Is Caitlyn Jenner a Whack Job?

You are evil. You are a bigot against people you know nothing about based on good old fashioned ignorance, and your lack of conviction to empathize and understand so that you can continue to be judgmental and crude is straight up: evil.

Youre on your way out, people like you's views. And the world continues to get better.

Look, people aren't bigots because they don't think a man is a woman. If they mistreat the person, then they might be bigots, but everyone is entitled to have their own feelings on this type of thing. A lot of people do not think that cosmetic surgery "magically" transforms a man into a woman. That doesn't make one hateful or a bigot. Maybe you should learn what words mean before you go using them and make yourself look stupid?
This surgery is more harmful than helpful in the long run. It mutilates a person's genitals, destroys the ability to receive pleasure from sex, and it is awful that the psychiatric community is recommending this type of thing for a disorder, just like they prescribe medications willy nilly. It is EXTREMELY unhealthy and potentially life-threatening.
Provide a link to show that the surgery "destroys the ability to receive pleasure from sex".

There are plenty of examples. Go google it if you want to know.
You are evil. You are a bigot against people you know nothing about based on good old fashioned ignorance, and your lack of conviction to empathize and understand so that you can continue to be judgmental and crude is straight up: evil.

Youre on your way out, people like you's views. And the world continues to get better.

People like "you's" huh? :rolleyes-41: Quit trying to be thought police. The only way a person is a bigot is if they feel HATRED for the transsexual and demonstrate that.

The simple basic fact of the matter is, he is NOT a woman. He has male internal organs and he is prone to getting diseases that men get. If he dies and his body rots and is unidentifiable, the forensic pathologist will easily determine that he was a male.
It's strange how the transgender people are all caught up in their sexuality. As if that is the only thing that is important and the only thing that can make them "whole." Then at the same time, they will tell you that gender and sex doesn't really matter. It seems like a complete contradiction. I think therapy to accept themselves the way they are is the proper thing to do with these people, especially since some do have regrets after getting this surgery and sometimes it cannot be reversed.
Its strange that busy body bigots care so much how someones hormones guide their particular gender identity.

Not only that, but they act like they know whats best for the person.

Busy. Body. Bigots.
Its strange that busy body bigots care so much how someones hormones guide their particular gender identity.

Not only that, but they act like they know whats best for the person.

Busy. Body. Bigots.

This kind of surgery is a major operation and you have to be put under general anesthesia. That in and of itself is risky, as any doctor will tell you. Gender reassignment surgery is also risky and dangerous. People have DIED from it due to infections and other complications.

The psychiatric community is looking to take the easy way out here and instead of giving these people the treatment they desperately need, they instead prescribe potentially lethal surgery, as well as the fact that a lot of postop transsexuals commit suicide at a rate 30% or more higher than the general population.
This is no different than when, instead of therapy, they put people on drugs with all kinds of potentially dangerous and unhealthy side effects. The psychiatrists have become reliant upon medication and surgery to treat patients, rather than psychotherapy. Some transsexuals regret having the surgery even if it was recommended by a psychiatrist and feel it has ruined their lives and wish to go back to their former selves and cannot.
This is no different than when, instead of therapy, they put people on drugs with all kinds of potentially dangerous and unhealthy side effects. The psychiatrists have become reliant upon medication and surgery to treat patients, rather than psychotherapy. Some transsexuals regret having the surgery even if it was recommended by a psychiatrist and feel it has ruined their lives and wish to go back to their former selves and cannot.

Should we discount Bruce Jenner's words when he spoke to Diane Sawyer about his life-long secrets of being woman in a man's body? He articulated his feelings very well, and with tears in his eyes said, "If I die without ever experiencing her, I will have lived my life in vain." He's 65, and he's had ample time to discover the truth, and his truth is being Caitlyn Jenner.
Only a F'in douche-nozzle would want to see Bruce Jenner dressed like a woman and talking in a mans' voice.

I must admit that I found it disturbing. Not only does he sound like a man, but he has an "old man" voice and kind of whistles sometimes when he talks. I can't help it, it is just kind of creepy IMO. I don't hate the guy, but I do think he is extremely strange. I also think the psychiatric community is doing a disservice to these people. Since they are going to realize that, without the synthetic hormones (also unhealthy) and the tons of make-up, they still look like men. Well, most of them. They have man legs that are hard and muscular, not soft and curvy like a woman's legs. They have big giant arms and hands and feet that are veiny and muscular. Most of the ones I've seen really don't look very feminine. They are too big and muscular.
Only a F'in douche-nozzle would want to see Bruce Jenner dressed like a woman and talking in a mans' voice.

I must admit that I found it disturbing. Not only does he sound like a man, but he has an "old man" voice and kind of whistles sometimes when he talks. I can't help it, it is just kind of creepy IMO. I don't hate the guy, but I do think he is extremely strange. I also think the psychiatric community is doing a disservice to these people. Since they are going to realize that, without the synthetic hormones (also unhealthy) and the tons of make-up, they still look like men. Well, most of them. They have man legs that are hard and muscular, not soft and curvy like a woman's legs. They have big giant arms and hands and feet that are veiny and muscular. Most of the ones I've seen really don't look very feminine. They are too big and muscular.

Bottom line, ya' can't fool DNA.
You should probably stop freaking out, G.T. .

I get that you're sensitive about this particular issue and that you won't tolerate your golden calf getting mocked but, let's face it: no one is immune to criticism. Everyone recalls how critical you've been of other groups, so your chop-shop transexuals are no exception. That gets taken off the table now.

It was kinda pathetic how Bruce came up on stage with his big shoulders, tight dress, and deep voice talking all emotionally HUR-DUR-HURR all over the stage. 'Sasquatch in drag' is what came to mind. Just because he looks like a woman [which he currently doesn't and never will] certainly won't ever make him an actual, real woman. Unlike Pinocchio, this stiff puppet's dream is never going to come true. Our corrupt media can take these sentiments of mine and shove it up their collective keisters.
I must admit that I found it disturbing. Not only does he sound like a man, but he has an "old man" voice and kind of whistles sometimes when he talks. I can't help it, it is just kind of creepy IMO. I don't hate the guy, but I do think he is extremely strange. I also think the psychiatric community is doing a disservice to these people. Since they are going to realize that, without the synthetic hormones (also unhealthy) and the tons of make-up, they still look like men. Well, most of them. They have man legs that are hard and muscular, not soft and curvy like a woman's legs. They have big giant arms and hands and feet that are veiny and muscular. Most of the ones I've seen really don't look very feminine. They are too big and muscular.

Well said.
Despite GT's tirades, I don't have any ill feelings about the guy. I don't care about him, at all.
Having said that, I do care about being told I should care about him. Or being told if I don't think he is some kind of hero - that I am a hater.
I don't want his image plastered in my face. I have a problem with a dysfunctional media that feels compelled to do just that.
And again we see the true colors of progressives.
They enjoy throwing out what they know the vast majority of the population do not appreciate so they can make themselves feel enlightened. Better than everyone else. You see, they can understaaand Bruce, and appreeeeciate his specialness.
They preach acceptance by practising intolerance.
You should probably stop freaking out, G.T. .

I get that you're sensitive about this particular issue and that you won't tolerate your golden calf getting mocked but, let's face it: no one is immune to criticism. Everyone recalls how critical you've been of other groups, so your chop-shop transexuals are no exception. That gets taken off the table now.

It was kinda pathetic how Bruce came up on stage with his big shoulders, tight dress, and deep voice talking all emotionally HUR-DUR-HURR all over the stage. 'Sasquatch in drag' is what came to mind. Just because he looks like a woman [which he currently doesn't and never will] certainly won't ever make him an actual, real woman. Unlike Pinocchio, this stiff puppet's dream is never going to come true. Our corrupt media can take these sentiments of mine and shove it up their collective keisters.

I do kind of feel sorry for him in a way. He has been brainwashed into thinking he looks good. He looks absolutely foolish.
You should probably stop freaking out, G.T. .

I get that you're sensitive about this particular issue and that you won't tolerate your golden calf getting mocked but, let's face it: no one is immune to criticism. Everyone recalls how critical you've been of other groups, so your chop-shop transexuals are no exception. That gets taken off the table now.

It was kinda pathetic how Bruce came up on stage with his big shoulders, tight dress, and deep voice talking all emotionally HUR-DUR-HURR all over the stage. 'Sasquatch in drag' is what came to mind. Just because he looks like a woman [which he currently doesn't and never will] certainly won't ever make him an actual, real woman. Unlike Pinocchio, this stiff puppet's dream is never going to come true. Our corrupt media can take these sentiments of mine and shove it up their collective keisters.

I do kind of feel sorry for him in a way. He has been brainwashed into thinking he looks good. He looks absolutely foolish.

Bruce, or G.T.?
My Ex brother in law is a tranny, he wasn't a hero. And he hurt some of us with this macho posturing crap and the lies. He impregnates a woman (My sis), then 10 years later says WOOOPS! Mea culpa, me bad. I am really a woman! Excuse me? I know life goes on, but this is more than a big F*ckup. Right, he/she gets a divorce and cavorts around on the internet like a perv, gets "married" to another man, gets his wiener snipped, and makes mockery out of marriage. I am lost here. Bonfire of the vanities.Some of us are victims, relatives and children. I feel so sad for Jenner. But Some of us are caught in the middle here. Peace.
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