Is anyone else just embarassed?

Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?
But is anyone else embarrassed?
What are you embarrassed about?
The campaign. Across the board. The whole thing.
The political class as represented by Hillary has always been part of the political campaign structure. If you weren't previously embarrassed I don't see what would now cause you embarrassment on that front. That leaves the Trump campaign.
Oh, I definitely was, but we've taken things to a new level here.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?
But is anyone else embarrassed?
What are you embarrassed about?
The campaign. Across the board. The whole thing.
The political class as represented by Hillary has always been part of the political campaign structure. If you weren't previously embarrassed I don't see what would now cause you embarrassment on that front. That leaves the Trump campaign.
Oh, I definitely was, but we've taken things to a new level here.
One has to ponder your capacity to be embarrassed at the actions of others. From the standard you've established, I doubt there any politician or anyone close to you whose actions has not brought blush to your cheeks at one point or another, and I am presuming you're not a pubescent girl of course.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?
But is anyone else embarrassed?
What are you embarrassed about?
The campaign. Across the board. The whole thing.
The political class as represented by Hillary has always been part of the political campaign structure. If you weren't previously embarrassed I don't see what would now cause you embarrassment on that front. That leaves the Trump campaign.
Oh, I definitely was, but we've taken things to a new level here.
This cycle we have entertainment/celebrity in the mix. This is what our society looks like with a spotlight on it, disgusting as it is. It should be a wake up call.....but it won't be.
You really can't think of anything that Trump has done. Okay.

Were you angered, then, when Trump issued an apology last night?

No, I thought it was a bad move, but not angered.

I can't get angered when somebody does something that doesn't directly affect me. Trump talking like a high school kid with his buddies doesn't change my life. Trump apologizing doesn't hurt me. Trump paying the legal amount of taxes he owes to government doesn't anger me nor should it.

What angers me are when clowns do things that do affect my life. For instance, this is the first time in my entire life I've been without healthcare coverage thanks to DumBama and gang. That angers me. Losing my constitutional right to own or carry a firearm will anger me. Being overrun with foreigners to the point no American can get a descent paying job anymore angers me. Increasing amount of terrorists attacks within our border angers me.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?
But is anyone else embarrassed?
What are you embarrassed about?
The campaign. Across the board. The whole thing.
The political class as represented by Hillary has always been part of the political campaign structure. If you weren't previously embarrassed I don't see what would now cause you embarrassment on that front. That leaves the Trump campaign.
Oh, I definitely was, but we've taken things to a new level here.
One has to ponder your capacity to be embarrassed at the actions of others. From the standard you've established, I doubt there any politician or anyone close to you whose actions has not brought blush to your cheeks at one point or another, and I am presuming you're not a pubescent girl of course.
Nope, as I say all the time, life is about degrees, not absolutes.

There's some point where I became embarrassed, not set in stone, and wherever it is, we've long since reached it.

I'll leave the absolutes to the hardcore partisan ideologues.
There was no Benghazi lie. Where are these lies to Congress? You right wingers have been investigating the Clintons for 30nyears & all you have is Bill supposedly lying about consensual sex.,

The real truth (not that you really care to become informed) is that there was a video that was just translated into Arabic & did cause rioting in several Arab cities. Why was this not possible in Benghazi? That film maker was in jail because he violated his parole. Put down that gun & become informed.

There is not an iota of evidence that the video had anything to do with Benghazi. It was a well planned attack scheduled for 911 to celebrate their success off the WTC attack. Yeah, he violated his parole. Then why didn't they lock him up earlier? The poor guy was a Democrat scapegoat.

Where are these lies to Congress? Glad you asked, they are right here:

Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?

It's embarassing that Clinton is allowed to run after everything that she has done.

And now that it has been proven that open borders don't work in a world where there are a bunch of Islamists... she comes in support of that too.
There was no Benghazi lie. Where are these lies to Congress? You right wingers have been investigating the Clintons for 30nyears & all you have is Bill supposedly lying about consensual sex.,

The real truth (not that you really care to become informed) is that there was a video that was just translated into Arabic & did cause rioting in several Arab cities. Why was this not possible in Benghazi? That film maker was in jail because he violated his parole. Put down that gun & become informed.

There is not an iota of evidence that the video had anything to do with Benghazi. It was a well planned attack scheduled for 911 to celebrate their success off the WTC attack. Yeah, he violated his parole. Then why didn't they lock him up earlier? The poor guy was a Democrat scapegoat.

Where are these lies to Congress? Glad you asked, they are right here:

The evidence is that it created riots in other cities. Why would Benghazi be immune? Furthermore, the video was never said to be the cause but what the current thinking was with a statement that an investigation was ongoing. Yep that 11th anniversary - so important.

The put the film maker in jail because his video brought to light the parole violation.

Gowdy lied in his questions. Hillary never said he only used one device during her term as SofS. She said he set up her e-mail because she wanted to use one device. Comey admitted there were no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey also said some mails had been lost through changing of equipment, etc & not deliberately erased.

Gowdy was caught illegally altering FBI documents he gave to committee members.

Again, do you have any real lies or are you just going to regurgitate the Breitbart/Limbaugh spew.
There was no Benghazi lie. Where are these lies to Congress? You right wingers have been investigating the Clintons for 30nyears & all you have is Bill supposedly lying about consensual sex.,

The real truth (not that you really care to become informed) is that there was a video that was just translated into Arabic & did cause rioting in several Arab cities. Why was this not possible in Benghazi? That film maker was in jail because he violated his parole. Put down that gun & become informed.

There is not an iota of evidence that the video had anything to do with Benghazi. It was a well planned attack scheduled for 911 to celebrate their success off the WTC attack. Yeah, he violated his parole. Then why didn't they lock him up earlier? The poor guy was a Democrat scapegoat.

Where are these lies to Congress? Glad you asked, they are right here:

The evidence is that it created riots in other cities. Why would Benghazi be immune? Furthermore, the video was never said to be the cause but what the current thinking was with a statement that an investigation was ongoing. Yep that 11th anniversary - so important.

The put the film maker in jail because his video brought to light the parole violation.

Gowdy lied in his questions. Hillary never said he only used one device during her term as SofS. She said he set up her e-mail because she wanted to use one device. Comey admitted there were no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey also said some mails had been lost through changing of equipment, etc & not deliberately erased.

Gowdy was caught illegally altering FBI documents he gave to committee members.

Again, do you have any real lies or are you just going to regurgitate the Breitbart/Limbaugh spew.

WOW another irony impaired far left drone that will spew the far left religious dogma at all costs!

Talk about the denial of reality!
How many actual MEN on this forum have used the word "pussy"?
How many actual women on this forum have used the word "pussy" and "kunt" and "fuck"?
How many actual MEN on this forum have 'thought' words to describe what they would like to do to a pretty woman?
You're all a bunch of fucking hypocrites!
The evidence is that it created riots in other cities. Why would Benghazi be immune? Furthermore, the video was never said to be the cause but what the current thinking was with a statement that an investigation was ongoing. Yep that 11th anniversary - so important.

The put the film maker in jail because his video brought to light the parole violation.

Gowdy lied in his questions. Hillary never said he only used one device during her term as SofS. She said he set up her e-mail because she wanted to use one device. Comey admitted there were no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey also said some mails had been lost through changing of equipment, etc & not deliberately erased.

Gowdy was caught illegally altering FBI documents he gave to committee members.

Again, do you have any real lies or are you just going to regurgitate the Breitbart/Limbaugh spew.

Are you blind and deaf? Do you want me to print the questions by Gawdy and the Answers by Comey one at a time????

I swear, you liberals only see and hear what you want to. And they threw the film maker in jail because they wanted to promote the LIE that Benghazi had something to do with this stupid tape even though there is not a shred of evidence to make them even consider that. WTF in the entire United States spends over a year in prison for making a video unless it's child porn or something like that. Find me any other person.
The Republican has 16 to choose from, and the winner won with more votes than ever before.

The Democrats has an old dried up woman and the keeper of the crypt, nothing much to brag about.

At least we should give the Republicans some credit. They are trying to make change whereas the liberals want the same ole, same ole.
Establishment politics. Isn't' it amazing that the democrats accuse the republicans of not changing?
The evidence is that it created riots in other cities. Why would Benghazi be immune? Furthermore, the video was never said to be the cause but what the current thinking was with a statement that an investigation was ongoing. Yep that 11th anniversary - so important.

The put the film maker in jail because his video brought to light the parole violation.

Gowdy lied in his questions. Hillary never said he only used one device during her term as SofS. She said he set up her e-mail because she wanted to use one device. Comey admitted there were no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey also said some mails had been lost through changing of equipment, etc & not deliberately erased.

Gowdy was caught illegally altering FBI documents he gave to committee members.

Again, do you have any real lies or are you just going to regurgitate the Breitbart/Limbaugh spew.

Are you blind and deaf? Do you want me to print the questions by Gawdy and the Answers by Comey one at a time????

I swear, you liberals only see and hear what you want to. And they threw the film maker in jail because they wanted to promote the LIE that Benghazi had something to do with this stupid tape even though there is not a shred of evidence to make them even consider that. WTF in the entire United States spends over a year in prison for making a video unless it's child porn or something like that. Find me any other person.

If it were a video for Christ in a jar of urine the film maker would be lauded by the sick liberal left.
I'm not embarrassed. I've been warning against these corrupt and dark individuals since they announced. I'm not embarrassed about being right.

I'm annoyed more than anything. People are playing games with our lives and family. This sound byte isn't a revelation on Donald trump. Its completely consistent with what we already knew about him. But suddenly everyone who looked past all his other horrible statements about what he has said about and done to women are running from this one even though it's nothing surprising in the least. The man has made comments about sex with his daughter for Pete's sake. And this is what's shocking?!?!

Is anyone going to be surprised when we learn about the next corrupt and or illegal thing Clinton does? I'm not. She has a pattern of doing illegal and corrupt behavior.

What's really annoying is we don't have to vote foe them. There is absolutely nothing other then the fact that you're afraid causing you to support these two disgusting candidates. There are plenty of candidates to vote for. Johnson, mcmullin, castle, hoefling, stein and others. Are any of them perfect? No. But nothing but the fact that you are terrified cowards is forcing you to support trump or Clinton.
What are you embarrassed about?
You really can't think of anything?

And I'll take that as a "no".

I am embarrassed for you, but that isn't the question I asked, which you didn't answer.

I am embarrassed for the FBI that had to fabricate a defense for her email crimes.

I am embarrassed for a woman who let 4 men die in Libya then forgot about them.

I am embarrassed for a woman who lied to the parents of those who died under her watch.

I am embarrassed far more by what Hillary has done then anything Trump has to say.

I am also embarrassed for a country that would elect a person like Hillary allowing her to make at least 4 SCOTUS nominations. Nothing in this elections matters more than that one subject. NOTHING and I am embarrassed for you if you don't see it.
So what should Melania do? She had just married him and he's out talking like this and doing these things? Should she have left him? Just have a one sided open marriage with him, cuz they have their son together? Or simply realize what she did to Marla, one of those girl's donald chooses to grope between legs will be his new wife some day, like she once was....
That's their PRIVATE LIFE. That's what you told us about Clinton's sex scandals. Why the double standard. Besides, his wife's not running, so yours is a non issue.
That's my, the right wing, said it was our business, and you on the right have brought up Bill Clinton's indiscretions for 3 decades now, and you and Donald Trump is still doing so this very week....

You, from the right wing, even this morning, have said that Hillary was an enabler of Bill's sexcapades because she did not divorce him or speak badly about him in public....or come out all lovable towards the women Bill was having sex with....

SO, is Melania enabling Trump by staying married to him, and not divorcing him, when he makes no qualms about seeking out sex with other women when he just got married to her, like YOU ALL claimed Hillary did?

I don't really care, it is her private issue, just pointing out to you, the right wing's hypocrisy....
I wonder if you feel good about this. Do you always try to explain away your bad behavior by claiming somebody else does it too?
You mean like Trump in both of his angry fake apologies, trying to deflect from his own actions bringing up Clinton for allegedly doing worse than him 20 plus years ago?
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Gowdy lied in his questions. Hillary never said he only used one device during her term as SofS.
Why would Hillary concern herself with what devices Gowdy used during her disastrous tenure as SoS?

Anyway, video is a bitch, and here's one of a bitch:

She makes it an art form:

Thanks, Comey is a weasel and needs replaced. Either Hillary is naive or a imbecile who should not be near the WH.

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