Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

You are kidding right?
Did we have to fight the Taliban to get our people out of Kabul? You should be proud of Donnies Truce with the Taliban. It's the only condition Donnie really cared about or enforece. Which is why the Afghan Army had no fight left. The Taliban was allowed attack them.
Did we have to fight the Taliban to get our people out of Kabul? You should be proud of Donnies Truce with the Taliban. It's the only condition Donnie really cared about or enforece. Which is why the Afghan Army had no fight left. The Taliban was allowed attack them.
Biden was President, it all lands on him and his date that he chose to leave. The Afghan Army never had fight in them ever, they were only as strong as the US Army and once they started to leave, the Afghan Army gave up.

Biden did manage to leave thousands of Americans including the man and his family that saved his life. Which is a good lesson for all of us, don't trust Biden he doesn't give a shit about people, just his reputation.
BLM and Anti-Fa and illegals are killing innocent people.
Lets try this. Anyone or anything that kills someone that is not self defense, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent by what ever laws have jurisdiction. Thus I condemn BLM, Antifa if they killed anyone, I condemn those three white guys in Georgia, the guy here in my state that shot a police officer, Putin and everyone else, everyone else unjustly causing death. They should all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I condemn it.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
I'm not on the right, however, Putin is wrong and should not be invading or killing Ukrainians. That said, we need to stay out of the conflict, this is not our war and we are not the world police.
Wait. You asked me if I thought it was coincidence. I answered and now you are acting butt hurt? Ok. :sigh2:
You asked me for proof. You say it is a coincidence. I disagree. Did you not ask for proof? Did I misread your post? If so, my bad.

Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?​

We’re waiting on you to “condemn” the Democrat Party for recruiting all those thirdword wetbacks that are maiming, raping and killing our people while they fuck us blind for cash.

Hmmmm…..pot meet kettle
Keep waiting. You’re almost there!
I didn’t get that as the premise of the thread. The OP was asking for those on the right to condemn and shockingly enough most responded with excuses and table turning attacks. Why is it so hard to condemn actions that are obviously wrong?

i agree that lack of condemnation is not proof of support. But when asked straight up about a situation that is obviously wrong, if the response does not acknowledge wrong doing then it is a form of support or at the very least covering for the wrong doing
I suppose I see it differently.

From my perspective the purpose is two pronged.

It's "if you're not with Biden you're with Putin"... the purpose of which is to either consolidate a mandate for Biden to "do something" or paint the opposition as pro-russia.

The LAST thing I want is that imbecile to believe he has a mandate to do anything but sit in the corner quietly contemplating his navel.

So I'm not playing this game. Putin sucks... and Biden sucks a little less. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Plus...we are no longer a warrior society. Thanks to the left we are a victim culture. We have no stomach for war... and I suspect that is the only thing Putin is going to respect...the threat of total war.

History leads me to the sanctions against Imperial Japan. We embargoed their oil as punishment for invading their neighbors... we "crushed their economy"...was the result peace? was Pearl Harbor.

And finally... did you know that Lincoln's "House divided" quote is lifted from the Bible?

“Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand." Matthew 12:25

Belief is not required to accept 2000 year old wisdom.

We are a House Divided. Trump kept Putin in check because... after the Democrats Collision-Delusion... Trump would have had no choice but to clash with Putin. Putin understood that. So he waited. And he couldn't have hand picked a better adversary... Biden is a weak president. Physically weak, mentally weak, politically weak and weak of character. No honest observer denies these facts. The Right is never going to follow him... and the left would undermine Trump of he were President.

So we are at an impasse with no solution through action.

IMO... That leaves inaction as the only practical solution.

Comments? Criticisms?
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Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
The days of your ilk forcing us to "condemn" things is OVER.

You torched everything. All your credibility. We believe none of it.

That must be scary for you, huh?

Indeed. candycorn cannot bring itself to condemn the mass acts of theft, destruction, and violence that its own fellow left wrong-wing pieces of subhuman criminal shit have been committing all over this country; and yet it thinks that it has some moral high ground from which to demand that we condemn the goings on in another country, on the other side of the world, that are none of our fucking business.

Do something about that huge beam in your own eye, candycorn, before you fuss about the tiny motes that you imagine that you see in the eyes of others.

I suppose I see it differently.

From my perspective the purpose is two pronged.

It's "if you're not with Biden you're with Putin"... the purpose of which is to either consolidate a mandate for Biden to "do something" or paint the opposition as pro-russia.

The LAST thing I want is that imbecile to believe he has a mandate to do anything but sit in the corner quietly contemplating his navel.

So I'm not playing this game. Putin sucks... and Biden sucks a little less. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Plus...we are no longer a warrior society. Thanks to the left we are a victim culture. We have no stomach for war... and I suspect that is the only thing Putin is going to respect...the threat of total war.

History leads me to the sanctions against Imperial Japan. We embargoed their oil as punishment for invading their neighbors... we "crushed their economy"...was the result peace? was Pearl Harbor.

And finally... did you know that Lincoln's "House divided" quote is lifted from the Bible?

“Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand." Matthew 12:25

We are a House Divided. Trump kept Putin in check because... after the Democrats Collision-Delusion... Trump would have had no choice but to clash with Putin. Putin understood that. So he waited. Sure... Biden is a weak president. Physically weak, mentally weak, politically weak and weak of character. No honest observer denies these facts. The Right is never going to follow him... and the left would undermine Trump of he were President.

So we are at an impasse with no solution through action.

IMO... That leaves inaction as the only practical solution.

Comments? Criticisms?
I don’t think you need to support Biden to give an honest condemnation of Russia's actions and then an honest share of how you’d like to see it handled. You don’t even need to mention Biden or democrats or republicans

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