Is automatic voter registration Unconstitutional?

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I believe the more people exercising there privilege of voting the better.
Those are cool noble sounding words and all but can you better articulate the assertion for us….tell us why more dumb people voting is “better” for the Republic than fewer dumb people voting is.
(watch this folks)
Those are cool noble sounding words and all but can you better articulate the assertion for us….tell us why more dumb people voting is “better” for the Republic than fewer dumb people voting is.

Unlike you I do not assume people are dumb if they do not think just like me.

it is better to have more people vote as then you are getting a more accurate view of what 'we the people want".

The Republic depends upon the participation of the citizens, a Republic cannot survive without it.
Automatically registered as what? The default is democrat.

You are asked that when you are asked if you want to be registered to vote.

But since people are not required to vote for the party of their registration, not really sure why it even matters.
I don't have a problem with registering US citizens.

Registering illegals should be a crime, and its not, its what the dems are doing.
Where are illegals being registered to vote?
Why should I have to carry ID to vote? Bathrobe and slippers.. perhaps underwear.. that should be enough.
So you think an illegal immigrant without any ID should be able to vote in state and federal elections?

How about people under the age of 18?
I don't know the Pa. constitution well enough to say but citizen still have to go through the registration process they just automatically get routed into that routine if they renew online I guess.

"Commonwealth residents who are obtaining new or renewed driver licenses and ID cards and are eligible to vote will be automatically taken through the voter registration application process unless they opt out of doing so."

But it might increase voter participation so it is not good for the New Republicans.
"We, as a government.."? No wonder you have this big brother vision for "citizen data".

Do states not have Departments responsible for Vital Statistics?

Is that information not reported to the IRS and Social Security Administration?

Does the state not have Election Databases already to conduct elections?

Do the courts not track conviction of criminals?
Hate to tell you but the government is already tracking that stuff.

There shouldn't be "voter registration" in the United States.

Bear with me here...

Citizen data should be integrated between:
  • State Department of Vital Statistics (births, deaths, etc.)
  • Federal Department of State (Naturalizations)
  • State and Federal Courts (disenfranchizement due to felony conviction or determination of mental incompetance)
  • State Departments of State (restoration of franchise after felony removal)
We, as a government responsibility, should already know who are citizens and their voter eligibility.

The only need should be address changes.

And make voting mandatory using a tax penalty, or at the very least, give a tax incentive for voting.
Is automatic voter registration Unconstitutional?

"No" seems the clear answer to me since North Dakota does not even require registration to vote.
Unlike you I do not assume people are dumb if they do not think just like me.

it is better to have more people vote as then you are getting a more accurate view of what 'we the people want".

The Republic depends upon the participation of the citizens, a Republic cannot survive without it.
More cool noble words with no real substance.
Let me try to make this clearer, I really want to show you how stupid you look/sound.

Gator at a board of directors meeting:
”I really think we should have more 18 year old gamers with purple mohawks and neck tattoos sitting on the board to help decide our fate….I believe unwise, inmature people who know knothing about our business can really help us improve.”

Now stop for a minute and listen to how fucking retarded that sounds.
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