Is democracy good or bad?

Is democracy good or bad?

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We already have them. They’ve been sewn into our basic biology and psychology.

No. The definition of Right and Wrong is built into our most basic biology and psychology. Our most ancient ancestors understood it. More recently we’ve chosen to ignore it.

Feel free to come and try. You will be met by lethal force.
At least your goal of miserable people living in poverty ruled by a dictator is easy to achieve. Haha
Straight forward question. Is democracy good or bad?

Democracy is just oppression of the majority.

The United States Federal Government was designed so that a super majority was required since every power ceded to government is at the cost of a right of the people. It wasn't supposed to be that easy to do that
We already have them. They’ve been sewn into our basic biology and psychology.

No. The definition of Right and Wrong is built into our most basic biology and psychology. Our most ancient ancestors understood it. More recently we’ve chosen to ignore it.

Feel free to come and try. You will be met by lethal force.

For a crotchety old mad, you sound an awful lot like a pre-teen boy trying to rationalize his masturbation habits.
Straight forward question. Is democracy good or bad?
It actually isn’t a straightforward question. There is a fair amount to say positive about democracy. But there is also a damn good reason our republic was set up to be a republic rather than a democracy. I swear, it’s been written about extensively. History books. Contemporaneous writings. You could look it up!
Freedom has nothing to do with how people choose their rulers. And that's really all it amounts to. Choosing your rulers. The most omnipotent shadows in government aren't even elected. Democracy does not ensure freedom. In fact, it more often destroys it.

The only theoretical advantage of democracy is that it might serve as a means for the masses (the majority being rabidly statist anyway, irrelevant of what color helmet they wear) to choose their leaders without a violent revolution.

To borrow some words from Mises on the topic, freedom can only exist by strictly limiting those who acquire power. It has nothing to do with how they acquire power.
So you aren’t even following along, just babbling stupidly. Move along.
I’m just noting your stupidity. And keep your suggestions to yourself. I’ll point out your imbecility as I please and whenever I please. You don’t get a vote, Brainless.
Neither. What you can do via democracy can be very good or very bad. In theory, it sounds great. In practice, it can be quite tyrannical. Kinda like socialism/communism.
All Republics Go Bananas

All Socialist and Communist countries call themselves "republics." And the French reign of terror was instituted under a republic.

Those oligarchies, all HeirHeads, were not abusing the term. A republic believes that there are certain people wiser and better-informed than the vast majority. These cliques inevitably form factions. Rather than fight it out within the clique, they allow the people to choose between which pre-owned candidate will take away the people's right to self-determination until the NPC electorate gets disgusted with it. Then the people's only choice is to be ruled by the other faction.
All Republics Go Bananas

All Socialist and Communist countries call themselves "republics." And the French reign of terror was instituted under a republic.

Those oligarchies, all HeirHeads, were not abusing the term. A republic believes that there are certain people wiser and better-informed than the vast majority. These cliques inevitably form factions. Rather than fight it out within the clique, they allow the people to choose between which pre-owned candidate will take away the people's right to self-determination until the NPC electorate gets disgusted with it. Then the people's only choice is to be ruled by the other faction.
A republic doesnt believe anything because its not a human with thought or feelings,,,

it sets rules and laws and everyone is supposed to follow them,, those other countries you talk about are not real republics because those in charge dont think rules apply to them just like some of out dems and repubes do,,,

people are corrupt not systems,,,
No human being who has ever lived, or will ever live can define Right and Wrong. It was determined by a higher power before we were ever created.
A Bridge to Nowhere

Whoever told you that is a lower power pretending to stand in for some absent deity. Pontiff for "Pope" comes from the Latin word for "bridge." In reality, that means he is a toll-collector.
Whoever told you that is a lower power pretending to stand in for some absent deity. Pontiff for "Pope" comes from the Latin word for "bridge." In reality, that means he is a toll-collector
That is the belief that I came to on my own, during a three year search for answers after my father (a devout, life-long Lutheran) died of Cancer in 2001. What I came to believe is that ALL Religions are worthless crap and that we each have a direct connection to The Divine.

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