Is anyone else just embarassed?

You mean like Trump in both of his angry fake apologies, trying to put blame on bill clinton for doing worse than him 20 plus years ago?

He's not blaming Clinton for what he did, merely pointing out that this is all politics and he's done nothing different than many other guys. He knows this story came out right before the next debate and the Clintons are behind it.
With other stories to follow...the worst yet to come... Think of how much of a braggart sexist blowhard Trump is and how many hours he's spent blabbing his yapper in front of live mics and cameras over the last 3 decades..

The point is no longer about Trump and his endless retractions and fake apologies. It's about how much more the GOP can withstand before they lose the Senate and therefore, the appointment of the next crucial Justices to the USSC.

Trump has stained the brand. It's time for him to go bye bye.... Mr. Trump...You're Fired.


It will be interesting to see what the disaster of a campaign will have on the Trump business empire

Trump used to be a brand of quality and excellence.....Now it is the subject of ridicule
One thing that has genuinely astonished me, is how disliked Hillary is.

It was a given no matter who the white male GOP candidate was, he was going to be raked over the coals with the usual he's a racist, sexist, xenophobe, yada yada yada.

But Hillary hated? No way. She was always on top of the "most admired woman" list. WTF happened? Even a good deal of the Dims now don't like her.
She's now genuinely viewed as a sleazy lying politician.
Even with the ultimate hammer of all, being the first woman president, she is vulnerable.

And even with the fact that nationally their are more Dims than Republicans, I truly believe now that the 2012 Romney would have cleaned the 2016 Hillary's clock.
The so called most admired poll did not consider those that have a negative opinion of her, it only measured the 12 percent or so that thinks Hillary is "their most admired".
What are you embarrassed about?
You really can't think of anything?

And I'll take that as a "no".

I am embarrassed for you, but that isn't the question I asked, which you didn't answer.

I am embarrassed for the FBI that had to fabricate a defense for her email crimes.

I am embarrassed for a woman who let 4 men die in Libya then forgot about them.

I am embarrassed for a woman who lied to the parents of those who died under her watch.

I am embarrassed far more by what Hillary has done then anything Trump has to say.

I am also embarrassed for a country that would elect a person like Hillary allowing her to make at least 4 SCOTUS nominations. Nothing in this elections matters more than that one subject. NOTHING and I am embarrassed for you if you don't see it.
As I predicted, there will be some who can only see the other side on this, because they only have one eye open. Their side is just fine, nothing to see here.

Your answer is "no", sounds good.

Nah, it's just that, locker room talk isn't as bad as what Clintons have done.... Also the media generally goes out of its way to take Trump's comments out of context / feign outrage.

Most men have said similar things when hanging with their buddies. Many women have too when with the girls. It is what many heterosexual humans do.

Would any of us want to be secretly recorded at such times, and then exposed years later? It all seems too manufactured and just in time for the upcoming debate.
I'm embarrassed that we have a political system that gave voters no reasonable choice but to vote for the candidates that would give us the most change. We are sick of the blah, blah, blah politics as usual and the alternatives are not much better.

A criminal
A Socialist
A religious constitutionalist
A reality show host.

The Republican has 16 to choose from, and the winner won with more votes than ever before.

The Democrats has an old dried up woman and the keeper of the crypt, nothing much to brag about.
One reason Trump won more primary votes that ever before is because the primary process went longer than normal. Usually there is a presumptive nominee shortly after Super Tuesday, thus there is little turnout in the rest of the primary's. That was no the case this election cycle.
I'm embarrassed that we have a political system that gave voters no reasonable choice but to vote for the candidates that would give us the most change. We are sick of the blah, blah, blah politics as usual and the alternatives are not much better.

A criminal
A Socialist
A religious constitutionalist
A reality show host.

The Republican has 16 to choose from, and the winner won with more votes than ever before.

The Democrats has an old dried up woman and the keeper of the crypt, nothing much to brag about.
One reason Trump won more primary votes that ever before is because the primary process went longer than normal. Usually there is a presumptive nominee shortly after Super Tuesday, thus there is little turnout in the rest of the primary's. That was no the case this election cycle.

There are still only 50 states.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

I don't support either and won't be voting for either. I still have My values and principles. Trump just continues to prove that he is nothing more than a progressive in the GOP. Clinton has said vile things too, but you won't see the media bringing it out anytime soon, but mark it. Clinton is every bit as horrible a person as Trump.
EXCLUSIVE: Two decades after her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer Flowers reveals they'd be together now if it wasn't for Chelsea and how former president confided in her that Hillary was bisexual

Gennifer said: ‘I don’t know Huma or the Weiners. I justknow what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexualand he didn’t care. He should know.

'He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had.’

Read more: Bill Clinton's former mistress Gennifer Flowers: 'We'd be together today if it wasn't for Chelsea' | Daily Mail Online
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Read more: Bill Clinton's former mistress Gennifer Flowers: 'We'd be together today if it wasn't for Chelsea' | Daily Mail Online
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Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

I don't support either and won't be voting for either. I still have My values and principles. Trump just continues to prove that he is nothing more than a progressive in the GOP. Clinton has said vile things too, but you won't see the media bringing it out anytime soon, but mark it. Clinton is every bit as horrible a person as Trump.

A non vote or a vote for third party is a vote for Hillary.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

I don't support either and won't be voting for either. I still have My values and principles. Trump just continues to prove that he is nothing more than a progressive in the GOP. Clinton has said vile things too, but you won't see the media bringing it out anytime soon, but mark it. Clinton is every bit as horrible a person as Trump.

A non vote or a vote for third party is a vote for Hillary.
No it is not. That is why we have the government we have now, and why we have two of the most corrupt candidates in American history running for President.

I will not compromise what I believe just because some party says the other party is the boogerman.....
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

I don't support either and won't be voting for either. I still have My values and principles. Trump just continues to prove that he is nothing more than a progressive in the GOP. Clinton has said vile things too, but you won't see the media bringing it out anytime soon, but mark it. Clinton is every bit as horrible a person as Trump.

A non vote or a vote for third party is a vote for Hillary.
No it is not. That is why we have the government we have now, and why we have two of the most corrupt candidates in American history running for President.

I will not compromise what I believe just because some party says the other party is the boogerman.....

I voted for Perot and Clinton won, so yeah, as bad as it is there are only two choices.
I'm embarrassed that we have a political system that gave voters no reasonable choice but to vote for the candidates that would give us the most change. We are sick of the blah, blah, blah politics as usual and the alternatives are not much better.

A criminal
A Socialist
A religious constitutionalist
A reality show host.

The Republican has 16 to choose from, and the winner won with more votes than ever before.

The Democrats has an old dried up woman and the keeper of the crypt, nothing much to brag about.
One reason Trump won more primary votes that ever before is because the primary process went longer than normal. Usually there is a presumptive nominee shortly after Super Tuesday, thus there is little turnout in the rest of the primary's. That was no the case this election cycle.

There are still only 50 states.
That's right. And once there is a presumptive nominee, there will be low voter turnout in the remaining states that have primaries. After all, what's the point in voting for a nominee if one already has the delegates?
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

I don't support either and won't be voting for either. I still have My values and principles. Trump just continues to prove that he is nothing more than a progressive in the GOP. Clinton has said vile things too, but you won't see the media bringing it out anytime soon, but mark it. Clinton is every bit as horrible a person as Trump.

A non vote or a vote for third party is a vote for Hillary.
No it is not. That is why we have the government we have now, and why we have two of the most corrupt candidates in American history running for President.

I will not compromise what I believe just because some party says the other party is the boogerman.....

I voted for Perot and Clinton won, so yeah, as bad as it is there are only two choices.
Perot actually had a very good chance of winning until temporarily dropped out of the race.
The far right and alt right's 19th century character is on full display.

They are not in step with the 21st century.

They must be crushed politically and culturally after this election.

I am embarrassed that the greatet nation on earth has been reduced to a fucking joke.
When I look at who we have with Clinton and Trump, Gary Johnson's Allepo moment doesn't seem so bad.
So what should Melania do? She had just married him and he's out talking like this and doing these things? Should she have left him? Just have a one sided open marriage with him, cuz they have their son together? Or simply realize what she did to Marla, one of those girl's donald chooses to grope between legs will be his new wife some day, like she once was....
That's their PRIVATE LIFE. That's what you told us about Clinton's sex scandals. Why the double standard. Besides, his wife's not running, so yours is a non issue.
That's my, the right wing, said it was our business, and you on the right have brought up Bill Clinton's indiscretions for 3 decades now, and you and Donald Trump is still doing so this very week....

You, from the right wing, even this morning, have said that Hillary was an enabler of Bill's sexcapades because she did not divorce him or speak badly about him in public....or come out all lovable towards the women Bill was having sex with....

SO, is Melania enabling Trump by staying married to him, and not divorcing him, when he makes no qualms about seeking out sex with other women when he just got married to her, like YOU ALL claimed Hillary did?

I don't really care, it is her private issue, just pointing out to you, the right wing's hypocrisy....
I wonder if you feel good about this. Do you always try to explain away your bad behavior by claiming somebody else does it too?
You mean like Trump in both of his angry fake apologies, trying to deflect from his own actions bringing up Clinton for allegedly doing worse than him 20 plus years ago?
I'm talking about you.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?
How does this happen? State controlled media. Anyone who votes Clinton is a brains dead sheep.

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