Is "Diversity" A Device Being Used To Undermine White America?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Brick, New Jersey

I had always presumed the purpose of the Liberal slogan, "Diversity Is Our Strength" to occur in the interest of racial equality. But what I see happening in Europe, and what I understand is intended to happen here in America, has convinced me that the underlying concept and objective of "Diversity" is the ultimate overwhelming and subjugation of White people wherever they exist in the world.

Anyone who doubts this is urged to pay close attention to what is happening in all of Western Europe, in Sweden, in Norway and, increasingly, in the Balkans. Because we now have a President who understands this problem and has taken a strong stand against it does not mean the problem has been solved. Far from it. We also have a substantial percentage of brainwashed White Liberals who continue to sing Kumbaya and wave the Diversity banner, eager to welcome hordes of Middle-Eastern and Sub-Saharan African Muslims to live among us, the vast majority of whom make no effort to conceal their fanatical hatred for us.

This category of brainwashed Diversity advocates presently exist as our Nation's most serious problem. They are willing and poised to pull the cork from a political bottle that contains a deadly ethnic bacteria that will quickly overwhelm and eventually bring an end to White America.
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I had always presumed the purpose of the Liberal slogan, "Diversity Is Our Strength" to occur in the interest of racial equality. But what I see happening in Europe, and what I understand is intended to happen here in America, has convinced me that the underlying concept and objective of "Diversity" is the ultimate overwhelming and subjugation of White people wherever they exist in the world.

Anyone who doubts this is urged to pay close attention to what is happening in all of Western Europe, in Sweden, in Norway and, increasingly, in the Balkans. Because we now have a President who understands this problem and has taken a strong stand against it does not mean the problem has been solved. Far from it. We also have a substantial percentage of brainwashed White Liberals who continue to sing Kumbaya and wave the Diversity banner, eager to welcome hordes of Middle-Eastern and Sub-Saharan African Muslims to live among us, the vast majority of whom make no effort to conceal their fanatical hatred for us.

This category of brainwashed Diversity advocates presently exist as our Nation's most serious problem. They are willing and poised to pull the cork from a political bottle that contains a deadly ethnic bacteria that will quickly overwhelm and eventually bring an end to White America.

Are you advocating an all-white US? Are you equating diversity with Muslim refugees?
Originally posted by Montrovant
Are you advocating an all-white US?

No, montrovant...

MikeK is just a mentally sane individual living in the multiracial madhouse America has become, stating the obvious fact that a nation-state promoting the destruction of its own racial composition is an absurdity that defies description.

And it's not only an absurdity from the perspective of nationalism, nation-states.... it's also a deliberate attempt to promote genocide according to the UN's own definition of the term:

Any attempt to destroy, in whole or in part, an ethnic group.
I have been following, from a distance and with great pleasure, MikeK's awakening to the mental disease thinly disguised as a political ideology known as multiculturalism.

All I have to say is this:

Mike, your heart and your mind are in the right place....

Please, don't mind the millions of multiracialist zombies who are unfortunately your countrymen and who call you a racist.

You are not a racist... if anything they are the degenerate, morally depraved individuals creating gazillions of excuses and rationalizations to justify a monstrosity:

The deliberate destruction of the racial identity of a non-supremacist western country and genocide of its majority group.
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I'd like also to reinforce the point made by Swagger:

The only thing MikeK does not seem to be fully aware of is the heavy involvement of the american jewish community in this outrage that's been happening in America since the end of WWII.

He is 100% right when he points out the crucial role played by the leftist spectrum of american politics in the changes in US immigration laws and the overall values of US society.

But if he studies the recent history of his own country he will find out that the driving force pushing for the destruction of the US racial composition since the end of the 19th century has been the american jewish community.

I don't blame MikeK for not having a clear understanding of this historic fact... just like him, millions of patriotic, mentally sane americans who oppose the vile, genocidal ideology of multiculturalism also put 100% of the blame on the shoulders of leftist american politicians like Teddy Kennedy.

That's because american Jews like US congressman Emmanuel Celler, who spent half a century in congress trying to change America's immigration laws to allow mass non-white immigration, preferred to to work in the shadows using anglo politicians like the Kennedy family as a facade that would attract all the criticism to whites and divert the anger generated by that obscene legislation from the jewish community.

Ironically, Swagger, our british lad, shows a better understanding of the historic process that's leading to the destruction of the US racial composition than many US natives:

It was indeed an alliance between the american jewish community and the american left.

But with american Jews playing the active, major part and american leftists the passive, minor part.
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Are you advocating an all-white US?
I am advocating a White dominant U.S. Whites made this Nation and I believe we should keep it White dominant. If "Diversity" means something other, then I am in favor of armed conflict to resist it.

Are you equating diversity with Muslim refugees?
The vast majority of Muslims hate White people and they openly admit it. Their religion denounces us as "infidels" and they are patiently but fanatically determined to rid the world of us. What I see happening in most of the Western world has convinced me that the first stage of what might become the Tenth Crusade is occurring in Europe and Scandinavia.

This is not the first time in History that Muslims have risen up against White Christians.
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It was an alliance but not an alliance between equals.

The ones who conceived the idea of destroying the US racial composition and spent most of the last century fighting to implement this idea were definitely the political representatives of the US jewish community with their leftist allies arriving "late" at the scene (only in the 50's and 60's) and without a clear understanding of what they were doing as Teddy Kennedy himself admitted in interviews:

"I did not expect the 65 immigration act to have such a dramatic impact on America's demography."

Teddy Kennedy
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Originally posted by MikeK
I am advocating a White dominant U.S. Whites made this Nation and I believe we should keep it White. If "Diversity" means something other, then I am in favor of armed conflict to resist it.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Are you advocating an all-white US?
I am advocating a White dominant U.S. Whites made this Nation and I believe we should keep it White dominant. If "Diversity" means something other, then I am in favor of armed conflict to resist it.

Are you equating diversity with Muslim refugees?
The vast majority of Muslims hate White people and they openly admit it. Their religion denounces us as "infidels" and they are patiently but fanatically determined to rid the world of us. What I see happening in most of the Western world has convinced me that the first stage of what might become the Tenth Crusade is occurring in Europe and Scandinavia.

This is not the first time in History that Muslims have risen up against White Christians.

Armed resistance against who? Do you think that whites in the US should kill minorities because they are not white? Force them out of the country? Are you thinking there will be a constitutional amendment making non-whites ineligible for citizenship, or removing their constitutional protections, or do you just think the constitution should be done away with? Should there be China-like birth restrictions on non-whites; whites can have all the children they want, but others only get one per couple?

How white does someone need to be to be white? Should we institute some sort of ancestry registry, or forced DNA testing to determine race and thereby opportunity to be a US citizen? Do we go back to the "one drop of blood" days, only this time, for all non-white blood (and if so, do you think many people would actually qualify)?

I've certainly heard people say Islam considers Christians to be infidels, but whites? That's a new one for me. It's odd that "the vast majority of Muslims hate White people and they openly admit it," yet I'm not sure I've ever heard a Muslim say anything of the sort. I don't have a great deal of experience with Muslims, but I'd think I would have heard such a thing if it's so commonplace.

Do you plan to join Jose in blaming the Jews?
I'd like also to reinforce the point made by Swagger:

The only thing MikeK does not seem to be fully aware of is the heavy involvement of the american jewish community in this outrage that's been happening in America since the end of WWII.

He is 100% right when he points out the crucial role played by the leftist spectrum of american politics in the changes in US immigration laws and the overall values of US society.

But if he studies the recent history of his own country he will find out that the driving force pushing for the destruction of the US racial composition since the end of the 19th century has been the american jewish community.

I don't blame MikeK for not having a clear understanding of this historic fact... just like him, millions of patriotic, mentally sane americans who oppose the vile, genocidal ideology of multiculturalism also put 100% of the blame on the shoulders of leftist american politicians like Teddy Kennedy.

That's because american Jews like US congressman Emmanuel Celler, who spent half a century in congress trying to change America's immigration laws to allow mass non-white immigration, preferred to to work in the shadows using anglo politicians like the Kennedy family as a facade that would attract all the criticism to whites and divert the anger generated by that obscene legislation from the jewish community.

Ironically, Swagger, our british lad, shows a better understanding of the historic process that's leading to the destruction of the US racial composition than many US natives:

It was indeed an alliance between the american jewish community and the american left.

But with american Jews playing the active, major part and american leftists the passive, minor part.

Whites did not make this nation nor should we accept white fascism as governance or as a way of life.
This is a big reason why Republicans are racist as f*ck. They think that they are on one side and everyone else is on the other.

But blacks are a separate group. Hispanics are a separate group. Gays consider themselves a separate group. Muslims, Hindus, atheists and so on. All separate with differing beliefs and ideologies. Yet, able to work together for the common good.

Republicans are just swine. They think they are in it for themselves, but they are sheeple following a corrupt and unAmerican leadership that wants to screw over their own base as much as they want to screw over everyone else. But they know the ignorant base will take it because they are racist. They think they are hurting this minority or that minority, but it's their own A$$E$ they are hurting.
Armed resistance against who?
Against the kind of uncivilized bottom-feeders you can see for yourself by clicking on the link in my signature line. While these captured scenes are taking place in Europe it will be a matter of time before the same things are happening here if Liberal Democrats gain control of government. What you see happening in Europe, especially in Germany, France and England is a foothold being established. In preparation for what?

The veritable invasion we are witnessing could not take place without some well-planned but patient strategy being implemented at very high levels within the UN, the EU, and elsewhere. The progressive restrictions being placed on the type of firearms American citizens are permitted to own appears to be an incremental effort to disarm us.

In preparation for what?
Whites did not make this nation nor should we accept white fascism as governance or as a way of life.
If it wasn't Whites who brought the United States of America into being and raised it to the level of primary world power -- then who did it?
I'd like also to reinforce the point made by Swagger:

That would be much like reinforcing a screen door on a submarine and a fool's errand. This angle takes the complex issue of immigration and diversity and tosses the discussion into the realm of conspiracies.

The idea that Ted Kennedy was a raving leftist because the JOOOS controlled the Kennedy family. Or Emmanuel Cellar was able to control all 3 branches of US Govt to determine immigration policy.

The massive waves of migrants coming from conflict regions in the Middle East is the result of fucked up US policy from a MASSIVE NUMBER of braindead Congress Critters, Bureaucratic morons and policy wonks who repeated the same mistakes in the Mid East over and over again for DECADES. And the EUROS are contributing to their OWN demise by not stemming the migration..

It's folks that are extremely too lazy to understand complexity that latch on to these simple ass "answers" to complex issues. So much easier to presume you know the SIMPLEST answer. Makes one a "simpleton"...
Yes; and it's almost exclusively pushed and funded by Jews.
This is a big reason why Republicans are racist as f*ck. They think that they are on one side and everyone else is on the other.

But blacks are a separate group. Hispanics are a separate group. Gays consider themselves a separate group. Muslims, Hindus, atheists and so on. All separate with differing beliefs and ideologies. Yet, able to work together for the common good.

Republicans are just swine. They think they are in it for themselves, but they are sheeple following a corrupt and unAmerican leadership that wants to screw over their own base as much as they want to screw over everyone else. But they know the ignorant base will take it because they are racist. They think they are hurting this minority or that minority, but it's their own A$$E$ they are hurting.

America ... 320 Million different minorities ... and I'm tired of taking heat from the other 319,999,999.
Do you think that whites in the US should kill minorities because they are not white?

Force them out of the country?
Those who have no legitimate right to be here -- absolutely.

Are you thinking there will be a constitutional amendment making non-whites ineligible for citizenship?

or removing their constitutional protections

or do you just think the constitution should be done away with?
No. But there definitely needs to be some new amendments and timely clarifications.

Should there be China-like birth restrictions on non-whites; whites can have all the children they want, but others only get one per couple?
There definitely needs to be restrictions based on the primary intention of preventing the over-breeding of non-Whites -- such as is presently occurring.

How white does someone need to be to be white?
Whiteness is not entirely predicated on one's complexion or physical features. There are many Muslims whose complexion and features are typically caucasoid: straight, light brown hair, pale complexion, etc., but aside from those superficial characteristics there is absolutely nothing White about them, not behaviorally, not spiritually, not politically. In fact they are less "White" than are some plainly genetic non-Whites. In further fact, they would be insulted by any suggestion that they are White.

Should we institute some sort of ancestry registry, or forced DNA testing to determine race and thereby opportunity to be a US citizen?
That could be useful in some situations.

Do we go back to the "one drop of blood" days, only this time, for all non-white blood (and if so, do you think many people would actually qualify)?
No. And, no.

I've certainly heard people say Islam considers Christians to be infidels, but whites? That's a new one for me. It's odd that "the vast majority of Muslims hate White people and they openly admit it," yet I'm not sure I've ever heard a Muslim say anything of the sort. I don't have a great deal of experience with Muslims, but I'd think I would have heard such a thing if it's so commonplace.
If you will read, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, you will learn that radical Islamists believe the White man is the devil and should be destroyed. I believe this to be a firmly entrenched belief among all radical Muslims as well as many who are not yet radicalized.
Yakub (Nation of Islam) - Wikipedia

Do you plan to join Jose in blaming the Jews?
I have no such "plan." But I am willing to read and think about anything that José, or you, have to say on the subject.
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Do you think that whites in the US should kill minorities because they are not white?

Force them out of the country?
Those who have no legitimate right to be here -- absolutely.

Are you thinking there will be a constitutional amendment making non-whites ineligible for citizenship?

or removing their constitutional protections

or do you just think the constitution should be done away with?
No. But there definitely needs to be some new amendments and timely clarifications.

Should there be China-like birth restrictions on non-whites; whites can have all the children they want, but others only get one per couple?
There definitely needs to be restrictions based on the primary intention of preventing the over-breeding of non-Whites -- such as is presently occurring.

How white does someone need to be to be white?
Whiteness is not entirely predicated on one's complexion or physical features. There are many Muslims whose complexion and features are typically caucasoid: straight, light brown hair, pale complexion, etc., but aside from those superficial characteristics there is absolutely nothing White about them, not behaviorally, not spiritually, not politically. In fact they are less "White" than are some plainly genetic non-Whites. In further fact, they would be insulted by any suggestion that they are White.

Should we institute some sort of ancestry registry, or forced DNA testing to determine race and thereby opportunity to be a US citizen?
That could be useful in some situations.

Do we go back to the "one drop of blood" days, only this time, for all non-white blood (and if so, do you think many people would actually qualify)?
No. And, no.

I've certainly heard people say Islam considers Christians to be infidels, but whites? That's a new one for me. It's odd that "the vast majority of Muslims hate White people and they openly admit it," yet I'm not sure I've ever heard a Muslim say anything of the sort. I don't have a great deal of experience with Muslims, but I'd think I would have heard such a thing if it's so commonplace.
If you will read, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, you will learn that radical Islamists believe the White man is the devil and should be destroyed. I believe this to be a firmly entrenched belief among all radical Muslims as well as many who are not yet radicalized.

Do you plan to join Jose in blaming the Jews?
I have no such "plan." But I am willing to read and think about anything that José, or you, have to say on the subject.

I see. So some sort of vague criteria, based on a so-far undefined combination of physical characteristics, behavior, spiritual, and political beliefs, should be used to determine who can and cannot have children. I'm not entirely sure if you think the same criteria should be used to determine who has a "legitimate" reason to be in the country.

This, so that the country can have a greater population of people who fit within the undefined criteria. Put another way, you would like to see the country filled with people you approve of, and would like to see that enshrined in law and the constitution. I'll try to remain cordial and say that is sounds like a good deal of arrogant authoritarianism.

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