Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

I’ll correct anybody who makes that absurd claim right now. It’s a stupid claim.
S5 B0
Of course... This is the hypocrites bread and butter... I'm against it NOW that it doesn't matter or better yet that the tactic is being used against MY side...I was always against it...

Please... Spare us.

Shut up you Russian Toad.

He told Romney he was wrong, so let be clear Putin is a World Wide threat just like China but you ignored it until they show their true intentions.

Russia and China have so much money invested in area like Mexico and the left ignored it all the time!
Poor Mittens. The USSR was a global power. Russia has an economy on par with Texas and have proven to be a regional threat. The only way they are a world wide threat is because of their nuclear weapons.
Yeah, the record level prosperity under Trump was so fucking embarrassing.
Yea, until the virus hit. I would have loved to like Trump, but he wasn't worth it. This is the greatest country of all time. We can do better than a clown of a game show host. Come on man, the guy made fun of someone with Parkinson's.
Of course... This is the hypocrites bread and butter... I'm against it NOW that it doesn't matter or better yet that the tactic is being used against MY side...I was always against it...

Please... Spare us.
I never was for it. If you think I was then quote me
Yea, until the virus hit. I would have loved to like Trump, but he wasn't worth it. This is the greatest country of all time. We can do better than a clown of a game show host. Come on man, the guy made fun of someone with Parkinson's.
Yep, the Democrat Virus and the “shut down America Democrats” fucked him.
I have a father, a pastor…..mentors.
I need a leader, a president who puts American’s First.
Warm and fuzzy feelings are for nutless pussies.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
That's stupid.
He said it, negotiated it and initiated it… pretty simple. If leaving Afghanistan was a catalyst to Russia invading Ukraine then it’s on both Trump and Biden. I don’t see it as a catalyst of anything though. That’s a silly claim
Nope. Leaving was fine, how we left was not and leaving nearly $90Bn of weaponry behind with people hanging off the plane showed Biden to be inept and disorganized.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...

Conservatives aren't in charge, our condemnations of anyone don't matter.

The responsible party is Sleepy Joe and the Democrat Party who seized power here in America. If things go south , it will be your fault, not that of Donald J. Trump or his millions of Little Trumpsters.
Nope. Leaving was fine, how we left was not and leaving nearly $90Bn of weaponry behind with people hanging off the plane showed Biden to be inept and disorganized.
Haha, yup the end of the withdrawal was a disaster. Also has nothing to do with Russias plan to invade Ukraine. Nice try though
Nope. He verbally said he would do it if certain conditions were met.
Sorry Champ, Benedict Donald did it anyway even though the Taliban met only one of the Conditions. He withdrew 70% more troops than the Accords called for just one week before the end of his term. He word is no good. He did it out of spite and revenge against America for daring to vote him 'off the show'.........fucking Benedict Donald,
Haha, yup the end of the withdrawal was a disaster. Also has nothing to do with Russias plan to invade Ukraine. Nice try though
That is where we disagree. I believe it has a lot to do with Russia's takeover of Ukraine. We just have disparate opinions. Only way to know would be to ask Putin directly. So we agree to disagree. Fair, leftist?
Shut up you Russian Toad.

its was Trump who emboldened Putin to do that

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Sorry Champ, Benedict Donald did it anyway even though the Taliban met only one of the Conditions. He withdrew 70% more troops than the Accords called for just one week before the end of his term. He word is no good. He did it out of spite and revenge against America for daring to vote him 'off the show'.........fucking Benedict Donald,
He left nearly ~$90Bn of weapons behind and had people hang off planes as they took off....nope. Optics matter. Biden is a disaster. Your guy...own it.
That is where we disagree. I believe it has a lot to do with Russia's takeover of Ukraine. We just have disparate opinions. Only way to know would be to ask Putin directly. So we agree to disagree. Fair, leftist?
Yeah, you can think whatever you want. I think you give Biden too much credit.
Poor Mittens. The USSR was a global power. Russia has an economy on par with Texas and have proven to be a regional threat. The only way they are a world wide threat is because of their nuclear weapons.
So Blind Fool..... you think WWIII is going to be a conventional war?

And you realize that China will back Russia when it comes down to that, right?

And you do realize that while you and your fellow lefty turd burglars are trying to peddle your Propaganda Crack on the street corners that Putin has flown in squadrons of bombers and jet fighters anti aircraft batteries, tanks and artillery in to Syria, right dotard? And you also realize Iran with The Russian Weapons bought with the $150 Billion in Obama Bucks, that Iran will be joining in this little war, and that Turkey will find an opportunity to do so as well as will several other Islamic nations. This Ukraine dealio is a distraction for the next war in The Middle East, and Russia is the tip of the spear for it all.

You laughed at Mitt Romney and Donald Trump for telling you that you had to deal with Russia and China very carefully. But it was worse than that, you have colluded with the son of a bitches since Bill Clinton was president.

BTW, nice intentional move in leaving another $90 Million in weapons to Terrorists in Afghanistan.

You also realize that Comrade Biden is as bad as if not worse that Comrade Clinton and Comrade Biden in kissing Putin's ass, and have greedily held their hands out for bribes from their leader and Master Vlad Putin. Vlad even owned Mad Moscow Mueller, Commie Comey, and Soviet Strozk.

Are you going to condemn Asterisk Joe and Obama and Clinton for colluding with Russia every day of their lives? Putin is what happens when you shut down our XL pipeline and throw 50,000 Americans out of work, help get Putin's Nordstream2 pipeline going, sell Putin 20% of US Uranium which he then sells to Iran which bought it with the $150 Billion Obama Bucks Obama Bin Lying gave to Iran illegally. They also bought centrifuges, and missile technology, and Nuclear Scientists.

When are you going to condemn The DemNazi party for attacking our Democracy, launching 3 COUPS to remove a duly elected president Trump, spying on Trump, and colluding with Russia and China to rig the 2016 and 2020 elections?

Every Republican I know and have heard warned both Obama, Clinton and Biden not to screw around and take bribes from China and Russia and give them sweetheart deals. But you turds take bribes from them, and give them a wink and a nod to take Crimea, Ukraine and Taiwan.

There is only one thing you can count on with the DemNazi Party. They side with Communists, Illegal Aliens and Terrorists every single time, and then only deny it when they get caught.

Shut up you Russian Toad.


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