Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

It's not babbling at all.

One trait of a Psychopath is that they do not care one whit about the suffering of others.

Republicans and Conservatives have yet to explain, come to terms, offer contrition about this bloodbath.

Half a million people died.

And you folks formed the Tea Party.

At what point do you folks show any empathy, or sympathy or caring about that?

Under Bush-

-Over 1/2 million Iraqis died.
-Several thousand American troops died in Iraq.
-Several thousand American troops died in Afghanistan.
-3000 Americans died in New York and Washington during 9/11.
-2000 Americans died in Louisiana.
-Dozens of Americans died in embassy attacks around the world.

When do you feel bad about that?


But again Sallow - we're not talking about Republicans right now. We're talking about Barack Obama. Are you not capable of forming an intelligent rebuttal against the case made by this author that he is a psychopath?

By the way, if you want to ask if Republicans are psychopath's then build a thread on that and I will weigh in. But stop trying to hijack this thread in an attempt to deflect for Obama.

I did.

Nothing about President Barack Obama says "Psychopath".

You presented drivel that conflates normal behavior into "psychopath".

President Barack Obama has done nothing differently or out of the ordinary in terms of normal behavior..or the behavior of a President.

So, unless you are asserting that all Presidents are psychopaths..or that all people are psychopaths..

You don't have much of a case.

You think it's "normal" behavior to golf, party, and travel the world while people you are responsible for are dying?

You think it's "normal" behavior to be a pathological liar?

You think it's "normal" behavior to blame your predecessor for 5 years worth of your own failures?

Man, if that's "normal" to you I'm glad I'm not a part of your world. There is nothing "normal" about any of that.
But again Sallow - we're not talking about Republicans right now. We're talking about Barack Obama. Are you not capable of forming an intelligent rebuttal against the case made by this author that he is a psychopath?

By the way, if you want to ask if Republicans are psychopath's then build a thread on that and I will weigh in. But stop trying to hijack this thread in an attempt to deflect for Obama.

I did.

Nothing about President Barack Obama says "Psychopath".

You presented drivel that conflates normal behavior into "psychopath".

President Barack Obama has done nothing differently or out of the ordinary in terms of normal behavior..or the behavior of a President.

So, unless you are asserting that all Presidents are psychopaths..or that all people are psychopaths..

You don't have much of a case.

You think it's "normal" behavior to golf, party, and travel the world while people you are responsible for are dying?

You think it's "normal" behavior to be a pathological liar?

You think it's "normal" behavior to blame your predecessor for 5 years worth of your own failures?

Man, if that's "normal" to you I'm glad I'm not a part of your world. There is nothing "normal" about any of that.

For a President?


[ame=]George Bush "Now, Watch This Drive" - YouTube[/ame]

Your other points are specious.
We know very little about your past. I guess that makes you a psychopath.

Well that would be because you don't know me genius. However, if I ran for president, there would be nothing you didn't know about me. Where I grew up, where I went to school, where I worked, my taxes, all of if would be on the table for the American people to inspect and decide.

Obama meanwhile has all of his records sealed and what people have been able to uncover all indicates he was born in Kenya and is a radical marxist-socialist.

From his own bio:

And let us not forget his penchant for attending meetings of hard core socialists:

If you did or had gone to college, would you release some of your studies and experiences there? Why are Obama's college days a total and complete mystery?

Do you know why Obama's college days are complete and total mystery? Because they would prove he attended college as a foreign exchange student. How else does this man - from a family with no money - attend an Ivy League school?
I did.

Nothing about President Barack Obama says "Psychopath".

You presented drivel that conflates normal behavior into "psychopath".

President Barack Obama has done nothing differently or out of the ordinary in terms of normal behavior..or the behavior of a President.

So, unless you are asserting that all Presidents are psychopaths..or that all people are psychopaths..

You don't have much of a case.

You think it's "normal" behavior to golf, party, and travel the world while people you are responsible for are dying?

You think it's "normal" behavior to be a pathological liar?

You think it's "normal" behavior to blame your predecessor for 5 years worth of your own failures?

Man, if that's "normal" to you I'm glad I'm not a part of your world. There is nothing "normal" about any of that.

For a President?


[ame=]George Bush "Now, Watch This Drive" - YouTube[/ame]

Your other points are specious.

Uh...George Bush stopped playing golf (completely) because of the wars.
You think it's "normal" behavior to golf, party, and travel the world while people you are responsible for are dying?

You think it's "normal" behavior to be a pathological liar?

You think it's "normal" behavior to blame your predecessor for 5 years worth of your own failures?

Man, if that's "normal" to you I'm glad I'm not a part of your world. There is nothing "normal" about any of that.

For a President?


[ame=]George Bush "Now, Watch This Drive" - YouTube[/ame]

Your other points are specious.

Uh...George Bush stopped playing golf (completely) because of the wars.

What a load of Malarkey.

Bush Lied About Giving Up Golf: Video Proof

Additionally..he didn't stop having fun.

[ame=]Bush laughs at no WMD in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Comic genius I tells ya.

If you don't want to watch the whole comedy forward to 5:10.

"Those Weapons of Mass Destruction got to be somewhere"

What a kneeslapper!
For a President?


George Bush "Now, Watch This Drive" - YouTube

Your other points are specious.

Uh...George Bush stopped playing golf (completely) because of the wars.

What a load of Malarkey.

Bush Lied About Giving Up Golf: Video Proof

Additionally..he didn't stop having fun.

[ame=]Bush laughs at no WMD in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Comic genius I tells ya.

If you don't want to watch the whole comedy forward to 5:10.

"Those Weapons of Mass Destruction got to be somewhere"

What a kneeslapper!

Not nearly as funny as "turns out shovel ready wasn't quite as shovel ready as we thought". Now that is a "kneeslapper".

One big difference though - WMD's (as admitted even by radical left-wing MSNBC) were found in Iraq. While no jobs were ever found under Obama. That's why he got CAUGHT LYING about the unemployment numbers right before the election. Oops....

Iraq WMD's
From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD (instead of preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq has accelerated the acquisition, manufacture, and use of chemical weapons by Al Qaeda). The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. And the press won't touch it because they had already convinced themselves, and most of the American public, that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD's. The media turned a blind eye to continued reports of chemical weapon attacks because its own credibility was threatened. Several major outlets were deeply invested with the story line of an “unjustifiable war". Not many people can bear to admit they were wrong, especially in print, and especially if they have been very wrong for a very long time.

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

NewsMax Archives
This has got to be a candidate for one of the stupidest threads here ever.

Well, it is a Rotgut thread, so that's a given. Don't worry, he'll outdo himself soon enough.

Except that the entire initial post is the article. I didn't add one thought or opinion of my own (I didn't want to bias the information).

As usual, hillbilly Jed is a bit upset that I've made him my personal bitch on the battlefield of the minds. All he has left are juvenile personal insults. :)

Game. Set. Match.
Well that would be because you don't know me genius. However, if I ran for president, there would be nothing you didn't know about me. Where I grew up, where I went to school, where I worked, my taxes, all of if would be on the table for the American people to inspect and decide.

Obama meanwhile has all of his records sealed and what people have been able to uncover all indicates he was born in Kenya and is a radical marxist-socialist.

From his own bio:

And let us not forget his penchant for attending meetings of hard core socialists:

If you did or had gone to college, would you release some of your studies and experiences there? Why are Obama's college days a total and complete mystery?

Do you know why Obama's college days are complete and total mystery? Because they would prove he attended college as a foreign exchange student. How else does this man - from a family with no money - attend an Ivy League school?

I believe Barack was given a free pass in proving his citizenship, and think it is crude to divert everyone's attention away from it by condemning serious and legitimate questions as a ploy, but at the same time, he grew up in Hawaii and attended public schools. Foreign exchange students by definition come here to gain their first experiences of structured American life.

A foreign exchange student could never compete with the insane pace needed to develop the wherewithal to become an American president. He earned it, but that doesn't shed light on all the unanswered questions. Will they be left to historians to answer, because his presidency was a turning point in American history and could never possibly be left alone.'s bitching about gas prices.

Psychopaths murder people.

The psychopath that set up 9-11 and the Iraq War was primarily B. Clinton if you want to be honest! Of course it's unlikely you could be honest!:eusa_liar:


Clinton wanted to kill Bin Laden.

Bush bought Arbusto from Bin Laden's brother.

And Reagan funded Bin Laden.

You folks seem to forget those things.

Clinton didn't kill Bin Laden, and never acted on the opportunities that he did have to kill Bin Laden.

Bin Laden has a lot of brothers and most of them are not terrorists.

Reagan never funded Bin Laden.

People didn't forget, you just adopt a whole lot of convenient BS, and then swear that it is truth.
I'm no "mental health professional" (thank God!) but I personally believe that Barry is a narcissist and an ego maniac laced with sociopathic tendencies.

Look, he has been treated like he is "something special" for the majority of his life. Because he's a half-breed posing as a black man, his "education" was handed to him, his "position" was handed to him, and he's been told for so long that he's the "messiah" - that he actually believes it.

Think back to Denver - the rows of "roman-esque" Columns that were placed around the stadium to hail "His" arrival. Remember the news coverage of white women swooning in the background of his disgustingly LONG WINDED speeches. He EATS THIS SHIT UP.

Remember the RARE news conferences where a reporter asks a simple question and gets a 25 minute soliloquy and the "Messiah" ends up talking for 90 minutes and answers three questions. This clown LOVES to hear himself TALK.

Fortunately for America - even the staunchest liberal limp-wrists have to agree that this guy is a joke.

and how scary this man is running our country?

Everyone he appointed into our government agencies are radical progressives/commie and they are bringing their boot down on our necks....I'm not sure we'll survive him for two more year...we have enemy's within
Another common trait of the psychopath is a mysterious and shady past. We know very little about President Obama’s formative years and little about his college years. Records are sealed or withheld, and requests for them are dismissed as ridiculous requests from paranoid detractors.[/url]

We know very little about your past. I guess that makes you a psychopath.

Well that would be because you don't know me genius. However, if I ran for president, there would be nothing you didn't know about me. Where I grew up, where I went to school, where I worked, my taxes, all of if would be on the table for the American people to inspect and decide.

Obama meanwhile has all of his records sealed and what people have been able to uncover all indicates he was born in Kenya and is a radical marxist-socialist.

From his own bio:

And let us not forget his penchant for attending meetings of hard core socialists:

A birther calling the President a psycho. Now that's straight out of political satirical comedy.
I'm no "mental health professional" (thank God!) but I personally believe that Barry is a narcissist and an ego maniac laced with sociopathic tendencies.

Look, he has been treated like he is "something special" for the majority of his life. Because he's a half-breed posing as a black man, his "education" was handed to him, his "position" was handed to him, and he's been told for so long that he's the "messiah" - that he actually believes it.

Think back to Denver - the rows of "roman-esque" Columns that were placed around the stadium to hail "His" arrival. Remember the news coverage of white women swooning in the background of his disgustingly LONG WINDED speeches. He EATS THIS SHIT UP.

Remember the RARE news conferences where a reporter asks a simple question and gets a 25 minute soliloquy and the "Messiah" ends up talking for 90 minutes and answers three questions. This clown LOVES to hear himself TALK.

Fortunately for America - even the staunchest liberal limp-wrists have to agree that this guy is a joke.

and how scary this man is running our country?

Everyone he appointed into our government agencies are radical progressives/commie and they are bringing their boot down on our necks....I'm not sure we'll survive him for two more year...we have enemy's within

lol, Moms Mabley weighs in, prompting a collective Oh brother! and zzzzzzzzzz from the USMB left.
This has got to be a candidate for one of the stupidest threads here ever.

Well, it is a Rotgut thread, so that's a given. Don't worry, he'll outdo himself soon enough.

Except that the entire initial post is the article. I didn't add one thought or opinion of my own (I didn't want to bias the information).

As usual, hillbilly Jed is a bit upset that I've made him my personal bitch on the battlefield of the minds. All he has left are juvenile personal insults. :)

Game. Set. Match.

So, you're not even intelligent enough to come up with the idiotic theory of the op yourself; so, you copied and pasted somebody else's idiocy.......and you're bragging about it........:lol::lol::lol:

Game. Set. Match....indeed. You just bitch slapped yourself, you tool.

It sure is fun to watch you fail so miserably. Thanks for the laughs.
This has got to be a candidate for one of the stupidest threads here ever.

Well, it is a Rotgut thread, so that's a given. Don't worry, he'll outdo himself soon enough.

Except that the entire initial post is the article. I didn't add one thought or opinion of my own .

Which happens to be against the rules:

"Opening Posts require more than a Copy and Paste with a Link, You need to include relevant, on topic material of your own."

We know very little about your past. I guess that makes you a psychopath.

Well that would be because you don't know me genius. However, if I ran for president, there would be nothing you didn't know about me. Where I grew up, where I went to school, where I worked, my taxes, all of if would be on the table for the American people to inspect and decide.

Obama meanwhile has all of his records sealed and what people have been able to uncover all indicates he was born in Kenya and is a radical marxist-socialist.

From his own bio:

And let us not forget his penchant for attending meetings of hard core socialists:

A birther calling the President a psycho. Now that's straight out of political satirical comedy.

the cites are accurate, either obama was lying then or he is lying now, which is it?
I'm no "mental health professional" (thank God!) but I personally believe that Barry is a narcissist and an ego maniac laced with sociopathic tendencies.

Look, he has been treated like he is "something special" for the majority of his life. Because he's a half-breed posing as a black man, his "education" was handed to him, his "position" was handed to him, and he's been told for so long that he's the "messiah" - that he actually believes it.

Think back to Denver - the rows of "roman-esque" Columns that were placed around the stadium to hail "His" arrival. Remember the news coverage of white women swooning in the background of his disgustingly LONG WINDED speeches. He EATS THIS SHIT UP.

Remember the RARE news conferences where a reporter asks a simple question and gets a 25 minute soliloquy and the "Messiah" ends up talking for 90 minutes and answers three questions. This clown LOVES to hear himself TALK.

Fortunately for America - even the staunchest liberal limp-wrists have to agree that this guy is a joke.

and how scary this man is running our country?

Everyone he appointed into our government agencies are radical progressives/commie and they are bringing their boot down on our necks....I'm not sure we'll survive him for two more year...we have enemy's within
WE will survive...even if it comes down to taking on this the Founders guaranteed we could via the Second Amendment...just PRAY it doesn't come to that...

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