Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

The "other crime" doesn't have to be proved since it was already charge in federal court and a conviction occurred. The "other crime" was Cohens.

Yes, Ma'am, the DOJ did pursue a federal crime. Cohen was convicted of it.

It’s the same matter. The career FEC attorneys recommended the commissioners find that Trump participated in the illegal scheme based on the law.
Trump’s political appointees rejected it for the reasons stated above. They claimed they were too busy and that prosecuting Cohen was good enough.
It’s only now that Trump’s political appointees are again coming to his defense with retconned rationale.
You can't say that since Cohen plead guilty that therefore Trump is guilty.
Trump is innocent until PROVEN guilty.
WRONG. Cohen's expenditures did NOT support the Trump campaign, as I explained previously.
A new suit to look good, NO
Teeth whitening to look good, NO
Hush money payments, NO

TV ads, yes
Newspaper ads, yes
Campaign workers, yes
Campaign flyers, yes
Is undercurrent election laws, If the payments were made for the specific reason Of influencing the election by protecting donald trump's Public image, Then it is considered an in kind donation.

And they have phone records of trump literally telling cohen That they might not need to pay off daniels But just pretend like they're going to until after the election and then it wouldn't matter. They have plenty of evidence that it was a collusion between trump and cohen To keep the women quiet so that his campaign would not be affected by the stories. And that makes it an in kind donation.
The FEC majority voted not to indict for campaign violations.

That's true, the FEC voted to not pursue. But it wasn't because there was nothing there. And it wasn't because there were no campaign violations. It was because Cohen was already convicted. That was the reason those 2 Republicans gave.

That two partisan democrats voted to proceed just shows that they are hacks.

You've got that backwards. Those 2 Democrats were aligned with a previous FEC finding...

The FEC’s Office of General Counsel issued a report in December finding that there was “reason to believe” that Cohen and the Trump campaign knowingly and willfully violated campaign finance law.

The 2 partisans were the Republicans. As I showed you... Trainor was on "Team Trump."

I saw Trainor and Smith explain what expenses are campaign and what are not. Hush payments are clearly not.
You want the FEC to vote to indict, but don't explain how the hush payments are illegal.


Denying those payments were campaign contributions is patently absurd. Again... Cohen was convicted for making an excessive campaign contribution.

It's only a misdemeanor if there was no other crime committed in concert with it. And to meet that requirement, .All that matters is that another crime was committed. He doesn't need to be convicted of that crime, And it doesn't matter whether or not the statute of limitations has expired on that crime. If they can prove the crime was committed, Regardless of when it happened Or whether or not he was convicted, Then They can raise the misdemeanor charges to felony charges.
The mere existence of a second crime Connected to the falsifying of business records makes the falsifying of business records a felony.
What crime was connected? Cite the statute.
Donald trump was named as an unindited token spiriter in the crime that cohen was convicted for. Trump not being convicted of it doesn't mean he was innocent of it. And they don't need his conviction to use it to Raise his Misdeanor charges to felonies.
The d o j made it clear that they had evidence to charge him but couldn't do so. That's all that's needed.

She had to pay $8000 because she reported that research as "legal services," not because the research was illegal.

Trump also reported Cohen’s crime as "legal services." Rightards cry, "no foul."
Same act, different punishments. Weird, huh?
The "other crime" doesn't have to be proved since it was already charge in federal court and a conviction occurred. The "other crime" was Cohens.

Yes, Ma'am, the DOJ did pursue a federal crime. Cohen was convicted of it.

Oh, we are back to someone else’s crime can be magically applied to Trump with no charges in order to make a dead misdemeanor into a live felony.

Sounds fascist to me.
LOL!! Hush money payments are NOT a campaign expense, so says the FEC. Cohen is not Trump. That dog won't hunt.

They were when made by the candidates operative just days before the election.

So says the United States Code reflected in the conviction of Cohen on felony a campaign finance violation for paying hush money to a porn star.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.
What other crime? statute?
What crime was connected? Cite the statute.
The misdemeanors he was accused of was misfiling business records.
He was attempting to forge documents to make the money he was repaying to cohen seemed like a business expense when it wasn't.
That is all that's needed to raise the misdemeanors charges hes being charged with to felony
Oh, we are back to someone else’s crime can be magically applied to Trump with no charges in order to make a dead misdemeanor into a live felony.

Sounds fascist to me.

No magically applied is needed.

The law says aiding or concealing a crime enhances the crime. Individual 1 can get the enhancement by attempting to aid or conceal the crimes of say - Lawyer A.

Donald trump was named as an unindited token spiriter in the crime that cohen was convicted for. Trump not being convicted of it doesn't mean he was innocent of it. And they don't need his conviction to use it to Raise his Misdeanor charges to felonies.
The d o j made it clear that they had evidence to charge him but couldn't do so. That's all that's needed.
Nazi Piglosi, is that you! Yes, Trump is INNOCENT since he hasn’t even been charged, much less convicted.
Leftatrd fascists are out in force today.
The misdemeanors he was accused of was misfiling business records.
He was attempting to forge documents to make the money he was repaying to cohen seemed like a business expense when it wasn't.
That is all that's needed to raise the misdemeanors charges hes being charged with to felony
You're mistaken on that point. He wasn't convicted for taking Money. He used his own money to make the payments to stormy Daniels.. He was charged with making Illegal campaign contributions. The payments made to stormy Daniels and other women buy him with his own money Constituted inclined donations to donald trump's campaign, Which exceeded the amount of money he was Legally allowed to donate to donald trump's campaign. They didn't literally take money out of the campaign to make the payments. cohen Took out A-line of credit on his own house with the promise that Donald Trump would repay him.

That's where the whole issue arises because donald trump repaid him by Having the company give him money, While forging documents saying that the money was Completely unrelated legal work that he had done for the company. Except he had done no legal work for the company. He had no legal relationship with the trump organization at all. He had only represented Donald Trump on personal cases and had never had any retainer agreement with the trump organization as a company.

I didn't say Cohen was convicted for taking money. I said he was convicted because it was campaign money.
You can't say that since Cohen plead guilty that therefore Trump is guilty.
Trump is innocent until PROVEN guilty.
The DOJ named trump as an unindicted Co conspirator In the campaign finance crimes that cohen plead guilty to. Unindicted co conspirator Is legalese for we can prove this guy's guilty but we Are not legally allowed to indict him.
No magically applied is needed.

The law says aiding or concealing a crime enhances the crime. Individual 1 can get the enhancement by attempting to aid or conceal the crimes of say - Lawyer A.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Ever heard of it?

You assume guilt on a crime he hasn’t even been charged with, Simp.

Leftard fascism run amok.

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