Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

So are Trumps daughter, son in law and three grandchildren but you call him a Nazi. Let me educate you, idiot. There is still strong resentment in Russia toward Ukrainians because during WW2 they sided with the Nazis initially and if you read about Sobibor, Ukrainian guards worked there and helped kill like a million Jews.
I have NEVER called them Nazis you lying piece of shit.

And oh yea… that was what. … 75 years ago?

Newsflash. We have Nazis in this country and you rarely speak out against them
Dishonest that we give Biden “too much credit”

Having a bad day, Slade?
That’s not dishonest it’s just simple logic. Is COVID trumps fault because China waited for Trump to gain power before unleashing it on the world? That’s what your logic would say
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Fuck you...I speak for America.
Let NATO deal with the beast they created...Half of Ukraines population want to reunite with Russia....they have been sustaining persecution sponsored by the NATO puppet government. This was soooo predictable.
You lying son of a bitch. Half your ass. Save that Putin spew for RT
Thank Benedict Donald, he was the architect of the surrender. The Lame Duck withdrawals left the US military and the Afghan Army in their weakest position since the invasion/occupation began. Combined that with the Trump Administrations lack of enforcement of the Conditions of the Surrender Agreement, put the Taliban in their strongest. All in the last week he was in office. It was a spiteful effort at revenge on America. Benedict Donald's legacy.
Nope not at all. Biden did away with Trump's plan and did his own. He did away with Trump's Sanctions against Russia. Now he is having to put them back on. I miss Trump.
I have NEVER called them Nazis you lying piece of shit.

And oh yea… that was what. … 75 years ago?

Newsflash. We have Nazis in this country and you rarely speak out against them
There are still WW2 survivors in Russia who hold resentment as do their kids.
That’s not dishonest it’s just simple logic. Is COVID trumps fault because China waited for Trump to gain power before u leashing it on the world? That’s what your logic would say
Most leftists blame Trump for all the COVID deaths. You can’t dispute my post.
No, let stick to the subject that the OP thread is a bait thread making false claims and generalizations just because she want to label anyone not supporting Biden has being Pro-Putin.

Now who the fuck are you again to tell me what I can or can not write?

So tell me why do you blindly follow a war loving Freak like Biden while bitching about Putin?

I mean what has Biden really done except talk shit and gave some sanctions that Russia will ignore while trading with China and other countries?

I mean seriously all of you on the left support a moron like Biden that has caused more damage than good!
I’m Slade, owner of Bruce… I don’t blindly follow Biden, that’s you lying. You still haven’t posted anything that I’ve lied about. Slade 1 Bruce 0
No, let stick to the subject that the OP thread is a bait thread making false claims and generalizations just because she want to label anyone not supporting Biden has being Pro-Putin.

Now who the fuck are you again to tell me what I can or can not write?

So tell me why do you blindly follow a war loving Freak like Biden while bitching about Putin?

I mean what has Biden really done except talk shit and gave some sanctions that Russia will ignore while trading with China and other countries?

I mean seriously all of you on the left support a moron like Biden that has caused more damage than good!
Exactly....we have allowed China to control our trade....we can't sanction anyone....we no longer have the ability. It's hilarious.
You’re playing word games again and lying, midget Lesh. Joe Biden is 90% responsible for this. Facts are that Putin took Crimea under Obama/Biden. He is taking the rest under Biden/Harris. He was docile under Trump/Pence
Wow, according to the left Trump caused Covid, the invasion of the Ukraine, so it is Trump fault as usual…
COVID is as much Trumps fault as the Russia invasion is Bidens fault. Did that point go over your head? I’m not making the claims that either are because of an American president. Do I need to slow down for you to understand what I’m saying or are you caught up now?
I’m Slade, owner of Bruce… I don’t blindly follow Biden, that’s you lying. You still haven’t posted anything that I’ve lied about. Slade 1 Bruce 0
You just lied about owning me and I haven’t seen you show one evidence of what I wrote has been wrong.

Actually you are here making the subject about me because I took your troll out with the fact you and her support Biden blindly and will do so until you are told otherwise.

Now dance bitch dance and remember you are needed at the frontline to fight Putin and if you refuse then you must be a Putin loyalist!
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
You will never get a Trumptard to condemn Putin. Ever.

They are all to a person useful idiots.
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