Is Bill Maher next?

Now that Roseanne has been branded with the Progressive Scarlet A and an outcast from society, will Bill Maher be next? After all, he said that Trump was the result of Trump's mother having sex with an orangutan?

Naturally, no one thinks this will happen saying this about Trump, because of the PC hypocrisy out there. Now if Maher said this about Obama, he would be gone over night. Such is the world of Progressive PC looney land.

However, Bill has some rather PC disturbing things about Muslims.

As a result, they may wait till he is 80 and take him out into a field and shoot him like they did Cosby for bad mouthing the Black community.

There's a huge difference here....Maher is a political satirist.....his jokes all stem from a political stand point and if you are a true fan, which you are'd know that he will be the first as he has already done, to defend Rosanne ...

Rosanne on the other hand is a fuckin racist. How the fuck she's gonna have this little black girl on her fuckin show and after work, is tweeting shit about her race being monkeys? How the fuck does she live that way? I've been a fan of Rosanne's since she first appeared on the Tonight Show but to know that this puffy white bitch hates my fuckin do you think that make black fans of hers feel? Have your racism, your bias, but gotdamit, keep the fuckin shit to yourself!!

Maher said he was a house nagger.
I was worrying about the Bill Maher thing just this morning --- talk about vulnerable! He's been going more conservative lately as leftists get more and more fascist.
I would disagree there. Maher is, has been, and always will be a real liberal. Where he disagrees with the Regressive Left is primarily on issues where they are simply not liberal.

He's virulently anti-PC and Identity Politics. He's virulently pro-freedom of expression, even if he (horror of horrors) disagrees with what is being said. He's against the illiberal leftist authoritarianism that has infected so many of our campuses. He's realistic about Islamists and Jihadists and hasn't obediently turned them into his pet constituent oppressed religion. Those are all the antithesis of what the Regressives are doing. He's just a (real) liberal with a quick mind and a sharp tongue.

I can certainly understand why both the Right and the Regressives dislike him so much. I disagree with him on some stuff, but I'm sure glad he's around.

I think you are probably right; a true old-timey liberal rather than conservative. Okay, I agree.

The leftists will destroy him soon; I can see it coming.
Bullshit. Maher is a phony. He’s a hardcore left winger hypocrite, phony libertarian. He won’t lose his show as long as he keeps on kissing Democrat bigot ass.
Or maybe he's just a liberal.

Not everyone to the left of Trump is an (insert wild, simplistic hyperbole here).
No, he’s an insulated whitebread left wing phony with little or no perspective. Just self-righteous, mostly baseless opinion.
Or he's a pretty intelligent, well-informed guy whose opinions happen to be different than yours.

One of the two.
No, he’s ignorant. And I base that on his ignorant stance on issue where he lacks the perspective that I have. Mainly, blackness, fatherlessness and pot.

You believe that he lacks perspective on pot?
Oh, absolutely. He has no idea of the anxiety and derealization effects it can have. If he did and still advocated as he does then he’d be a pure psychopath.

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