Is anyone else just embarassed?

The evidence is that it created riots in other cities. Why would Benghazi be immune? Furthermore, the video was never said to be the cause but what the current thinking was with a statement that an investigation was ongoing. Yep that 11th anniversary - so important.

The put the film maker in jail because his video brought to light the parole violation.

Gowdy lied in his questions. Hillary never said he only used one device during her term as SofS. She said he set up her e-mail because she wanted to use one device. Comey admitted there were no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey also said some mails had been lost through changing of equipment, etc & not deliberately erased.

Gowdy was caught illegally altering FBI documents he gave to committee members.

Again, do you have any real lies or are you just going to regurgitate the Breitbart/Limbaugh spew.

Are you blind and deaf? Do you want me to print the questions by Gawdy and the Answers by Comey one at a time????

I swear, you liberals only see and hear what you want to. And they threw the film maker in jail because they wanted to promote the LIE that Benghazi had something to do with this stupid tape even though there is not a shred of evidence to make them even consider that. WTF in the entire United States spends over a year in prison for making a video unless it's child porn or something like that. Find me any other person.

For example Gowdy said basically this: "Clinton said she only used one device, was that true?" Gowdy lied because Clinton never said she only used one device. Gowdy also asked "Clinton says she turned over all relevant e-mails, was that true" Comey said no but explained that some were lost that were not purposefully deleted.

I see you were duped by the crooked Gowdy. I am not surprised.

And furthermore, when you violate your probation, you go to jail for the crime for which you received probation. Again, get informed.
The evidence is that it created riots in other cities. Why would Benghazi be immune? Furthermore, the video was never said to be the cause but what the current thinking was with a statement that an investigation was ongoing. Yep that 11th anniversary - so important.

The put the film maker in jail because his video brought to light the parole violation.

Gowdy lied in his questions. Hillary never said he only used one device during her term as SofS. She said he set up her e-mail because she wanted to use one device. Comey admitted there were no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey also said some mails had been lost through changing of equipment, etc & not deliberately erased.

Gowdy was caught illegally altering FBI documents he gave to committee members.

Again, do you have any real lies or are you just going to regurgitate the Breitbart/Limbaugh spew.

Are you blind and deaf? Do you want me to print the questions by Gawdy and the Answers by Comey one at a time????

I swear, you liberals only see and hear what you want to. And they threw the film maker in jail because they wanted to promote the LIE that Benghazi had something to do with this stupid tape even though there is not a shred of evidence to make them even consider that. WTF in the entire United States spends over a year in prison for making a video unless it's child porn or something like that. Find me any other person.

For example Gowdy said basically this: "Clinton said she only used one device, was that true?" Gowdy lied because Clinton never said she only used one device. Gowdy also asked "Clinton says she turned over all relevant e-mails, was that true" Comey said no but explained that some were lost that were not purposefully deleted.

I see you were duped by the crooked Gowdy. I am not surprised.

And furthermore, when you violate your probation, you go to jail for the crime for which you received probation. Again, get informed.
You may have a point:

Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

I don't support either and won't be voting for either. I still have My values and principles. Trump just continues to prove that he is nothing more than a progressive in the GOP. Clinton has said vile things too, but you won't see the media bringing it out anytime soon, but mark it. Clinton is every bit as horrible a person as Trump.

A non vote or a vote for third party is a vote for Hillary.
No it is not. That is why we have the government we have now, and why we have two of the most corrupt candidates in American history running for President.

I will not compromise what I believe just because some party says the other party is the boogerman.....

I voted for Perot and Clinton won, so yeah, as bad as it is there are only two choices.
This is always a third option. Winning isn't necessary, but keeping your principles and morals is important. America loses regardless of who wins, so I'm voting for Me.
I'm voting for Johnson, so no, I'm not embarrassed. hiLIARy and Trump are both disastrous. hiLIARy is like playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded semi-auto; Trump at least is a revolver with one empty chamber, so he might be slightly less disastrous. There is an argument to make that the Progs deserve hiLIARy in the White House so that they will take the blame with the economy finally implodes.

My vote doesn't count in CA given the enormous amount of motor voter fraud, so I am just going to vote my conscience.
The evidence is that it created riots in other cities. Why would Benghazi be immune? Furthermore, the video was never said to be the cause but what the current thinking was with a statement that an investigation was ongoing. Yep that 11th anniversary - so important.

The put the film maker in jail because his video brought to light the parole violation.

Gowdy lied in his questions. Hillary never said he only used one device during her term as SofS. She said he set up her e-mail because she wanted to use one device. Comey admitted there were no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey also said some mails had been lost through changing of equipment, etc & not deliberately erased.

Gowdy was caught illegally altering FBI documents he gave to committee members.

Again, do you have any real lies or are you just going to regurgitate the Breitbart/Limbaugh spew.

Are you blind and deaf? Do you want me to print the questions by Gawdy and the Answers by Comey one at a time????

I swear, you liberals only see and hear what you want to. And they threw the film maker in jail because they wanted to promote the LIE that Benghazi had something to do with this stupid tape even though there is not a shred of evidence to make them even consider that. WTF in the entire United States spends over a year in prison for making a video unless it's child porn or something like that. Find me any other person.

For example Gowdy said basically this: "Clinton said she only used one device, was that true?" Gowdy lied because Clinton never said she only used one device. Gowdy also asked "Clinton says she turned over all relevant e-mails, was that true" Comey said no but explained that some were lost that were not purposefully deleted.

I see you were duped by the crooked Gowdy. I am not surprised.

And furthermore, when you violate your probation, you go to jail for the crime for which you received probation. Again, get informed.
No wonder you like Cankles. You both have much in common. You are both LIARS!!!
For example Gowdy said basically this: "Clinton said she only used one device, was that true?" Gowdy lied because Clinton never said she only used one device. Gowdy also asked "Clinton says she turned over all relevant e-mails, was that true" Comey said no but explained that some were lost that were not purposefully deleted.

I see you were duped by the crooked Gowdy. I am not surprised.

Maybe you should study the subject before you create lies about it.

Comey didn't mention anything about her changing servers until Gowdy asked her if she deliberately deleted emails. That had nothing to do with Hil-Liar turning over all emails. To that question, Comey answered No, she did not turn over all emails back to the department.

As to the deleted emails, he said he couldn't be clear on how they were deleted, not that it wasn't intentional.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

My position for months has been that the Democrats made a big mistake nominating Clinton and the Republicans made a bigger mistake nominating Trump.

Why should I be embarrassed?
Trump's a creep, predator and it is embarrassing that he is even a candidate...

When Donald J Trump did this and said those creepy things like he could grab a strange girl's pussy and get away with it because....yadahdahdah.... And he moved on her and tried to f**k her and she was married but I tried.....

yuk....the guys in his 60's at this point in his life,

AND a NEWLYWED to Melania in January 2005....but he is still ogling other women and talking this way which is extremely disrespectful towards his new, beautiful, bride.

Obviously, he continued to cheat on his wives, including Melania.....the perfect, beautiful, young wife....

Hey, dumbass, just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.
People that don't want to be groped are not on the menu.
Trump's a creep, predator and it is embarrassing that he is even a candidate...

When Donald J Trump did this and said those creepy things like he could grab a strange girl's pussy and get away with it because....yadahdahdah.... And he moved on her and tried to f**k her and she was married but I tried.....

yuk....the guys in his 60's at this point in his life,

AND a NEWLYWED to Melania in January 2005....but he is still ogling other women and talking this way which is extremely disrespectful towards his new, beautiful, bride.

Obviously, he continued to cheat on his wives, including Melania.....the perfect, beautiful, young wife....

Hey, dumbass, just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.
People that don't want to be groped are not on the menu.

So you've never ever looked at an extremely attractive person and thought to yourself or mentioned to a friend that you'd like to jump their bones? It's simple human nature, to say otherwise is a lie. Trump was just unfortunate enough to have been taped. Have you ever asked yourself why NBC held this for 11 years? Could it be he was making them a great deal of money with the apprentice and now that he's not, now it was politically expedient for them to do so. Why is no one calling NBC out on this? Shouldn't they be apologizing?
I thought this one was FUNNY. She's pissed 'cause Bush upstaged her.

“Son of a bitch!”

(From the book “American Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p. 259 – Hillary’s opinion of President George W. Bush when she found out he secretly visited Iraq on Thanksgiving just days before her highly publicized trip.)
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

No, I lost faith in Americans a long time ago and have held a very poor opinion of them for many years.
This all boils down to people in glass houses, should not throw stones... trump kept up with his Bill Clinton sexual escapade banter on his political trail...all his threats of gennifer flowers in the front row of the debate yadahdahdahdah..... did he truly believe he could skid thru this race without his past being brought up after bringing up Bill's past? Now he looks like a two faced hypocrite, with a past that is even scummier than Clinton's, which no one even thought that was possible!
When I look at who we have with Clinton and Trump, Gary Johnson's Allepo moment doesn't seem so bad.
Crude speech almost every guy has done is more serious than awareness of serious world affairs?

That's why I could never be a liberal.
Crude speech is not the only problem I have with Trump. That being said, When Bill Clinton was being impeached by the republicans in congress, the democrats in congress circled the wagons in support of Clinton. When Trump is caught on video speaking crudely, the republicans disown him.
The Republican has 16 to choose from, and the winner won with more votes than ever before.

The Democrats has an old dried up woman and the keeper of the crypt, nothing much to brag about.

At least we should give the Republicans some credit. They are trying to make change whereas the liberals want the same ole, same ole.

Let's be honest, just like with Bill, if the Dim candidate had made these comments, the supporters wouldn't care whatsoever.
So what should Melania do? She had just married him and he's out talking like this and doing these things? Should she have left him? Just have a one sided open marriage with him, cuz they have their son together? Or simply realize what she did to Marla, one of those girl's donald chooses to grope between legs will be his new wife some day, like she once was....

Trump was only talking, Clinton was actually getting blow jobs and Hillary stayed with him.
Trump's a creep, predator and it is embarrassing that he is even a candidate...

When Donald J Trump did this and said those creepy things like he could grab a strange girl's pussy and get away with it because....yadahdahdah.... And he moved on her and tried to f**k her and she was married but I tried.....

yuk....the guys in his 60's at this point in his life,

AND a NEWLYWED to Melania in January 2005....but he is still ogling other women and talking this way which is extremely disrespectful towards his new, beautiful, bride.

Obviously, he continued to cheat on his wives, including Melania.....the perfect, beautiful, young wife....

Hey, dumbass, just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.
People that don't want to be groped are not on the menu.

So you've never ever looked at an extremely attractive person and thought to yourself or mentioned to a friend that you'd like to jump their bones? It's simple human nature, to say otherwise is a lie. Trump was just unfortunate enough to have been taped. Have you ever asked yourself why NBC held this for 11 years? Could it be he was making them a great deal of money with the apprentice and now that he's not, now it was politically expedient for them to do so. Why is no one calling NBC out on this? Shouldn't they be apologizing?
That isn't what Trump said.

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