Is anyone surprised that the country hates MAGA

Some people choose to identify as a different gender. Unlike MAGA folks, I don’t try to bully people into behaving one way or the other because I feel differently. Does “other” bother you? Are you that insecure?
So, mental illness is classified as a "gender" in your world.

He could have, but that wouldn’t have appeased his inner Adolf.

Join me in the glorious 1,000 year Progressive Reich!
Wow! Who would have thought that the U.S. hates the concept of "Make America Great Again"? You almost gotta laugh that NBC thinks the spin from an alleged 1,000 person survey will catapult old Joe Biden into a 2nd term.
Those are two states. You said 5 earlier. You can count, can’t you?

You were watching the counting stop in both states?

Any link to what you imagine you saw? No? Carry on.
Blame the website for shitty software.

The others were Michigan, Georgia (can'tforget the magical waterline break that there was zero evidenceit ever happened), and Virginia if my memory serves. It was three years ago, so the 5th state has slipped my mind. But the first four I mentioned definitely did.

Add in Nevada, and our vote counting location in Reno that suddenly lost the video feed for almost two hours, and there is ample evidence of vote fraud.

But keep pushing your propaganda.
While the Democrats talk about bipartisanship, they avoid MAGA's concerns over elections and immigration. I don't see hate as any sort of intelligent answer.
Some people choose to identify as a different gender. Unlike MAGA folks, I don’t try to bully people into behaving one way or the other because I feel differently. Does “other” bother you? Are you that insecure?
I am not bullying anybody, non-sentient poster.

What are the biological characteristics of your imaginary third gender, and how do they differ from male and female?
Blame the website for shitty software.
Always someone else’s fault...
The others were Michigan, Georgia (can'tforget the magical waterline break that there was zero evidenceit ever happened), and Virginia if my memory serves.
Michigan sent more GOP reps to Washington after 2020 than they did in 2018. If the Dems cheated, they didn’t do a very good job.

Georgia’s senate races had to go to a run-off. Again, if the dems cheated...they didn’t do a very good job.

Your memory is shit. And so are you.
It was three years ago, so the 5th state has slipped my mind. But the first four I mentioned definitely did.
Again..any links to someone else who may have seen this figment of your imagination?
I am not bullying anybody, non-sentient poster.

What are the biological characteristics of your imaginary third gender, and how do they differ from male and female?
Its not my imaginary anything. Its on our forms at the hospital and on numerous forms I filled out.

If someone wants to identify as other...I have no problem with that.

The biological characteristics of whatever species MAGA is one of pure idiocy.
Always someone else’s fault...

Michigan sent more GOP reps to Washington after 2020 than they did in 2018. If the Dems cheated, they didn’t do a very good job.

Georgia’s senate races had to go to a run-off. Again, if the dems cheated...they didn’t do a very good job.

Your memory is shit. And so are you.

Again..any links to someone else who may have seen this figment of your imagination?
Don't need to, the video evidence is there for all to see.

Funny. Back when it happened you were all "there's nothing to see here, it's all normal" and now you are claiming it never happened.

Choose your lies carefully little DNCCCP stooge.
A glorious speech by a president who knows how to bring the country together. He even decked the stage out in red! What could be more inclusive?
Do you goosestep too?

You sound like every other nazi who attended the Nuremberg rally.
MAGA is looked at positively by only a small percentage of People in this country and the rest look down on them like they are trash. Gee I wonder why, they are totally anti American, they support our enemy's and attack our allies. They love cruel dictatorships and look down on democracy around the world. They are anti Ukraine and Pro Russian. There is no speaker in this country that speaks with such hatred and ugliness as Donald Trump . There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Editorial: Trump’s dangerous ‘vermin’ speech would have been at home in Nazi Germany​

If you're a democrat, you're a groomer or support it. I don't mind being looked down by those people.
Don't need to, the video evidence is there for all to see.
Yet you seem to be the only one who has ever seen it.

Funny. Back when it happened you were all "there's nothing to see here, it's all normal" and now you are claiming it never happened.
I was? I remember saying that the people go home at night. Which, having worked public sector....I cans sure you they do.
Yet you seem to be the only one who has ever seen it.

I was? I remember saying that the people go home at night. Which, having worked public sector....I cans sure you they do.
No, it was talked about for a long time on this very board.
Nah, I like rubbing your nose in it.

Really? Which areas.

There's that Trump ego again, you're actually quite like him. You can only use insults since you have no substance.
I'm not the idiot that believes only lefty pols never do anything illegal and wrong. What do you have to smoke to believe that?

You know everything, I'm sure you can figure it out. :dunno:
Some people choose to identify as a different gender. Unlike MAGA folks, I don’t try to bully people into behaving one way or the other because I feel differently. Does “other” bother you? Are you that insecure?

You're the very definition of a bully.
There's that Trump ego again, you're actually quite like him. You can only use insults since you have no substance.
I'm not the idiot that believes only lefty pols never do anything illegal and wrong. What do you have to smoke to believe that?

You know everything, I'm sure you can figure it out. :dunno:

Again, no...I live in reality. You guys don’t.

I don’t know everything...I just don’t pretend that I do like your blob does.

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