Is Bill Maher next?

I watch him every week he's on. And I've been to one of his shows.

I must not be a regressive! Hallelujah!
Do they screen the audience first or do they just expect lefty sheep to show up?

Hmmmm. Ya hafta pay. That's all I know.

No screening like at any event where Trump shows up.
So then they just expect lefty sheep. Figures. You been to a trump rally, too?

Yep. Been to a Trump rally. Had a blast.
And how did they screen you (not that I doubt they did - separate issue)?

I'm a middle aged white guy.
He's a good target. Right wingers don't like him for obvious reasons, and the Regressives hate him because he calls them Regressives and eviscerates PC. He's a real, actual liberal, in other words.

Frankly, I'm surprised he's lasted THIS long.

The difference is you will probably never see right wingers try to get him off the air, and even if they do the powers that be will ignore them.

Right now only left wing butthurt is "real" butthurt.

You really don't pay attention do ya?

Rosanne was fired in 30 seconds. Bee got 48 hours to apologize and get her award still.

On the Right we complain about the PROCESS, that there is a double standard.

get rid of the double standard and we will stop complaining.

Rules are rules.

The right wing already forced Maher off the air once. You should research before typing.

LOL, PI being cancelled is hardly "forced" and it wasn't just conservatives pissed at him for those remarks after 9/11.

And that still took 6 days.

Whatever you say.

Your hero just told the world that Sam Bee should be fired. Where have you been?
Now that Roseanne has been branded with the Progressive Scarlet A and an outcast from society, will Bill Maher be next? After all, he said that Trump was the result of Trump's mother having sex with an orangutan?
He's a good target. Right wingers don't like him for obvious reasons, and the Regressives hate him because he calls them Regressives and eviscerates PC. He's a real, actual liberal, in other words.

Frankly, I'm surprised he's lasted THIS long.
Bullshit. Maher is a phony. He’s a hardcore left winger hypocrite, phony libertarian. He won’t lose his show as long as he keeps on kissing Democrat bigot ass.

He is more of an idiot than anything.
I was trying to say that in a nice way.
Didn't Maher also call Palin a c*** ?

He definitley gets Islam and it's followers though, and it's incredibly refreshing to see someone on the left with the balls to call not only Islam out, but his fellow leftists.
The difference is you will probably never see right wingers try to get him off the air, and even if they do the powers that be will ignore them.

Right now only left wing butthurt is "real" butthurt.

You really don't pay attention do ya?

Rosanne was fired in 30 seconds. Bee got 48 hours to apologize and get her award still.

On the Right we complain about the PROCESS, that there is a double standard.

get rid of the double standard and we will stop complaining.

Rules are rules.

The right wing already forced Maher off the air once. You should research before typing.

LOL, PI being cancelled is hardly "forced" and it wasn't just conservatives pissed at him for those remarks after 9/11.

And that still took 6 days.

Whatever you say.

Your hero just told the world that Sam Bee should be fired. Where have you been?

Not surprised. again, rules are rules. you guys have made up the rules, now live with them.

You really don't pay attention do ya?

Rosanne was fired in 30 seconds. Bee got 48 hours to apologize and get her award still.

On the Right we complain about the PROCESS, that there is a double standard.

get rid of the double standard and we will stop complaining.

Rules are rules.

The right wing already forced Maher off the air once. You should research before typing.

LOL, PI being cancelled is hardly "forced" and it wasn't just conservatives pissed at him for those remarks after 9/11.

And that still took 6 days.

Whatever you say.

Your hero just told the world that Sam Bee should be fired. Where have you been?

Not surprised. again, rules are rules. you guys have made up the rules, now live with them.

What? You are failing to make sense.
Rosanne was fired in 30 seconds. Bee got 48 hours to apologize and get her award still.

On the Right we complain about the PROCESS, that there is a double standard.

get rid of the double standard and we will stop complaining.

Rules are rules.

The right wing already forced Maher off the air once. You should research before typing.

LOL, PI being cancelled is hardly "forced" and it wasn't just conservatives pissed at him for those remarks after 9/11.

And that still took 6 days.

Whatever you say.

Your hero just told the world that Sam Bee should be fired. Where have you been?

Not surprised. again, rules are rules. you guys have made up the rules, now live with them.

What? You are failing to make sense.

The new rules are say something bad on twitter get fired.

Rules are rules.
The right wing already forced Maher off the air once. You should research before typing.

LOL, PI being cancelled is hardly "forced" and it wasn't just conservatives pissed at him for those remarks after 9/11.

And that still took 6 days.

Whatever you say.

Your hero just told the world that Sam Bee should be fired. Where have you been?

Not surprised. again, rules are rules. you guys have made up the rules, now live with them.

What? You are failing to make sense.

The new rules are say something bad on twitter get fired.

Rules are rules.

Nope. Clearly you are mistaken.
The right wing already forced Maher off the air once. You should research before typing.

LOL, PI being cancelled is hardly "forced" and it wasn't just conservatives pissed at him for those remarks after 9/11.

And that still took 6 days.

Whatever you say.

Your hero just told the world that Sam Bee should be fired. Where have you been?

Not surprised. again, rules are rules. you guys have made up the rules, now live with them.

What? You are failing to make sense.

The new rules are say something bad on twitter get fired.

Rules are rules.
I’ve avoided social media since its inception.
When the W was shut down over libel suits in the 1990’s (they demanded all posts be made with verified ID — no anonymity) I learned that lesson. So did they.
When FB and especially twitter evolved, I said stay away and look out!
Now that Roseanne has been branded with the Progressive Scarlet A and an outcast from society, will Bill Maher be next? After all, he said that Trump was the result of Trump's mother having sex with an orangutan?
He's a good target. Right wingers don't like him for obvious reasons, and the Regressives hate him because he calls them Regressives and eviscerates PC. He's a real, actual liberal, in other words.

Frankly, I'm surprised he's lasted THIS long.
Bullshit. Maher is a phony. He’s a hardcore left winger hypocrite, phony libertarian. He won’t lose his show as long as he keeps on kissing Democrat bigot ass.
Or maybe he's just a liberal.

Not everyone to the left of Trump is an (insert wild, simplistic hyperbole here).
No, he’s an insulated whitebread left wing phony with little or no perspective. Just self-righteous, mostly baseless opinion.
Or he's a pretty intelligent, well-informed guy whose opinions happen to be different than yours.

One of the two.
Now that Roseanne has been branded with the Progressive Scarlet A and an outcast from society, will Bill Maher be next? After all, he said that Trump was the result of Trump's mother having sex with an orangutan?
He's a good target. Right wingers don't like him for obvious reasons, and the Regressives hate him because he calls them Regressives and eviscerates PC. He's a real, actual liberal, in other words.

Frankly, I'm surprised he's lasted THIS long.
Bullshit. Maher is a phony. He’s a hardcore left winger hypocrite, phony libertarian. He won’t lose his show as long as he keeps on kissing Democrat bigot ass.
Or maybe he's just a liberal.

Not everyone to the left of Trump is an (insert wild, simplistic hyperbole here).
No, he’s an insulated whitebread left wing phony with little or no perspective. Just self-righteous, mostly baseless opinion.
Or he's a pretty intelligent, well-informed guy whose opinions happen to be different than yours.

One of the two.
No, he’s ignorant. And I base that on his ignorant stance on issue where he lacks the perspective that I have. Mainly, blackness, fatherlessness and pot.
He's a good target. Right wingers don't like him for obvious reasons, and the Regressives hate him because he calls them Regressives and eviscerates PC. He's a real, actual liberal, in other words.

Frankly, I'm surprised he's lasted THIS long.
Bullshit. Maher is a phony. He’s a hardcore left winger hypocrite, phony libertarian. He won’t lose his show as long as he keeps on kissing Democrat bigot ass.
Or maybe he's just a liberal.

Not everyone to the left of Trump is an (insert wild, simplistic hyperbole here).
No, he’s an insulated whitebread left wing phony with little or no perspective. Just self-righteous, mostly baseless opinion.
Or he's a pretty intelligent, well-informed guy whose opinions happen to be different than yours.

One of the two.
No, he’s ignorant. And I base that on his ignorant stance on issue where he lacks the perspective that I have. Mainly, blackness, fatherlessness and pot.

You believe that he lacks perspective on pot?
LOL, PI being cancelled is hardly "forced" and it wasn't just conservatives pissed at him for those remarks after 9/11.

And that still took 6 days.

Whatever you say.

Your hero just told the world that Sam Bee should be fired. Where have you been?

Not surprised. again, rules are rules. you guys have made up the rules, now live with them.

What? You are failing to make sense.

The new rules are say something bad on twitter get fired.

Rules are rules.

Nope. Clearly you are mistaken.

The issue is going against what is PC. It destroys careers depending upon who you are.

Is Maher well enough liked to avoid the Scarlet A and career ending humiliation for saying bad things about Muslims?

Good post. I was worrying about the Bill Maher thing just this morning --- talk about vulnerable! He's been going more conservative lately as leftists get more and more fascist. I bet they destroy him before the week is out.

I never liked him before (and don't plan to start) but all performers are now at risk, and I think the #MeToo movement and the hate-comediennes movement are one and the same thing --- Twitter mobs baying against people who are not PC. Everybody gets thrown out of their jobs and livelihood inside of two hours --- that's how fast it happens, and the reason is that execs are terrified of the Twitter mobs, which form incredibly fast.

I've been on two Twitter mobs, and I quit Twitter --- too scary for me. The second was the Target boycott --- Target decided for no sane reason that they preferred creepazoid males who think they are females and welcomed them to flock into women's restrooms and changing rooms. Fine, let crazy trannies be their customers, I'll never go in to such a store again as long as I live.

But it was so FAST. The first day, the boycott was set up and people could sign on. That's what's going on now --- someone drinks too much and says something unwise, and within a few hours, no one ever sleeps on it, their whole life is ruined and usually 25-75 people along with them, like the Roseanne cast and writers and set dressers and cameramen and, and --- it's sad, IMO.

If people could just give it a little more TIME. Execs could meet and after a week say, No, wait, we didn't mean it about the Trannies, that was just some silly girl, one of those Social Justice Warriors right out of a leftwing college. We fired her. We love our women and family customers: come back, come back, it's totally safe here. And maybe Target stock wouldn't have gone down so far.
I was worrying about the Bill Maher thing just this morning --- talk about vulnerable! He's been going more conservative lately as leftists get more and more fascist.
I would disagree there. Maher is, has been, and always will be a real liberal. Where he disagrees with the Regressive Left is primarily on issues where they are simply not liberal.

He's virulently anti-PC and Identity Politics. He's virulently pro-freedom of expression, even if he (horror of horrors) disagrees with what is being said. He's against the illiberal leftist authoritarianism that has infected so many of our campuses. He's realistic about Islamists and Jihadists and hasn't obediently turned them into his pet constituent oppressed religion. Those are all the antithesis of what the Regressives are doing. He's just a (real) liberal with a quick mind and a sharp tongue.

I can certainly understand why both the Right and the Regressives dislike him so much. I disagree with him on some stuff, but I'm sure glad he's around.
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