Is anyone else just embarassed?

trumps more embarrassing

theres levels to this shit

Yes...there are levels.....

hilary clinton sent men into harms way in Libya...they requested over and over again for more men and security...and she refused....when they came under direct attack, hilary clinton did not send a rescue mission........4 of them died...including a man she keeps telling us was her good friend....

is there anything that tops that?

Yeah, all the constant dumbassery of people repeating this even after numerous investigations failed to back it up.
Sorry for the missing second "r". I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate. But is anyone else embarrassed?.
Why the fuck would I be embarrassed? I'm not getting ready to vote for a criminal.
So Trump hasn't said anything that made you do even a quick little facepalm?
You seem to put more stock in what someone says than what someone does.

Never mind the fact that what Hillary has said to her staff in private makes anything Trump says in public or private look pretty nice in comparison.

Except it's all a bunch of smoke and not really any fire, the efforts of asshole wingnuts such as yourself notwithstanding.
I am much more concerned for what Hillary has done than I am anything Trump has said. You should be too.

You wingtnuts use those words "did" and "done" when talking about Sec. Clinton. You guys seem to have a different concept of them, though.
I am....because in this huge country the best both parties could do was nomoinate a career, scandal-plagued, law-violating, terrorist-aiding, sexual predator-enabling loser and a egotistical, billionaire reality tv star...
For example Gowdy said basically this: "Clinton said she only used one device, was that true?" Gowdy lied because Clinton never said she only used one device. Gowdy also asked "Clinton says she turned over all relevant e-mails, was that true" Comey said no but explained that some were lost that were not purposefully deleted.

I see you were duped by the crooked Gowdy. I am not surprised.

Maybe you should study the subject before you create lies about it.

Comey didn't mention anything about her changing servers until Gowdy asked her if she deliberately deleted emails. That had nothing to do with Hil-Liar turning over all emails. To that question, Comey answered No, she did not turn over all emails back to the department.

As to the deleted emails, he said he couldn't be clear on how they were deleted, not that it wasn't intentional.
So, Gowdy just assumed they were deliberately deleted? He lied & asserted she deleted them. I have studied this as I am correct & you are wrong. You paint Gowdy as an innocent when when was caught altering documents presented to the committee. Furthermore asking " Clinton said she only used one device, is that true?". I guess you are saying he didn't know? If so, you are soooooo naive.

Gowdy is a worm.
Trump's a creep, predator and it is embarrassing that he is even a candidate...

When Donald J Trump did this and said those creepy things like he could grab a strange girl's pussy and get away with it because....yadahdahdah.... And he moved on her and tried to f**k her and she was married but I tried.....

yuk....the guys in his 60's at this point in his life,

AND a NEWLYWED to Melania in January 2005....but he is still ogling other women and talking this way which is extremely disrespectful towards his new, beautiful, bride.

Obviously, he continued to cheat on his wives, including Melania.....the perfect, beautiful, young wife....

Hey, dumbass, just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.
People that don't want to be groped are not on the menu.

So you've never ever looked at an extremely attractive person and thought to yourself or mentioned to a friend that you'd like to jump their bones? It's simple human nature, to say otherwise is a lie. Trump was just unfortunate enough to have been taped. Have you ever asked yourself why NBC held this for 11 years? Could it be he was making them a great deal of money with the apprentice and now that he's not, now it was politically expedient for them to do so. Why is no one calling NBC out on this? Shouldn't they be apologizing?
That isn't what Trump said.

Yeah, he was being a bit more braggadocios, no one would think Trump or any other person might do something like that, right? People talk shit in private, he thought he was in private, get over it. How would you like every word you've ever spoken scrutinized? I damn sure know I wouldn't.
For example Gowdy said basically this: "Clinton said she only used one device, was that true?" Gowdy lied because Clinton never said she only used one device. Gowdy also asked "Clinton says she turned over all relevant e-mails, was that true" Comey said no but explained that some were lost that were not purposefully deleted.

I see you were duped by the crooked Gowdy. I am not surprised.

Maybe you should study the subject before you create lies about it.

Comey didn't mention anything about her changing servers until Gowdy asked her if she deliberately deleted emails. That had nothing to do with Hil-Liar turning over all emails. To that question, Comey answered No, she did not turn over all emails back to the department.

As to the deleted emails, he said he couldn't be clear on how they were deleted, not that it wasn't intentional.
So, Gowdy just assumed they were deliberately deleted? He lied & asserted she deleted them. I have studied this as I am correct & you are wrong. You paint Gowdy as an innocent when when was caught altering documents presented to the committee. Furthermore asking " Clinton said she only used one device, is that true?". I guess you are saying he didn't know? If so, you are soooooo naive.

Gowdy is a worm.

Sure he knew, he wanted Comey on the record saying it. Dipstick.
Sorry for the missing second "r". I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate. But is anyone else embarrassed?.
Why the fuck would I be embarrassed? I'm not getting ready to vote for a criminal.
So Trump hasn't said anything that made you do even a quick little facepalm?
You seem to put more stock in what someone says than what someone does.

Never mind the fact that what Hillary has said to her staff in private makes anything Trump says in public or private look pretty nice in comparison.

Except it's all a bunch of smoke and not really any fire, the efforts of asshole wingnuts such as yourself notwithstanding.
Yeah....fuck you.
So, Gowdy just assumed they were deliberately deleted? He lied & asserted she deleted them. I have studied this as I am correct & you are wrong. You paint Gowdy as an innocent when when was caught altering documents presented to the committee. Furthermore asking " Clinton said she only used one device, is that true?". I guess you are saying he didn't know? If so, you are soooooo naive.

Gowdy is a worm.

He just asked the questions to Comey and Comey answered them. He didn't assert anything.

Question: Hillary claimed she didn't delete any emails, is that true?
Answer: No. There were deleted emails but it's unclear if they were deleted by her or when she changed devices.

It's really that simple.

And while on the subject, please provide proof that Hillary never said she used only one device and a credible link of Gowdy altering documents and what he altered.
Sorry for the missing second "r". I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate. But is anyone else embarrassed?.
Why the fuck would I be embarrassed? I'm not getting ready to vote for a criminal.
So Trump hasn't said anything that made you do even a quick little facepalm?
You seem to put more stock in what someone says than what someone does.

Never mind the fact that what Hillary has said to her staff in private makes anything Trump says in public or private look pretty nice in comparison.

Except it's all a bunch of smoke and not really any fire, the efforts of asshole wingnuts such as yourself notwithstanding.
Yeah....fuck you.
Translation: You're right, we haven't really found any proof she's the criminal she's been made out to be all these years. How dare you remind us
Definitely there will some who will only see the flaws of the other candidate, so they're not embarrassed about the whole mess.

The 2 brand name parties have perfected "baiting and polarizing". That's what happens in Physics when you have just poles of magnetism or 2 different ways for electricity to flow across a wire. It's NOW an exercise in simple cross-blaming.

You can excuse ANY unethical or errant behavior --- even criminality --- if you just point to the other direction and show that "they did first" or "they did it worse". It's clean as being baptized again afterwards. And now you see where all that baiting is leading. It's a freaking lethal leadership crisis. And the parties are the cause. WINNING is the only goal now and there are no more people in politics who are there as humble public servants ASKING for you vote. They GOT YOUR NUMBER and your vote.

And y'all are getting fat and happy stripping the bait.

I'm voting for humility and public service. And I don't want to WIN bad enough to see my country continue this death match. Only way to change Physics -- is to add a third force. One that has checks and balances over the other two.

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
- John Adams, Second President of the United States

He wasn't a Physics dude -- but he saw the problem way back then. America needs an intervention. And a mediation team that doesn't play the cross-blaming. And I ain't gonna reward EITHER of your damn parties in this farce of an election. It's NEVER about winning when things get this desperate.
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Now that Adams quote would make BETTER DEBATE material than the lurid locker room comments that are GONNA be center stage. But the media doesn't WANT to interrupt the fun and games and the show must on.

---- Or does it really??
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

Not embarrassed at all for supporting Ms. Clinton.
Trump enablers…given their posting history prior to his arrival on the scene…should be embarrassed.
It is worse that Trump's supporters know he is racist and sexist and bigoted and simply don't care.
Ray you are not a Republican just a far right crazy. You support Trump's bigoted racism and sexism. Real Republicans don't.

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