Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

Threads like this do so much to help the Republucan cause
I'm no "mental health professional" (thank God!) but I personally believe that Barry is a narcissist and an ego maniac laced with sociopathic tendencies.

Look, he has been treated like he is "something special" for the majority of his life. Because he's a half-breed posing as a black man, his "education" was handed to him, his "position" was handed to him, and he's been told for so long that he's the "messiah" - that he actually believes it.

Think back to Denver - the rows of "roman-esque" Columns that were placed around the stadium to hail "His" arrival. Remember the news coverage of white women swooning in the background of his disgustingly LONG WINDED speeches. He EATS THIS SHIT UP.

Remember the RARE news conferences where a reporter asks a simple question and gets a 25 minute soliloquy and the "Messiah" ends up talking for 90 minutes and answers three questions. This clown LOVES to hear himself TALK.

Fortunately for America - even the staunchest liberal limp-wrists have to agree that this guy is a joke.

and how scary this man is running our country?

Everyone he appointed into our government agencies are radical progressives/commie and they are bringing their boot down on our necks....I'm not sure we'll survive him for two more year...we have enemy's within

I think that there is a much larger question that you should concern yourself with; that being how you and yours will deal with America returning to its greatness once the half-breed is gone.

His time is running out and he has done nothing. Congratulations to you.
Threads like this do so much to help the Republucan cause
^^Comments like this show what an utter partisan piece of dogsqueeze Rightwinger is.
Well that would be because you don't know me genius. However, if I ran for president, there would be nothing you didn't know about me. Where I grew up, where I went to school, where I worked, my taxes, all of if would be on the table for the American people to inspect and decide.

Obama meanwhile has all of his records sealed and what people have been able to uncover all indicates he was born in Kenya and is a radical marxist-socialist.

From his own bio:

And let us not forget his penchant for attending meetings of hard core socialists:

A birther calling the President a psycho. Now that's straight out of political satirical comedy.

the cites are accurate, either obama was lying then or he is lying now, which is it?

Which is what?

You guys love to play this "gotcha" game like it's relevant.

You elected a man that said, on air, he was dedicated to destroying the United States.

Of course that was a flub.

But what the heck.

Why do you hate America?
Uh...George Bush stopped playing golf (completely) because of the wars.

What a load of Malarkey.

Bush Lied About Giving Up Golf: Video Proof

Additionally..he didn't stop having fun.

[ame=]Bush laughs at no WMD in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Comic genius I tells ya.

If you don't want to watch the whole comedy forward to 5:10.

"Those Weapons of Mass Destruction got to be somewhere"

What a kneeslapper!

Not nearly as funny as "turns out shovel ready wasn't quite as shovel ready as we thought". Now that is a "kneeslapper".

They weren't "shovel ready" because Republican governors were playing games with the funding. Instead of spending the stimulus on infrastructure, they spent it on keeping state employees, employed. the case of Chris Christie..he used the money on other projects.

Christie kept that money and is using it on the Pulaski Skyway.

One big difference though - WMD's (as admitted even by radical left-wing MSNBC) were found in Iraq. While no jobs were ever found under Obama. That's why he got CAUGHT LYING about the unemployment numbers right before the election. Oops....

Iraq WMD's
From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD (instead of preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq has accelerated the acquisition, manufacture, and use of chemical weapons by Al Qaeda). The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. And the press won't touch it because they had already convinced themselves, and most of the American public, that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD's. The media turned a blind eye to continued reports of chemical weapon attacks because its own credibility was threatened. Several major outlets were deeply invested with the story line of an “unjustifiable war". Not many people can bear to admit they were wrong, especially in print, and especially if they have been very wrong for a very long time.

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

NewsMax Archives

They weren't found.

The Bush administration ADMITTED (to it's credit) nothing was there.
I believe the word is sociopath, but I'm no expert on the difference between the two. Regardless, his seeming indifference to the innocent men, women, and children killed on his orders would certainly indicate one or the other. Though that's hardly different than Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, etc...
Just one serious question - did you even read the article or are you commenting without reading as usual?

"The article" is from a right wing hack website. The target market for sites like that are right wing ideologues. Everybody else reads a few sentences and sees that it is crap. Besides, there were well over a hundred thousand civilians killed in Iraq and we did lose over four thousand soldiers. Doesn't it take a psychopath not to give a shit about that many people getting killed? Obama on the other hand has tried to get health insurance for poor people.
You sound like a programmed robot.

How robotic of me to think that the lives of a hundred thousand people are worth mentioning. You have to figure that a fair amount of them were children. What kind of person would find it to be no big deal when children get blown up or have to see members of their families get blown up. Oh that's right. A "psychopath". However, when the result for America is that we are now worse off, then it would take a pure idiot psychopath to think it was worth it.
Such childlike attacks on Obama

Is this the best you have in the GOP Playbook?
Well that would be because you don't know me genius. However, if I ran for president, there would be nothing you didn't know about me. Where I grew up, where I went to school, where I worked, my taxes, all of if would be on the table for the American people to inspect and decide.

Obama meanwhile has all of his records sealed and what people have been able to uncover all indicates he was born in Kenya and is a radical marxist-socialist.

From his own bio:

And let us not forget his penchant for attending meetings of hard core socialists:

A birther calling the President a psycho. Now that's straight out of political satirical comedy.

the cites are accurate, either obama was lying then or he is lying now, which is it?

His bio?

lolol. Fuck off
If Romney had won the election and the economy was exactly as it is now, the right wingers would be talking about the stock market, the auto industry, energy production, the housing market, etc., and they would be saying it is all because of a republican president. However, since Obama is in office, they feel like it is bad news if there is a positive story about America's economy. It must really suck to root against America.
If Romney had won the election and the economy was exactly as it is now, the right wingers would be talking about the stock market, the auto industry, energy production, the housing market, etc., and they would be saying it is all because of a republican president. However, since Obama is in office, they feel like it is bad news if there is a positive story about America's economy. It must really suck to root against America.

If Romney had won the economy wouldn't be anything like it is now Conservatives would not have had to make up and spin shit to make him look good.
But lefties would be pointing to areas that have been chronically depressed for years and muttering "where are the jobs, Mittens?"
If Romney had won the election and the economy was exactly as it is now, the right wingers would be talking about the stock market, the auto industry, energy production, the housing market, etc., and they would be saying it is all because of a republican president. However, since Obama is in office, they feel like it is bad news if there is a positive story about America's economy. It must really suck to root against America.

And "left wingers" would be doing what "right wingers" are now.
"The article" is from a right wing hack website. The target market for sites like that are right wing ideologues. Everybody else reads a few sentences and sees that it is crap. Besides, there were well over a hundred thousand civilians killed in Iraq and we did lose over four thousand soldiers. Doesn't it take a psychopath not to give a shit about that many people getting killed? Obama on the other hand has tried to get health insurance for poor people.
You sound like a programmed robot.

How robotic of me to think that the lives of a hundred thousand people are worth mentioning. You have to figure that a fair amount of them were children. What kind of person would find it to be no big deal when children get blown up or have to see members of their families get blown up. Oh that's right. A "psychopath". However, when the result for America is that we are now worse off, then it would take a pure idiot psychopath to think it was worth it.
You still sound like a programmed robot. Do you have any substantive and relevant comments other than the same old worn out talking points? You've used that one now about a dozen times.
You sound like a programmed robot.

How robotic of me to think that the lives of a hundred thousand people are worth mentioning. You have to figure that a fair amount of them were children. What kind of person would find it to be no big deal when children get blown up or have to see members of their families get blown up. Oh that's right. A "psychopath". However, when the result for America is that we are now worse off, then it would take a pure idiot psychopath to think it was worth it.
You still sound like a programmed robot. Do you have any substantive and relevant comments other than the same old worn out talking points? You've used that one now about a dozen times.

Oh. And you don't mind the endless posts about Obama that contain no content whatsoever except ignorant level insults? Just so I know, exactly how soon should we just "forget about the troops". We were supposed to "support" them and now it is off limits to bring up the biggest presidential fuck-up of our lifetime? If it was a hundred thousand white people that died, would be OK to still talk about that? This thread is about calling the current president a psychopath. Obama didn't do anything that got a hundred thousand people killed. Again, I know they weren't exactly white but still, they were human beings. How many thousand people does a president have to get killed before is a bad thing?

The economy tanked under George W Bush and he invaded Iraq under false pretenses. If you want to talk about Obama in a mental vacuum, then you need to go somewhere that only right wing ideologues are allowed to post.
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How robotic of me to think that the lives of a hundred thousand people are worth mentioning. You have to figure that a fair amount of them were children. What kind of person would find it to be no big deal when children get blown up or have to see members of their families get blown up. Oh that's right. A "psychopath". However, when the result for America is that we are now worse off, then it would take a pure idiot psychopath to think it was worth it.
You still sound like a programmed robot. Do you have any substantive and relevant comments other than the same old worn out talking points? You've used that one now about a dozen times.

Oh. And you don't mind the endless posts about Obama that contain no content whatsoever except ignorant level insults? Just so I know, exactly how soon should we just "forget about the troops". We were supposed to "support" them and now it is off limits to bring up the biggest presidential fuck-up of our lifetime? If it was a hundred thousand white people that died, would be OK to still talk about that? This thread is about calling the current president a psychopath. Obama didn't do anything that got a hundred thousand people killed. Again, I know they weren't exactly white but still, they were human beings. How many thousand people does a president have to get killed before is a bad thing?

The economy tanked under George W Bush and he invaded Iraq under false pretenses. If you want to talk about Obama in a mental vacuum, then you need to go somewhere that only right wing ideologues are allowed to post.
Another robotic talking point, two, actually. Thanks for further making my point, Mr. Useful Idiot.
What a stupid thread. A licensed therapist wouldn't make a diagnosis like this without seeing a patient several times. This is what happens when right wing heehaws are turned loose on computers.
What a stupid thread. A licensed therapist wouldn't make a diagnosis like this without seeing a patient several times. This is what happens when right wing heehaws are turned loose on computers.

The OP posed the question. He did not ask for a diagnosis, professor. This is a message forum. Questions are asked and answered.

"Right Wing heehaws" - is that a question or a diagnosis?

Try this one on for size:

Limp wristed Marxist clown. How's that one fit on you?
Threads like this do so much to help the Republucan cause

I love the bizarre responses Obama's own bio generates. Liberals get so freaked out when they can explain how Obama's own Harvard Law Review bio states "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia".

You know what doesn't help the Dumbocrat cause? Responses like this which illustrates their inability to accept reality. It also illustrates their inability to form an intelligent rebuttal to a reality they can't accept.
Well, it is a Rotgut thread, so that's a given. Don't worry, he'll outdo himself soon enough.

Except that the entire initial post is the article. I didn't add one thought or opinion of my own (I didn't want to bias the information).

As usual, hillbilly Jed is a bit upset that I've made him my personal bitch on the battlefield of the minds. All he has left are juvenile personal insults. :)

Game. Set. Match.

So, you're not even intelligent enough to come up with the idiotic theory of the op yourself; so, you copied and pasted somebody else's idiocy.......and you're bragging about it.

Game. Set. Match....indeed. You just bitch slapped yourself, you tool.

It sure is fun to watch you fail so miserably. Thanks for the laughs.

If the theory is "idiotic" hillbilly Jed, then coming up with it would require no intelligence. You literally just contradicted your own argument. Talk about "bitching slapping yourself" :lmao:

Now quick, throw another tantrum and say something which will prove to the USMB community why you mooch off of your girlfriend and struggle to hold jobs.

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