Is "Diversity" A Device Being Used To Undermine White America?

Poor little snowflake. So certain that we will not survive.....
We will survive as a result of people like myself...inspite of morons like yourself.

LOL- yes- because without white supremacists like you, 'we white Americans' will never survive.

What poor little snowflakes.
The body cannot survive without its immune system, and neither can a nation or a race.

Dumbasses like you would have caused Islam and the Mongols to destroy Europe thousands of years ago in the name of "progressivism".

So you think White Supremacists are like the immune system?

"White supremacist" is just straw man designed to fool nimrods like yourself.

White racialists(aka normal and thinking white people) are the immune system.

Making minorities a disease?

I had always presumed the purpose of the Liberal slogan, "Diversity Is Our Strength" to occur in the interest of racial equality. But what I see happening in Europe, and what I understand is intended to happen here in America, has convinced me that the underlying concept and objective of "Diversity" is the ultimate overwhelming and subjugation of White people wherever they exist in the world.

Anyone who doubts this is urged to pay close attention to what is happening in all of Western Europe, in Sweden, in Norway and, increasingly, in the Balkans. Because we now have a President who understands this problem and has taken a strong stand against it does not mean the problem has been solved. Far from it. We also have a substantial percentage of brainwashed White Liberals who continue to sing Kumbaya and wave the Diversity banner, eager to welcome hordes of Middle-Eastern and Sub-Saharan African Muslims to live among us, the vast majority of whom make no effort to conceal their fanatical hatred for us.

This category of brainwashed Diversity advocates presently exist as our Nation's most serious problem. They are willing and poised to pull the cork from a political bottle that contains a deadly ethnic bacteria that will quickly overwhelm and eventually bring an end to White America.

I guess my question when I see something like this is: If the founders of America wanted a white country, why did they bring in slaves from Africa and elsewhere? Why did they sleep with slave women and produce mixed offspring? Why was the statue of liberty put up and the huddled masses yearning to be free invited to come here? Did they expect that only white people would respond?
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I guess my question when I see something like this is: If the founders of America wanted a white country, why did they bring in slaves from Africa and elsewhere?
Do you actually believe the concept of an ethnically diverse population existed in seventeenth century America? If you lived during that era the thought of diversity would not have occurred to you, either. Back then, slave ownership was as normal and permissible a practice as usurious mortgages and foreclosures are today.

Why did they sleep with slave women and produce mixed offspring?
Who are "they?" The only Founder I know about who did that was Thomas Jefferson. He got it on with a mulatto slave girl named Sally Hemmings but nothing I've ever read or heard suggested Sally was unhappy with the relationship. But I have no doubt that other slave-holders conducted themselves with female slaves in ways they would be imprisoned for today. But, again, that was then and this is now. Different times, different values, customs, moralities, beliefs, and ideas.

Why was the statue of liberty put up and the huddled masses yearning to be free invited to come here? Did they expect that only white people would respond?
It's quite possible they did. As far as Emma Lazarus' ambitious invitation to the " . . huddled masses yearning to be free . . ." is concerned, if it were possible back then to foresee what has developed along those lines I'm quite sure Emma's gushingly poetic effort would not have made it any further than her notebook.

I had always presumed the purpose of the Liberal slogan, "Diversity Is Our Strength" to occur in the interest of racial equality. But what I see happening in Europe, and what I understand is intended to happen here in America, has convinced me that the underlying concept and objective of "Diversity" is the ultimate overwhelming and subjugation of White people wherever they exist in the world.

Anyone who doubts this is urged to pay close attention to what is happening in all of Western Europe, in Sweden, in Norway and, increasingly, in the Balkans. Because we now have a President who understands this problem and has taken a strong stand against it does not mean the problem has been solved. Far from it. We also have a substantial percentage of brainwashed White Liberals who continue to sing Kumbaya and wave the Diversity banner, eager to welcome hordes of Middle-Eastern and Sub-Saharan African Muslims to live among us, the vast majority of whom make no effort to conceal their fanatical hatred for us.

This category of brainwashed Diversity advocates presently exist as our Nation's most serious problem. They are willing and poised to pull the cork from a political bottle that contains a deadly ethnic bacteria that will quickly overwhelm and eventually bring an end to White America.

Diversity is simply a synonym for white genocide.

Every other color gets a club... but white gets the bill.
Originally posted by Montrovant
I neither agree with your premise that the white population shrinking as a percentage of the total US population constitutes genocide.

US immigration laws were changed in the 60's with the specific purpose of allowing massive non white immigration into the country..

U.S. immigration laws were changed in the '60's with the specific intent to reverse the historic extreme bias against non-white immigration into the United States.

"There was an historic extreme bias towards bringing in white folks to this country..", you say. That doesn't sound racist, but being practical. People mostly like being amongst their own kind. I'll bet not too many well to do white liberals tell their realtors to only show them homes in neighborhoods with majority hispanic and black populations, and send their kids to 'diverse' inner city public schools where their kids will be in the minority.The browning of America wasn't a natural occurence over a period of decades, but an engineereed plan to make whites the minority in this country eventually. And this plan was pushed by white people too! Go figure.
Originally posted by Montrovant
I neither agree with your premise that the white population shrinking as a percentage of the total US population constitutes genocide.

US immigration laws were changed in the 60's with the specific purpose of allowing massive non white immigration into the country..

U.S. immigration laws were changed in the '60's with the specific intent to reverse the historic extreme bias against non-white immigration into the United States.

=.The browning of America wasn't a natural occurence over a period of decades, but an engineereed plan to make whites the minority in this country eventually. =.


Poor little snowflakes....
Originally posted by Montrovant
I neither agree with your premise that the white population shrinking as a percentage of the total US population constitutes genocide.

US immigration laws were changed in the 60's with the specific purpose of allowing massive non white immigration into the country..

U.S. immigration laws were changed in the '60's with the specific intent to reverse the historic extreme bias against non-white immigration into the United States.

=.The browning of America wasn't a natural occurence over a period of decades, but an engineereed plan to make whites the minority in this country eventually. =.


Poor little snowflakes....

That's it, just insults?
Originally posted by Montrovant
I neither agree with your premise that the white population shrinking as a percentage of the total US population constitutes genocide.

US immigration laws were changed in the 60's with the specific purpose of allowing massive non white immigration into the country..

U.S. immigration laws were changed in the '60's with the specific intent to reverse the historic extreme bias against non-white immigration into the United States.

"There was an historic extreme bias towards bringing in white folks to this country..", you say. That doesn't sound racist, but being practical. People mostly like being amongst their own kind. I'll bet not too many well to do white liberals tell their realtors to only show them homes in neighborhoods with majority hispanic and black populations, and send their kids to 'diverse' inner city public schools where their kids will be in the minority.The browning of America wasn't a natural occurence over a period of decades, but an engineereed plan to make whites the minority in this country eventually. And this plan was pushed by white people too! Go figure.

And I guess you think that makes sense.

I had always presumed the purpose of the Liberal slogan, "Diversity Is Our Strength" to occur in the interest of racial equality. But what I see happening in Europe, and what I understand is intended to happen here in America, has convinced me that the underlying concept and objective of "Diversity" is the ultimate overwhelming and subjugation of White people wherever they exist in the world.

Anyone who doubts this is urged to pay close attention to what is happening in all of Western Europe, in Sweden, in Norway and, increasingly, in the Balkans. Because we now have a President who understands this problem and has taken a strong stand against it does not mean the problem has been solved. Far from it. We also have a substantial percentage of brainwashed White Liberals who continue to sing Kumbaya and wave the Diversity banner, eager to welcome hordes of Middle-Eastern and Sub-Saharan African Muslims to live among us, the vast majority of whom make no effort to conceal their fanatical hatred for us.

This category of brainwashed Diversity advocates presently exist as our Nation's most serious problem. They are willing and poised to pull the cork from a political bottle that contains a deadly ethnic bacteria that will quickly overwhelm and eventually bring an end to White America.

I had always presumed the purpose of the Liberal slogan, "Diversity Is Our Strength" to occur in the interest of racial equality. But what I see happening in Europe, and what I understand is intended to happen here in America, has convinced me that the underlying concept and objective of "Diversity" is the ultimate overwhelming and subjugation of White people wherever they exist in the world.

Anyone who doubts this is urged to pay close attention to what is happening in all of Western Europe, in Sweden, in Norway and, increasingly, in the Balkans. Because we now have a President who understands this problem and has taken a strong stand against it does not mean the problem has been solved. Far from it. We also have a substantial percentage of brainwashed White Liberals who continue to sing Kumbaya and wave the Diversity banner, eager to welcome hordes of Middle-Eastern and Sub-Saharan African Muslims to live among us, the vast majority of whom make no effort to conceal their fanatical hatred for us.

This category of brainwashed Diversity advocates presently exist as our Nation's most serious problem. They are willing and poised to pull the cork from a political bottle that contains a deadly ethnic bacteria that will quickly overwhelm and eventually bring an end to White America.

Diversity is simply a synonym for white genocide.

Every other color gets a club... but white gets the bill.

And you think that makes sense?

This never was a white nation. When whites got here there were people who were not white living here.

I had always presumed the purpose of the Liberal slogan, "Diversity Is Our Strength" to occur in the interest of racial equality. But what I see happening in Europe, and what I understand is intended to happen here in America, has convinced me that the underlying concept and objective of "Diversity" is the ultimate overwhelming and subjugation of White people wherever they exist in the world.

Anyone who doubts this is urged to pay close attention to what is happening in all of Western Europe, in Sweden, in Norway and, increasingly, in the Balkans. Because we now have a President who understands this problem and has taken a strong stand against it does not mean the problem has been solved. Far from it. We also have a substantial percentage of brainwashed White Liberals who continue to sing Kumbaya and wave the Diversity banner, eager to welcome hordes of Middle-Eastern and Sub-Saharan African Muslims to live among us, the vast majority of whom make no effort to conceal their fanatical hatred for us.

This category of brainwashed Diversity advocates presently exist as our Nation's most serious problem. They are willing and poised to pull the cork from a political bottle that contains a deadly ethnic bacteria that will quickly overwhelm and eventually bring an end to White America.

Diversity is simply a synonym for white genocide.

Every other color gets a club... but white gets the bill.

And you think that makes sense?

This never was a white nation. When whites got here there were people who were not white living here.

What the hell does your response have to do with anything I said? Jesus, this guy must be yet a other anti-white racist who has to find excuses for his self-hatred. And of course, nothing is better than an excuse that makes no sense and happened hundreds of years into the history.

If you want true diversity, you better include equal opportunities FOR WHITES, and CONSERVATIVES. Otherwise we have not much to talk about, as I am very tired of racists.

I had always presumed the purpose of the Liberal slogan, "Diversity Is Our Strength" to occur in the interest of racial equality. But what I see happening in Europe, and what I understand is intended to happen here in America, has convinced me that the underlying concept and objective of "Diversity" is the ultimate overwhelming and subjugation of White people wherever they exist in the world.

Anyone who doubts this is urged to pay close attention to what is happening in all of Western Europe, in Sweden, in Norway and, increasingly, in the Balkans. Because we now have a President who understands this problem and has taken a strong stand against it does not mean the problem has been solved. Far from it. We also have a substantial percentage of brainwashed White Liberals who continue to sing Kumbaya and wave the Diversity banner, eager to welcome hordes of Middle-Eastern and Sub-Saharan African Muslims to live among us, the vast majority of whom make no effort to conceal their fanatical hatred for us.

This category of brainwashed Diversity advocates presently exist as our Nation's most serious problem. They are willing and poised to pull the cork from a political bottle that contains a deadly ethnic bacteria that will quickly overwhelm and eventually bring an end to White America.

Diversity is simply a synonym for white genocide.

Every other color gets a club... but white gets the bill.

And you think that makes sense?

This never was a white nation. When whites got here there were people who were not white living here.

What the hell does your response have to do with anything I said? Jesus, this guy must be yet a other anti-white racist who has to find excuses for his self-hatred. And of course, nothing is better than an excuse that makes no sense and happened hundreds of years into the history.

If you want true diversity, you better include equal opportunities FOR WHITES, and CONSERVATIVES. Otherwise get the hell out of here.

Whites and conservatives have most of the opportunities idiot.

I had always presumed the purpose of the Liberal slogan, "Diversity Is Our Strength" to occur in the interest of racial equality. But what I see happening in Europe, and what I understand is intended to happen here in America, has convinced me that the underlying concept and objective of "Diversity" is the ultimate overwhelming and subjugation of White people wherever they exist in the world.

Anyone who doubts this is urged to pay close attention to what is happening in all of Western Europe, in Sweden, in Norway and, increasingly, in the Balkans. Because we now have a President who understands this problem and has taken a strong stand against it does not mean the problem has been solved. Far from it. We also have a substantial percentage of brainwashed White Liberals who continue to sing Kumbaya and wave the Diversity banner, eager to welcome hordes of Middle-Eastern and Sub-Saharan African Muslims to live among us, the vast majority of whom make no effort to conceal their fanatical hatred for us.

This category of brainwashed Diversity advocates presently exist as our Nation's most serious problem. They are willing and poised to pull the cork from a political bottle that contains a deadly ethnic bacteria that will quickly overwhelm and eventually bring an end to White America.

Diversity is simply a synonym for white genocide.

Every other color gets a club... but white gets the bill.

And you think that makes sense?

This never was a white nation. When whites got here there were people who were not white living here.

What the hell does your response have to do with anything I said? Jesus, this guy must be yet a other anti-white racist who has to find excuses for his self-hatred. And of course, nothing is better than an excuse that makes no sense and happened hundreds of years into the history.

If you want true diversity, you better include equal opportunities FOR WHITES, and CONSERVATIVES. Otherwise get the hell out of here.

Whites and conservatives have most of the opportunities idiot.

Aha, a self hating racist. I am sure that the scandalous amount of racism/self-hatred you pack will get you very far.

Perhaps someone else can help me come up with a sound plan for an affirmative action program for whites, white lives matter movement, and white-male exclusive scholarships... oh and of course white-heterosexual male gender quotas for high ranking positions.

Also we need some serious work to close the suicide rate gap between males and females.

I had always presumed the purpose of the Liberal slogan, "Diversity Is Our Strength" to occur in the interest of racial equality. But what I see happening in Europe, and what I understand is intended to happen here in America, has convinced me that the underlying concept and objective of "Diversity" is the ultimate overwhelming and subjugation of White people wherever they exist in the world.

Anyone who doubts this is urged to pay close attention to what is happening in all of Western Europe, in Sweden, in Norway and, increasingly, in the Balkans. Because we now have a President who understands this problem and has taken a strong stand against it does not mean the problem has been solved. Far from it. We also have a substantial percentage of brainwashed White Liberals who continue to sing Kumbaya and wave the Diversity banner, eager to welcome hordes of Middle-Eastern and Sub-Saharan African Muslims to live among us, the vast majority of whom make no effort to conceal their fanatical hatred for us.

This category of brainwashed Diversity advocates presently exist as our Nation's most serious problem. They are willing and poised to pull the cork from a political bottle that contains a deadly ethnic bacteria that will quickly overwhelm and eventually bring an end to White America.

Diversity is simply a synonym for white genocide.

Every other color gets a club... but white gets the bill.

And you think that makes sense?

This never was a white nation. When whites got here there were people who were not white living here.

What the hell does your response have to do with anything I said? Jesus, this guy must be yet a other anti-white racist who has to find excuses for his self-hatred. And of course, nothing is better than an excuse that makes no sense and happened hundreds of years into the history.

If you want true diversity, you better include equal opportunities FOR WHITES, and CONSERVATIVES. Otherwise get the hell out of here.

Whites and conservatives have most of the opportunities idiot.

Aha, a self hating racist. I am sure that the scandalous amount of racism/self-hatred you pack will get you very far.

Perhaps someone else can help me come up with a sound plan for an affirmative action program for whites, white lives matter movement, and white-male exclusive scholarships... oh and of course white-heterosexual male gender quotas for high ranking positions.

Also we need some serious work to close the suicide rate gap between males and females.

Yes you are a self hating racist. And a culturally incompetent idiot suffering from psychosis. Your plan has already been done. It's been in effect for 241 years.
Diversity is simply a synonym for white genocide.

Every other color gets a club... but white gets the bill.

And you think that makes sense?

This never was a white nation. When whites got here there were people who were not white living here.

What the hell does your response have to do with anything I said? Jesus, this guy must be yet a other anti-white racist who has to find excuses for his self-hatred. And of course, nothing is better than an excuse that makes no sense and happened hundreds of years into the history.

If you want true diversity, you better include equal opportunities FOR WHITES, and CONSERVATIVES. Otherwise get the hell out of here.

Whites and conservatives have most of the opportunities idiot.

Aha, a self hating racist. I am sure that the scandalous amount of racism/self-hatred you pack will get you very far.

Perhaps someone else can help me come up with a sound plan for an affirmative action program for whites, white lives matter movement, and white-male exclusive scholarships... oh and of course white-heterosexual male gender quotas for high ranking positions.

Also we need some serious work to close the suicide rate gap between males and females.

Yes you are a self hating racist. And a culturally incompetent idiot suffering from psychosis. Your plan has already been done. It's been in effect for 241 years.

241 years? So it started about when we had the renaissance/enlightenment/industrial revolution... when we finally crawled away from the 3rd world status and became the first wold?

Your plan: Go back to 3rd world, of course.

My plan: Get a one-way ticket so you can safely be moved to your diverse (the most diverse possible - black only) African 3rd world utopia, without any harm to civilization.
And you think that makes sense?

This never was a white nation. When whites got here there were people who were not white living here.

What the hell does your response have to do with anything I said? Jesus, this guy must be yet a other anti-white racist who has to find excuses for his self-hatred. And of course, nothing is better than an excuse that makes no sense and happened hundreds of years into the history.

If you want true diversity, you better include equal opportunities FOR WHITES, and CONSERVATIVES. Otherwise get the hell out of here.

Whites and conservatives have most of the opportunities idiot.

Aha, a self hating racist. I am sure that the scandalous amount of racism/self-hatred you pack will get you very far.

Perhaps someone else can help me come up with a sound plan for an affirmative action program for whites, white lives matter movement, and white-male exclusive scholarships... oh and of course white-heterosexual male gender quotas for high ranking positions.

Also we need some serious work to close the suicide rate gap between males and females.

Yes you are a self hating racist. And a culturally incompetent idiot suffering from psychosis. Your plan has already been done. It's been in effect for 241 years.

241 years? So it started about when we had the renaissance/enlightenment/industrial revolution... when we finally crawled away from the 3rd world status and became the first wold?

Your plan: Go back to 3rd world, of course.

My plan: Get a one-way ticket so you can safely be moved to your diverse (the most diverse possible - black only) African 3rd world utopia, without any harm to civilization.

The US was started in 1776 and that is when your plan started. So then if you don't like diversity, I'll buy you a ticket one of those private flights into space so you can live with as little diversity as possible. Because the world is diverse. I was born here and if you dare walked up to me with that ticket, I would shove it so far up yo ass I'd have shit stains on my shoulders. My plan ends up with us being the greatest nation of a time because we use the strength of diverse minds. Yours takes us backwards.
What the hell does your response have to do with anything I said? Jesus, this guy must be yet a other anti-white racist who has to find excuses for his self-hatred. And of course, nothing is better than an excuse that makes no sense and happened hundreds of years into the history.

If you want true diversity, you better include equal opportunities FOR WHITES, and CONSERVATIVES. Otherwise get the hell out of here.

Whites and conservatives have most of the opportunities idiot.

Aha, a self hating racist. I am sure that the scandalous amount of racism/self-hatred you pack will get you very far.

Perhaps someone else can help me come up with a sound plan for an affirmative action program for whites, white lives matter movement, and white-male exclusive scholarships... oh and of course white-heterosexual male gender quotas for high ranking positions.

Also we need some serious work to close the suicide rate gap between males and females.

Yes you are a self hating racist. And a culturally incompetent idiot suffering from psychosis. Your plan has already been done. It's been in effect for 241 years.

241 years? So it started about when we had the renaissance/enlightenment/industrial revolution... when we finally crawled away from the 3rd world status and became the first wold?

Your plan: Go back to 3rd world, of course.

My plan: Get a one-way ticket so you can safely be moved to your diverse (the most diverse possible - black only) African 3rd world utopia, without any harm to civilization.

The US was started in 1776 and that is when your plan started. So then if you don't like diversity, I'll buy you a ticket one of those private flights into space so you can live with as little diversity as possible. Because the world is diverse. I was born here and if you dare walked up to me with that ticket, I would shove it so far up yo ass I'd have shit stains on my shoulders. My plan ends up with us being the greatest nation of a time because we use the strength of diverse minds. Yours takes us backwards.

Nice fairy-tale, did you learn it from CNN?

Your racism takes us right back to dark ages, that was already established.
Whites and conservatives have most of the opportunities idiot.

Aha, a self hating racist. I am sure that the scandalous amount of racism/self-hatred you pack will get you very far.

Perhaps someone else can help me come up with a sound plan for an affirmative action program for whites, white lives matter movement, and white-male exclusive scholarships... oh and of course white-heterosexual male gender quotas for high ranking positions.

Also we need some serious work to close the suicide rate gap between males and females.

Yes you are a self hating racist. And a culturally incompetent idiot suffering from psychosis. Your plan has already been done. It's been in effect for 241 years.

241 years? So it started about when we had the renaissance/enlightenment/industrial revolution... when we finally crawled away from the 3rd world status and became the first wold?

Your plan: Go back to 3rd world, of course.

My plan: Get a one-way ticket so you can safely be moved to your diverse (the most diverse possible - black only) African 3rd world utopia, without any harm to civilization.

The US was started in 1776 and that is when your plan started. So then if you don't like diversity, I'll buy you a ticket one of those private flights into space so you can live with as little diversity as possible. Because the world is diverse. I was born here and if you dare walked up to me with that ticket, I would shove it so far up yo ass I'd have shit stains on my shoulders. My plan ends up with us being the greatest nation of a time because we use the strength of diverse minds. Yours takes us backwards.

Nice fairy-tale, did you learn it from CNN?

Your racism takes us right back to dark ages, that was already established.

I don't have any racism. You established nothing.

America is not a white country. It was not one when whites got here and it's not one now.
Aha, a self hating racist. I am sure that the scandalous amount of racism/self-hatred you pack will get you very far.

Perhaps someone else can help me come up with a sound plan for an affirmative action program for whites, white lives matter movement, and white-male exclusive scholarships... oh and of course white-heterosexual male gender quotas for high ranking positions.

Also we need some serious work to close the suicide rate gap between males and females.

Yes you are a self hating racist. And a culturally incompetent idiot suffering from psychosis. Your plan has already been done. It's been in effect for 241 years.

241 years? So it started about when we had the renaissance/enlightenment/industrial revolution... when we finally crawled away from the 3rd world status and became the first wold?

Your plan: Go back to 3rd world, of course.

My plan: Get a one-way ticket so you can safely be moved to your diverse (the most diverse possible - black only) African 3rd world utopia, without any harm to civilization.

The US was started in 1776 and that is when your plan started. So then if you don't like diversity, I'll buy you a ticket one of those private flights into space so you can live with as little diversity as possible. Because the world is diverse. I was born here and if you dare walked up to me with that ticket, I would shove it so far up yo ass I'd have shit stains on my shoulders. My plan ends up with us being the greatest nation of a time because we use the strength of diverse minds. Yours takes us backwards.

Nice fairy-tale, did you learn it from CNN?

Your racism takes us right back to dark ages, that was already established.

I don't have any racism. You established nothing.

You established it yourself by condemning the rise to civilization we had. You want to go back to the caves in the name of "diversity" (which we all know is a code name for free shit for yourself - a selfish bigot would sacrifice civilization for that no problem).
Yes you are a self hating racist. And a culturally incompetent idiot suffering from psychosis. Your plan has already been done. It's been in effect for 241 years.

241 years? So it started about when we had the renaissance/enlightenment/industrial revolution... when we finally crawled away from the 3rd world status and became the first wold?

Your plan: Go back to 3rd world, of course.

My plan: Get a one-way ticket so you can safely be moved to your diverse (the most diverse possible - black only) African 3rd world utopia, without any harm to civilization.

The US was started in 1776 and that is when your plan started. So then if you don't like diversity, I'll buy you a ticket one of those private flights into space so you can live with as little diversity as possible. Because the world is diverse. I was born here and if you dare walked up to me with that ticket, I would shove it so far up yo ass I'd have shit stains on my shoulders. My plan ends up with us being the greatest nation of a time because we use the strength of diverse minds. Yours takes us backwards.

Nice fairy-tale, did you learn it from CNN?

Your racism takes us right back to dark ages, that was already established.

I don't have any racism. You established nothing.

You established it yourself by condemning the rise to civilization we had. You want to go back to the caves in the name of "diversity" (which we all know is a code name for free shit for yourself - a selfish bigot would sacrifice civilization for that no problem).

I don't call slavery and apartheid a rise to civilization. What I do call it is the greatest waste f human resources of all tine, We would have became by far the unquestioned greatest nation without many of the difficulties we face now, such as the debt and deficit, if not for the idiots like you denying talented people opportunity because of t he color of their skin. So then if we ended that, we don't turn to some third world country.

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