Is climate change the new race card ???

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?

Really, how did you cut your dihydrogen-monoxcied emissions in half?
Wow, you were duped on that?
No...we are dead fucking did you?

Do you have any fucking clue what your hoax is even about? :rofl:

Do you? have any questions?
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?

Really, how did you cut your dihydrogen-monoxcied emissions in half?
Wow, you were duped on that?

I guess you're not keeping up, water vapor is the greatest contributor to the "green house effect", the overloads that are duping you ignore that fact because they have no way of quantifying or regulating it. But hey you're more than willing to buy the crap they sell, Co2 makes up about .0004% of the atmosphere, water vapor is about .04%.
Pretty much. If you refuse to join their Global Warming cult, you're a 'heretic.' You shall be punished. Globalists are totalitarian fascists. Hopefully the Trump movement will catch on around the world. He's proven that the Globalist Elites can be defeated. You just have to be willing to fight em.
Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?

Really, how did you cut your dihydrogen-monoxcied emissions in half?
Wow, you were duped on that?

I guess you're not keeping up, water vapor is the greatest contributor to the "green house effect", the overloads that are duping you ignore that fact because they have no way of quantifying or regulating it. But hey you're more than willing to buy the crap they sell, Co2 makes up about .0004% of the atmosphere, water vapor is about .04%.

It is the rise in temperatures that enables more evaporation, etc & more water vapor into the atmosphere which raises the temperature more. The increased CO2 causes warming with increases the amount of water vapor & raises the temps even further. More CO2 => Higher temps => more water vapor => more warming.

So CO2 is the driver.

Furthermore, the CO2 we are pumping into the atmosphere ca stay there for ecades or even centuries
Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?

Really, how did you cut your dihydrogen-monoxcied emissions in half?
Wow, you were duped on that?

I guess you're not keeping up, water vapor is the greatest contributor to the "green house effect", the overloads that are duping you ignore that fact because they have no way of quantifying or regulating it. But hey you're more than willing to buy the crap they sell, Co2 makes up about .0004% of the atmosphere, water vapor is about .04%.

It is the rise in temperatures that enables more evaporation, etc & more water vapor into the atmosphere which raises the temperature more. The increased CO2 causes warming with increases the amount of water vapor & raises the temps even further. More CO2 => Higher temps => more water vapor => more warming.

So CO2 is the driver.

Furthermore, the CO2 we are pumping into the atmosphere ca stay there for ecades or even centuries
The CO2 can stay for decades & even a century. The water vapor does not.

To claim it is all about the water vapor is just you being duped. Duped by Trump, Duped by the fossil fuel industry paid deniers.
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?

Funny how it's the US that has to look at their gasses, but not China or India, who pollute more than us...hmmmmmmmm

Pollution Index by Country 2016 Mid Year

We are near the bottom bro, those other countries aren't even touched.

And if it was so bad as Al Gore says, you would think he would have a modest house and tried not to use gas and electricity......but he uses more than everyone on this forum's a hoax for him and others to get rich at average folk's expense.
We are talking about greenhouse gas emissions. We rank second.

so you don't care about the other pollutions?

Oh just a question if we're second, who is first?
Pretty much. If you refuse to join their Global Warming cult, you're a 'heretic.' You shall be punished. Globalists are totalitarian fascists. Hopefully the Trump movement will catch on around the world. He's proven that the Globalist Elites can be defeated. You just have to be willing to fight em.
Not a "heretic", dumber than shit.

Defeating science? Really" Only amongst the feeble minded.
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?

Funny how it's the US that has to look at their gasses, but not China or India, who pollute more than us...hmmmmmmmm

Pollution Index by Country 2016 Mid Year

We are near the bottom bro, those other countries aren't even touched.

And if it was so bad as Al Gore says, you would think he would have a modest house and tried not to use gas and electricity......but he uses more than everyone on this forum's a hoax for him and others to get rich at average folk's expense.
We are talking about greenhouse gas emissions. We rank second.

so you don't care about the other pollutions?

Oh just a question if we're second, who is first?
I said the subject was global warming. I am concerned about pollution.
The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?

Funny how it's the US that has to look at their gasses, but not China or India, who pollute more than us...hmmmmmmmm

Pollution Index by Country 2016 Mid Year

We are near the bottom bro, those other countries aren't even touched.

And if it was so bad as Al Gore says, you would think he would have a modest house and tried not to use gas and electricity......but he uses more than everyone on this forum's a hoax for him and others to get rich at average folk's expense.
We are talking about greenhouse gas emissions. We rank second.

so you don't care about the other pollutions?

Oh just a question if we're second, who is first?
I said the subject was global warming. I am concerned about pollution.

ok, lets stay on that subject, who is number one in greenhouse gasses?
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?

Funny how it's the US that has to look at their gasses, but not China or India, who pollute more than us...hmmmmmmmm

Pollution Index by Country 2016 Mid Year

We are near the bottom bro, those other countries aren't even touched.

And if it was so bad as Al Gore says, you would think he would have a modest house and tried not to use gas and electricity......but he uses more than everyone on this forum's a hoax for him and others to get rich at average folk's expense.
We are talking about greenhouse gas emissions. We rank second.

so you don't care about the other pollutions?

Oh just a question if we're second, who is first?
I said the subject was global warming. I am concerned about pollution.

ok, lets stay on that subject, who is number one in greenhouse gasses?
China surpassed us recently.
I voted Republican. I am primarily a realist, racism and man made global climate change are real, so get over it.
Funny how it's the US that has to look at their gasses, but not China or India, who pollute more than us...hmmmmmmmm

Pollution Index by Country 2016 Mid Year

We are near the bottom bro, those other countries aren't even touched.

And if it was so bad as Al Gore says, you would think he would have a modest house and tried not to use gas and electricity......but he uses more than everyone on this forum's a hoax for him and others to get rich at average folk's expense.
We are talking about greenhouse gas emissions. We rank second.

so you don't care about the other pollutions?

Oh just a question if we're second, who is first?
I said the subject was global warming. I am concerned about pollution.

ok, lets stay on that subject, who is number one in greenhouse gasses?
China surpassed us recently.

And how many of these climate deals are they in?
Pretty much. If you refuse to join their Global Warming cult, you're a 'heretic.' You shall be punished. Globalists are totalitarian fascists. Hopefully the Trump movement will catch on around the world. He's proven that the Globalist Elites can be defeated. You just have to be willing to fight em.
Not a "heretic", dumber than shit.

Defeating science? Really" Only amongst the feeble minded.[/QUO
Pretty much. If you refuse to join their Global Warming cult, you're a 'heretic.' You shall be punished. Globalists are totalitarian fascists. Hopefully the Trump movement will catch on around the world. He's proven that the Globalist Elites can be defeated. You just have to be willing to fight em.
Not a "heretic", dumber than shit.

Defeating science? Really" Only amongst the feeble minded.

It's that fascistic approach that's gonna cost you Globalists. It's hateful intolerance. Many folks around the world have had enough. The planet cools, the planet warms. There's no need to panic and resort to fascistic Government force.
We are talking about greenhouse gas emissions. We rank second.

so you don't care about the other pollutions?

Oh just a question if we're second, who is first?
I said the subject was global warming. I am concerned about pollution.

ok, lets stay on that subject, who is number one in greenhouse gasses?
China surpassed us recently.

And how many of these climate deals are they in?
. Take it further... How many American corporations are in bed with the Chinese regardless of the numbers ??? Is it part the reason why corporations were running from these extreme environmentalist who don't understand that we as a world full of consumers, uh well of course are going to consume right, and if the extremist try to take us back to the stone ages, then have they lost their civilized minds ?? Then it comes down to strength as nations, and down to who is willing to be the strongest, and who will become the weakest in it all ? Now we can be the strongest again, and the wisest if we want to, but we have got to get the extremist elements under control in this nation. They have had way to much power given them, and they have to be reigned back in some. We can have environmentalism, and clean water, clean air etc. and we can do it without becoming the weak idiots of the world, and without destroying our strength as a nation in the proccess.
so you don't care about the other pollutions?

Oh just a question if we're second, who is first?
I said the subject was global warming. I am concerned about pollution.

ok, lets stay on that subject, who is number one in greenhouse gasses?
China surpassed us recently.

And how many of these climate deals are they in?
. Take it further... How many American corporations are in bed with the Chinese regardless of the numbers ??? Is it part the reason why corporations were running from these extreme environmentalist who don't understand that we as a world full of consumers, uh well of course are going to consume right, and if the extremist try to take us back to the stone ages, then have they lost their civilized minds ?? Then it comes down to strength as nations, and down to who is willing to be the strongest, and who will become the weakest in it all ? Now we can be the strongest again, and the wisest if we want to, but we have got to get the extremist elements under control in this nation. They have had way to much power given them, and they have to be reigned back in some. We can have environmentalism, and clean water, clean air etc. and we can do it without becoming the weak idiots of the world, and without destroying our strength as a nation in the proccess.
China has signed the latest climate accord. We can actually consume without polluting & spewing greenhouse gases. For example, I heat my home & drive as well as anyone but with far fewer greenhouse gas emissions and saving money in the process.

The idea you are too neanderthal to get it doesn't surprise me. We are the strongest nation now. You running around spewing crap does not make you stronger, it makes you weaker. The laws your orange hero want to eliminate allow for dirtier air & water,.
I said the subject was global warming. I am concerned about pollution.

ok, lets stay on that subject, who is number one in greenhouse gasses?
China surpassed us recently.

And how many of these climate deals are they in?
. Take it further... How many American corporations are in bed with the Chinese regardless of the numbers ??? Is it part the reason why corporations were running from these extreme environmentalist who don't understand that we as a world full of consumers, uh well of course are going to consume right, and if the extremist try to take us back to the stone ages, then have they lost their civilized minds ?? Then it comes down to strength as nations, and down to who is willing to be the strongest, and who will become the weakest in it all ? Now we can be the strongest again, and the wisest if we want to, but we have got to get the extremist elements under control in this nation. They have had way to much power given them, and they have to be reigned back in some. We can have environmentalism, and clean water, clean air etc. and we can do it without becoming the weak idiots of the world, and without destroying our strength as a nation in the proccess.
China has signed the latest climate accord. We can actually consume without polluting & spewing greenhouse gases. For example, I heat my home & drive as well as anyone but with far fewer greenhouse gas emissions and saving money in the process.

The idea you are too neanderthal to get it doesn't surprise me. We are the strongest nation now. You running around spewing crap does not make you stronger, it makes you weaker. The laws your orange hero want to eliminate allow for dirtier air & water,.
. Why make claims you can't back up ??? Ohh that's right you are one of them butt hurt people who no one knew until Trump won, and so you figure that your butt hurt can involve the climate in which you figure people might not know a whole lot about maybe ??? Do you feel free to use it to attack your political opponents/enemies over, and are you using it to attack Trump in these ways ???... Get over it already. If the issue arises, then you can or should bring forth hard evidence against anyone who might be endangering the environment, and then show how it will continue if something isn't done about it. Take it to the United States Courts for those issues that pertain to the United States, and present the evidence... Then let the judge and jury decide on each individual case that is being brought. The UN has no business in U.S. business affairs here right, and we shouldn't be using it to tell the rest of the world what to do either right ?? The investigation of an environmental abuser should be easy if it is true, so why sweat it ?? This huge black hole called climate change is a tool that has been found to dupe nations into submission. No more should we lay down for that, no more.
ok, lets stay on that subject, who is number one in greenhouse gasses?
China surpassed us recently.

And how many of these climate deals are they in?
. Take it further... How many American corporations are in bed with the Chinese regardless of the numbers ??? Is it part the reason why corporations were running from these extreme environmentalist who don't understand that we as a world full of consumers, uh well of course are going to consume right, and if the extremist try to take us back to the stone ages, then have they lost their civilized minds ?? Then it comes down to strength as nations, and down to who is willing to be the strongest, and who will become the weakest in it all ? Now we can be the strongest again, and the wisest if we want to, but we have got to get the extremist elements under control in this nation. They have had way to much power given them, and they have to be reigned back in some. We can have environmentalism, and clean water, clean air etc. and we can do it without becoming the weak idiots of the world, and without destroying our strength as a nation in the proccess.
China has signed the latest climate accord. We can actually consume without polluting & spewing greenhouse gases. For example, I heat my home & drive as well as anyone but with far fewer greenhouse gas emissions and saving money in the process.

The idea you are too neanderthal to get it doesn't surprise me. We are the strongest nation now. You running around spewing crap does not make you stronger, it makes you weaker. The laws your orange hero want to eliminate allow for dirtier air & water,.
. Why make claims you can't back up ??? Ohh that's right you are one of them butt hurt people who no one knew until Trump won, and so you figure that your butt hurt can involve the climate in which you figure people might not know a whole lot about maybe ??? Do you feel free to use it to attack your political opponents/enemies over, and are you using it to attack Trump in these ways ???... Get over it already. If the issue arises, then you can or should bring forth hard evidence against anyone who might be endangering the environment, and then show how it will continue if something isn't done about it. Take it to the United States Courts for those issues that pertain to the United States, and present the evidence... Then let the judge and jury decide on each individual case that is being brought. The UN has no business in U.S. business affairs here right, and we shouldn't be using it to tell the rest of the world what to do either right ?? The investigation of an environmental abuser should be easy if it is true, so why sweat it ?? This huge black hole called climate change is a tool that has been found to dupe nations into submission. No more should we lay down for that, no more.
I think what's being done is better than that.

Nobody is setting goals for the US other than the US.

And, the US is the only nation figuring out how the US will choose to meet those goals. Each country is slightly different in terms of what will work for them, so it would be crazy to try to make everyone do the same thing.

And, rather than having America attempt to indict some single US corporation, directions being discussed are oriented to setting standards that everybody knows about - so corporations can make plans and can compete with each other on an even playing field.

One result of that is that there isn't any "tool" to "dupe" anyone into submission.
Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?

Really, how did you cut your dihydrogen-monoxcied emissions in half?
Wow, you were duped on that?

I guess you're not keeping up, water vapor is the greatest contributor to the "green house effect", the overloads that are duping you ignore that fact because they have no way of quantifying or regulating it. But hey you're more than willing to buy the crap they sell, Co2 makes up about .0004% of the atmosphere, water vapor is about .04%.

It is the rise in temperatures that enables more evaporation, etc & more water vapor into the atmosphere which raises the temperature more. The increased CO2 causes warming with increases the amount of water vapor & raises the temps even further. More CO2 => Higher temps => more water vapor => more warming.

So CO2 is the driver.

Furthermore, the CO2 we are pumping into the atmosphere ca stay there for ecades or even centuries
No...CO2 is not the's not even a significant GHG....only in your world of settled science does it have any relevance....
China surpassed us recently.

And how many of these climate deals are they in?
. Take it further... How many American corporations are in bed with the Chinese regardless of the numbers ??? Is it part the reason why corporations were running from these extreme environmentalist who don't understand that we as a world full of consumers, uh well of course are going to consume right, and if the extremist try to take us back to the stone ages, then have they lost their civilized minds ?? Then it comes down to strength as nations, and down to who is willing to be the strongest, and who will become the weakest in it all ? Now we can be the strongest again, and the wisest if we want to, but we have got to get the extremist elements under control in this nation. They have had way to much power given them, and they have to be reigned back in some. We can have environmentalism, and clean water, clean air etc. and we can do it without becoming the weak idiots of the world, and without destroying our strength as a nation in the proccess.
China has signed the latest climate accord. We can actually consume without polluting & spewing greenhouse gases. For example, I heat my home & drive as well as anyone but with far fewer greenhouse gas emissions and saving money in the process.

The idea you are too neanderthal to get it doesn't surprise me. We are the strongest nation now. You running around spewing crap does not make you stronger, it makes you weaker. The laws your orange hero want to eliminate allow for dirtier air & water,.
. Why make claims you can't back up ??? Ohh that's right you are one of them butt hurt people who no one knew until Trump won, and so you figure that your butt hurt can involve the climate in which you figure people might not know a whole lot about maybe ??? Do you feel free to use it to attack your political opponents/enemies over, and are you using it to attack Trump in these ways ???... Get over it already. If the issue arises, then you can or should bring forth hard evidence against anyone who might be endangering the environment, and then show how it will continue if something isn't done about it. Take it to the United States Courts for those issues that pertain to the United States, and present the evidence... Then let the judge and jury decide on each individual case that is being brought. The UN has no business in U.S. business affairs here right, and we shouldn't be using it to tell the rest of the world what to do either right ?? The investigation of an environmental abuser should be easy if it is true, so why sweat it ?? This huge black hole called climate change is a tool that has been found to dupe nations into submission. No more should we lay down for that, no more.
I think what's being done is better than that.

Nobody is setting goals for the US other than the US.

And, the US is the only nation figuring out how the US will choose to meet those goals. Each country is slightly different in terms of what will work for them, so it would be crazy to try to make everyone do the same thing.

And, rather than having America attempt to indict some single US corporation, directions being discussed are oriented to setting standards that everybody knows about - so corporations can make plans and can compete with each other on an even playing field.

One result of that is that there isn't any "tool" to "dupe" anyone into submission.
The MMGW hoax will stop very quickly...
And how many of these climate deals are they in?
. Take it further... How many American corporations are in bed with the Chinese regardless of the numbers ??? Is it part the reason why corporations were running from these extreme environmentalist who don't understand that we as a world full of consumers, uh well of course are going to consume right, and if the extremist try to take us back to the stone ages, then have they lost their civilized minds ?? Then it comes down to strength as nations, and down to who is willing to be the strongest, and who will become the weakest in it all ? Now we can be the strongest again, and the wisest if we want to, but we have got to get the extremist elements under control in this nation. They have had way to much power given them, and they have to be reigned back in some. We can have environmentalism, and clean water, clean air etc. and we can do it without becoming the weak idiots of the world, and without destroying our strength as a nation in the proccess.
China has signed the latest climate accord. We can actually consume without polluting & spewing greenhouse gases. For example, I heat my home & drive as well as anyone but with far fewer greenhouse gas emissions and saving money in the process.

The idea you are too neanderthal to get it doesn't surprise me. We are the strongest nation now. You running around spewing crap does not make you stronger, it makes you weaker. The laws your orange hero want to eliminate allow for dirtier air & water,.
. Why make claims you can't back up ??? Ohh that's right you are one of them butt hurt people who no one knew until Trump won, and so you figure that your butt hurt can involve the climate in which you figure people might not know a whole lot about maybe ??? Do you feel free to use it to attack your political opponents/enemies over, and are you using it to attack Trump in these ways ???... Get over it already. If the issue arises, then you can or should bring forth hard evidence against anyone who might be endangering the environment, and then show how it will continue if something isn't done about it. Take it to the United States Courts for those issues that pertain to the United States, and present the evidence... Then let the judge and jury decide on each individual case that is being brought. The UN has no business in U.S. business affairs here right, and we shouldn't be using it to tell the rest of the world what to do either right ?? The investigation of an environmental abuser should be easy if it is true, so why sweat it ?? This huge black hole called climate change is a tool that has been found to dupe nations into submission. No more should we lay down for that, no more.
I think what's being done is better than that.

Nobody is setting goals for the US other than the US.

And, the US is the only nation figuring out how the US will choose to meet those goals. Each country is slightly different in terms of what will work for them, so it would be crazy to try to make everyone do the same thing.

And, rather than having America attempt to indict some single US corporation, directions being discussed are oriented to setting standards that everybody knows about - so corporations can make plans and can compete with each other on an even playing field.

One result of that is that there isn't any "tool" to "dupe" anyone into submission.
The MMGW hoax will stop very quickly...
Science isn't something that goes away - regardless of what politicians might attempt.

It's possible to divorce public policy from evidence and reason, but that's a different issue.

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