Is Caitlyn Jenner a Whack Job?

My Brother in law was a tranny, he/she betrayed my sister and this is one reason why I don't buy the GAY agenda, it's a slap in the face to us ALL. deceivers and liars. Gay rights my sweet bippy. (marriage is a privilege not a RIGHT). That is right, Nobody has a RIGHT to marry, THAT RIGHT! Not guaranteed in the constitution. Gays don't get a free pass on their lies or pretenses, and blaming straight society on this and peer pressure is weak. Unforgivable. They HAVE hurt plenty of people.
Your brother in law tried to fit in by getting married, like society demanded. Lots of families get fucked up because of that pressure to fit in.
Way to avoid my point about your brother in law.
I think you are talking to MaryL, My bother in law is straight.
My Brother in law was a tranny, he/she betrayed my sister and this is one reason why I don't buy the GAY agenda, it's a slap in the face to us ALL. deceivers and liars. Gay rights my sweet bippy. (marriage is a privilege not a RIGHT). That is right, Nobody has a RIGHT to marry, THAT RIGHT! Not guaranteed in the constitution. Gays don't get a free pass on their lies or pretenses, and blaming straight society on this and peer pressure is weak. Unforgivable. They HAVE hurt plenty of people.
Your brother in law tried to fit in by getting married, like society demanded. Lots of families get fucked up because of that pressure to fit in.

There might be some pressure, but I wouldn't call it a demand.
I cant think of a better way to raise children though. Maybe a close knit family nearby helps...but not as good as 2 parents.
Never mind -

Hey, I liked what I said, it made sense to me. lol
And now he is a Product (Prey) of the Infotainment Industry.
Only because that's what he desires.

I watched the MLB All-Star game tonight. The pregame festivities featured Sandy Koufax. Sandy hasn't been seen in public for decades. Because that's his choice.

It's Jenner's choice to be a publicity whore.
My Brother in law was a tranny, he/she betrayed my sister and this is one reason why I don't buy the GAY agenda, it's a slap in the face to us ALL. deceivers and liars. Gay rights my sweet bippy. (marriage is a privilege not a RIGHT). That is right, Nobody has a RIGHT to marry, THAT RIGHT! Not guaranteed in the constitution. Gays don't get a free pass on their lies or pretenses, and blaming straight society on this and peer pressure is weak. Unforgivable. They HAVE hurt plenty of people.
Your brother in law tried to fit in by getting married, like society demanded. Lots of families get fucked up because of that pressure to fit in.
Even your photos can't spell correctly.
Self-preservation is now 'courageous'.
.... no pun intended... okay, it was intended but she didn't get a whack job so, guess that is pretty lame

I can not believe ESPN glorified "it". Pitiful.
NO surprise to hear ESPN glorified him.the media is sick.

I'm not sure ESPN realizes who their audience is. I think they may know NOW

Perhaps Bruce can win some of them back by wearing a Confederate Flag Bikini.....

...well, maybe not.
He/she is not trailer trash...
i wonder if the media forgot that brucy killed someone earlier this year.

Bruce no longer exists, Caitlyn wasn't there. Guess they'll have to close the case.
Why are Cons so concerned about Cailtlyn?
Exactly. Why indeed. To be so concerned and obsessed with what another adult human being does, something which has no effect or influence on one's own life, is to be nearly as mentally ill as they accuse Jenner of being.

There are far more important and significant things in this world and this life to be concerned about.
Is Caitlyn Jenner a Whack Job?

Yes. But not because of his transgender - because of his association with the Kardashian bunch.

Why does his transgender make him a whack job?
Because something is obviously wrong with a person who can't accept themselves to the point he they have gender reassignment. If a person wanted to cut off a perfectly good leg you'd say they were in need of a psychiatrist. Tranny wants to cut off a perfectly good penis and everybody says OK that's perfectly normal. No it's not! It's BDD and/or BID it's the same mental illness as the guy who wants to cut off his leg, just a different body part.
This is hilarious. You are nuts, absolutely nuts. :cuckoo:
Why are Cons so concerned about Cailtlyn?
Exactly. Why indeed. To be so concerned and obsessed with what another adult human being does, something which has no effect or influence on one's own life, is to be nearly as mentally ill as they accuse Jenner of being.

There are far more important and significant things in this world and this life to be concerned about.

I think this is something to be concerned about. This pseudo psychiatry is not helping these people in any way. Our psychiatric association has been hijacked by political correctness and they continue to advise these gender confused individuals to have surgery, as if it will cure their disease. It does not. It is extremely risky and dangerous and doesn't seem to help. THAT is my biggest concern. The lies being pumped out. We are being lied to, and that is certainly cause for concern. The psychiatrists seem to look at the "easy" way to supposedly "treat" these patients. Gender reassignment surgery is NOT treatment. IT is mutilation and
VERY risky.

20 regret changing genders over 40 attempt suicide and even after surgery a large number remain traumatized - Sex Change Info

20% regret changing genders, over 40% attempt suicide, and even after surgery a large number remain traumatized
Hoping to have success with sex change surgery is like Russian roulette. You could be the lucky one, but reports show the risks are high and death is a strong possibility.

For 35 years serious questions have been raised about the overall long term success of changing genders.

Today we look at a report from The Guardian (UK) from July 2004 that included a review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transgenders by the University of Birmingham aggressive research intelligence facility. They found "no robust scientific evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective." Seeing that they reviewed not just one study but 100 international studies makes this report alarming.

In my view, this shows that failure comes all too often for transgenders and it is so unnecessary. The Guardian reports:

  1. After gender reassignment, there's still a large number of people who had the surgery but remain traumatized - often to the point of committing suicide.
  2. Research from the US and Holland suggests that up to a fifth (20%) of patients regret changing sex. Sex changes are not effective say researchers Society The Guardian
Thirty-five years ago, in 1979, uncertainty about gender change success was surfacing. At Johns Hopkins Hospital concerns about the reported success rates of changing genders and whether Dr. Money had been falsifying the reports of sex change success prompted a review. Dr. Paul Mc Hugh commissioned Dr. Meyer to study post-operative transsexuals from the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic program. Dr. Meyer's results were far different than Money’s reports of success a decade earlier and also validated the concerns regarding Dr. Money and his reports. Dr. Meyer said, “To say that this type of surgery cures psychiatric disturbance is incorrect.” As a result of studying the results of Hopkins patients, Hopkins closed its gender clinic and university-based gender clinics around the country began to close.

Also in 1979, Dr. Ihlenfeld, a former associate of Dr. Harry Benjamin, told an audience extreme care should be given in using cross gender hormones because 80% of patents who want to change their sex shouldn't do it. "There is too much unhappiness among people who have had the surgery," he said. "Too many of them end as suicides."
Why are Cons so concerned about Cailtlyn?
Because the left is shoving it down our throats.
FOXNEWS is 'The Left'?
I never said anything about the news. Try the LGBT assisted by Obama lighting up the white house. LGBT Law suits,gestapo tactic's and have you seen Pride Parades? Insulting peoples religions while dressed like perverts.

Here we have the LGBT in the white house disrespecting dead American president and one living American president.

While dressed like this

BTW no red white and blue on the white house on the 4th of July.
I think he's an awfully-confused individual who has received awards not due and escaped punishment well-deserved.
It's one thing for homosexuals to be homosexual, but it's another for them to behave like disgusting and bizarre cretins as exemplified in post #77. I do imagine it embarrasses homosexuals who don't act like that at all.

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