Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

i.e. {..Crick
But do you condemn sex slave trade and the slave trade that goes on which Biden allows and the Russians and Chinese fund that happens in the U.S.?
He hasn’t said so outright in a proclamation, so therefore he supports it. Anything that anyone hasn’t publicly condemned, means they support it. 🙄 They’re children playing childish games.
He hasn’t said so outright in a proclamation, so therefore he supports it. Anything that anyone hasn’t publicly condemned, means they support it. 🙄 They’re children playing childish games.
Yeah, I condemn all of humanity and with the anal of my finger they will be gone..

Shit, someone stole my God powers again!

Fact is the OP and here Twat brigade went something so when it goes wrong they can scream “ you were with us “ and also use those opposing war as sound bites during this November election.

Republicans should run an ad with showing Biden and Democrats wanting to defend Ukraine border and then show Cartel, Gangs and Slave traders crossing our border and state they refuse to protect our border from Russia and Chinese influence!
I am not a Democrat, but...Sure, there is very little a weak president can do. There is also very little a strong president could do. I still say all Trump would do is send Putin love letters and mean tweets to out allies. If you can thing of anything else please enlighten me. I dont think Putin gave a big hoot who is POTUS.
Putin made his move after Trump left office and a demented old fool took his place. Duh!! Reality is tough, huh.
He hasn’t said so outright in a proclamation, so therefore he supports it. Anything that anyone hasn’t publicly condemned, means they support it. 🙄 They’re children playing childish games.
You children still playing But, but, whattabout blaa, blaa, blaa?

It's happening now.
War right now.
Can you condemn it now?

Optics matter like bumper sticker slogans matter. So when should he have destroyed the Afghan Army's weapons? Why wasn't Joe there to stop those poor people? Facts are stubborn things.
Huh? We should have had a slower more thorough withdrawal.
Agreed. Putin certainly wouldn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president. An incompetent socialist takes office, and boom - Putin takes Ukraine.
Putin has to deal with NATO, not the US by itself.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but... really have no shame.........your democrats all but invite putin to invade, and you blame conservatives..........

You shitheads allowed it when you voted against Trump, the guy who kept putin from invading Ukraine for the duration of his Presidency and who weakened Putin through our energy are to are disgusting.
Is it any worse than paying a Chinese lab to develop a virus that kills "millions"?
Oh, wait, the liberal virus kills silently so that's cool!
Horse Shit. Trump Got NATO to start spending more money on defense.
So explain how making NATO live up to their contractual obligations is "making a crack in the NATO wall?"

You are just another lying DemNazi propagandist.

The premise of this thread is that not actively publicly condemning is proof of support.

So... show me where you publicly condemned Democrats blaming Trump for Covid. Otherwise... according to the premise of this thread... you supported it.

But I'll give you an out.

Publicly admit that lack of condemnation is NOT proof of support and you'll be off the hook.
I didn’t get that as the premise of the thread. The OP was asking for those on the right to condemn and shockingly enough most responded with excuses and table turning attacks. Why is it so hard to condemn actions that are obviously wrong?

i agree that lack of condemnation is not proof of support. But when asked straight up about a situation that is obviously wrong, if the response does not acknowledge wrong doing then it is a form of support or at the very least covering for the wrong doing
I support war in Ukraine, not that I support either side, I support war.
The bloodier the better.
I support an expansion of war, worldwide if possible.
I don't support Russia, I do not support Ukraine. Do not expect me to support any side in any
subsequent conflict. I simply support conflict.

The pandemic has been a major disappointment, there are still too many people. Nowhere near
the number of fatalities initially promised came to fruition. Too bad.
I support anything that kills people, the more killed, the more I approve.
I support all of you here cheering for one side or the other, like it is a sport with two teams. The
more you argue with and blame each other, the more I approve. If I can can aid in escalating
your arguments into violence, I will.
I do not like people, an intentional understatement. The fewer people I see, the happier I am. If
you are reading this, believe me when I say I don't like you. I don't care about your race, religion
or gender, I don't like you. I don't care about your political affiliation, I don't like you. I don't like
your children, nor do I care about their welfare.
In fact, I wish you, your family and all your friends were gone. I expect the same from you in
return. I especially hate do-gooders, because of their interference with natural selection.
Don't expect any condemnation from me.
Oh......and STAY OFF MY LAWN!!!!

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