Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

Our country is in a very bad place. Politics keeps half the country from even being able to say it is wrong for one nation to invade another one.

There is little hope for this country.
The premise of the op is a lie, a straw man constructed to try to force people to defend themselves against a statement that was never true. It’s like me asking you why you beat your wife, if you can’t understand that, then you’re pretty damn stupid. Or perhaps you can show me the vast conservative support for Putin invading Ukraine? Obviously you believe that if you don’t support Biden then you somehow support Putin and his actions, which is total bullshit of course. Just more lies from the left, just like every other day, it’s all you know how to do.

So why do you beat your wife?
The thread is looking for people to condemn what Russia is doing. Not asking for proof of past condemnation. Get real
The premise of this thread is that not actively publicly condemning is proof of support.

So... show me where you publicly condemned Democrats blaming Trump for Covid. Otherwise... according to the premise of this thread... you supported it.

But I'll give you an out.

Publicly admit that lack of condemnation is NOT proof of support and you'll be off the hook.
Nope it's all true. Benedict Donald's lame duck withdrawals put the Taliban in a commanding position and put the US and the Afghan Army in a weaker one. Yes Joe had the power to re-invade but considering the 20 year war was a failure decided to use the in place truce to get our troops out. Good call. Too bad the Afghan Army was so demoralized that they dropped their weapons and fled.
Who was president when the Afghanistan War ended? The answer is who is to blame.
IMO he was letting Trump make a crack in the NATO wall.
Trump certainly did that. That really could be, remember how the Donald treated Merckel? Maybe he though Gremany would split off NATO.
Putin only started the war after the Fucktard got into office, and he made a complete fool of your Idiot-in-Chief....

Are any of Biden's sycophants going to go over and try to whip Putin's ass in order to defend the Dumbass's honor????
I did my time many years ago. But when American servicemembers go to war it is not for the President, it is for the country. Sounds as if you might have forgotten that.
Optics matter like bumper sticker slogans matter. So when should he have destroyed the Afghan Army's weapons? Why wasn't Joe there to stop those poor people? Facts are stubborn things.
Optics like illegally flying $150 Billion in Euros to Ayatollah Assahollah in the dead of night so he can buy Russian Missiles, US Uranium, Russian Nuclear Scientists, and Centrifuges so Iran can build Obama Bombs with Obama Bucks?

The premise of this thread is that not actively publicly condemning is proof of support.

So... show me where you publicly condemned Democrats blaming Trump for Covid. Otherwise... according to the premise of this thread... you supported it.

But I'll give you an out.

Publicly admit that lack of condemnation is NOT proof of support and you'll be off the hook.
If you do not condemn publicly you must be a witch… I mean a Nazis… I mean a terrorist… I mean a Russian bitch for Pootin…

Damn it, if only Judas taught me fucking better then the Romans would love me!

Anyhoo, I have said Putin is a piece of shit like Trump and Pootin but the OP and Slade feel that isn’t good enough and I should just write Pootin and tRump instead and then worship Uncle Joey…
Nope it's all true. Benedict Donald's lame duck withdrawals put the Taliban in a commanding position and put the US and the Afghan Army in a weaker one. Yes Joe had the power to re-invade but considering the 20 year war was a failure decided to use the in place truce to get our troops out. Good call. Too bad the Afghan Army was so demoralized that they dropped their weapons and fled.

Biden wasn't going to get credit for ending the war in Afghanistan... so he didn't give a fuck what happened.
IMO he was letting Trump make a crack in the NATO wall.
Horse Shit. Trump Got NATO to start spending more money on defense.
So explain how making NATO live up to their contractual obligations is "making a crack in the NATO wall?"

You are just another lying DemNazi propagandist.
The premise of the op is a lie, a straw man constructed to try to force people to defend themselves against a statement that was never true. It’s like me asking you why you beat your wife, if you can’t understand that, then you’re pretty damn stupid. Or perhaps you can show me the vast conservative support for Putin invading Ukraine? Obviously you believe that if you don’t support Biden then you somehow support Putin and his actions, which is total bullshit of course. Just more lies from the left, just like every other day, it’s all you know how to do.

So why do you beat your wife?
Simples. Self-identify as "on the Right"? Great! Condemn what Russia is doing right now..

Horse Shit you lying troll. How did he encourage Putin, by blocking the Nordstream2 pipeline, making America an exporter of energy and lowering the price of natural gas and oil?

Never once did President Trump encourage Putin to take a little bit of Ukraine.

View attachment 606167
Trump treated ukraine like a playground, for trumps own personal interests. You didnt read the article it would seem, which means i have to read it for you.
Slade3200 ?



Where'd you go?

The premise of this thread is that not actively publicly condemning is proof of support.

So... show me where you publicly condemned Democrats blaming Trump for Covid. Otherwise... according to the premise of this thread... you supported it.

But I'll give you an out.

Publicly admit that lack of condemnation is NOT proof of support and you'll be off the hook.
its was Trump who emboldened Putin to do that

Agreed. Putin certainly wouldn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president. An incompetent socialist takes office, and boom - Putin takes Ukraine.

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