Is ANYONE else sick of all this political shit with the sexual claims?

In most instances, these women are marrying these men for other reasons than the sex! Lol!

Are you sexually attracted to old ladies?

Actually, I have a serious Asian fetish... but that's neither here nor there.

What I try to not do is judge other cultures. At least not until our culture is perfect, then we can criticize.

Yes, in a lot of cultures, arranged marriages are still a thing. Just can't get worked up about it.

And in our culture, some young women marry older guys because they have a shitload of money. Which is fucked up, but we live in a society that worships money. So there's that.

But the reality- 16 year olds were having sex in oldy times, and they are having it now. ONly religious prudes want to pretend it isn't happening.
In most instances, these women are marrying these men for other reasons than the sex! Lol!

Are you sexually attracted to old ladies?

Actually, I have a serious Asian fetish... but that's neither here nor there.

What I try to not do is judge other cultures. At least not until our culture is perfect, then we can criticize.

Yes, in a lot of cultures, arranged marriages are still a thing. Just can't get worked up about it.

And in our culture, some young women marry older guys because they have a shitload of money. Which is fucked up, but we live in a society that worships money. So there's that.

But the reality- 16 year olds were having sex in oldy times, and they are having it now. ONly religious prudes want to pretend it isn't happening.

What happened in the past or what other cultures do has nothing to do with it. We have laws against it in this country because it is harmful to the young person.
Are you defending this practice? Not sure. Your last statement says it all "sixteen year old LITTLE girls married to fifty plus year old men." Those men are LOSERS for sure.

So what about a 50 year old marrying a 20 year old trophy wife? That's probably just as fucked up.

Of course, I don't go around trying to regulate other people's sex lives... that a Conservative thing.

In most instances, these women are marrying these men for other reasons than the sex! Lol!

Are you sexually attracted to old ladies?
I am sure there are men attracted to old ladies as well as women attracted to old men. There is a fetish out there for every body! I think people assume that others think like they do. One persons thought process can be dramaticaly different from anothers. Just a few weeks ago I was working down in Kentucky. I had forgot a form that I needed to complete the deal and needed to find a printing place. I was out in the middle of no where. I struck up a conversation with a young women half my age, likely around 25. She gave me directions to a print shop and to make a long story short I ended up eating lunch with the young lady. I could not have landed this young lady when I was her age. She was how ever very interested and stated so.Being the curious person that I am, I pulled at the thread. I asked her what the hell she saw in an old man. She simply replied that "she had had a great lunch and a bunch of laughs. Why the hell would I not want to do it again." It was at this point I realized this girl half my age may be significantly wiser than I was.
Are you defending this practice? Not sure. Your last statement says it all "sixteen year old LITTLE girls married to fifty plus year old men." Those men are LOSERS for sure.

So what about a 50 year old marrying a 20 year old trophy wife? That's probably just as fucked up.

Of course, I don't go around trying to regulate other people's sex lives... that a Conservative thing.

In most instances, these women are marrying these men for other reasons than the sex! Lol!

Are you sexually attracted to old ladies?
I am sure there are men attracted to old ladies as well as women attracted to old men. There is a fetish out there for every body! I think people assume that others think like they do. One persons thought process can be dramaticaly different from anothers. Just a few weeks ago I was working down in Kentucky. I had forgot a form that I needed to complete the deal and needed to find a printing place. I was out in the middle of no where. I struck up a conversation with a young women half my age, likely around 25. She gave me directions to a print shop and to make a long story short I ended up eating lunch with the young lady. I could not have landed this young lady when I was her age. She was how ever very interested and stated so.Being the curious person that I am, I pulled at the thread. I asked her what the hell she saw in an old man. She simply replied that "she had had a great lunch and a bunch of laughs. Why the hell would I not want to do it again." It was at this point I realized this girl half my age may be significantly wiser than I was.

She was 25, not 16!
point is that there is very little hunger in the USA . Course you can always start feeding anyone that you like with money out of you pocket JoeB .

Or we can make the fucking rich pay their fair share and stop pissing away money on expensive bombers. That works, too.

13 million children don't have enough to eat. That's all kinds of fucked up.

Let's clear something up. Most 16-year-old girls don't want you to touch them. They think you are ugly, old and disgusting. Of course, throughout history in our screwed up world, old men were wanting to marry 16-year-old girls. None of these girls had much of a choice in the matter. Poor things.

I wasn't talking about me personally, sweetie, but it's funny that's the first place your mind went.

Here's the thing. 16 year olds (boys and girls, you didn't specify gender) are going to have sex. They are going to experiment. Now you can be a stupid religious prude in denial, or you can make sure they have the information they need to avoid pregnancy, diseases and other consequences.

Not with old people! Duh!
------------------------well YOU too , you and JoeB get together and feed people Chris .
point is that there is very little hunger in the USA . Course you can always start feeding anyone that you like with money out of you pocket JoeB .

Or we can make the fucking rich pay their fair share and stop pissing away money on expensive bombers. That works, too.

13 million children don't have enough to eat. That's all kinds of fucked up.

Let's clear something up. Most 16-year-old girls don't want you to touch them. They think you are ugly, old and disgusting. Of course, throughout history in our screwed up world, old men were wanting to marry 16-year-old girls. None of these girls had much of a choice in the matter. Poor things.

I wasn't talking about me personally, sweetie, but it's funny that's the first place your mind went.

Here's the thing. 16 year olds (boys and girls, you didn't specify gender) are going to have sex. They are going to experiment. Now you can be a stupid religious prude in denial, or you can make sure they have the information they need to avoid pregnancy, diseases and other consequences.

Not with old people! Duh!
------------------------well YOU too , you and JoeB get together and feed people Chris .

Feed people? What the hell are you talking about?
This whole Senator Moore case is a total joke. They are pressuring him to step down, but while they are paying off victims of sexual harassment from members of their own staff. Pres.Trump needs to tell all of them to step down, and put in a whole new crew of respectable gents. Pres.Trump needs to clean up the Whitehouse.

Congress owes taxpayers answers about its harassment 'shush' fund

I don't think president Trump is any position to ask anyone to step down because of their sexual misconduct.
Even liberals are starting to wonder whether this whole thing is going too far.

People are becoming numb to it already. Soon, no one is going to give a shit at all. You had your ass grabbed by Tom Hanks? Who fucking cares? Just another drop in the bucket.
Even liberals are starting to wonder whether this whole thing is going too far. People are becoming numb to it already. Soon, no one is going to give a shit at all. You had your ass grabbed by Tom Hanks? Who fucking cares? Just another drop in the bucket.
Yep. This is the age of silly, ridiculous hyperbole, where damn near everything & anything is just blown completely out of proportion.

Disagree with me? You're Hitler. Do something, anything wrong and you're on the other "side"? We'll crucify you.

The problem is, the noise only serves to trivialize and dilute the bad stuff that DOES happen.

This is what it looks like when neurotics and lunatics control the conversation.
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What happened in the past or what other cultures do has nothing to do with it. We have laws against it in this country because it is harmful to the young person.

We have a lot of stupid laws that defy reality.

Meanwhile, in the real world, 16 years olds are having sex. So what do we do about it as policy?

Oooh, oooh, I know, let's brand someone a sex offender for life because they had sex with a girl the week before she turned 17 !

That way, those lists they make of actual sex offenders will be useless because they will be filled with guys like that!
This is what it looks like when neurotics and lunatics control the conversation.

says the neurotic who wants to control the conversation and gets all upset when anyone disputes his faulty premises...
point is that there is very little hunger in the USA . Course you can always start feeding anyone that you like with money out of you pocket JoeB .

Or we can make the fucking rich pay their fair share and stop pissing away money on expensive bombers. That works, too.

13 million children don't have enough to eat. That's all kinds of fucked up.

Let's clear something up. Most 16-year-old girls don't want you to touch them. They think you are ugly, old and disgusting. Of course, throughout history in our screwed up world, old men were wanting to marry 16-year-old girls. None of these girls had much of a choice in the matter. Poor things.

I wasn't talking about me personally, sweetie, but it's funny that's the first place your mind went.

Here's the thing. 16 year olds (boys and girls, you didn't specify gender) are going to have sex. They are going to experiment. Now you can be a stupid religious prude in denial, or you can make sure they have the information they need to avoid pregnancy, diseases and other consequences.

Not with old people! Duh!
------------------------well YOU too , you and JoeB get together and feed people Chris .

Feed people? What the hell are you talking about?
------------------------------------ JoeB mentioned something about hungry kids if you look a few posts previous in the thread . --------------- the sex thing , i don't care , its been talked to death . I support Moore as a PRACTICAL solution for those that can vote for him . The womans lies or truths , MERE Allegations are way to old for me to take seriously and i judge her to at least be Irresponsible and untrustworthy ChrisL .
point is that there is very little hunger in the USA . Course you can always start feeding anyone that you like with money out of you pocket JoeB .

Or we can make the fucking rich pay their fair share and stop pissing away money on expensive bombers. That works, too.

13 million children don't have enough to eat. That's all kinds of fucked up.

Let's clear something up. Most 16-year-old girls don't want you to touch them. They think you are ugly, old and disgusting. Of course, throughout history in our screwed up world, old men were wanting to marry 16-year-old girls. None of these girls had much of a choice in the matter. Poor things.

I wasn't talking about me personally, sweetie, but it's funny that's the first place your mind went.

Here's the thing. 16 year olds (boys and girls, you didn't specify gender) are going to have sex. They are going to experiment. Now you can be a stupid religious prude in denial, or you can make sure they have the information they need to avoid pregnancy, diseases and other consequences.

Not with old people! Duh!
------------------------well YOU too , you and JoeB get together and feed people Chris .

Feed people? What the hell are you talking about?
------------------------------------ JoeB mentioned something about hungry kids if you look a few posts previous in the thread . --------------- the sex thing , i don't care , its been talked to death . I support Moore as a PRACTICAL solution for those that can vote for him . The womans lies or truths , MERE Allegations are way to old for me to take seriously and i judge her to at least be Irresponsible and untrustworthy ChrisL .

So? What does that have to do with my post?
Remember that the destruction of the white Christian productive conservative heterosexual male is part of this

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