Is Christianity idolatry?


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
It is commonly accepted that Islam is not Avodah Zarah (idolatry) since Islam has a clear monotheistic theology with a belief in Allah that parallels the Jewish view of "kail" or Hashem. It is even permissible for Jews to enter and pray (Jewish prayer) in a mosque. The views of Christianity and their Trinity are more clouded. Entering a Church is a questionable act.
Those who say that Christianity is Avodah Zara are just not being open-minded enough to their explanation of how the Trinity equals monotheism? Are those who say it's not Avodah Zara (idolatry) just looking to appease the Christian majority in the countries where Jews live?

In Jewish law, the idea of the Trinity falls under the catchall term of "shittuf" - worshipping God along with some other being.

Shittuf is prohibited for Jews. This means that a Jew would be prohibited to acknowledge the Christian savior as part of God.
of course it is idolatry all one has to do is read whatitsays
about idolatry in the dictionary and read the warnings in isaiah 44 verse 9,13 and 17 to confirm it....the idolize their jesus fits to
a tee i mean cross....
Why don't you go ask the Muslims that about Islam. and then get back to us

HOPEFULLY you'll still have a head. or hey that might be a good thing if you lose it.

for us anyway....
Why don't you go ask the Muslims that about Islam. and then get back to us

HOPEFULLY you'll still have a head. or hey that might be a good thing if you lose it.

for us anyway....
Sunni Man is beheading people on USMB ?? Again??
It is commonly accepted that Islam is not Avodah Zarah (idolatry) since Islam has a clear monotheistic theology with a belief in Allah that parallels the Jewish view of "kail" or Hashem. It is even permissible for Jews to enter and pray (Jewish prayer) in a mosque. The views of Christianity and their Trinity are more clouded. Entering a Church is a questionable act.
Those who say that Christianity is Avodah Zara are just not being open-minded enough to their explanation of how the Trinity equals monotheism? Are those who say it's not Avodah Zara (idolatry) just looking to appease the Christian majority in the countries where Jews live?

In Jewish law, the idea of the Trinity falls under the catchall term of "shittuf" - worshipping God along with some other being.

Shittuf is prohibited for Jews. This means that a Jew would be prohibited to acknowledge the Christian savior as part of God.

This is all abstract and pretty much pointless.

Here's what idolatry actually looks like:

It is commonly accepted that Islam is not Avodah Zarah (idolatry) since Islam has a clear monotheistic theology with a belief in Allah that parallels the Jewish view of "kail" or Hashem. It is even permissible for Jews to enter and pray (Jewish prayer) in a mosque. The views of Christianity and their Trinity are more clouded. Entering a Church is a questionable act.
Those who say that Christianity is Avodah Zara are just not being open-minded enough to their explanation of how the Trinity equals monotheism? Are those who say it's not Avodah Zara (idolatry) just looking to appease the Christian majority in the countries where Jews live?

In Jewish law, the idea of the Trinity falls under the catchall term of "shittuf" - worshipping God along with some other being.

Shittuf is prohibited for Jews. This means that a Jew would be prohibited to acknowledge the Christian savior as part of God.

No, because in Genesis your own book says that God said, Let US make man in OUR image and after OUR likeness. Who was God speaking to? The Holy Spirit (His Spirit) and the Word that became flesh in John 1:1 and is identified as the One who created all things - Jesus Christ. That is who God the Father was speaking of. How could God be a Father if He didn't have a Son? How could God be a Spirit if he was not a Spirit - The Spirit of the LORD was with Gideon. The Spirit of the LORD was with Samson. THINK. It is 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 not 1 + 1 + 1 = 3.

While your Rabbi's have explained this away claiming that God was speaking to an angel that makes no sense because we were not created as angels. We were created in the image of God. We are a spirit, we live in a body and we have a soul. We are a trichotomy. Because we are made in the image of God - God the Father, God the Spirit, God the Word (Jesus Christ). Do you walk around calling yourself 3 persons? No. You say I and in that God in the very next verse after Genesis 1:26 does the same. Genesis 1:27 God said, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female he created them.

See that?

In verse 26 he says Let US make man in Our image and after OUR likeness and in the very next verse he says I. Hear O Israel the Lord thy God is One. 1 x 1 x 1 = 1. NOT 3. "1".
here this is for jeremiah since you love being called jeremiah and your vision is vain....anyone care to look up jeremiah 14 verse 14.... does this not describe our jeremiah on this board to a t..... go ahead dump some more stuff that is not pertinant to the discussion....
It is commonly accepted that Islam is not Avodah Zarah (idolatry) since Islam has a clear monotheistic theology with a belief in Allah that parallels the Jewish view of "kail" or Hashem. It is even permissible for Jews to enter and pray (Jewish prayer) in a mosque. The views of Christianity and their Trinity are more clouded. Entering a Church is a questionable act.
Those who say that Christianity is Avodah Zara are just not being open-minded enough to their explanation of how the Trinity equals monotheism? Are those who say it's not Avodah Zara (idolatry) just looking to appease the Christian majority in the countries where Jews live?

In Jewish law, the idea of the Trinity falls under the catchall term of "shittuf" - worshipping God along with some other being.

Shittuf is prohibited for Jews. This means that a Jew would be prohibited to acknowledge the Christian savior as part of God.

Statues, symbols of a cross, a suffering man on a cross.................... they are seen as idols. When you kneel in front of or make offerings to the figure, even lighting a candle, is an act of adoration. When you pray to the statue or figure you are praying to an idol.
How could God be a Father if He didn't have a Son?
and what about the Almighty's daughter, Idolator ?

* as they are either all or neither or simply those that accomplish Admission to the Everlasting as just beings.

How could God be a Father if He didn't have a Son?
and what about the Almighty's daughter, Idolator ?

* as they are either all or neither or simply those that accomplish Admission to the Everlasting as just beings.


What are you talking about? God had one Son. Which is why John 3:16 begins for God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son - Jesus Christ is His Only Begotten Son. Jesus Christ was the Only Begotten Son of God BEFORE He was born upon this earth, Breezewood. Jesus Christ has always been. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He was there in Genesis 1:1. Open your eyes! I have become a daughter of the LORD through believing on Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. You can become a son of God by believing on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior but God said In His Word - Jesus Christ is His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. Understood?
You can become a son of God by believing on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior but God said In His Word - Jesus Christ is His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. Understood?
no, i read no further than genesis as it is corrupt -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani - 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

i do not believe that was the end to Jesus but like you such distractions are a dilatorious premium to the Commandment of Remission.

How could God be a Father if He didn't have a Son?
and what about the Almighty's daughter, Idolator ?

* as they are either all or neither or simply those that accomplish Admission to the Everlasting as just beings.


What are you talking about? God had one Son. Which is why John 3:16 begins for God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son - Jesus Christ is His Only Begotten Son. Jesus Christ was the Only Begotten Son of God BEFORE He was born upon this earth, Breezewood. Jesus Christ has always been. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He was there in Genesis 1:1. Open your eyes! I have become a daughter of the LORD through believing on Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. You can become a son of God by believing on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior but God said In His Word - Jesus Christ is His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. Understood?

God did not write the NT, early christians did to support their new religion. There were many other text by early christians that were not included in the codex
The book was compiled and edited by men, men with a political agenda.
You can become a son of God by believing on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior but God said In His Word - Jesus Christ is His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. Understood?
no, i read no further than genesis as it is corrupt -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani - 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?'

i do not believe that was the end to Jesus but like you such distractions are a dilatorious premium to the Commandment of Remission.


I believe we did cover this before? Yes. We did. You didn't listen then. I do not know that you will listen now. But God had to turn away when His Son took upon himself the sins of the world. God is holy. He could not look upon it. Jesus Christ took the keys to hell and death, rose on the 3rd day and appeared to over 500 people. After forty day, FORTY DAYS BREEZEWOOD - he ascended up to heaven in front of eye witnesses! Do you understand that Jesus Christ has risen? Yes, he is seated at the right hand of the Father right now!
How could God be a Father if He didn't have a Son?
and what about the Almighty's daughter, Idolator ?

* as they are either all or neither or simply those that accomplish Admission to the Everlasting as just beings.


What are you talking about? God had one Son. Which is why John 3:16 begins for God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son - Jesus Christ is His Only Begotten Son. Jesus Christ was the Only Begotten Son of God BEFORE He was born upon this earth, Breezewood. Jesus Christ has always been. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He was there in Genesis 1:1. Open your eyes! I have become a daughter of the LORD through believing on Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. You can become a son of God by believing on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior but God said In His Word - Jesus Christ is His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. Understood?

God did not write the NT, early christians did to support their new religion. There were many other text by early christians that were not included in the codex
The book was compiled and edited by men, men with a political agenda.

Wrong. This has already been covered. The Word of God is perfect. Millions have been converted. It is the very power of God. Jesus Christ is the Word of God. The Word of God is alive. To God be the Glory. The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
It is commonly accepted that Islam is not Avodah Zarah (idolatry) since Islam has a clear monotheistic theology with a belief in Allah that parallels the Jewish view of "kail" or Hashem. It is even permissible for Jews to enter and pray (Jewish prayer) in a mosque. The views of Christianity and their Trinity are more clouded. Entering a Church is a questionable act.
Those who say that Christianity is Avodah Zara are just not being open-minded enough to their explanation of how the Trinity equals monotheism? Are those who say it's not Avodah Zara (idolatry) just looking to appease the Christian majority in the countries where Jews live?

In Jewish law, the idea of the Trinity falls under the catchall term of "shittuf" - worshipping God along with some other being.

Shittuf is prohibited for Jews. This means that a Jew would be prohibited to acknowledge the Christian savior as part of God.

You need no Temple, Mosque or Church silly. Religions are political institutions meant to control mankind. They are, themselves, idolatry.

Thomas, verse three.

(3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."
How could God be a Father if He didn't have a Son?
and what about the Almighty's daughter, Idolator ?

* as they are either all or neither or simply those that accomplish Admission to the Everlasting as just beings.


What are you talking about? God had one Son. Which is why John 3:16 begins for God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son - Jesus Christ is His Only Begotten Son. Jesus Christ was the Only Begotten Son of God BEFORE He was born upon this earth, Breezewood. Jesus Christ has always been. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He was there in Genesis 1:1. Open your eyes! I have become a daughter of the LORD through believing on Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. You can become a son of God by believing on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior but God said In His Word - Jesus Christ is His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. Understood?

God did not write the NT, early christians did to support their new religion. There were many other text by early christians that were not included in the codex
The book was compiled and edited by men, men with a political agenda.

Wrong. This has already been covered. The Word of God is perfect. Millions have been converted. It is the very power of God. Jesus Christ is the Word of God. The Word of God is alive. To God be the Glory. The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Actually, he's not wrong. You need to educate yourself about the First seven ecumenical councils. The first Bible was ostensibly written by the Roman Emperor Constantine. There is much divinely inspired codices that were omitted for political purposes. The really spiritual things that were a threat to political leaders, stuff that is critical for spiritual enlightenment? Yeah, that shit was left out.

Don't even get me started on King James. :rolleyes-41:
Why don't you go ask the Muslims that about Islam. and then get back to us

HOPEFULLY you'll still have a head. or hey that might be a good thing if you lose it.

for us anyway....

We are talking about the religious aspect not the political one. Now why don't you talk about something yo know about, when you figure it out, come back

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