Is ANYONE else sick of all this political shit with the sexual claims?

Remember that the destruction of the white Christian productive conservative heterosexual male is part of this
its white genocide I tell you LOL
fucking weak sad "alpha" bimbo LOL
This whole Senator Moore case is a total joke. They are pressuring him to step down, but while they are paying off victims of sexual harassment from members of their own staff. Pres.Trump needs to tell all of them to step down, and put in a whole new crew of respectable gents. Pres.Trump needs to clean up the Whitehouse.

Congress owes taxpayers answers about its harassment 'shush' fund

I don't think president Trump is any position to ask anyone to step down because of their sexual misconduct.

Well he is the only one in office that did not paid someone shush money and or never has been sued.
New Video surfaces showing Leanne Tweeden Harassing a Musician ...Oh the Humanity

He had grabbed her first, and she had retaliated back on him. They had both loved it. But who wants a sex starved maniac like Al Franken groping them?


Every Picture Tells a story don't it
More photos and vids from the USO tour with Frankens accuser Leanne Tweeden

That soldier had to rinse his mouth out with soap; it was all wet and slimy and fishy

The Rest Of The Photos And Videos From Franken And Tweeden's USO Tour Just Emerged


Well it shows that she is willing to do anything for her country. If she would of had done that to me, that i'll single handedly attack and destroy ISIS. But Al Franken sees that she is handing out kisses but not to him. That he gets mad and tries to to steal him some kisses. Those kisses belongs to men that will do anything for their country, but it is not for a toothless snake like Al Franken.
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Claims of Sexual Misconduct is certainly not limited to politicians. Look at the business community and the entertainment industry. In fact, most every segment of society from religious organization, to schools, to the Fortune 500 companies all have their share.

Most victims of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment keep their mouth shut to avoid having their sex lives open to pubic scrutiny and ridicule. It is so much easier to change jobs and try to forget the incident but it's often not easy to forget and it can create serious mental damage. However, when one person has the guts to step forward to tell their story it encourages others to do the same. Are some of these stories made up and exaggerated? Of course they are but that is no reason to discount all of them. People that perpetrate sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct do so over and over. It is rare to find isolated events. Sexual harassment like rape is not so much about sex as it is about control and subjugation.
------------------------------------------- seems to me that axccusations should be backed up wity PROOF in a court of law . To me , there is nothing brave about bringing forth accusations that are 40 years old Papa .
Of course it takes courage to step forward with these accusations. People that are supportive of the accused are going to attack. That's why so many people that are victims of sexual abuse and misconduct keep their mouth shut. However, that is exactly what they should not do. Confronting the person relieves feelings of guilt and helplessness and helps restore self confidence. Some people can do it immediately but for others it takes years.
Unfortunately many sex crimes have short statutes of limitation so the media is the only alternative the victim has.

My 15 year old granddaughter was molested by and adult. It was two years before we found out. She had stopped dating. She refused to go to school. Her 3.6 GPA became barely passing, and she was depressed most of the time. We wanted to go to the police but she said she would kill her self. Since she already tried once we were afraid to. That was about 10 years ago. Today she is lot better after years of therapy but that event in her life changed her forever. She will never be the person she could have been. I'll bet the the SOB that attacked her doesn't even remember it.

I agree with Ivanka Trump when she said, "There is special place in hell for people that prey on children."

And yet your plan is to keep children with sexual predators crossing the border. Children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent. You hate Trump that much. Hence the term, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Of course it only works on people like you with little moral character.

We have a huge issue with sex and slave trafficking. These are criminals who brought their children with them as they committed crimes. Of course we should be removing the children and investigating to sort it out, both the crimes committed by the adults who claim to be their parents and their actual relationship. But that would curtail your get Trump agenda
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Claims of Sexual Misconduct is certainly not limited to politicians. Look at the business community and the entertainment industry. In fact, most every segment of society from religious organization, to schools, to the Fortune 500 companies all have their share.

Most victims of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment keep their mouth shut to avoid having their sex lives open to pubic scrutiny and ridicule. It is so much easier to change jobs and try to forget the incident but it's often not easy to forget and it can create serious mental damage. However, when one person has the guts to step forward to tell their story it encourages others to do the same. Are some of these stories made up and exaggerated? Of course they are but that is no reason to discount all of them. People that perpetrate sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct do so over and over. It is rare to find isolated events. Sexual harassment like rape is not so much about sex as it is about control and subjugation.
------------------------------------------- seems to me that axccusations should be backed up wity PROOF in a court of law . To me , there is nothing brave about bringing forth accusations that are 40 years old Papa .
Of course it takes courage to step forward with these accusations. People that are supportive of the accused are going to attack. That's why so many people that are victims of sexual abuse and misconduct keep their mouth shut. However, that is exactly what they should not do. Confronting the person relieves feelings of guilt and helplessness and helps restore self confidence. Some people can do it immediately but for others it takes years.
Unfortunately many sex crimes have short statutes of limitation so the media is the only alternative the victim has.

My 15 year old granddaughter was molested by and adult. It was two years before we found out. She had stopped dating. She refused to go to school. Her 3.6 GPA became barely passing, and she was depressed most of the time. We wanted to go to the police but she said she would kill her self. Since she already tried once we were afraid to. That was about 10 years ago. Today she is lot better after years of therapy but that event in her life changed her forever. She will never be the person she could have been. I'll bet the the SOB that attacked her doesn't even remember it.

I agree with Ivanka Trump when she said, "There is special place in hell for people that prey on children."

And yet your plan is to keep children with sexual predators crossing the border. Children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent. You hate Trump that much. Hence the term, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Of course it only works on people like you with little moral character.

We have a huge issue with sex and slave trafficking. These are criminals who brought their children with them as they committed crimes. Of course we should be removing the children and investigating to sort it out, both the crimes committed by the adults who claim to be their parents and their actual relationship. But that would curtail your get Trump agenda

Do you have any examples of children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent?
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Claims of Sexual Misconduct is certainly not limited to politicians. Look at the business community and the entertainment industry. In fact, most every segment of society from religious organization, to schools, to the Fortune 500 companies all have their share.

Most victims of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment keep their mouth shut to avoid having their sex lives open to pubic scrutiny and ridicule. It is so much easier to change jobs and try to forget the incident but it's often not easy to forget and it can create serious mental damage. However, when one person has the guts to step forward to tell their story it encourages others to do the same. Are some of these stories made up and exaggerated? Of course they are but that is no reason to discount all of them. People that perpetrate sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct do so over and over. It is rare to find isolated events. Sexual harassment like rape is not so much about sex as it is about control and subjugation.
------------------------------------------- seems to me that axccusations should be backed up wity PROOF in a court of law . To me , there is nothing brave about bringing forth accusations that are 40 years old Papa .
Of course it takes courage to step forward with these accusations. People that are supportive of the accused are going to attack. That's why so many people that are victims of sexual abuse and misconduct keep their mouth shut. However, that is exactly what they should not do. Confronting the person relieves feelings of guilt and helplessness and helps restore self confidence. Some people can do it immediately but for others it takes years.
Unfortunately many sex crimes have short statutes of limitation so the media is the only alternative the victim has.

My 15 year old granddaughter was molested by and adult. It was two years before we found out. She had stopped dating. She refused to go to school. Her 3.6 GPA became barely passing, and she was depressed most of the time. We wanted to go to the police but she said she would kill her self. Since she already tried once we were afraid to. That was about 10 years ago. Today she is lot better after years of therapy but that event in her life changed her forever. She will never be the person she could have been. I'll bet the the SOB that attacked her doesn't even remember it.

I agree with Ivanka Trump when she said, "There is special place in hell for people that prey on children."

And yet your plan is to keep children with sexual predators crossing the border. Children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent. You hate Trump that much. Hence the term, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Of course it only works on people like you with little moral character.

We have a huge issue with sex and slave trafficking. These are criminals who brought their children with them as they committed crimes. Of course we should be removing the children and investigating to sort it out, both the crimes committed by the adults who claim to be their parents and their actual relationship. But that would curtail your get Trump agenda

Do you have any examples of children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent?

I've decided to start consistently enforcing my rule for people like you, Care4Herself, LoneLoser and Wry Catcher who don't back up your arguments that I won't provide you with links. So I'll just tell you that border patrol agents have said there are many kids who are obviously not the children of the adult they are with. Some don't recognize them, some have no attachment to them, some are afraid of them, some don't know their names. If you want links, either find them yourself or start providing backup for your crap. I don't make up crap like you do, if you want, you can find the links
Claims of Sexual Misconduct is certainly not limited to politicians. Look at the business community and the entertainment industry. In fact, most every segment of society from religious organization, to schools, to the Fortune 500 companies all have their share.

Most victims of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment keep their mouth shut to avoid having their sex lives open to pubic scrutiny and ridicule. It is so much easier to change jobs and try to forget the incident but it's often not easy to forget and it can create serious mental damage. However, when one person has the guts to step forward to tell their story it encourages others to do the same. Are some of these stories made up and exaggerated? Of course they are but that is no reason to discount all of them. People that perpetrate sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct do so over and over. It is rare to find isolated events. Sexual harassment like rape is not so much about sex as it is about control and subjugation.
------------------------------------------- seems to me that axccusations should be backed up wity PROOF in a court of law . To me , there is nothing brave about bringing forth accusations that are 40 years old Papa .
Of course it takes courage to step forward with these accusations. People that are supportive of the accused are going to attack. That's why so many people that are victims of sexual abuse and misconduct keep their mouth shut. However, that is exactly what they should not do. Confronting the person relieves feelings of guilt and helplessness and helps restore self confidence. Some people can do it immediately but for others it takes years.
Unfortunately many sex crimes have short statutes of limitation so the media is the only alternative the victim has.

My 15 year old granddaughter was molested by and adult. It was two years before we found out. She had stopped dating. She refused to go to school. Her 3.6 GPA became barely passing, and she was depressed most of the time. We wanted to go to the police but she said she would kill her self. Since she already tried once we were afraid to. That was about 10 years ago. Today she is lot better after years of therapy but that event in her life changed her forever. She will never be the person she could have been. I'll bet the the SOB that attacked her doesn't even remember it.

I agree with Ivanka Trump when she said, "There is special place in hell for people that prey on children."

And yet your plan is to keep children with sexual predators crossing the border. Children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent. You hate Trump that much. Hence the term, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Of course it only works on people like you with little moral character.

We have a huge issue with sex and slave trafficking. These are criminals who brought their children with them as they committed crimes. Of course we should be removing the children and investigating to sort it out, both the crimes committed by the adults who claim to be their parents and their actual relationship. But that would curtail your get Trump agenda

Do you have any examples of children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent?

I've decided to start consistently enforcing my rule for people like you, Care4Herself, LoneLoser and Wry Catcher who don't back up your arguments that I won't provide you with links. So I'll just tell you that border patrol agents have said there are many kids who are obviously not the children of the adult they are with. Some don't recognize them, some have no attachment to them, some are afraid of them, some don't know their names. If you want links, either find them yourself or start providing backup for your crap. I don't make up crap like you do, if you want, you can find the links

So that would be a no?
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

Yes, the hypocrisy of leftist women particularly who demand they be treated as equals, then use their gender to come out of the woodwork and make endless attacks.

I've been pointing out what you said to leftists for years. There are actual sexual predators, and Democrats are protecting them for the exact reason you said
------------------------------------------- seems to me that axccusations should be backed up wity PROOF in a court of law . To me , there is nothing brave about bringing forth accusations that are 40 years old Papa .
Of course it takes courage to step forward with these accusations. People that are supportive of the accused are going to attack. That's why so many people that are victims of sexual abuse and misconduct keep their mouth shut. However, that is exactly what they should not do. Confronting the person relieves feelings of guilt and helplessness and helps restore self confidence. Some people can do it immediately but for others it takes years.
Unfortunately many sex crimes have short statutes of limitation so the media is the only alternative the victim has.

My 15 year old granddaughter was molested by and adult. It was two years before we found out. She had stopped dating. She refused to go to school. Her 3.6 GPA became barely passing, and she was depressed most of the time. We wanted to go to the police but she said she would kill her self. Since she already tried once we were afraid to. That was about 10 years ago. Today she is lot better after years of therapy but that event in her life changed her forever. She will never be the person she could have been. I'll bet the the SOB that attacked her doesn't even remember it.

I agree with Ivanka Trump when she said, "There is special place in hell for people that prey on children."

And yet your plan is to keep children with sexual predators crossing the border. Children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent. You hate Trump that much. Hence the term, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Of course it only works on people like you with little moral character.

We have a huge issue with sex and slave trafficking. These are criminals who brought their children with them as they committed crimes. Of course we should be removing the children and investigating to sort it out, both the crimes committed by the adults who claim to be their parents and their actual relationship. But that would curtail your get Trump agenda

Do you have any examples of children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent?

I've decided to start consistently enforcing my rule for people like you, Care4Herself, LoneLoser and Wry Catcher who don't back up your arguments that I won't provide you with links. So I'll just tell you that border patrol agents have said there are many kids who are obviously not the children of the adult they are with. Some don't recognize them, some have no attachment to them, some are afraid of them, some don't know their names. If you want links, either find them yourself or start providing backup for your crap. I don't make up crap like you do, if you want, you can find the links

So that would be a no?

So you're admitting that your inability to provide links is that you can't back them up?

Yet another double standard from you. I must provide links. You? Meh ...

Whine all you want, but I've gone too long backing up my arguments with you just running away and hiding. It's not going to change. Start providing them when called on your crap or don't whine for them. Your choice
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

Yes, the hypocrisy of leftist women particularly who demand they be treated as equals, then use their gender to come out of the woodwork and make endless attacks.

I've been pointing out what you said to leftists for years. There are actual sexual predators, and Democrats are protecting them for the exact reason you said

Now you think I'm protecting a sexual predator? Please name that person, and I won't protect him any more. Of course, I'll need proof that he is a sexual predator, and you aren't just making up shit again.
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

Yes, the hypocrisy of leftist women particularly who demand they be treated as equals, then use their gender to come out of the woodwork and make endless attacks.

I've been pointing out what you said to leftists for years. There are actual sexual predators, and Democrats are protecting them for the exact reason you said

Let me give you a lesson, a lot of the women who made claims are Republicans... This issue is not blue or red issue...

As to OP, I know if you would prefer if these women would just suffer in silence and let the next girl get her raping too... You are blaming the women, ever think of blaming the predators in this?
Of course it takes courage to step forward with these accusations. People that are supportive of the accused are going to attack. That's why so many people that are victims of sexual abuse and misconduct keep their mouth shut. However, that is exactly what they should not do. Confronting the person relieves feelings of guilt and helplessness and helps restore self confidence. Some people can do it immediately but for others it takes years.
Unfortunately many sex crimes have short statutes of limitation so the media is the only alternative the victim has.

My 15 year old granddaughter was molested by and adult. It was two years before we found out. She had stopped dating. She refused to go to school. Her 3.6 GPA became barely passing, and she was depressed most of the time. We wanted to go to the police but she said she would kill her self. Since she already tried once we were afraid to. That was about 10 years ago. Today she is lot better after years of therapy but that event in her life changed her forever. She will never be the person she could have been. I'll bet the the SOB that attacked her doesn't even remember it.

I agree with Ivanka Trump when she said, "There is special place in hell for people that prey on children."

And yet your plan is to keep children with sexual predators crossing the border. Children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent. You hate Trump that much. Hence the term, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Of course it only works on people like you with little moral character.

We have a huge issue with sex and slave trafficking. These are criminals who brought their children with them as they committed crimes. Of course we should be removing the children and investigating to sort it out, both the crimes committed by the adults who claim to be their parents and their actual relationship. But that would curtail your get Trump agenda

Do you have any examples of children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent?

I've decided to start consistently enforcing my rule for people like you, Care4Herself, LoneLoser and Wry Catcher who don't back up your arguments that I won't provide you with links. So I'll just tell you that border patrol agents have said there are many kids who are obviously not the children of the adult they are with. Some don't recognize them, some have no attachment to them, some are afraid of them, some don't know their names. If you want links, either find them yourself or start providing backup for your crap. I don't make up crap like you do, if you want, you can find the links

So that would be a no?

So you're admitting that your inability to provide links is that you can't back them up?

Yet another double standard from you. I must provide links. You? Meh ...

Whine all you want, but I've gone too long backing up my arguments with you just running away and hiding. It's not going to change. Start providing them when called on your crap or don't whine for them. Your choice

I generally provide links, even though I will admit there has been a time or two when I had to attend to real world events, and had to leave the computer for a while. You just said you didn't intend to bother with them at all. How does that make you any better than what you falsely accuse me of? Hypocrite much?
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

Yes, the hypocrisy of leftist women particularly who demand they be treated as equals, then use their gender to come out of the woodwork and make endless attacks.

I've been pointing out what you said to leftists for years. There are actual sexual predators, and Democrats are protecting them for the exact reason you said

Now you think I'm protecting a sexual predator? Please name that person, and I won't protect him any more. Of course, I'll need proof that he is a sexual predator, and you aren't just making up shit again.
Swish. Try reading the post again
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

Yes, the hypocrisy of leftist women particularly who demand they be treated as equals, then use their gender to come out of the woodwork and make endless attacks.

I've been pointing out what you said to leftists for years. There are actual sexual predators, and Democrats are protecting them for the exact reason you said

Let me give you a lesson, a lot of the women who made claims are Republicans... This issue is not blue or red issue...

As to OP, I know if you would prefer if these women would just suffer in silence and let the next girl get her raping too... You are blaming the women, ever think of blaming the predators in this?
Like who?
And yet your plan is to keep children with sexual predators crossing the border. Children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent. You hate Trump that much. Hence the term, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Of course it only works on people like you with little moral character.

We have a huge issue with sex and slave trafficking. These are criminals who brought their children with them as they committed crimes. Of course we should be removing the children and investigating to sort it out, both the crimes committed by the adults who claim to be their parents and their actual relationship. But that would curtail your get Trump agenda

Do you have any examples of children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent?

I've decided to start consistently enforcing my rule for people like you, Care4Herself, LoneLoser and Wry Catcher who don't back up your arguments that I won't provide you with links. So I'll just tell you that border patrol agents have said there are many kids who are obviously not the children of the adult they are with. Some don't recognize them, some have no attachment to them, some are afraid of them, some don't know their names. If you want links, either find them yourself or start providing backup for your crap. I don't make up crap like you do, if you want, you can find the links

So that would be a no?

So you're admitting that your inability to provide links is that you can't back them up?

Yet another double standard from you. I must provide links. You? Meh ...

Whine all you want, but I've gone too long backing up my arguments with you just running away and hiding. It's not going to change. Start providing them when called on your crap or don't whine for them. Your choice

I generally provide links, even though I will admit there has been a time or two when I had to attend to real world events, and had to leave the computer for a while. You just said you didn't intend to bother with them at all. How does that make you any better than what you falsely accuse me of? Hypocrite much?
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
/——-/ The CEO of Netflix just resigned for making an “insensitive” remark.
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

Yes, the hypocrisy of leftist women particularly who demand they be treated as equals, then use their gender to come out of the woodwork and make endless attacks.

I've been pointing out what you said to leftists for years. There are actual sexual predators, and Democrats are protecting them for the exact reason you said

Let me give you a lesson, a lot of the women who made claims are Republicans... This issue is not blue or red issue...

As to OP, I know if you would prefer if these women would just suffer in silence and let the next girl get her raping too... You are blaming the women, ever think of blaming the predators in this?
Like who?

Is this were you go Clinton Clinton Clinton.....

Can you give any proof at all... There has been 3 women who made claims...

Jones and Wiley have both been discredited as they said at the time they were having consensual sex with Clinton and they like it... Jones Sister & Brother in Law and Wiley said it to 6 people...

so that gives you just Juanitta Broaddrick, lets start... First if she claims rape than she has to first plead guilty for perjury... This woman has only once under oath been asked and she denied it... She is welcome to rescind that and make new allegations but she has not...
It has to be also pointed out that she volunteered for Clinton after the incident and did so for years afterwards..
We have to also point out that Clinton is supposed to have done this 40 years ago. What she described is a highly aggressive rape but Clinton has not other serious allegation of touching a woman in the wrong for 40 year prior or since...
On top of that Broaddrick has been wild on anti Clinton conspiracy theories since... The best way to describe this is Ken Starr had all of this information 20 years ago and found it all uncreditable.

Lets compare that to the trump one:
16 allegations and his own personal confession...
His ex-wife accused him of rape during there marriage..
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Claims of Sexual Misconduct is certainly not limited to politicians. Look at the business community and the entertainment industry. In fact, most every segment of society from religious organization, to schools, to the Fortune 500 companies all have their share.

Most victims of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment keep their mouth shut to avoid having their sex lives open to pubic scrutiny and ridicule. It is so much easier to change jobs and try to forget the incident but it's often not easy to forget and it can create serious mental damage. However, when one person has the guts to step forward to tell their story it encourages others to do the same. Are some of these stories made up and exaggerated? Of course they are but that is no reason to discount all of them. People that perpetrate sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct do so over and over. It is rare to find isolated events. Sexual harassment like rape is not so much about sex as it is about control and subjugation.
------------------------------------------- seems to me that axccusations should be backed up wity PROOF in a court of law . To me , there is nothing brave about bringing forth accusations that are 40 years old Papa .
Of course it takes courage to step forward with these accusations. People that are supportive of the accused are going to attack. That's why so many people that are victims of sexual abuse and misconduct keep their mouth shut. However, that is exactly what they should not do. Confronting the person relieves feelings of guilt and helplessness and helps restore self confidence. Some people can do it immediately but for others it takes years.
Unfortunately many sex crimes have short statutes of limitation so the media is the only alternative the victim has.

My 15 year old granddaughter was molested by and adult. It was two years before we found out. She had stopped dating. She refused to go to school. Her 3.6 GPA became barely passing, and she was depressed most of the time. We wanted to go to the police but she said she would kill her self. Since she already tried once we were afraid to. That was about 10 years ago. Today she is lot better after years of therapy but that event in her life changed her forever. She will never be the person she could have been. I'll bet the the SOB that attacked her doesn't even remember it.

I agree with Ivanka Trump when she said, "There is special place in hell for people that prey on children."

And yet your plan is to keep children with sexual predators crossing the border. Children who don't recognize the adult who claims to be their parent. You hate Trump that much. Hence the term, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Of course it only works on people like you with little moral character.

We have a huge issue with sex and slave trafficking. These are criminals who brought their children with them as they committed crimes. Of course we should be removing the children and investigating to sort it out, both the crimes committed by the adults who claim to be their parents and their actual relationship. But that would curtail your get Trump agenda
Your an idiot any fucking excuse! You are just going to say they are all kidnapped all of them. There is nothing Trump can do that is wrong. I suppose if ate them it was just to make sure they tasted good right! Nothing wrong here. You are nothing but a troll!
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

Yes, the hypocrisy of leftist women particularly who demand they be treated as equals, then use their gender to come out of the woodwork and make endless attacks.

I've been pointing out what you said to leftists for years. There are actual sexual predators, and Democrats are protecting them for the exact reason you said

Let me give you a lesson, a lot of the women who made claims are Republicans... This issue is not blue or red issue...

As to OP, I know if you would prefer if these women would just suffer in silence and let the next girl get her raping too... You are blaming the women, ever think of blaming the predators in this?
oh please.

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