more skeletons in her closet than the tombs of Egypt.

Now a sex pervert has inadvertently rekindled a federal investigation while sniffing around for underage indiscretions and as a result reversed hero/villain status with the political parties. All tied in due to the close relationship with his spouse and the left wing candidate. Bookies are working overtime placing bets on lifespans. All the characters are perfectly typecast, well acted and the audience kept at the edge of their seats.

I'm giving this election a five star rating.
It's been a wild ride for sure. The actual election will probably be anticlimactic.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

It's absolutely embarrassing. On one level, I feel like our nation truly deserves the coming shitshow.
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