Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

You will never get a Trumptard to condemn Putin. Ever.

They all to a person useful idiots.
This is it:
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
Are you going to condemn Joe and Obama and Clinton for colluding with Russia every day of their lives? Putin is what happens when you shut down our XL pipeline and throw 50,000 Americans out of work, help get Putin's Nordstream2 pipeline going, sell Putin 20% of US Uranium which he then sells to Iran which bought it with the $150 Billion Obama Bucks Obama Bin Lying gave to Iran illegally. They also bought centrifuges, and missile technology, and Nuclear Scientists.

When are you going to condemn The DemNazi party for attacking our Democracy, launching 3 COUPS to remove a duly elected president Trump, spying on Trump, and colluding with Russia and China to rig the 2016 and 2020 elections?

Every Republican I know and have heard warned both Obama, Clinton and Biden not to screw around and take bribes from China and Russia and give them sweetheart deals.

There is only one thing you can count on with the DemNazi Party. They side with Communists, Illegal Aliens and Terrorists every single time, and then only deny it when they get caught.
You think I’m triggered by a meme. That’s the funny part here. You do know that Trump initiated the withdrawal right?
Nope. He verbally said he would do it if certain conditions were met. He never said he would leave billions of equipment behind. You’re spiraling.

Having a bad day, Slade?
Actually, the Left used to be on the same side of the table as the bear.

I warned the tard herd that Trump would lead them into the far left cave back in 2016. I warned them over and over.

I used to post a graphic of the pied piper being followed by little children.

Since then, they have followed Trump as he added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, thrown their Family Values into a dumpster, giggled as he attacked our NATO allies, stood silently by as he attacked and disrespected war veterans, cheered him on as he enacted far left protectionist trade policies (which Biden has continued and should be a BIG clue), and dropped to their knees to suckle Putin's cock.

And they have taken up the Left's old policy to always Blame America First.

These are the tards who actually applauded when Trump announced his love for the North Korean communist dictator.
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Nope. He verbally said he would do it if certain conditions were met. He never said he would leave billions of equipment behind. You’re spiraling.

Having a bad day, Slade?
He said it, negotiated it and initiated it… pretty simple. If leaving Afghanistan was a catalyst to Russia invading Ukraine then it’s on both Trump and Biden. I don’t see it as a catalyst of anything though. That’s a silly claim
Hogwash, There was no plan from trump. He ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th only to Flip-Flop when the Generals told him what a fuck up that would be considering we were still supporting the Afghan Army in the field. They said they needed 2500 troops for that mission. That's all they got. No troops or plan for the scheduled withdrawal by May 1st. That would be all left to the Military to plan and execute when Biden decided not to go back to war with the Taliban.

Hogwash, There was no plan from trump. He ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th only to Flip-Flop when the Generals told him what a fuck up that would be considering we were still supporting the Afghan Army in the field. They said they needed 2500 troops for that mission. That's all they got. No troops or plan for the scheduled withdrawal by May 1st. That would be all left to the Military to plan and execute when Biden decided not to go back to war with the Taliban.
Lol, rewriting history I see. Biden knew months in advance that the Afghanistan army would be able to fight the taliban. But left thousands of Americans there after telling them that the Afghanistan army would be able to hold the taliban.
Take the US out of the equation.

Putin's grab of Crimea followed a motion by the Ukraine to discontinue the naval base lease...this was another NATO

The Ukraine attack is more like a defense after dozens of broken promises about the positioning of land bases rocketry on Russia's borders. We need to stop all of our funding for NATO....and absolutely NO US TROOPS ..NONE!
Ukraine, as a sovereign nation, has the right to align themselves to whomever they wish. Putin has no right to invade a sovereign nation.

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