Is Caitlyn Jenner a Whack Job?

When someone is suffering with a gender identity disorder, you don't reinforce the gender identity disorder.
Is Caitlyn Jenner a Whack Job?

Yes. But not because of his transgender - because of his association with the Kardashian bunch.

Why does his transgender make him a whack job?
Because something is obviously wrong with a person who can't accept themselves to the point he they have gender reassignment. If a person wanted to cut off a perfectly good leg you'd say they were in need of a psychiatrist. Tranny wants to cut off a perfectly good penis and everybody says OK that's perfectly normal. No it's not! It's BDD and/or BID it's the same mental illness as the guy who wants to cut off his leg, just a different body part.
This is hilarious. You are nuts, absolutely nuts. :cuckoo:
Since the founding of psychotherapy as a medical practice, homosexuality was diagnosed and treated as a disorder (dubbed "Same Sex Attraction Disorder" or SSAD) no different than Schizophrenia and other mental diseases[1]. Under pressure from homosexual activists, in 1973 the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality as a mental disorder from the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-II).

Mental Health and Homosexuality - Conservapedia

Now you can look up in Wiki and other liberal sources and see that they claim it's not a mental disorder and a natural alternative.

That said the fact remains that if a man with body integrity disorder wants to cut off his leg we say he's mentally ill. When a man wants to cut off his penis we say it's fine and normal and even assist them. What's the difference? Both are unhappy with their body parts? Both say they don't belong? What I'm saying it that the pressure in 1973 from the homosexual activists to change a diagnosis may have had an adverse effect. Because Homosexuality is no longer considered a mental illness it gives a green light for this form of extreme gender issue which should still be classified as a mental illness in part or in it's entirety to be overlooked by the medical community. Because the inner conflict is not addressed the sex change doesn't help. Sure they get immediate gratification but the underlying issues are still there making them miserable. Caitlyn Jenner is feeling better now but the illness will continue to manifest because the underlying causes haven't be dealt with.

Transgenders suicide death rate at 30%
One out of every 3 transgenders, even after undergoing a surgical gender change, will die from suicide. Gender surgery is no help in preventing or reducing transgender suicide deaths. More than 40% of transgenders will attempt suicide and 30% will not survive the attempts and die.

From the Transgender Task Force’s own studies in the United States, to the UK’s extensive 50 years of research, along with a 30 year study of all transgenders in Sweden, we amass a wealth of evidence that changing genders all too often ends in suicide. I have reviewed a large cross section of studies and they have helped me discover that many transgenders suffer from depressive disorders, just like I did years ago. All of which predicts and explains the staggering suicide rates we see today, sadly.

As a transgender, I find this is far too important to ignore or stay silent about. I myself underwent the full range of hormones and surgeries 30 years ago. While digging into the research studies I was able see how my own life progressed from a child with gender dysphoria and depression to considering suicide. My gender dysphoria evolved from a troubled childhood.

The gender change advocates do a lot of shouting about bullying and discrimination, but there is no sound evidence they want to prevent suicides. The transgender advocates gleefully focus all their resources on new laws for the protection and expansion of sexual freedoms. They apply no matching resources toward the prevention of suicide. Nor do they lobby the media to push for the treatment of depressive disorders, alcoholism and drug addiction in an effort to prevent transgender suicides.

After reviewing 40 years of research studies from around the world, we see that far too many transgenders are suffering from a wide range of depressive psychological disorders, driving 30% of them to commit suicide.

Now it’s time to focus financial, media and advocates on prevention of suicide.

Transgenders suicide death rate at 30 - Sex Change Info
Self-preservation is now 'courageous'.

Are you saying these guys are less courageous than Bruce Jenner? Do you think Bruce Jenner deserved this ESPY award?
No, he definitely did not deserve this award.
Because something is obviously wrong with a person who can't accept themselves to the point he they have gender reassignment.
That's a narrow-minded, bigoted, and ignorant statement.

No wonder you're a wingnut.

Why do you say that? Do you think this is a healthy thing and a healthy choice?
Healthy has nothing to do with it. It was his choice, his life. It's no one else's business. Jenner should also not try to monetize his change, lest he appear crass and cheap. Although, I think that ship has already sailed.
Is Caitlyn Jenner a Whack Job?

Yes. But not because of his transgender - because of his association with the Kardashian bunch.

Why does his transgender make him a whack job?
Exactly. Whatever happened to 'live and let live'??
Yup. But he should live happily out of the public eye. His happiness should not depend on him getting a reality show to flaunt his new identity.
Why are Cons so concerned about Cailtlyn?
Because the left is shoving it down our throats.
FOXNEWS is 'The Left'?
I never said anything about the news. Try the LGBT assisted by Obama lighting up the white house. LGBT Law suits,gestapo tactic's and have you seen Pride Parades? Insulting peoples religions while dressed like perverts.

Here we have the LGBT in the white house disrespecting dead American president and one living American president.

While dressed like this

BTW no red white and blue on the white house on the 4th of July.
A lot of the most vocal critics of Gays turn out to be queer themselves.

Do you have something you would like to announce?
Because something is obviously wrong with a person who can't accept themselves to the point he they have gender reassignment.
That's a narrow-minded, bigoted, and ignorant statement.

No wonder you're a wingnut.

Why do you say that? Do you think this is a healthy thing and a healthy choice?
Healthy has nothing to do with it. It was his choice, his life. It's no one else's business. Jenner should also not try to monetize his change, lest he appear crass and cheap. Although, I think that ship has already sailed.

Sure, it's his choice, but I have my own feelings about it, and I don't think he deserves an award for it. So many people who are more deserving, like Lauren Hill.
U are all small, weak human beings and she has guts to face all of you head on. You lose.
U are all small, weak human beings and she has guts to face all of you head on. You lose.

You mean HE. :lol: HE has a penis.
If she wants to be a she ill call her a she.

That's up to you. I am entitled to my own feelings about him.
Yes and when you lay down on your little pillow at night in judgment of others because of something theyre going through, i hope it makes you feel like a kind, compassionate, reasonable and genuine human being.
U are all small, weak human beings and she has guts to face all of you head on. You lose.

You mean HE. :lol: HE has a penis.
If she wants to be a she ill call her a she.

That's up to you. I am entitled to my own feelings about him.
Yes and when you lay down on your little pillow at night in judgment of others because of something theyre going through, i hope it makes you feel like a kind, compassionate, reasonable and genuine human being.

Who's judging? I think he is sick is all.

If you want to consider a man a woman, then by all means. I don't delude myself in such ways. :D
Every since the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner news, I check myself daily to see if I'm a man or a woman.
In 2o years in America when all the baseless bigotry has faded into the deepest cracks of the sewage system, so much talent, inventiveness and good will come from it Ill be elated and proud to say that I had gotten out of my seat, stood up and helped it all come about.

America for the win.

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