Is automatic voter registration Unconstitutional?

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More cool noble words with no real substance.
Let me try to make this clearer, I really want to show you how stupid you look/sound.

Gator at a board of directors meeting:
”I really think we should have more 18 year old gamers with purple mohawks and neck tattoos sitting on the board to help decide our fate….I believe unwise, inmature people who know knothing about our business can really help us improve.”

Now stop for a minute and listen to how fucking retarded that sounds.

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For those watching, this is the application of the classic "Strawman Fallacy".

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For those watching, this is the application of the classic "Strawman Fallacy".



For those watching, this is a twisted leftist pretending that a perfectly accurate analogy that exposes their extreme ignorance in clarity is nothing more than a “Strawman Fallacy”….It’s what they do in their pretend Twilight Zone to keep their heads buried deep in their anus.

Golfing Gator
Gator at a board of directors meeting:
”I really think we should have more 18 year old gamers with purple mohawks and neck tattoos sitting on the board to help decide our fate….I believe unwise, inmature people who know knothing about our business can really help us improve.”

Since you are a broke loser, you would not know this but the Board is elected by all the share holders.
I don't know if it is unconstitutional but then again the right to vote exists for all American citizens so the idea that you have to register might be unconstitutional.

Eligibility to vote in the United States is governed by the United States Constitution and by federal and state laws. Several constitutional amendments (the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth specifically) require that voting rights of U.S. citizens cannot be abridged on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age (18 and older); the constitution as originally written did not establish any such rights during 1787–1870, except that if a state permitted a person to vote for the "most numerous branch" of its state legislature, it was required to permit that person to vote in elections for members of the United States House of Representatives.[1]
Since you are a broke loser, you would not know this but the Board is elected by all the share holders.
Again, you can’t refute the premise of my post. I wonder why?
I’ll play along since you seem so confused.
Here, try this….
Gator at a shareholder meeting:
”I really think we should elect more 18 year old gamers with purple mohawks and neck tattoos to the board to help decide our fate….I believe unwise, inmature people who know knothing about our business can really help us improve.”

Now stop for a minute and listen to how fucking retarded that sounds.

Did that change everything for you?
Are you the type to help or encourage your ignorant 18 year old who’s never inquired about REAL politics to vote?
How can social issues not be real politics? Which raises the question: In your mind what is real politics?
Those are cool noble sounding words and all but can you better articulate the assertion for us….tell us why more dumb people voting is “better” for the Republic than fewer dumb people voting is.
(watch this folks)
As stupid people are a reasonably constant value, more stupid people means more people in general, which means more democracy. Admittedly white nationalists see that more as a bug than a feature but one can't have everything...
Again, you can’t refute the premise of my post. I wonder why?

Because the premise is stupid. We are not hiring those people to run the country.

Gator at a shareholder meeting:
”I really think we should elect more 18 year old gamers with purple mohawks and neck tattoos to the board to help decide our fate….I believe unwise, inmature people who know knothing about our business can really help us improve.”

We are not electing those people to run the country, we are giving them a voice in who does.

And again, you are living proof that being old does not make one wise or mature.

If I had to choose between a 18 year old gamer with purple mohawks and neck tattoos or a proud racist piece of shit like you, I would let the former vote before you.
How can social issues not be real politics? Which raises the question: In your mind what is real politics?
hahaha….Social issues are engineered / manufactured by Democrats….Democrats would love nothing more than to train all voters to vote solely on social issues. I wonder why that is? It’s almost as if they can’t win on REAL politics such as….
Government spending
Tax code
Public safety
Foreign policy

We know your angle…but nobody even half sane should EVER give two fucks about your .002 percentile of filth….the weird desires of your manufactured pet humans.
Because the premise is stupid. We are not hiring those people to run the country.

We are not electing those people to run the country, we are giving them a voice in who does.

And again, you are living proof that being old does not make one wise or mature.

If I had to choose between a 18 year old gamer with purple mohawks and neck tattoos or a proud racist piece of shit like you, I would let the former vote before you.
We are not electing those people to run the country, we are giving them a voice in who does.

Hold on a minute….so voters don’t “run the country” through those whom they elect?
Dude, you aren’t that stupid….that is the most root / fundamental component to democracy.

And again, you are living proof that being old does not make one wise or mature.
Because a hardcore TDS’er in cycberspace says so.
If I had to choose between a 18 year old gamer with purple mohawks and neck tattoos or a proud racist piece of shit like you, I would let the former vote before you.
Hmmm….of couse you would because the state of the republic matters not to you…it’s all about feelings.
I thought old racist white dudes founded, built, funded and ran the greatest nation the world has ever known?
How many great nations have ignorant 18 year old gamers with purple mohawks and neck tattoos built?
Haven’t they only destroyed once great cities like Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, San Fran, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, NYC…etc etc
You see, it is people like you and your retarded ideologies that are and will vote this nation right down the shitter. Good job!
Hold on a minute….so voters don’t “run the country” through those whom they elect?
Dude, you aren’t that stupid….that is the most root / fundamental component to democracy.

Do you have direct control over your elected officials?

Do those you vote for always do what you want them to do?
As stupid people are a reasonably constant value, more stupid people means more people in general, which means more democracy. Admittedly white nationalists see that more as a bug than a feature but one can't have everything...
cnm at a shareholder meeting:
”I really think we should elect more 18 year old gamers with purple mohawks and neck tattoos to the board to help decide our fate….I believe unwise, inmature people who know knothing about our business can really help us improve.”

Now stop for a minute and listen to how fucking retarded that sounds.
Do you have direct control over your elected officials?

Do those you vote for always do what you want them to do?
Of course not….but what is and or should be the expectation? Don’t we hope those who we elect will carry out the will of the people?
Isn’t that basic shit?
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