Is anyone ready to admit they voted for higher taxes, higher fuel costs and a better life for Mexico’s citizens?

Did Trump Praise China for Its 'Transparency' on COVID-19?
Claim: U.S. President Donald Trump praised China for its "transparency" in handling the coronavirus outbreak, then later criticized the World Health Organization for doing the same.

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I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.
So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.
Most of them voted for Biden because they were told to.

Actually, they were too bright to vote for Trump.

  • The top five sources of U.S. total petroleum (including crude oil) imports by share of total petroleum imports in 2019 were
  • Canada 49%
  • Mexico 7%
  • Saudi Arabia 6%
  • Russia 6%
  • Colombia 4%
Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (E…
View attachment 447593…

You're obviously not in the oil industry or have money invested in it.

I grew up in Ghawar and have made a ton of money on my 600 shares of Exxon.

Since when?

All my adult life.
Did Trump Praise China for Its 'Transparency' on COVID-19?
Claim: U.S. President Donald Trump praised China for its "transparency" in handling the coronavirus outbreak, then later criticized the World Health Organization for doing the same.
View attachment 447601
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HuffingPaint and Snopes?
  • Trump Confronted for Praising China's Covid-19 Transparency
    While Trump declined to say anything about his administration’s inaction after being warned about Covid-19’s seriousness earlier this year, it’s worth noting that the president also praised China...
  • Trump appreciates China's efforts and transparency on ...
    Jan 25, 2020 · Trump praised China Friday on its handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak. "China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of …
Most of them voted for Biden because they were told to.

Actually, they were too bright to vote for Trump.

  • The top five sources of U.S. total petroleum (including crude oil) imports by share of total petroleum imports in 2019 were
  • Canada 49%
  • Mexico 7%
  • Saudi Arabia 6%
  • Russia 6%
  • Colombia 4%
Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (E…
View attachment 447593…
There are variables. We ship out oil also. The only thing that matter is if the price rises at gas stations and heating and A/C are homes and the inevitable inflation that comes with it all.
How many Biden voters already want a do over after only a few days of Biden charging hard left?

None that I know of.. and now Georgia has two new Democrat Senators.

I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.
Most of them voted for Biden because they were told to.

Actually, they were too bright to vote for Trump.

  • The top five sources of U.S. total petroleum (including crude oil) imports by share of total petroleum imports in 2019 were
  • Canada 49%
  • Mexico 7%
  • Saudi Arabia 6%
  • Russia 6%
  • Colombia 4%
Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (E…
View attachment 447593…
There are variables. We ship out oil also. The only thing that matter is if the price rises at gas stations and heating and A/C are homes and the inevitable inflation that comes with it all.

I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.

I prefer adding prison sentences but yeah.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.

I prefer adding prison sentences but yeah.

Big fines would stop them from hiring illegals.. Say $1000 per day per illegal.

Of course we would have to expand E-Verify.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.

I prefer adding prison sentences but yeah.

Big fines would stop them from hiring illegals.. Say $1000 per day per illegal.

Of course we would have to expand E-Verify.

Fines often times are considered the cost of doing business. All moot though as we are not going to do it.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Why does it seem like it is always attack businesses, open the borders, and screw American's with people like you? Do you really hate your fellow American's that much?
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Why does it seem like it is always attack businesses, open the borders, and screw American's with people like you? Do you really hate your fellow American's that much?

Why do you support allowing businesses that bring the illegals here to continue to do so? (I've answered the questions concerning my positions and why I hold them)
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Why does it seem like it is always attack businesses, open the borders, and screw American's with people like you? Do you really hate your fellow American's that much?

Who do you think is going to "open borders"?
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Why does it seem like it is always attack businesses, open the borders, and screw American's with people like you? Do you really hate your fellow American's that much?
Yes, the prog slave hates independent thinking people who believe in personal responsibility and their pathway in search of happiness. A prog can never be happy, never be worth anything(other than a vote) and push their misery on the rest of US.

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