CDZ Is anything being done to improve race relations?

The USA has the largest foreign born population on Earth, 95% of which are non Europeans. Over the last decades tens of millions of Mexicans have moved here who are Native or generally mestizos. Blacks and whites generally get along pretty well. As long as hood rats stay in the hood usually things are fine. Like I said a thousand times the USA is the least racist place on Earth.
Wow! I guess you have a long way to go personally!
There is no one else, and you cannot describe a better solution than a peace treaty - a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that the previous generations could not gather. To reorder the inadequate government that was established in compromise with antiquated information and racist slave owners.
Do I sign both sides of the peace treaty?
Political parties are NOT going to improve the situation no matter who you vote for. They are only likely to make matters worse regardless of the intention of their members. Only individual Americans can respect and support their countrymen. ALL their countrymen. If you're looking for a centrally planned answer from Big Daddy government, you're not going to find one.
Of course political parties can improve the situation. All they have to do is stop trying to help it. There never should have been a law that says you MUST teach CRT in schools, just as there should have never been one that says you MUST NOT teach it.

No... Just let it happen, if a school starts doing it... Then you, the individual, sue the school... Problem is the government is backing it, so now it's about suing the government. That's wrong.
This goes back to my original point. Using the currently-omnipresent CRT as an example, exactly what is the goal here? Do those who push it not understand or realize that there is a down side to this, that a lot of people are going to be angered and push back? Do they care?

So is this kind of thing supposed to be helpful to race relations, or is it meant to be punitive? What is the real goal? This is what I'm trying to figure out.
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This goes back to my original point. Using the currently-omnipresent CRT as an example, exactly what is the goal here? Do those who push it not understand or realize that there is a down side to this, that a lot of people are going to be angered and push back? Do they care?

So is this kind of thing supposed to be helpful to race relations, or is it meant to be punitive? What is the real goal? This is what I'm trying to figure out.
The goal is to frame the argument so they can control said argument. Too tired... Maybe pick up tomorrow.
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?

things that needs to be done:

Change the electoral system to Proportional Representation for the House at the very least.

Potentially change the way the Senate functions too. Having an upper chamber is good, but right now it doesn't do what it's supposed to do at all. It doesn't represent the states in any way and it skews the power of smaller states.

If black people KNOW they're a part of the electoral process, if they know corruption is reduced, then they might have more confidence.

If the electoral system is better, then the politicians will focus more on the people rather than on the money. It'll lead to SENSIBLE LAWS rather than the nonsense coming out right now.
This goes back to my original point. Using the currently-omnipresent CRT as an example, exactly what is the goal here? Do those who push it not understand or realize that there is a down side to this, that a lot of people are going to be angered and push back? Do they care?

So is this kind of thing supposed to be helpful to race relations, or is it meant to be punitive? What is the real goal? This is what I'm trying to figure out.
The goal is to frame the argument so they can control said argument. Too tired... Maybe pick up tomorrow.
Great point - control the narrative.

I don't think this is about healing, I think it's about "winning". I don't like that idea.
Great point - control the narrative.

I don't think this is about healing, I think it's about "winning".
You control the narrative and “win” by avoiding my question

Which is in case you forgot:

Do you place equal blame on both sides?
Great point - control the narrative.

I don't think this is about healing, I think it's about "winning".
You control the narrative and “win” by avoiding my question

Which is in case you forgot:

Do you place equal blame on both sides?
No, never have. No such thing as "equal".

No, never have. No such thing as "equal".

Not so fast

Which side is most to blame?
Don't know, don't care.

When the crap is coming out of both ends like water through a fire hose, it doesn't matter.

You can assign blame all you want, if you think it exonerates you and relieves you of accountability. I don't care.
Don't know, don't care.
You mean you dont want to upset the liberal black democrat narrative that whites are holding black people down

For a while there I thought you might shed your partisanship

But it was not to be I guess
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?

I've been harping on the fact that we have had a bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights since the early 60s.

Focusing on that, celebrating that truth, instead of the divisive...conflicts, seems to be one thing that could be done to improve things.
Continuing the blame game instead of examining how you perceive & treat others. Is there any plus in hate?
I'm afraid there's plenty of people who enjoy great success in creating and nurturing hate and paranoia. Hate is a function of fear.

Racial healing would be bad business for them.

So, there is zero (0) incentive to do anything besides point the finger at the other tribe, 24/7/365.
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its the same as it has always been.....lots of talking.....very little doing....its going to take a few more decades to get racism and bigotry out of this society......

Racism is a part of the human psyche.........there is no getting rid of it.

Besides, it's not the majority of peoples that are racist, it's the Dementorats and their brainless sheep legions that believe anything they say, that are doing all this race baiting and propaganda shoveling.
republicans are just as racist......the difference?.....the republicans tell you to your face they cant stand you......the democrats tell you to your face what they hope you want to hear,when you walk out of the room the smirks and giggles begin......
Actually the democrats tell people the republicans don't like them. There is a huge difference. I think republicans are ready for race to not be an issue, being that it is no longer the 60's.
This naïve notion is why so many people are so easily manipulated and nothing ever improves.
If that's all you read... I can understand why you would say that. Do it again... In the whole context.

The government, via the two major parties, is PROMOTING identity politics. It needs to stop doing that. Is that a short enough response for you to understand?

Edit: You're not normally this thick... Hangover?
I'm not saying republican politicians are trying to help anybody but themselves, but at least they stay away from the race crap. So no, I do not believe the republicans are promoting a racial divide.
I'm not saying republican politicians are trying to help anybody but themselves, but at least they stay away from the race crap. So no, I do not believe the republicans are promoting a racial divide.
I think they allowed it at first so it could blow up and be an issue. I absolutely understand why others would not think that.

Well met.

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