Is being black a right?

I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -

You can't let this shit get to you. There are idiots. But most people are fairly awesome. And the idiots have such little impact on my life or yours......fuck 'em.

Yeah it's bizarre that this silly shit gets this kind of attention. But that level does serve to tell us we hain't growed up yet.
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -
what is race?

Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Classical conditioning - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
what is race?

Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Classical conditioning - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I know how to google and then wiki. But I knew where I'd end up and I didn't want to read through something that'd take me forever when someone can explain it in a few sentences how the concept even relates. I got enough bullshit to go through on this site
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -
what is race?

Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Sorry, I mean the Media Machine, as you referred to in hopes of its coverage of racism. I'm saying as long as Media sees that it makes this kind of splash, even a silly nothing story like this Rachel character, they know they have a hot button to push. Anything that draws that kind of attention sells ads, so they'll milk race stories, no matter how mundane, to tap that audience. This is what commercial media thrives on-- they trump up stories on hot button issues, and we sit transfixed, thinking we're watching a "transracialism story", but all we're really doing is getting set up for the soap commercial. And as long as they see that transracialism (or whatever) captures our attention, they'll milk it for the purpose of the sales pitch. That Pavlovian response.

That's why I can't see this level of media attention waning -- it's working too well. More likely we'll see more such stories. I guarantee there are myriad cub reporters out right now looking for the next Rachel Dolezal or the next McKinney, and their next career steppingstone.

Welcome to USMB by the way. Don't mind me, I wax loquacious on media.
Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Classical conditioning - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I know how to google and then wiki. But I knew where I'd end up and I didn't want to read through something that'd take me forever when someone can explain it in a few sentences how the concept even relates. I got enough bullshit to go through on this site

I have no clue in the word what TK is talking about there. Has nothing to do with my post.
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -

You can't let this shit get to you. There are idiots. But most people are fairly awesome. And the idiots have such little impact on my life or yours......fuck 'em.

Yeah it's bizarre that this silly shit gets this kind of attention. But that level does serve to tell us we hain't growed up yet.

The mental adjustment that's necessary to shrug this shit off is so minute and can be summed up in one word: mostly.

Marriage is mostly a man and a woman. Gender is mostly biological. And hell, transracialism? Maybe. Its a big world. There's a lot of crazy shit. Most of it is easy to wrap my head around. Most of it makes sense. There's no particular need for ALL of it to fit into these little pigeon holes, where everyone can be universally classified.

Sometimes, shit gets complicated. And things get a little vague and hard to generalize Most of time, no so much.
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -

You can't let this shit get to you. There are idiots. But most people are fairly awesome. And the idiots have such little impact on my life or yours......fuck 'em.

Yeah it's bizarre that this silly shit gets this kind of attention. But that level does serve to tell us we hain't growed up yet.

The mental adjustment that's necessary to shrug this shit off is so minute and can be summed up in one word: mostly.

Marriage is mostly a man and a woman. Gender is mostly biological. And hell, transracialism? Maybe. Its a big world. There's a lot of crazy shit. Most of it is easy to wrap my head around. Most of it makes sense. There's no particular need for ALL of it to fit into these little pigeon holes, where everyone can be universally classified.

Sometimes, shit gets complicated. And things get a little vague and hard to generalize Most of time, no so much.

Indeed. Going through life looking for a black-white (metaphorical) dichotomoy in everything will get one enswamped in the grey areas. Nature don' roll dat way.
Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Classical conditioning - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I know how to google and then wiki. But I knew where I'd end up and I didn't want to read through something that'd take me forever when someone can explain it in a few sentences how the concept even relates. I got enough bullshit to go through on this site

Whoa, pipe down there, cowboy.

The "Pavlovian response" boils down simply into something like this. Pavlov rings a bell, and gives his dog food. He rings the bell a few more times, giving the dog food each time. He rings the bell once again, without giving the dog any food, and sees the dog salivating in response to the sound of the bell. The dog makes the connection between the bell and the food, and each time he hears the bell, he expects to be fed, thus "classical conditioning."

"Milking the cow" essentially means trying to get as much as possible out of something.
what is race?

Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Sorry, I mean the Media Machine, as you referred to in hopes of its coverage of racism. I'm saying as long as Media sees that it makes this kind of splash, even a silly nothing story like this Rachel character, they know they have a hot button to push. Anything that draws that kind of attention sells ads, so they'll milk race stories, no matter how mundane, to tap that audience. This is what commercial media thrives on-- they trump up stories on hot button issues, and we sit transfixed, thinking we're watching a "transracialism story", but all we're really doing is getting set up for the soap commercial. And as long as they see that transracialism (or whatever) captures our attention, they'll milk it for the purpose of the sales pitch. That Pavlovian response.

That's why I can't see this level of media attention waning -- it's working too well. More likely we'll see more such stories. I guarantee there are myriad cub reporters out right now looking for the next Rachel Dolezal or the next McKinney, and their next career steppingstone.

Welcome to USMB by the way. Don't mind me, I wax loquacious on media.
I thought you were gonna say something about how media uses its power to achieve political/civil goals
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Classical conditioning - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I know how to google and then wiki. But I knew where I'd end up and I didn't want to read through something that'd take me forever when someone can explain it in a few sentences how the concept even relates. I got enough bullshit to go through on this site

Whoa, pipe down there, cowboy.

The "Pavlovian response" boils down simply into something like this. Pavlov rings a bell, and gives his dog food. He rings the bell a few more times, giving the dog food each time. He rings the bell once again, without giving the dog any food, and sees the dog salivating in response to the sound of the bell. The dog makes the connection between the bell and the food, and each time he hears the bell, he expects to be fed, thus "classical conditioning."

"Milking the cow" essentially means trying to get as much as possible out of something.
I already fucking know!
Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Sorry, I mean the Media Machine, as you referred to in hopes of its coverage of racism. I'm saying as long as Media sees that it makes this kind of splash, even a silly nothing story like this Rachel character, they know they have a hot button to push. Anything that draws that kind of attention sells ads, so they'll milk race stories, no matter how mundane, to tap that audience. This is what commercial media thrives on-- they trump up stories on hot button issues, and we sit transfixed, thinking we're watching a "transracialism story", but all we're really doing is getting set up for the soap commercial. And as long as they see that transracialism (or whatever) captures our attention, they'll milk it for the purpose of the sales pitch. That Pavlovian response.

That's why I can't see this level of media attention waning -- it's working too well. More likely we'll see more such stories. I guarantee there are myriad cub reporters out right now looking for the next Rachel Dolezal or the next McKinney, and their next career steppingstone.

Welcome to USMB by the way. Don't mind me, I wax loquacious on media.
I thought you were gonna say something about how media uses its power to achieve political/civil goals

Naaah. Media -- meaning commercial media -- doesn't have those. All it cares about is feeding its maw.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Sorry, I mean the Media Machine, as you referred to in hopes of its coverage of racism. I'm saying as long as Media sees that it makes this kind of splash, even a silly nothing story like this Rachel character, they know they have a hot button to push. Anything that draws that kind of attention sells ads, so they'll milk race stories, no matter how mundane, to tap that audience. This is what commercial media thrives on-- they trump up stories on hot button issues, and we sit transfixed, thinking we're watching a "transracialism story", but all we're really doing is getting set up for the soap commercial. And as long as they see that transracialism (or whatever) captures our attention, they'll milk it for the purpose of the sales pitch. That Pavlovian response.

That's why I can't see this level of media attention waning -- it's working too well. More likely we'll see more such stories. I guarantee there are myriad cub reporters out right now looking for the next Rachel Dolezal or the next McKinney, and their next career steppingstone.

Welcome to USMB by the way. Don't mind me, I wax loquacious on media.
I thought you were gonna say something about how media uses its power to achieve political/civil goals

Naaah. Media -- meaning commercial media -- doesn't have those. All it cares about is feeding its maw.
Do you think media plays a role in which civil/political matters get addressed by the government?
I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Classical conditioning - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I know how to google and then wiki. But I knew where I'd end up and I didn't want to read through something that'd take me forever when someone can explain it in a few sentences how the concept even relates. I got enough bullshit to go through on this site

Whoa, pipe down there, cowboy.

The "Pavlovian response" boils down simply into something like this. Pavlov rings a bell, and gives his dog food. He rings the bell a few more times, giving the dog food each time. He rings the bell once again, without giving the dog any food, and sees the dog salivating in response to the sound of the bell. The dog makes the connection between the bell and the food, and each time he hears the bell, he expects to be fed, thus "classical conditioning."

"Milking the cow" essentially means trying to get as much as possible out of something.
I already fucking know!

That's a little weird that he's essplaining vernacular expressions.

Don't piss him off though 'cause he'll sit on you and he weighs like nine thousand pounds. True fact.
I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Classical conditioning - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I know how to google and then wiki. But I knew where I'd end up and I didn't want to read through something that'd take me forever when someone can explain it in a few sentences how the concept even relates. I got enough bullshit to go through on this site

Whoa, pipe down there, cowboy.

The "Pavlovian response" boils down simply into something like this. Pavlov rings a bell, and gives his dog food. He rings the bell a few more times, giving the dog food each time. He rings the bell once again, without giving the dog any food, and sees the dog salivating in response to the sound of the bell. The dog makes the connection between the bell and the food, and each time he hears the bell, he expects to be fed, thus "classical conditioning."

"Milking the cow" essentially means trying to get as much as possible out of something.
I already fucking know!

You asked for it to be explained, so I explained it. Don't like the explanation? Don't ask the question, genius.
I really never thought of it as "it's an issue that has a sizeable effect on the masses that draws their attention let's make money off of it"... Its new to me because ive heard of them using their powers to achieve their own goals. And makes me wonder if they hit two birds with one stone sometimes and makes me wonder how often they hit two birds with one stone.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Classical conditioning - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I know how to google and then wiki. But I knew where I'd end up and I didn't want to read through something that'd take me forever when someone can explain it in a few sentences how the concept even relates. I got enough bullshit to go through on this site

Whoa, pipe down there, cowboy.

The "Pavlovian response" boils down simply into something like this. Pavlov rings a bell, and gives his dog food. He rings the bell a few more times, giving the dog food each time. He rings the bell once again, without giving the dog any food, and sees the dog salivating in response to the sound of the bell. The dog makes the connection between the bell and the food, and each time he hears the bell, he expects to be fed, thus "classical conditioning."

"Milking the cow" essentially means trying to get as much as possible out of something.
I already fucking know!

You asked for it to be explained, so I explained it. Don't like the explanation? Don't ask the question, genius.
oh please just shut the fuck up you didn't even give me the kind of answer that I was looking for. How could you possibly when I was asking for this guys understanding on the issue? Anyway I knew it related to classical conditioning and I knew already what milking the cow is. You get where I'm going? Cuz im taking you there again.
I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Sorry, I mean the Media Machine, as you referred to in hopes of its coverage of racism. I'm saying as long as Media sees that it makes this kind of splash, even a silly nothing story like this Rachel character, they know they have a hot button to push. Anything that draws that kind of attention sells ads, so they'll milk race stories, no matter how mundane, to tap that audience. This is what commercial media thrives on-- they trump up stories on hot button issues, and we sit transfixed, thinking we're watching a "transracialism story", but all we're really doing is getting set up for the soap commercial. And as long as they see that transracialism (or whatever) captures our attention, they'll milk it for the purpose of the sales pitch. That Pavlovian response.

That's why I can't see this level of media attention waning -- it's working too well. More likely we'll see more such stories. I guarantee there are myriad cub reporters out right now looking for the next Rachel Dolezal or the next McKinney, and their next career steppingstone.

Welcome to USMB by the way. Don't mind me, I wax loquacious on media.
I thought you were gonna say something about how media uses its power to achieve political/civil goals

Naaah. Media -- meaning commercial media -- doesn't have those. All it cares about is feeding its maw.
Do you think media plays a role in which civil/political matters get addressed by the government?

I think it certainly plays a huge role in which matters get ignored. What gets covered on the other hand, is going to mostly be what they can sell soap with.

This clip still speaks volumes -- watch the transition starting at 12:20....

If that doesn't blatantly spill the beans on what their priorites are, nothign does.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.

Sorry, I mean the Media Machine, as you referred to in hopes of its coverage of racism. I'm saying as long as Media sees that it makes this kind of splash, even a silly nothing story like this Rachel character, they know they have a hot button to push. Anything that draws that kind of attention sells ads, so they'll milk race stories, no matter how mundane, to tap that audience. This is what commercial media thrives on-- they trump up stories on hot button issues, and we sit transfixed, thinking we're watching a "transracialism story", but all we're really doing is getting set up for the soap commercial. And as long as they see that transracialism (or whatever) captures our attention, they'll milk it for the purpose of the sales pitch. That Pavlovian response.

That's why I can't see this level of media attention waning -- it's working too well. More likely we'll see more such stories. I guarantee there are myriad cub reporters out right now looking for the next Rachel Dolezal or the next McKinney, and their next career steppingstone.

Welcome to USMB by the way. Don't mind me, I wax loquacious on media.
I thought you were gonna say something about how media uses its power to achieve political/civil goals

Naaah. Media -- meaning commercial media -- doesn't have those. All it cares about is feeding its maw.
Do you think media plays a role in which civil/political matters get addressed by the government?

I think it certainly plays a huge role in which matters get ignored. What gets covered on the other hand, is going to mostly be what they can sell soap with.

This clip still speaks volumes -- watch the transition starting at 12:20....

If that doesn't blatantly spill the beans on what their priorites are, nothign does.

In regard to what gets ignored. Do you think they would choose not to cover an issue that would sell a lot from covering? If so what kind of issues?
oh please just shut the fuck up you didn't even give me the kind of answer that I was looking for.

Oh? Surely you're smart enough to think for yourself. Googling was a good move. But from what I can tell, you don't take kindly to people trying (though not successfully) to help you. No need to get angry at me, you're the one who can't do the research.

How could you possibly when I was asking for this guys understanding on the issue?

I read your post. You must understand that when you post here, you open yourself up to any and all types of scrutiny. Your opinions are fair game. So don't get angry when someone other than the recipient of your response responds.

Anyway I knew it related to classical conditioning and I knew already what milking the cow is.

Then why did you ask the question in the first place? If you knew what it was, why?


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