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Is civil war enevitable?

You are part of the problem and never off any solution for what this Nation is dealing with.

You write daily it is only the right and Conservative movement that is wanting to destroy the Nation but ANTIFA along with BLM are not on the right nor Conservative, so remember that when you point your crooked little finger as usual…

My personal opinion is no.
Of course not… but it sure would make the OP happy
You’re one sick fuck

No, I am a realist. You fuckers do everything you can to turn this country into a third world shithole. You import violent illegals and turn them loose on the population, and you encourage violent terrorists like antifa, and blac bloc to riot and murder innocent people. You are a virus. There is only one cure for viral infections.
No, I am a realist. You fuckers do everything you can to turn this country into a third world shithole. You import violent illegals and turn them loose on the population, and you encourage violent terrorists like antifa, and blac bloc to riot and murder innocent people. You are a virus. There is only one cure for viral infections.
Yes, you have no idea what war is or what it looks like.

I have been to war. If you think what we are going through justifies anything even remotely like that, you are worse than those you deride. Worse by a fucking mile.

That is why you had to disagree but could not articulate a reasoned response. Go to a war zone, look at the destitution in the eyes of family members that have missing sons and daughters and then come back here and tell us we are near that with a straight face because I have done that. I doubt you have the first clue what it is like for those families on the ground.
Yes, you have no idea what war is or what it looks like.

I have been to war. If you think what we are going through justifies anything even remotely like that, you are worse than those you deride. Worse by a fucking mile.

That is why you had to disagree but could not articulate a reasoned response. Go to a war zone, look at the destitution in the eyes of family members that have missing sons and daughters and then come back here and tell us we are near that with a straight face because I have done that. I doubt you have the first clue what it is like for those families on the ground.

Actually, I do. It sucks, and it is terrible and good people die.

But guess what, it's better to go out fighting than have some fucking toad throw you into a camp to starve to death.

Fascists love to murder vast quantities of people. They forgot to disarm us first.
Actually, I do. It sucks, and it is terrible and good people die.

But guess what, it's better to go out fighting than have some fucking toad throw you into a camp to starve to death.

Fascists love to murder vast quantities of people. They forgot to disarm us first.
And you think we are close to concentration camps...

Sure. That is not nuts at all....
Being that certain groups are well funded & seem hell bent to destroy American culture...Its very likely.

Narratives all over the place manipulating people. People have no idea what's going on, they listen to whoever sounds the best, rather than thinking for themselves.

The two party system because of FPTP has been destroying the US for a long time, now there's not much thought going on, just partisan bullshit. The Russians and Chinese are taking advantage of these conditions and it seems a lot of people are just spoiling for a fight.
And you think we are close to concentration camps...

Sure. That is not nuts at all....

Clearly you have never read history. You should. The vax mandates are one step removed.

The Nazis had vax cards too. It's funny how the demofascists follow the exact same playback.

You need to wakeup.
You are part of the problem and never off any solution for what this Nation is dealing with.

You write daily it is only the right and Conservative movement that is wanting to destroy the Nation but ANTIFA along with BLM are not on the right nor Conservative, so remember that when you point your crooked little finger as usual…

My personal opinion is no.
Yet another thread exhibiting conservatives’ hatred of America and wanting to see America destroyed.
Every single, last shred of patriotic "resistance" against the evil system hawked by You Tube influencers and alternative news sources happens within the System—within its bounds. There will be no civil war 2.0, no second revolutionary war to preserve and liberate traditional America; hell, there'll be no proper or real violent resistance at all against the State or the System. In short, Americans will accept, eventually, whatever tyranny and madness their government and globalist puppeteers force on them, up to and including the destruction of their civilization. Why? Because there is no chance of forming a unified front across America, no hope of training even a guerilla or insurgent army large or effective enough to actually change anything, for the better or otherwise.

Whatever the State and globalist scum decide to do to us little people and our once amazing, unique nation is what will come to pass; no one will or can stop it. THEY have all the cards, all the high ground, all the communication systems, weapons industries—they control everything. Think about it, my fellow Americans. Think carefully. Even our hallowed Second Amendment, our ultimate way out of tyranny and oppression, that magic bullet everyone falls back on in conversations on such matters? We must ASK permission to exercise that "right". We must ask the government's permission to acquire and keep the means to defend ourselves and our families. Face it: we are a conquered people and the only thing that will ever liberate us is time; decades upon decades of waiting, hoping, praying for a better world—which MIGHT come around eventually.
When your elites push too hard perhaps the truckers will just pull over and stop delivering products to the stores and people.

When people run out of toilet paper, milk and beer and realize no more is coming until things change they may rise up and force change.

A simpler solution is to vote Democrats and long term establishment Republicans out of office. Replace them with people who love our nation and see can get our nation back.

I'm 64 years old. America was NEVER like this before. NEVER. It's very likely that this poisonous and toxic divisive environment is paid for and contrived. I can't help but compare the "moonshot" comparison to rich and dark organizations that are targeting America. Funding X, Y or z groups to destabilize us. Soros or his overlords. I have now believe there is a larger group pushing this. It's almost certainly so.
This poisonous and toxic divisive environment is the consequence of the right’s unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.

This poisonous and toxic divisive environment is the consequence of the right’s desire to return America to a time of hatred, bigotry, and racism.

This poisonous and toxic divisive environment is the consequence of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

And this poisonous and toxic divisive environment is the consequence of the right’s desire to compel conformity and silence dissent.

Conservativism is the bane of the American Nation – the right’s fear, stupidity, and willful ignorance.
When your elites push too hard perhaps the truckers will just pull over and stop delivering products to the stores and people.

When people run out of toilet paper, milk and beer and realize no more is coming until things change they may rise up and force change.

A simpler solution is to vote Democrats and long term establishment Republicans out of office. Replace them with people who love our nation and see can get our nation back.


You can't extort the government, but the government extorts us at its pleasure.

In the matter of "saving" America, the civilization, the time is much too late for voting our way out of one tyranny by electing a new set of "good" guys; there are no good guys left to elect on the planet. All modern men and women who seek power worship that power's potential to elevate their own lives, and above all else, they worship gold.

We (Americans collectively) have been trying to elect "good" guys to public office for more than a century. Instead, we have elected and settled for nothing but the same old willing gears to install in that grand infernal and ancient machine known as The System—a system of government which now only exists to promote, defend and proliferate itself. We the People are chattel fodder for that good old death machine we call government.

Since the end of WW2 radical leftist monsters spreading all manner of anti-human, anti-Christian, anti-American philosophy have waged a cultural war for the very soul and domination of our America. Those monsters, call them sadists or Satanists or whatever you like, have at long last won their cultural war against all things once deemed patriotic, American, wholesome, just and humane. Yes, please pay attention class, we who love this red, white and blue nation have lost the war for its soul and future, even for its continued survival.

Left or right, republican or democrat, it makes no difference because there is no bloody difference between the two political philosophies or parties. Both parties, both sides of the political spectrum operate within the bounds and full control of the same bloated, murderous and antiquated system. Government now exists only for the sake of its own preservation and growth, all at the direct expense of the people. We all of us are putty to molded in their glad hands.

Perhaps a time existed, long ago, when we could have voted ourselves into a very fragile stalemate with the deadly, monolithic machinations of the evil men who run our government. Perhaps a time existed as well when we could have fought our way out of the mass cultural shift toward normalized evil and anti-Americanism. Sadly, that time has also gone away into the abyss of history.

We the American people are certainly free (for the time being at least) to continue to believe in the fairy tale that we can vote ourselves out of rising tyranny and outright evil. We are free to believe that even as our children are indoctrinated into the church of woke, even as their minds and bodies are taken by sadism and Satanism, which are being normalized in everyday society further and further, faster and faster. Sure, why not? Everyone loves a good fucking fairy tale before bedtime.

Sleep well . . .
You can't extort the government, but the government extorts us at its pleasure.

In the matter of "saving" America, the civilization, the time is much too late for voting our way out of one tyranny by electing a new set of "good" guys; there are no good guys left to elect on the planet. All modern men and women who seek power worship that power's potential to elevate their own lives, and above all else, they worship gold.

We (Americans collectively) have been trying to elect "good" guys to public office for more than a century. Instead, we have elected and settled for nothing but the same old willing gears to install in that grand infernal and ancient machine known as The System—a system of government which now only exists to promote, defend and proliferate itself. We the People are chattel fodder for that good old death machine we call government.

Since the end of WW2 radical leftist monsters spreading all manner of anti-human, anti-Christian, anti-American philosophy have waged a cultural war for the very soul and domination of our America. Those monsters, call them sadists or Satanists or whatever you like, have at long last won their cultural war against all things once deemed patriotic, American, wholesome, just and humane. Yes, please pay attention class, we who love this red, white and blue nation have lost the war for its soul and future, even for its continued survival.

Left or right, republican or democrat, it makes no difference because there is no bloody difference between the two political philosophies or parties. Both parties, both sides of the political spectrum operate within the bounds and full control of the same bloated, murderous and antiquated system. Government now exists only for the sake of its own preservation and growth, all at the direct expense of the people. We all of us are putty to molded in their glad hands.

Perhaps a time existed, long ago, when we could have voted ourselves into a very fragile stalemate with the deadly, monolithic machinations of the evil men who run our government. Perhaps a time existed as well when we could have fought our way out of the mass cultural shift toward normalized evil and anti-Americanism. Sadly, that time has also gone away into the abyss of history.

We the American people are certainly free (for the time being at least) to continue to believe in the fairy tale that we can vote ourselves out of rising tyranny and outright evil. We are free to believe that even as our children are indoctrinated into the church of woke, even as their minds and bodies are taken by sadism and Satanism, which are being normalized in everyday society further and further, faster and faster. Sure, why not? Everyone loves a good fucking fairy tale before bedtime.

Sleep well . . .
Excellent well thought out post. Thanks.
I can't say if there will be a Civil War or not. The tensions between the ideologies are definitely there. If a shooting war does break out, I don't think it would look like anything we've ever seen before in this country. It would probably become like things are in the Middle East, with several factions struggling for power and control: radical right, conservative, liberal, and radical left.

The failure to be able to compromise will be a big factor as the gap between acceptable common ground becomes wider. It would be nice to think there could be something that would unite everyone again. Most likely, this is why they've been planning this Ukraine war, hoping that it will unite everyone under one flag again. Unfortunately, the contrivance is too weak to do much good at this point, although it might delay things if they do a good job with the media campaigns.

Quite a number of states have active discussions going on about cession: if we can't agree then we should go our separate ways as independent states. Logically, that would be the most peaceful and humane solution. As others have pointed out, the federal government will not allow this to happen, and would most likely see all of us dead before it allows us to end its power. The Convention of States idea is a great plan, but would likewise probably "not be allowed to happen" by the federal powers.

As the civilization descends into more disagreement, most likely there will be other issues that will become more pressing, like local violence, food shortages, energy shortages, and similar problems. Hopefully, some of our mistakes will be recorded so the next great civilization could learn from them :)
Depends on the nature of the war.

People in red and blue uniforms forming militias and shooting at each other, blowing each other up? Very doubtful.

Guerilla warfare, with terrorist-like shootings and bombings by people who hide in the shadows? Or violence that comes out of public demonstrations and gets out of control with a lot of damage? Sure, that's very possible, but then the question would be the size, scope and length of that approach. I'd put the odds of that happening, at least to a small degree, at better than 50%.

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