Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

Other than Putin

Putin is crashing the stock market

Putin is driving up the price of fuel

Putin is invading a sovereign nation and killing people

And Republicans think it's genius
Well they blame Biden. Vlad's useful idiots.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
It's not as bad as Chicago on a Fri night but hey...RUSSIANZ !!!!
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...

DEFLECTION. Joe Biden is an EPIC FAIL. Elections have consequences and now we have inflation, high gas prices and WAR.
It was just fine until you triggered me with the Babylon bee. I don’t know how to handle that shit
That and you can’t dispute this:

He took Crimea under Obama/Biden. Stayed quiet during Trump/Pence and now is taking the rest of Ukraine under Biden/Harris. What is the common denominator?
Why do you need somebody to condemn Joe in order to give an honest accessment of this situation? That’s just plain silly
Awww, because none of you have been honest and are just spewing the MSM and Democratic Party bullshit as usual…
Fuck your Russian propaganda.

NATO has provoked nothing

This is naked aggression by a deranged dictator
Bullshit....get honest and get off your partisan horse. NATO despite it's noble beginning had devolved into nothing more than a hired mercenary working for the greed of the euro-banks....
This is squarely on them. This is what they wanted. They just underestimated Putin's response.
That and you can’t dispute this:

He took Crimea under Obama/Biden. Stayed quiet during Trump/Pence and now is taking the rest of Ukraine under Biden/Harris. What is the common denominator?
I’ll say it again. You give Biden too much credit. Where’s your meme? Doesn’t that complete the joke of your post?
Bullshit....get honest and get off your partisan horse. NATO despite it's noble beginning had devolved into nothing more than a hired mercenary working for the greed of the euro-banks....
This is squarely on them. This is what they wanted. They just underestimated Putin's response.
You speak for Putin here. Fuck that
Bucket List Update (thanks to today's ridiculous show of Russian aggression)
#17 Preemptively Kiss Ass Goodbye - √
That and you can’t dispute this:

He took Crimea under Obama/Biden. Stayed quiet during Trump/Pence and now is taking the rest of Ukraine under Biden/Harris. What is the common denominator?
Take the US out of the equation.

Putin's grab of Crimea followed a motion by the Ukraine to discontinue the naval base lease...this was another NATO

The Ukraine attack is more like a defense after dozens of broken promises about the positioning of land based rocketry on Russia's borders. We need to stop all of our funding for NATO....and absolutely NO US TROOPS ..NONE!
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Haha, you call me stupid while posting memes from a satire website?!?! Good one.
They gleefully denigrate the military, and think we should have destroyed the very weapons the Afghan Army needed to defend the country. With friends like the Trump's Neo-GOPm who need enemies.
What have I been dishonest about? and let’s stick to this discussion about Russia invading Ukraine
No, let stick to the subject that the OP thread is a bait thread making false claims and generalizations just because she want to label anyone not supporting Biden has being Pro-Putin.

Now who the fuck are you again to tell me what I can or can not write?

So tell me why do you blindly follow a war loving Freak like Biden while bitching about Putin?

I mean what has Biden really done except talk shit and gave some sanctions that Russia will ignore while trading with China and other countries?

I mean seriously all of you on the left support a moron like Biden that has caused more damage than good!

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