Is being black a right?

If Dolezal had talked about the break up of the black family missing fathers and generally expressed more tradtional or conservative views while passing herself off as African American I wonder what the reaction would have been?
Apparently everything today is a right pretty soon we will have people taking a dump outside on the lawn because they are really a dog.
there are certain limits to this shit dude. Bruce Jenner is probably gonna be allowed in female restrooms soon. Why? She's probably gonna undergo the full transformation. If he/she doesn't then he/she ain't as courageous as everyone been campaigning about. Actually quite honestly if someone undergoes a transformation into a dog where people believe they're a dog like some who never knew Caitlyn was actually Bruce on the Vanity cover I don't see why the person can't shit in public.
I think the real issue is 'Self-identity' tolerance.

How does this effect you? What's the consequence of a Jenner using the women's bathroom? This is what I don't does your perception of events matter to you in any practical sense?

Why do people get so outraged when someone ELSE that they don't know nor will ever meet doesn't complied with their ideas of 'oughta be'. The world is a pretty big place with more than enough room for Jenner.
How does what affect me? I don't have a problem with Caitlyn walking in my restroom it any transgender or legitimate female walking in my restroom. I don't think you understood my point. I think you got it backwarda

Let's tell the truth. Bruce Jenner is a man. He has a penis.

He had a penis. He's post op now.

The boobs are usually put in at the time of the surgery. And aren't the choice of the patient, but are decided by the surgeons when assessing what is frame appropriate.

I know because I asked.
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Apparently everything today is a right pretty soon we will have people taking a dump outside on the lawn because they are really a dog.
there are certain limits to this shit dude. Bruce Jenner is probably gonna be allowed in female restrooms soon. Why? She's probably gonna undergo the full transformation. If he/she doesn't then he/she ain't as courageous as everyone been campaigning about. Actually quite honestly if someone undergoes a transformation into a dog where people believe they're a dog like some who never knew Caitlyn was actually Bruce on the Vanity cover I don't see why the person can't shit in public.
I think the real issue is 'Self-identity' tolerance.

How does this effect you? What's the consequence of a Jenner using the women's bathroom? This is what I don't does your perception of events matter to you in any practical sense?

Why do people get so outraged when someone ELSE that they don't know nor will ever meet doesn't complied with their ideas of 'oughta be'. The world is a pretty big place with more than enough room for Jenner.
Because 'she' is a 'he'.....I don't give a shit what clothes a person wears, hair makeup, etc..
If one has an X and Y, they are a guy.
This whole transgender thing is an other liberal political experiment to see if another politically correct protected class with special political rights can be created. And of course to the dems, that is another voting bloc.

Alternative sexualities already flock to the democrats. And they're already protected. So your conspiracy mandates tremendous effort in exchange for nothing they don't already have. In addition to being pristinely fact free. Plus, transgenders are a tiny portion of the electorate. Something like 0.2% of the population. Making your electoral conspiracy explanation predictably improbable.

Oh and Jenner is a republican. So by the standards of conspiracy tinfuckery, the GOP is pushing transgenderism. By any rational stadard, Jenner is advocating her own sexual identity. And your conspiracy is irrelevant.
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -

The commentary writer has some very nice thoughts:

>> Dolezal's case forces us to examine our society, which made her feel that passing for a black woman was her best choice in her advocacy for African American issues. She forces us to consider whether our biology or our action is more important to identity, and should we act in ways that honor our chosen identity in meaningful ways. We should not have to be slaves to the biological definition of identity, and we should not use race or gender identities as weapons to punish one another. <<

I haven't seen this transanimal thing yet but hell, kids play at that, and kids are wiser in ways than we are. And totems have been a part of human culture as long as humans have. For what it's worth.

Let's please stop wading into an ocean of absurdity in an attempt to justify this woman's lies. She was selling a false narrative. She made up lies about her parentage, her family, everything, and she tried to parade herself as some kind of social victim on top of it. Identity is not a choice. It is a fact that befalls us as mere incident to our existence.

The irony is that all of this nonsense exists in our society today because we don't accept diversity, we don't accept the choices people make, and do continue to measure the worth of a person based on their adherence to prejudiced conceptualizations of how well they fit into our own template configurations.

What "absurdity" are we talkin' here? I asked in the Silly Thread about a hundred times what the point was, never got a rational answer. So her parents are not who people expect them to be? So what? What do we know about the parents of any given office executive? Why does it matter?

What exactly is the hangup on ski color and "qualifications" for a racial category? Are we pretending "race" is some sort of clear-cut either/or terminology reducable to some mathematical formula?

Suppose tomorrow somebody finds out that Rachel Dolezal's parentage actually does contain a black ancestor (I believe they describe themselves as "German, Czech and a bunch of other stuff) --- does she suddenly rehabilitate overnight?

It's damn sillly. "This one's white, that one's black"... bullshit, there are millions of biracial or multiracial people among us, whether we know it or not. Some I'm related to. Scraping so hard to define everybody exclusively under some label is a fool's errand.

See the entry on Walter White (post 90, here). See also this guy...

I looove her dramatic pause here... :)

What "race" are those two people?

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Apparently everything today is a right pretty soon we will have people taking a dump outside on the lawn because they are really a dog.
there are certain limits to this shit dude. Bruce Jenner is probably gonna be allowed in female restrooms soon. Why? She's probably gonna undergo the full transformation. If he/she doesn't then he/she ain't as courageous as everyone been campaigning about. Actually quite honestly if someone undergoes a transformation into a dog where people believe they're a dog like some who never knew Caitlyn was actually Bruce on the Vanity cover I don't see why the person can't shit in public.
I think the real issue is 'Self-identity' tolerance.

How does this effect you? What's the consequence of a Jenner using the women's bathroom? This is what I don't does your perception of events matter to you in any practical sense?

Why do people get so outraged when someone ELSE that they don't know nor will ever meet doesn't complied with their ideas of 'oughta be'. The world is a pretty big place with more than enough room for Jenner.
How does what affect me? I don't have a problem with Caitlyn walking in my restroom it any transgender or legitimate female walking in my restroom. I don't think you understood my point. I think you got it backwarda

Let's tell the truth. Bruce Jenner is a man. He has a penis.

Yanno you're really not driving this point home by highlighting the word "Bruce". Just sayin'.

I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -
what is race?

Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.

According to biologist "race" is not a valid construct. So why is our Government and those on the left so race obsessed?

A quick look at the Silly Thread -- the one that mysteriously finds a way to exist, about this Rachel Dolezal ---- clearly shows who's obsessed with skin color, and it's in no way the "left". Want some samples?

There is nothing more slimy than an Uncle Tom, and since I'm white this particular case disgusts me to the bone.
...I hope she not only is fired but I hope she is shamed night and day. Fucking bitch.

Actually the moonbat messiah is likely a decendent of enslaved africans.Obozo's REAL father, an apparachik from Chicago Frank Marshal Davis :

...We are supposed to believe his father was a man that was not a decendent of an American slave

My question is how anyone could be so stupid as buy she was black.

Just because she permed her hair????

Why are liberals always falling for this?

Think Elizabeth Warren and Ward Churchill claiming they are Native Americans.

As far as I know it's dishonest as hell to claim you're black when it's 100% false.

I simply cannot understand in their right mind could possibly mistake this cracker as being black.

I would think most heads of chapters aren't crackers.

She STOLE a seat from a deserving black person when she falsified her application for acceptance to Howard U....She has been FAKING her race for decades.
How that would not make angry any self respecting fair minded individual is a mystery.

just reminding people they job isn't done yet, we need to finish the job and totally disgrace her and force her into hiding.

--- care to point out where you see the "left" side of this board in those? :popcorn:

Also revealing is several wags finding ways to actually be angry about how some woman in Spokane presents herself -- which tells us not only who among us is hung up on skin colors but who among us is hung up on controlling the lives of outside people who have nothing to do with them.

--- and that's "the left"... right? :rofl:

Apparently not.
Yer kidding....she is as left wing moonbat as is possible

Well I knew I'd get an argumentum ad populum but this one came with its own ipse dixit. Thanks for that.

How's that search coming for your claim that Howard University uses its app form to screen out non-black students? Because your time is waaaay up.
what is race?

Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.

According to biologist "race" is not a valid construct. So why is our Government and those on the left so race obsessed?

A quick look at the Silly Thread -- the one that mysteriously finds a way to exist, about this Rachel Dolezal ---- clearly shows who's obsessed with skin color, and it's in no way the "left". Want some samples?

There is nothing more slimy than an Uncle Tom, and since I'm white this particular case disgusts me to the bone.
...I hope she not only is fired but I hope she is shamed night and day. Fucking bitch.

Actually the moonbat messiah is likely a decendent of enslaved africans.Obozo's REAL father, an apparachik from Chicago Frank Marshal Davis :

...We are supposed to believe his father was a man that was not a decendent of an American slave

My question is how anyone could be so stupid as buy she was black.

Just because she permed her hair????

Why are liberals always falling for this?

Think Elizabeth Warren and Ward Churchill claiming they are Native Americans.

As far as I know it's dishonest as hell to claim you're black when it's 100% false.

I simply cannot understand in their right mind could possibly mistake this cracker as being black.

I would think most heads of chapters aren't crackers.

She STOLE a seat from a deserving black person when she falsified her application for acceptance to Howard U....She has been FAKING her race for decades.
How that would not make angry any self respecting fair minded individual is a mystery.

just reminding people they job isn't done yet, we need to finish the job and totally disgrace her and force her into hiding.

--- care to point out where you see the "left" side of this board in those? :popcorn:

Also revealing is several wags finding ways to actually be angry about how some woman in Spokane presents herself -- which tells us not only who among us is hung up on skin colors but who among us is hung up on controlling the lives of outside people who have nothing to do with them.

--- and that's "the left"... right? :rofl:

Apparently not.
Yer kidding....she is as left wing moonbat as is possible

Well I knew I'd get an argumentum ad populum but this one came with its own ipse dixit. Thanks for that.

How's that search coming for your claim that Howard University uses its app form to screen out non-black students? Because your time is waaaay up.
I'm wayyyy up I feel blessed.
It is a race, not a right. No one has the right to claim a race that they are not. The woman has some serious problems and is a serial liar.
Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.

According to biologist "race" is not a valid construct. So why is our Government and those on the left so race obsessed?

A quick look at the Silly Thread -- the one that mysteriously finds a way to exist, about this Rachel Dolezal ---- clearly shows who's obsessed with skin color, and it's in no way the "left". Want some samples?

There is nothing more slimy than an Uncle Tom, and since I'm white this particular case disgusts me to the bone.
...I hope she not only is fired but I hope she is shamed night and day. Fucking bitch.

Actually the moonbat messiah is likely a decendent of enslaved africans.Obozo's REAL father, an apparachik from Chicago Frank Marshal Davis :

...We are supposed to believe his father was a man that was not a decendent of an American slave

My question is how anyone could be so stupid as buy she was black.

Just because she permed her hair????

Why are liberals always falling for this?

Think Elizabeth Warren and Ward Churchill claiming they are Native Americans.

As far as I know it's dishonest as hell to claim you're black when it's 100% false.

I simply cannot understand in their right mind could possibly mistake this cracker as being black.

I would think most heads of chapters aren't crackers.

She STOLE a seat from a deserving black person when she falsified her application for acceptance to Howard U....She has been FAKING her race for decades.
How that would not make angry any self respecting fair minded individual is a mystery.

just reminding people they job isn't done yet, we need to finish the job and totally disgrace her and force her into hiding.

--- care to point out where you see the "left" side of this board in those? :popcorn:

Also revealing is several wags finding ways to actually be angry about how some woman in Spokane presents herself -- which tells us not only who among us is hung up on skin colors but who among us is hung up on controlling the lives of outside people who have nothing to do with them.

--- and that's "the left"... right? :rofl:

Apparently not.
Yer kidding....she is as left wing moonbat as is possible

Well I knew I'd get an argumentum ad populum but this one came with its own ipse dixit. Thanks for that.

How's that search coming for your claim that Howard University uses its app form to screen out non-black students? Because your time is waaaay up.
I'm wayyyy up I feel blessed.

Not you -- that Spoonish asshole.
He floated that turd three times last night, I challenged him to back it up, then he ran away.
It is a tad entertaining to see those who say gender is a choice adamantly fighting against the seemingly socio-progressive idea that race is also a choice. If person A thinks 'X' is a choice, why can't person B think 'Y' is a choice? Eh, feels like pandora's box has been opened for some time now, and that ball is still rollin'.

Why is it that we celebrate Bruce Jenner's gender change and frown upon Rachel Dolezal's racial change? [Interesting CNN question]
It is a tad entertaining to see those who say gender is a choice adamantly fighting against the seemingly socio-progressive idea that race is also a choice. If person A thinks 'X' is a choice, why can't person B think 'Y' is a choice? Eh, feels like pandora's box has been opened for some time now, and that ball is still rollin'.

Why is it that we celebrate Bruce Jenner's gender change and frown upon Rachel Dolezal's racial change? [Interesting CNN question]
It can be a choice and a... Force? By which I mean some are born gay some choose to be gay or transgender, transracial what have you.
I dunno. It's just confusing and I find more than some of it crazy.

So I'm just gonna sit back, drink my kefir, and wonder what the hell the world is coming to.

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