Is "Diversity" A Device Being Used To Undermine White America?

Originally posted by Montrovant
I neither agree with your premise that the white population shrinking as a percentage of the total US population constitutes genocide.

US immigration laws were changed in the 60's with the specific purpose of allowing massive non white immigration into the country..

U.S. immigration laws were changed in the '60's with the specific intent to reverse the historic extreme bias against non-white immigration into the United States.
Poor little snowflake. So certain that we will not survive.....

You seem to have adopted a meaningfully meaningless word to toss about when you have nothing more substantive to say. Is it similar in that regard to the word, n!gger, or coon?
Poor little snowflake. So certain that we will not survive.....
Is it similar in that regard to the word, n!gger, or coon?

Does it make you feel like you are a black person being called a N*gger?

I use the term snowflake in the spirit that Conservatives introduced it into our lexicon- to identify those who are

As insults go, it’s hard to think of one that so clearly conveys so many flaws at once: Fragility and self-importance, weakness and self-delusion.

Its power, Green said, comes largely from that duality. Snowflake “works in two ways. It melts under the heat, it has no backbone, no spine, no guts, no spirit, anything. It just fades away as soon as people are nasty to it. And the other side is the special side of it. Every little snowflake is different and has its own identity.”
Originally posted by Syriusly
U.S. immigration laws were changed in the '60's with the specific intent to reverse the historic extreme bias against non-white immigration into the United States.

Throughout the 19th and most of the 20th century the basic makeup of the US population remained more or less the same:

88 - 90% white

10% - 12% black

1% - 2% hispanic, asian

The immigration policy reflected the country's demography.

The real bias was introduced in the sixties by the catastrophic 65 Immigration Act specifically designed to flood America with non-whites and accomplish the criminal act of destroying the racial composition of a by then non-supremacist western nation.
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I'm gonna demonstrate the insane character of multiracialism strictly limiting my analysis to the idea of nationalism.

I'm gonna intentionally leave the genocide issue aside.
Originally posted by Syriusly
U.S. immigration laws were changed in the '60's with the specific intent to reverse the historic extreme bias against non-white immigration into the United States.

This is the meaning of the word nation according to the Oxford Dictionary:

A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.

nation - definition of nation in English | Oxford Dictionaries

The definition makes clear that the racial character of a nation is one of the fundamental pillars of any nation, notwithstanding the existence of minority ethnic groups in almost all countries.

So China is basically an asian tribe.

South Africa is in its essence an african (Negroid) tribe.

And the United States is basically a western tribe. An offshoot of the european civilization.

You cannot destroy China's Han Chinese majority without destroying the core of the nation, without turning China into something else, that definitely is not China anymore.

One of the basic reasons that makes America a western country, an offshoot of the european, caucasian civilisation is exactly her overwhelming white population, "people united by common descent".

Japan is a highly westernised country but it's not part of the West because it lacks this fundamental demographic component, an overwhelming caucasian population.

The ideology of multiracialism is so absurd, so insane that you really don't need to spend 4, 6 years studying political science, antropology or sociology in Harvard to realise this fact....

The mere definition of the word "nation" is more than enough to expose the insanity that has infected the minds of Montrovant, flacaltenn and Syriusly:

Multiculturalism is an attempt to extirpate the fundamental core of any nation, to extract the "people united by common descent" from the definition of nation.

An attempt to destroy one of the basic foundations of any nation.
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I hope you can now understand the indescribable mental confusion multiculturalism, this disease posing as a socio-political ideology, has caused in the minds of Syriusly, Montrovant and flacaltenn.

After WWII, infected by this mental disease, America "redefined" herself, WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, as a "multiracial" nation.

The core of the USA, its overwhelming white majority, its "people united by common descent", was discarded, was regarded from then on as a vile legacy of America's ethnocratic, racist past.

Flacaltenn, Montrovant and Syriusly are the sons of this post-WWII America, of an America that redefined itself as multiracial, AGAINST THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in 1950 and 1960.

They had their minds molded by this absurd notion that the simple act of a nation preserving its racial makeup by controlling immigration is "bias" against foreign non-whites, an act of ethnic supremacism against foreigners, against people with no right to call America their homeland, as if America could exercise supremacism against people living half a world away in China, India, etc...

The ethnic cleansing of the natives was racism.

Slavery was racism.

Jim Crow was racism.

A nation protecting its fundamental core, its "people united by common descent", is not racism, it's the fundamental, sacred right and duty of every nation.
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Montrovant, Syriusly and flacaltenn are three perfect examples of what I referred in a previous post to MikeK as "multiracialist zombies" most of the US population has become.

Half a century of heavy multiracialist indoctrination has caused an enormous damage in their minds.

This mental disease makes them consider a country cannibalizing itself, destroying its own national character, going through a process of VOLUNTARY DENATIONALISATION as if it were the most natural thing in the world, "business as usual".

And there's probably no power on Earth that can undo the damage and make them realise the insanity they support because they absorbed this madness in their formative years, it is now part of what they are, it is completely embedded in their personalities.
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Promised and delivered.

I exposed the insanity of multiracialism on the grounds of nationalism alone, without even touching the issue of genocide.
Promised and delivered.

I exposed the insanity of multiracialism on the grounds of nationalism alone, without even touching the issue of genocide.

Of course, your entire premise is bunk, as common descent is only one of a number of possible commonalities which define a nation in the definition you used. ;)

There, I exposed the poor reasoning of your position without even going into most of your points. :lol:
White priviledge is so deep that accepting anything other than white is a slap in the face to these debutants. Lol
In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.
The primary purpose of my proposal is about survival of a dominant ethnic category, i.e., Whites in America.

Which makes as much sense as the 'survival' of right handed people in America.

White men control most of the wealth and power in the United States. That doesn't change with the introduction of migrants who don't share your same hue of whiteness.

White people- and brown people- Jews and Muslims and Christians- European and Asian and African- will all survive- and eventually thrive in America.

When did my fellow pale Americans become such snowflakes?
Complete nonsense, and mostly demonstrably false.

Poor little snowflake. So certain that we will not survive.....
We will survive as a result of people like spite of morons like yourself.
In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.
The primary purpose of my proposal is about survival of a dominant ethnic category, i.e., Whites in America.

Which makes as much sense as the 'survival' of right handed people in America.

White men control most of the wealth and power in the United States. That doesn't change with the introduction of migrants who don't share your same hue of whiteness.

White people- and brown people- Jews and Muslims and Christians- European and Asian and African- will all survive- and eventually thrive in America.

When did my fellow pale Americans become such snowflakes?
Complete nonsense, and mostly demonstrably false.

Poor little snowflake. So certain that we will not survive.....
We will survive as a result of people like myself...inspite of morons like yourself.

LOL- yes- because without white supremacists like you, 'we white Americans' will never survive.

What poor little snowflakes.
The primary purpose of my proposal is about survival of a dominant ethnic category, i.e., Whites in America.

Which makes as much sense as the 'survival' of right handed people in America.

White men control most of the wealth and power in the United States. That doesn't change with the introduction of migrants who don't share your same hue of whiteness.

White people- and brown people- Jews and Muslims and Christians- European and Asian and African- will all survive- and eventually thrive in America.

When did my fellow pale Americans become such snowflakes?
Complete nonsense, and mostly demonstrably false.

Poor little snowflake. So certain that we will not survive.....
We will survive as a result of people like myself...inspite of morons like yourself.

LOL- yes- because without white supremacists like you, 'we white Americans' will never survive.

What poor little snowflakes.
The body cannot survive without its immune system, and neither can a nation or a race.

Dumbasses like you would have caused Islam and the Mongols to destroy Europe thousands of years ago in the name of "progressivism".

You will fail because you are nothing but an idiot child who has managed to sit in front of a steering wheel for a short time.
Which makes as much sense as the 'survival' of right handed people in America.

White men control most of the wealth and power in the United States. That doesn't change with the introduction of migrants who don't share your same hue of whiteness.

White people- and brown people- Jews and Muslims and Christians- European and Asian and African- will all survive- and eventually thrive in America.

When did my fellow pale Americans become such snowflakes?
Complete nonsense, and mostly demonstrably false.

Poor little snowflake. So certain that we will not survive.....
We will survive as a result of people like myself...inspite of morons like yourself.

LOL- yes- because without white supremacists like you, 'we white Americans' will never survive.

What poor little snowflakes.
The body cannot survive without its immune system, and neither can a nation or a race.

Dumbasses like you would have caused Islam and the Mongols to destroy Europe thousands of years ago in the name of "progressivism".

So you think White Supremacists are like the immune system?

Complete nonsense, and mostly demonstrably false.

Poor little snowflake. So certain that we will not survive.....
We will survive as a result of people like myself...inspite of morons like yourself.

LOL- yes- because without white supremacists like you, 'we white Americans' will never survive.

What poor little snowflakes.
The body cannot survive without its immune system, and neither can a nation or a race.

Dumbasses like you would have caused Islam and the Mongols to destroy Europe thousands of years ago in the name of "progressivism".

So you think White Supremacists are like the immune system?

"White supremacist" is just straw man designed to fool nimrods like yourself.

White racialists(aka normal and thinking white people) are the immune system.

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