Is anyone else just embarassed?

Thinking of this post, hillary must have bill by the balls on what she could tell the world about him, it has to be the reason he didn't dump her after leaving the white house for a 20 something year old.

That or he was using her connections in The Senate and Secretary as state as a cash cow.

The Clinton's are a team. They do everything for show. It's hardly a marriage at all.

Hil-Liar could care less if Bill is screwing a different woman every week, just as long as the media never gets the story. They both have things on each other, so neither would leave the other.

In public, they fool the people by trying to look like a normal married couple instead of just a professional relationship. Bill was elected President, they had a wonderful daughter, and a typical family life. They even bought a dog for the White House.

Of course the dogs days were numbered. It wasn't that long after they left the White House where the dog "accidentally" got run over by a car. Imagine that.
I don't "compare". Two people saying bad things means that two people said bad things, and both are separately responsible for their words.

Personal responsibility. That used to be important.

And you're voting for Hillary?????????
I'm voting against Trump, and this is the most direct way.

And yes, I'm embarrassed by this whole thing, top to bottom, left to right.

And I can admit it.
Embarrassment and guilt are emotions you cannot demand others to have. I can be embarrassed or guilt-ridden by my own actions or those of close family. I certainly cannot be embarrassed by the actions or words of someone who I have never met.

Quite simply, stop trying to monger emotion.
I'm voting against Trump, and this is the most direct way.

And yes, I'm embarrassed by this whole thing, top to bottom, left to right.

And I can admit it.

A bit hypocritical of you, don't you think?

You said that personal responsibility used to count for something. Yet you are going to vote for a woman that lied to the families of Benghazi, lied to Congress, lied to the American people, and covered up every single sleazy action she's done against this country.

When it comes to personal responsibility, Trump has way more than Hillary. Hillary has proven herself to be irresponsible at every level. Some poor slob was locked up in prison for over a year over a video he made that had nothing to do with the Libya attack. These Democrats run the government like the former KGB. People going to jail, mysteriously dying in accidents or getting murdered, corruption spreading across our government right down to the FBI.

Seriously, I can't think of one thing Trump has done to make a comparison.
I don't "compare". Two people saying bad things means that two people said bad things, and both are separately responsible for their words.

Personal responsibility. That used to be important.

And you're voting for Hillary?????????
I'm voting against Trump, and this is the most direct way.

And yes, I'm embarrassed by this whole thing, top to bottom, left to right.

And I can admit it.
Embarrassment and guilt are emotions you cannot demand others to have. I can be embarrassed or guilt-ridden by my own actions or those of close family. I certainly cannot be embarrassed by the actions or words of someone who I have never met.

Quite simply, stop trying to monger emotion.
I'm not demanding anything. I'm saying I'm embarrassed and asked if anyone else is, too.

That's about it.
I'm voting against Trump, and this is the most direct way.

And yes, I'm embarrassed by this whole thing, top to bottom, left to right.

And I can admit it.

A bit hypocritical of you, don't you think?

You said that personal responsibility used to count for something. Yet you are going to vote for a woman that lied to the families of Benghazi, lied to Congress, lied to the American people, and covered up every single sleazy action she's done against this country.

When it comes to personal responsibility, Trump has way more than Hillary. Hillary has proven herself to be irresponsible at every level. Some poor slob was locked up in prison for over a year over a video he made that had nothing to do with the Libya attack. These Democrats run the government like the former KGB. People going to jail, mysteriously dying in accidents or getting murdered, corruption spreading across our government right down to the FBI.

Seriously, I can't think of one thing Trump has done to make a comparison.
You really can't think of anything that Trump has done. Okay.

Were you angered, then, when Trump issued an apology last night?
Never mind the fact that what Hillary has said to her staff in private makes anything Trump says in public or private look pretty nice in comparison.
I don't "compare". Two people saying bad things means that two people said bad things, and both are separately responsible for their words.

Personal responsibility. That used to be important.
I think Trump is redeemable. I have no hopes for Hillary's redemption. She is literally beyond help.
I'm voting against Trump, and this is the most direct way.

And yes, I'm embarrassed by this whole thing, top to bottom, left to right.

And I can admit it.

A bit hypocritical of you, don't you think?

You said that personal responsibility used to count for something. Yet you are going to vote for a woman that lied to the families of Benghazi, lied to Congress, lied to the American people, and covered up every single sleazy action she's done against this country.

When it comes to personal responsibility, Trump has way more than Hillary. Hillary has proven herself to be irresponsible at every level. Some poor slob was locked up in prison for over a year over a video he made that had nothing to do with the Libya attack. These Democrats run the government like the former KGB. People going to jail, mysteriously dying in accidents or getting murdered, corruption spreading across our government right down to the FBI.

Seriously, I can't think of one thing Trump has done to make a comparison.
You really can't think of anything that Trump has done. Okay.

Were you angered, then, when Trump issued an apology last night?
Not at all, because I was watching "The Big Bang Theory" on Blue Ray.
I'm voting against Trump, and this is the most direct way.

And yes, I'm embarrassed by this whole thing, top to bottom, left to right.

And I can admit it.

A bit hypocritical of you, don't you think?

You said that personal responsibility used to count for something. Yet you are going to vote for a woman that lied to the families of Benghazi, lied to Congress, lied to the American people, and covered up every single sleazy action she's done against this country.

When it comes to personal responsibility, Trump has way more than Hillary. Hillary has proven herself to be irresponsible at every level. Some poor slob was locked up in prison for over a year over a video he made that had nothing to do with the Libya attack. These Democrats run the government like the former KGB. People going to jail, mysteriously dying in accidents or getting murdered, corruption spreading across our government right down to the FBI.

Seriously, I can't think of one thing Trump has done to make a comparison.

When Trump apologized yesterday he showed more personal responsibility than Cankles has in her entire miserable life. There is simply no comparison
I am not embarrassed by Donald Trump. He is the same loud mouthed jackass he has always been

As an American, I am embarrassed we could select such an obviously ill suited candidate for President

I have followed presidential campaigns since LBJ/Goldwater in 64. While I have had candidates I did not support, I have never seen one I thought was incapable of holding the office.....until Trump
I am not embarrassed by Donald Trump. He is the same loud mouthed jackass he has always been

As an American, I am embarrassed we could select such an obviously ill suited candidate for President

I have followed presidential campaigns since LBJ/Goldwater in 64. While I have had candidates I did not support, I have never seen one I thought was incapable of holding the office.....until Trump

Yes Hilary and the far left are an embarrassment to the whole world..

Only a far left drone would not be able to see that!

Yet Obama has proven to be worse than Bush and not fit to be in office..
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?
Yes I am. Corruption no longer matters to a large segment of the American population. They would install the most corrupt politician we know of to further their socialist desires, being brainwashed and dumbed down to cattle in a herd.

And the fact that grownup talk makes them pee themselves. America was built by men with backbones and this is what we are reduced to? The sniveling of women in a knitting circle? How embarrassing.
I'm not demanding anything. I'm saying I'm embarrassed and asked if anyone else is, too.

That's about it.
Come on Mac. Most of us are not that stupid. We understand exactly what you were implying.

You embarrassment or guilt or whatever is your own affair. Do not try to inflict it on others.
Sorry for the missing second "r".

I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate.

But is anyone else embarrassed?
But is anyone else embarrassed?
What are you embarrassed about?
The campaign. Across the board. The whole thing.
The political class as represented by Hillary has always been part of the political campaign structure. If you weren't previously embarrassed I don't see what would now cause you embarrassment on that front. That leaves the Trump campaign.
You won't see any lefties here embarrassed about Hillary. You have to have principles, morals, and honesty to be embarrassed. The left can't even spell those words.

You won't see anyone from the right embarrassed about Donald. You have to have principles, morals and honesty to be embarrassed- and Trump is emblematic of how the Right has none of those qualities.
When did Trump put us in harm's way? When did he sell us out to line his pockets with foreign cash so they could get favors from our government he was chosen to represent?

The bottom line is your moral compass is corrupt and twisted and anything goes that forwards the totalitarian state.
I'm voting against Trump, and this is the most direct way.

And yes, I'm embarrassed by this whole thing, top to bottom, left to right.

And I can admit it.

A bit hypocritical of you, don't you think?

You said that personal responsibility used to count for something. Yet you are going to vote for a woman that lied to the families of Benghazi, lied to Congress, lied to the American people, and covered up every single sleazy action she's done against this country.

When it comes to personal responsibility, Trump has way more than Hillary. Hillary has proven herself to be irresponsible at every level. Some poor slob was locked up in prison for over a year over a video he made that had nothing to do with the Libya attack. These Democrats run the government like the former KGB. People going to jail, mysteriously dying in accidents or getting murdered, corruption spreading across our government right down to the FBI.

Seriously, I can't think of one thing Trump has done to make a comparison.
There was no Benghazi lie. Where are these lies to Congress? You right wingers have been investigating the Clintons for 30nyears & all you have is Bill supposedly lying about consensual sex.,

The real truth (not that you really care to become informed) is that there was a video that was just translated into Arabic & did cause rioting in several Arab cities. Why was this not possible in Benghazi? That film maker was in jail because he violated his parole. Put down that gun & become informed.
I'm not demanding anything. I'm saying I'm embarrassed and asked if anyone else is, too.

That's about it.
Come on Mac. Most of us are not that stupid. We understand exactly what you were implying.

You embarrassment or guilt or whatever is your own affair. Do not try to inflict it on others.
I asked a clear, literal and direct question. A few people have said they are. So I'm not alone here.

I wasn't really asking for "no" responses. Those have come from those who chose to become defensive.

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