Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

The decision Benedict Donald made in carrying out his lame duck withdrawals in Afghanistan just days before the new administration took control, combined with the lack of cooperation in the transfer of power put the best military in the world behind the 8 ball. It was done on purpose out of spite and revenge.
I disagree, Biden could have moved more troops in his 8 months in office to Afghanistan and did not, it was his decision. It was also his decision to move the pullout from May to September 11th, which was all about symbolism and getting credit and making a name for himself, and he did.

He left Americans to fend for themselves. He left the man who saved his life, to possibly die in Afghanistan.

Sorry, this is all on Biden, he is the President, he made the call. I find it so amusing how the left only wants Biden to take the credit that he got the troops out of there but want no blame, they conveniently give that to Trump.

More partisan BS.
Both parties have no credibility. They're completely worthless.
Have been leaning in that direction, What holds me back is the thought of allowing some one to be president whos real goal is for our country to be ruled by a dictator that only cares about half Our people, those who support the dictator.
I suppose I see it differently.

From my perspective the purpose is two pronged.

It's "if you're not with Biden you're with Putin"... the purpose of which is to either consolidate a mandate for Biden to "do something" or paint the opposition as pro-russia.

The LAST thing I want is that imbecile to believe he has a mandate to do anything but sit in the corner quietly contemplating his navel.

So I'm not playing this game. Putin sucks... and Biden sucks a little less. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Plus...we are no longer a warrior society. Thanks to the left we are a victim culture. We have no stomach for war... and I suspect that is the only thing Putin is going to respect...the threat of total war.

History leads me to the sanctions against Imperial Japan. We embargoed their oil as punishment for invading their neighbors... we "crushed their economy"...was the result peace? was Pearl Harbor.

And finally... did you know that Lincoln's "House divided" quote is lifted from the Bible?

“Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand." Matthew 12:25

Belief is not required to accept 2000 year old wisdom.

We are a House Divided. Trump kept Putin in check because... after the Democrats Collision-Delusion... Trump would have had no choice but to clash with Putin. Putin understood that. So he waited. And he couldn't have hand picked a better adversary... Biden is a weak president. Physically weak, mentally weak, politically weak and weak of character. No honest observer denies these facts. The Right is never going to follow him... and the left would undermine Trump of he were President.

So we are at an impasse with no solution through action.

IMO... That leaves inaction as the only practical solution.

Comments? Criticisms?
Very well said, and 100% accurate.
Maybe, maybe not, however I can make a post in this thread, so when you post, I can respond. You are free to put me on ignore if you can't handle it.
If you believe both Zimmerman and Rittenhouse were justified, why did you bring them up on this thread. We were talking about people killing people unjustified. Dont worry, you have not posted anything profound enough to much more than notice, so don't worry about me. Do you think Rittenhouse or Zimmerman should be condemened?
If you believe both Zimmerman and Rittenhouse were justified, why did you bring them up on this thread. We were talking about people killing people unjustified. Dont worry, you have not posted anything profound enough to much more than notice, so don't worry about me. Do you think Rittenhouse or Zimmerman should be condemened?
Nope, do you?

Just more DemNazi Commie Tard lies. How is asking NATO to increase spending on Tanks, Planes, Missiles and Bullets being "Hostile to NATO"?

You are a fool.

Trump: "I want you to increase your spending on tanks, planes, missiles and bombers so you can win a war if it comes down to that"

NATO: "Why do you hate us?"

I don’t support going to war, that’s not what I’m proposing. My view is that anybody with common sense should be able to openly admit that what Putin is doing is wrong. And we should leverage our influence to squeeze and isolate Russia as much as possible for their actions while aiding and arming Ukraine so they have a chance to defend themselves. This needs to be a NATO and world wide effort
They need to be cut out of the global economy like North Korea is.
The Ukrainians need a steady stream of anti air and anti tank missiles flowing in from the west.
The smoking hulks of Russian armor littering the countryside and broadcast around the world should change Uncle Vlad’s demeanor pretty quickly.
Let's see now. Well...Obama did. Definitely remember Obama doing that. John Kerry. Uh, what's her name? Oh yeah, Hillary Clinton. Pretty much all of the left, right? Yeah, all of them--basically all of the left. So....that's, I believe that answers your question, does it not?
Does lying libs lip service actually mean anything other than they lying again? If they were actually against it, they would have stopped PUTIN. Putin didn't do this shit when Trump was in charge.
I disagree, Biden could have moved more troops in his 8 months in office to Afghanistan and did not, it was his decision. It was also his decision to move the pullout from May to September 11th, which was all about symbolism and getting credit and making a name for himself, and he did.

He left Americans to fend for themselves. He left the man who saved his life, to possibly die in Afghanistan.

Sorry, this is all on Biden, he is the President, he made the call. I find it so amusing how the left only wants Biden to take the credit that he got the troops out of there but want no blame, they conveniently give that to Trump.

More partisan BS.

As it turned out he did have to redeploy more soldiers but that didn't effect his decision to end the endless war. What I'm saying is that you cannot ignore the conditions on Jan 21st 2021, or how they got that way.

After 20 years, it's on all of us. If we reduce it down to the final month, we will forget the 20 year failed nation building experiment, again, and the warhawks will try it another day.
Seems your boy Biden compared Putin the Peter the great. Wonder when the left will condemn him. LOL

Biden in 2001: Putin is like "Peter the Great"...Biden said he's amazed by how quickly Putin was making peace with the West

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