CDZ Is anything being done to improve race relations?

The short answer is NO. However the Democrats are actively supporting multiple efforts to DESTROY race relations via BLM, CRT, 1619 project, defund the police and general Media disinformation. It's working out extremely well....... for them
It may be working out for the democrats in the short run.

It seems the democrats are betting the blacks love their gang members more than cops, they love the opportunity to shoplifting expensive merchandise without fear of being arrested and they absolutely love to riot, loot and burn.

Plus the democrats are trying to convince all minorities that the white man is responsible for all the evil in this world.

The odd part is that white men still run the Democratic Party.

If the democrats are right they will keep an overwhelming majority of the black vote.

If the blacks grow tired of gang warfare and innocent children dying in the crossfire, burned out stores and stores leaving black neighborhoods we may see the Democratic Party start to go extinct.

You can fool all the blacks some of the time, some of the blacks all the time but I believe you can’t fool ALL of the blacks ALL of the time.
There is no one else, and you cannot describe a better solution than .....
Oh brother...

What really CAN be done is for each of us as Americans to offer each other in our daily lives the dignity and respect we each want for ourselves. There will always be the weak among us with hate and fear in their hearts, but I'm quite sure there are more of us without it.
That is really sweet, but how is that going to happen when government representatives have to campaign on the promises to fight for their constituents, which is relative to the representatives' political party affiliation, and cannot possibly represent the diversity of the geographical districts they are constituent to?
What really CAN be done is for each of us as Americans to offer each other in our daily lives the dignity and respect we each want for ourselves. There will always be the weak among us with hate and fear in their hearts, but I'm quite sure there are more of us without it.
That is really sweet, but how is that going to happen when government representatives have to campaign on the promises to fight for their constituents, which is relative to the representatives' political party affiliation, and cannot possibly represent the diversity of the geographical districts they are constituent to?
Read it again.
What really CAN be done is for each of us as Americans to offer each other in our daily lives the dignity and respect we each want for ourselves. There will always be the weak among us with hate and fear in their hearts, but I'm quite sure there are more of us without it.
That is really sweet, but how is that going to happen when government representatives have to campaign on the promises to fight for their constituents, which is relative to the representatives' political party affiliation, and cannot possibly represent the diversity of the geographical districts they are constituent to?
I'd imagine this is an important part of the problem. As long as money dominates politics and no one is bound by term limits, the motivations of our "leaders" will always be to play to their base and never challenge them.

I don't see this issue improving unless and until both ends hold their own side accountable, and it's highly unlikely we'll see professional politicians willing to do that.
If the blacks grow tired of gang warfare and innocent children dying in the crossfire, burned out stores and stores leaving black neighborhoods we may see the Democratic Party start to go extinct.
You would think so, but the inner city carnage has been going on for over 50 years. The Democrats are very skilled at manipulation and fear mongering. That is how they continue to get 90% of the Black vote.
There is no one else, and you cannot describe a better solution than .....
Oh brother...

View attachment 511103
My opinion of myself is not inflated, or bragging - it is truth.

You are violating the rules of this CDZ. You are not offering solutions to the topic. You are determined to ridicule me. My description that "I am the only one working on it," is an answer to the opening poster's inquiry.
We might need to start with better definitions of "race".
And maybe more examination of why it is so important to some.

The (late, now departed) mother of my two sons was half Black. We were thinking more Hispanic maybe back in the 1980s when married and the boys were born, but per looks to be Nigerian.

Youngest son, whom is one quarter Black, doesn't show it and is very Aryan in appearance.
Older son, also half-Black, looks slightly Hispanic, maybe, but still mostly 'pale'.

At one-quarter, by many standards they are "Black" even if they don't show it. If ever reparations get paid, they should qualify, but how to prove it other than show the documents. ???

BTW, we had a recent POTUS whom many claim was our first "Black" in such an office, yet he was also half-white, along with half-black, yet little focus on that white half was shown, especially by the leftists and MSMs.

And if 1/32 qualifies as "Native American"(Indian), at least per claim of a Congress critter or two, even I might get to claim to be "Black".

On the one hand, the whole "race issue" borders on the absurd to insane.
On the other hand it has potential to be more divisive than it should be, especially when many concerned about "racism" keep picking at the scabs to make the issue worse rather than better.

I don't see this issue improving unless and until both ends hold their own side accountable, . . .
Everybody likes to make themselves look good by saying that, but only I have been able to figure out that nobody knows how to "hold their own side accountable."

How are organizations of people supposed to do that? Politicians say it about other political parties, and demographic groups say it about other demographic groups. The sad fact is nobody has figured out how to do it.
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?
What really CAN be done is for each of us as Americans to offer each other in our daily lives the dignity and respect we each want for ourselves. There will always be the weak among us with hate and fear in their hearts, but I'm quite sure there are more of us without it.
There is no one else, and you cannot describe a better solution than .....
Oh brother...

View attachment 511103
My opinion of myself is not inflated, or bragging - it is truth.

You are violating the rules of this CDZ. You are not offering solutions to the topic. You are determined to ridicule me. My description that "I am the only one working on it," is an answer to the opening poster's inquiry.
And an amazing position given that on a planet with population very near to 7.9 billion people, you are "THE ONLY ONE" "working on it". "It" having plagued humanity for hundreds of thousands of years.
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?

How are organizations of people supposed to do that? Politicians say it about other political parties, and demographic groups say it about other demographic groups. The sad fact is nobody has figured out how to do it.
"Groups," "Parties," or "Politicians" don't do it. Individuals do. That is the point. It's not something that is going to change by order of central planning or social engineering. Of course those on the left can't conceive of any other way of looking at the world, so they keep agonizing over "what can the government do for us"? THAT is missing the point.

How are organizations of people supposed to do that? Politicians say it about other political parties, and demographic groups say it about other demographic groups. The sad fact is nobody has figured out how to do it.
"Groups," "Parties," or "Politicians" don't do it. Individuals do. That is the point. It's not something that is going to change by order of central planning or social engineering. Of course those on the left can't conceive of any other way of looking at the world, so they keep agonizing over "what can the government do for us"? THAT is missing the point.
Dayum. Can you possibly be more wrong on all of your points? Yep, you are.

How are organizations of people supposed to do that? Politicians say it about other political parties, and demographic groups say it about other demographic groups. The sad fact is nobody has figured out how to do it.
"Groups," "Parties," or "Politicians" don't do it. Individuals do. That is the point. It's not something that is going to change by order of central planning or social engineering. Of course those on the left can't conceive of any other way of looking at the world, so they keep agonizing over "what can the government do for us"? THAT is missing the point.
Dayum. Can you possibly be more wrong on all of your points? Yep, you are.
How so?
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?
You're making it way too complex. A quick look at history will tell you where the problem lies and the answer. What was experience of the first whites in Africa? How about North America? They were welcomed, educated, and treated as guests. What did they do in return? What have they done to every single non white society they have experienced? Violence is either in the DNA of whites or its a conscious choice they make. Personally I feel that until whites rid themselves of their inferiority complex they will forever have a problem with other races.

I don't see this issue improving unless and until both ends hold their own side accountable, and it's highly unlikely we'll see professional politicians willing to do that.
***I*** don't support the establishment. If you consider yourself a republican or democrat I see you as part of the problem. I've said this before.

Until we find out who runs the GOP and DNC and fire them...

I don't see this issue improving unless and until both ends hold their own side accountable, and it's highly unlikely we'll see professional politicians willing to do that.
***I*** don't support the establishment. If you consider yourself a republican or democrat I see you as part of the problem. I've said this before.

Until we find out who runs the GOP and DNC and fire them...
And how will that improve race relations?

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