Is anyone else just embarassed?

I'm sorry, you are WRONG....all men, especially newlywed men like Trump was who just married Melania weeks earlier, would NEVER talk the way Trump did about what he does with other women, like groping them between the legs and forcing kisses on them, as he did on that bus....

that is a complete slap in the face, to his BRIDE, and that simply shows that he does not, and never did, love Melania and that she simply is an expensive piece of ass to him, that is home waiting for him, when he decides he is bored with trying to get other married women to sleep with him, just to stroke his own ego of one upping the husband....

Yes, and I'm sure Hillary stayed with Bill out of love. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Some guys are braggers, and it's my experience that braggers don't do a tenth of what they claim they've done. Every guy wants to be a stud in front of other men, just as every woman wants to be a model that could get any guy they wanted.

Trump doing the trash talk with other guys on a bus was a slap to his bride, but Bill sleeping with a girl nearly the age of he and his wife's daughter is not?

At least Trump did not force his companions to go out in public and humiliate themselves to defend him; later making them look like complete fools as Bill did with Hillary.
So what should Melania do? She had just married him and he's out talking like this and doing these things? Should she have left him? Just have a one sided open marriage with him, cuz they have their son together? Or simply realize what she did to Marla, one of those girl's donald chooses to grope between legs will be his new wife some day, like she once was....
That's their PRIVATE LIFE. That's what you told us about Clinton's sex scandals. Why the double standard. Besides, his wife's not running, so yours is a non issue.
That's my, the right wing, said it was our business, and you on the right have brought up Bill Clinton's indiscretions for 3 decades now, and you and Donald Trump is still doing so this very week....

You, from the right wing, even this morning, have said that Hillary was an enabler of Bill's sexcapades because she did not divorce him or speak badly about him in public....or come out all lovable towards the women Bill was having sex with....

SO, is Melania enabling Trump by staying married to him, and not divorcing him, when he makes no qualms about seeking out sex with other women when he just got married to her, like YOU ALL claimed Hillary did?

I don't really care, it is her private issue, just pointing out to you, the right wing's hypocrisy....
I wonder if you feel good about this. Do you always try to explain away your bad behavior by claiming somebody else does it too?
Old Yellers post: 15481225 said:
Sorry for the missing second "r". I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate. But is anyone else embarrassed?.
Why the fuck would I be embarrassed? I'm not getting ready to vote for a criminal.
So Trump hasn't said anything that made you do even a quick little facepalm?

I did not like it when Trump said "I like people that weren't captured". That was embarrassing.
Ooops, now I read/see what you must be "refering" to. I fell behind......
Old Yellers post: 15481225 said:
Sorry for the missing second "r". I know many of you don't want to say anything bad about your candidate. But is anyone else embarrassed?.
Why the fuck would I be embarrassed? I'm not getting ready to vote for a criminal.
So Trump hasn't said anything that made you do even a quick little facepalm?

I did not like it when Trump said "I like people that weren't captured". That was embarrassing.
Ooops, now I read/see what you must be "refering" to. I fell behind......
Yeah, I can see why Hillary released this. She's in serious trouble, conspiring with foreigners to sell us out. But talking about pussy is really serious shit.
EXCLUSIVE: Two decades after her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer Flowers reveals they'd be together now if it wasn't for Chelsea and how former president confided in her that Hillary was bisexual
So what should Melania do? She had just married him and he's out talking like this and doing these things? Should she have left him? Just have a one sided open marriage with him, cuz they have their son together? Or simply realize what she did to Marla, one of those girl's donald chooses to grope between legs will be his new wife some day, like she once was....
That's their PRIVATE LIFE. That's what you told us about Clinton's sex scandals. Why the double standard. Besides, his wife's not running, so yours is a non issue.
That's my, the right wing, said it was our business, and you on the right have brought up Bill Clinton's indiscretions for 3 decades now, and you and Donald Trump is still doing so this very week....

You, from the right wing, even this morning, have said that Hillary was an enabler of Bill's sexcapades because she did not divorce him or speak badly about him in public....or come out all lovable towards the women Bill was having sex with....

SO, is Melania enabling Trump by staying married to him, and not divorcing him, when he makes no qualms about seeking out sex with other women when he just got married to her, like YOU ALL claimed Hillary did?

I don't really care, it is her private issue, just pointing out to you, the right wing's hypocrisy....
I wonder if you feel good about this. Do you always try to explain away your bad behavior by claiming somebody else does it too?
i don't know why melania has stayed with trump other than what some may call the obvious, and I dont know why Hillary stayed with Bill, what I do know, is that both, took an oath to stay with their spouses, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, until death do they part...
So what should Melania do? She had just married him and he's out talking like this and doing these things? Should she have left him? Just have a one sided open marriage with him, cuz they have their son together? Or simply realize what she did to Marla, one of those girl's donald chooses to grope between legs will be his new wife some day, like she once was....
That's their PRIVATE LIFE. That's what you told us about Clinton's sex scandals. Why the double standard. Besides, his wife's not running, so yours is a non issue.
That's my, the right wing, said it was our business, and you on the right have brought up Bill Clinton's indiscretions for 3 decades now, and you and Donald Trump is still doing so this very week....

You, from the right wing, even this morning, have said that Hillary was an enabler of Bill's sexcapades because she did not divorce him or speak badly about him in public....or come out all lovable towards the women Bill was having sex with....

SO, is Melania enabling Trump by staying married to him, and not divorcing him, when he makes no qualms about seeking out sex with other women when he just got married to her, like YOU ALL claimed Hillary did?

I don't really care, it is her private issue, just pointing out to you, the right wing's hypocrisy....
I wonder if you feel good about this. Do you always try to explain away your bad behavior by claiming somebody else does it too?
i don't know why melania has stayed with trump other than what some may call the obvious, and I dont know why Hillary stayed with Bill, what I do know, is that both, took an oath to stay with their spouses, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, until death do they part...

Thinking of this post, hillary must have bill by the balls on what she could tell the world about him, it has to be the reason he didn't dump her after leaving the white house for a 20 something year old.

That or he was using her connections in The Senate and Secretary as state as a cash cow.
Trump's a creep, predator and it is embarrassing that he is even a candidate...

When Donald J Trump did this and said those creepy things like he could grab a strange girl's pussy and get away with it because....yadahdahdah.... And he moved on her and tried to f**k her and she was married but I tried.....

yuk....the guys in his 60's at this point in his life,

AND a NEWLYWED to Melania in January 2005....but he is still ogling other women and talking this way which is extremely disrespectful towards his new, beautiful, bride.

Obviously, he continued to cheat on his wives, including Melania.....the perfect, beautiful, young wife....

Yet apparently you had no problem with Bill Clinton who you nearly described to a "T".
You won't see any lefties here embarrassed about Hillary. You have to have principles, morals, and honesty to be embarrassed. The left can't even spell those words.

You won't see anyone from the right embarrassed about Donald. You have to have principles, morals and honesty to be embarrassed- and Trump is emblematic of how the Right has none of those qualities.

If you could read, you'd already know that was a lie.
Never mind the fact that what Hillary has said to her staff in private makes anything Trump says in public or private look pretty nice in comparison.
I don't "compare". Two people saying bad things means that two people said bad things, and both are separately responsible for their words.

Personal responsibility. That used to be important.
I don't "compare". Two people saying bad things means that two people said bad things, and both are separately responsible for their words.

Personal responsibility. That used to be important.

And you're voting for Hillary?????????
I don't "compare". Two people saying bad things means that two people said bad things, and both are separately responsible for their words.

Personal responsibility. That used to be important.

And you're voting for Hillary?????????
I'm voting against Trump, and this is the most direct way.

And yes, I'm embarrassed by this whole thing, top to bottom, left to right.

And I can admit it.

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