Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

COVID is as much Trumps fault as the Russia invasion is Bidens fault. Did that point go over your head? I’m not making the claims that either are because of an American president. Do I need to slow down for you to understand what I’m saying or are you caught up now?
You guys have blamed Trump many times and never once have you corrected the left for their claim about Trump causing the Covid pandemic and I can prove you are a believer of what the left writes with your silence!
Putin only started the war after the Fucktard got into office, and he made a complete fool of your Idiot-in-Chief....

Are any of Biden's sycophants going to go over and try to whip Putin's ass in order to defend the Dumbass's honor????
This is what Trump has turned his tard herd into. A bunch of Blame America First useful idiots.
Well that’s on them then… right now you’re talking to me. How about you stick to thing I say
You’re triggered by a meme. I too believe that post the Afghanistan withdrawal it showed America as weak and disorganized. Emboldened Putin. Next Xi likely takes Taiwan.
In a few days the Ukrainians will change sides and live happily remembering those 8 years of Bandera yoke as a bad dream.
Why don’t you head down to the bank machine and see if they have any cash for you today. In a few days there will be mass protests in Moscow.
You just lied about owning me and I haven’t seen you show one evidence of what I wrote has been wrong.

Actually you are here making the subject about me because I took your troll out with the fact you and her support Biden blindly and will do so until you are told otherwise.

Now dance bitch dance and remember you are needed at the frontline to fight Putin and if you refuse then you must be a Putin loyalist!
I don’t need evidence to prove my own personal beliefs. Im actually the only person that actually knows what those are. You trying to make proclamations about my beliefs is why I own you. Slade 2 Bruce 0
You will never get a Trumptard to condemn Putin. Ever.

They all to a person useful idiots.
The only thing that comes close to this is how all the Republicans in Congress decided they weren’t going to honor the injured police from January 6, 2021 with a moment of silence song… I’m not asking Them to Profess love for Joe Biden but to condemn the Russian head of state who was murdering innocent civilians as we speak. And they choose not to do it… Unbelievable
You guys have blamed Trump many times and never once have you corrected the left for their claim about Trump causing the Covid pandemic and I can prove you are a believer of what the left writes with your silence!
Anybody that claims Trump caused the pandemic is an idiot. If you’re trying to clump me in with those people then you really are desperate. Slade 3 Bruce 0
Ignorance is bliss for now, but not for much longer.

oil production in the US is up 16% since last Feb. This is a fact, you cannot dispute it so you just make personal attacks.

Guess you have to ride the horse that got you to the race
The only thing that comes close to this is how all the Republicans in Congress decided they weren’t going to honor the injured police from January 6, 2021 with a moment of silence song… I’m not asking Them to Profess love for Joe Biden but to condemn the Russian head of state who was murdering innocent civilians as we speak. And they choose not to do it… Unbelievable
It is entirely believable. Their BDS is so great they can't stop themselves. And they have long loved Putin, just as their Dear Leader has.
You’re triggered by a meme. I too believe that post the Afghanistan withdrawal it showed America as weak and disorganized. Emboldened Putin. Next Xi likely takes Taiwan.
You think I’m triggered by a meme. That’s the funny part here. You do know that Trump initiated the withdrawal right?
Nope not at all. Biden did away with Trump's plan and did his own. He did away with Trump's Sanctions against Russia. Now he is having to put them back on. I miss Trump.
Hogwash, There was no plan from trump. He ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th only to Flip-Flop when the Generals told him what a fuck up that would be considering we were still supporting the Afghan Army in the field. They said they needed 2500 troops for that mission. That's all they got. No troops or plan for the scheduled withdrawal by May 1st. That would be all left to the Military to plan and execute when Biden decided not to go back to war with the Taliban.
I don’t need evidence to prove my own personal beliefs. Im actually the only person that actually knows what those are. You trying to make proclamations about my beliefs is why I own you. Slade 2 Bruce 0
You have made it clear that you suck Biden dick, so 3-0 me!
Yet you’re here engaging in her thread playing games… you’re not having a good start to your day AZOG
no one has a good start to their day when you're involved.

whether intentional or just a natural ass, you love to defend and excuse your side for every little thing. you also attack the other side for every little thing, never giving ANY of the benefit of doubt you grace your side with.

you're not talking issues, you're a cheerleader with shitty pom poms.
Still waiting for someone on the right to condemn Putin for killing Ukrainians.

Clearly Ukraine was not a threat to the Russians. The attack is vicious, unprovoked and cold blooded. I condemn it and so should you.

But...Joe...But...stolen election....But....but...but...
They're on a roll....blaming President Biden for the Russian invasion while cheering on the Russian invasion.

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