Is Donald Trump the greatest president ever? Many think so.

Standing up to China and for our manufacturing jobs. No President has done that in my lifetime.
More like Trump has turned China into an enemy.

China IS the enemy of America, moron.
Tramp IS the enemy of the people of America, :asshole:!

President Trump is the enemy of communists, socialists, Marxists, and globalist pigs.
Dumbass Trump IS a communist, socialist, Marxist, and globalist big government Nazi pig.
4%? Why not 5%, or even 6%?


I suspect Charles Manson’s cult followers also saw him as the greatest president ever. When you’re the member of a cult, you believe whatever the cult leader says. That’s the very definition of cult follower and cult leader.
Is Donald Trump the greatest president ever? Many think so.

I don't share that opinion but I like your post and standing up for what you believe in.
Standing up to China and for our manufacturing jobs. No President has done that in my lifetime.
More like Trump has turned China into an enemy.
I don't think China sees us as an enemy, they tend to take the long view and know Trump will soon be gone and forgotten. I do think that, like many countries, friend and foe, they decided he is too volatile to try to deal with and will just wait for his successor.
Standing up to China and for our manufacturing jobs. No President has done that in my lifetime.
More like Trump has turned China into an enemy.

China IS the enemy of America, moron.
Tramp IS the enemy of the people of America, :asshole:!

30 states and 2,623 counties think otherwise.
He’s definitely the enemy of wetbacks, ragheads, lowlife degenerates, criminals, pole puffers and rug munchers, men in dresses, white guilt whackos, feminazis and other filth....I agree with you there....and thank GOD he is.
Trump is a national disgrace. His DOJ argued that kids in federal custody are not entitled to soap or toothpaste. Anyone who still supports this piece of shit has serious mental issues.
Trump has used Obama's policies on keeping illegals till they can be processed. So you're admitting to Obama being a piece of shit?
Dumbass, the picture that started this outrage. Was during Obama's term. So thanks for proving you really don't care how the illegals are treated. Don't worry, when you realize this won't bring Trump down. You can forget them and move on to another outrage. Maybe like two scoops of ice cream.
Trump is a national disgrace. His DOJ argued that kids in federal custody are not entitled to soap or toothpaste. Anyone who still supports this piece of shit has serious mental issues.
Trump has used Obama's policies on keeping illegals till they can be processed. So you're admitting to Obama being a piece of shit?
Dumbass, the picture that started this outrage. Was during Obama's term. So thanks for proving you really don't care how the illegals are treated. Don't worry, when you realize this won't bring Trump down. You can forget them and move on to another outrage. Maybe like two scoops of ice cream.
There is a picture of Obama denying children soap and toothpaste? Show it liar or STFU!
Standing up to China and for our manufacturing jobs. No President has done that in my lifetime.
More like Trump has turned China into an enemy.

A communist regime that exploits its people, even children, for slave labor. They shit on the environment, and have been taking our jobs for decades. Military bullying of Taiwan and claiming it’s theirs.

To normal people that makes them an enemy.
China hasn't killed people in Iraq, and Afghanistan. Why should anyone with commonsense see China as worse than the United States?

Fucking retard.
New Horrors: China Harvesting Muslim Organs in Concentration Camps.
More like Trump has turned China into an enemy.
For 30 years, China has taken advantage of 4 moron US presidents giving them unrestricted access to our market. They've stolen our manufacturing industry and made it theirs, then flooded our stores (aka the economy) with THEIR manufactured goods, and you don't see all this as an enemy ?

So if somebody was stealing stuff out of your house for 30 years, and then selling it to your family, and you told them "You're not going to do that anymore", then you would be turning them into an enemy ? Please use your brain.
Standing up to China and for our manufacturing jobs. No President has done that in my lifetime.
More like Trump has turned China into an enemy.

China IS the enemy of America, moron.
Tramp IS the enemy of the people of America, :asshole:!

30 states and 2,623 counties think otherwise.
Land doesn't think! DUH!

The founders thought otherwise...didn’t they?
Do you honestly believe the wetbacks and twisted filth in Mexifornia and Loon York “think”?
While I haven't been alive to see all the US presidents I would have to say he's the greatest president I've ever seen. Perfect human being? Hell no. But one hell of a president.

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.


When I was born, Dwight D. Eisenhower was president. Donald Trump is unquestionably a better president. He was followed by John Kennedy, a playboy buffoon who nearly started a nuclear war, then the scumbag Lyndon Johnson who dragged America into an unneeded and unjust war in Vietnam, After that the Keynesian hero Richard Nixon who thought he could micro-manage the economy with wage and price controls straight out to the Kremlin - the little Goebbels of the already corrupt press went to war and destroyed Nixon. Trump is without question a better president than any of these.

After the press slaughtered Nixon, dark days followed. Gerald Ford was a fool who feared the shadow government and their press to the point of paralysis. Nuclear Peanut farmer Jimmy Carter proved to be the worst president up to that point. America had to create a "misery index" to track the destruction Carter and his idiocy caused. A pile of baboon shit would make a better president Reagan turned it all around, he defeated the Soviet Union and rolled back the idiocy that started with Nixon and festered under that idiot Carter. Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century, hands down.

Ass clown George H. Bush was something out of a failed genetic experiment, where the very worst qualities of LBJ and Richard Nixon were combined into one sleazy package. Like Johnson, Bush was a crook and war monger, like Nixon he interfered with the economy and lied to the American people. Then came Bill Clinton, a gangster from Arkansas who was married to the #1 cocaine distributor in America. Scar Face Hillary ran America like she ran her drug cartel out of Mena, Arkansas; dead bodies of enemies were a common feature. When Bill was sexually harassing the help and got caught, a series of witness tampering and destruction of evidence events followed. America learned then that laws don't apply to powerful democrats. But the Reagan economy chugged on, under the wise supervision of Newt Gingrich, America was nearing 30 years of growth.

The dot com bubble that helped Clinton burst in 1999, but the faithful little Goebbels of the lying press covered it up. Even so, another Bush took office. The democrats became violent for the first time when Algore lost. They attempted the usual election fraud that is the mainstay of the DNC, but it failed and the SCOTUS ruled that the democrats could not openly steal the election, which made them boil with a rage that still boils to this day. democrats became the enemy of America the day Bush took office. Dubya was marginally better as president than his father, but that isn't saying much. The democrats and deep state meantime were fleecing the real estate markets, stealing money by the ship load, their greed crashed the economy, enriching the well connected while impoverishing most of America.

Barack Hussain Milhous Benito Obamugabe then became Potentate. The most corrupt pile of shit to ever disgrace the office of the presidency. Obama ran America very much like Robert Mugabe ran Zimbabwe. Obama made racism the center of his social agenda and worked to divide America along color lines. Identity Politics are an invention of Saul Alinsky; both mob boss Hillary and Obamugabe are disciples of Alinsky, making the balkanization of America the premier goal and program of the Obama regime. This corrupt fuck displaced Carter as the worst president in history. Never before in American history has a president, Potentate really, used the law enforcement mechanisms to rig an election. But Obamugabe did, his FSB under Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al directly worked to get mob boss Hillary in power, including buying a fake dossier from Russia and leaking it to the little Goebbels. The radical left intended to end America once and for all with a Hillary presidency, appointing one more Marxist on the Supreme court to end the Bill of Rights and all liberty for the American people on behalf of the globalist cabal they serve.

But then came Donald Trump, to my great shame I didn't vote for him, I didn't trust him. Is he a greater president than Reagan? It's close. Reagan defeated a mortal enemy, the USSR. Trump faces down the little Goebbels, who savaged Nixon, So far he has kept the lying scum piles of shit at bay. Reagan faced down the Soviets, Trump faces the democrats, But in a VERY real way, the democrats ARE the Soviets. What the democrats promote are simply the methods and ideals of Josef Stalin, democrats are dedicated to the complete and utter destruction of the Constitutional Republic that is America. democrats seek to establish a brutal, communist dictatorship under the wing of an international cabal. We call this George Soros, but he is just a face for a much larger and more sinister group, the international Communists that go back to the 1920's.

Donald Trump supports America against the most evil enemy we have ever faced, an internal enemy that poses as a political party, yet is really the same enemy risen from the ashes of the USSR. The democrats are directly controlled by Communist China, the party is an agent of Beijing. But those who direct the affairs of the global cabal use China as a means of controlling greedy traitors like Dianne Feinstein. So Trump faces an enemy that is more dangerous than America has ever faced before. So far he has kept them contained, which makes him the greatest president of my lifetime. If he can defeat the democrats, that is international Communism, he will complete the Reagan legacy and be the greatest president of all time.
Pure BULLSHIT all!

Point to even one phrase that is not correct, edtheliar?
Trump is a national disgrace. His DOJ argued that kids in federal custody are not entitled to soap or toothpaste. Anyone who still supports this piece of shit has serious mental issues.
Trump has used Obama's policies on keeping illegals till they can be processed. So you're admitting to Obama being a piece of shit?

Ed, you fucking liar.

Did Obama Admin Build Cages That House Immigrant Children at U.S.-Mexico Border?

Warning: Child Detention Images Obama Doesn’t Want You To See
Trump is a national disgrace. His DOJ argued that kids in federal custody are not entitled to soap or toothpaste. Anyone who still supports this piece of shit has serious mental issues.
Trump has used Obama's policies on keeping illegals till they can be processed. So you're admitting to Obama being a piece of shit?
Dumbass, the picture that started this outrage. Was during Obama's term. So thanks for proving you really don't care how the illegals are treated. Don't worry, when you realize this won't bring Trump down. You can forget them and move on to another outrage. Maybe like two scoops of ice cream.
There is a picture of Obama denying children soap and toothpaste? Show it liar or STFU!
Maybe you loons should check the date on pictures before you publish them. To try to make Trump look bad. Trump used the same policy as Obama. So you are admitting that Obama is just as bad as Trump. Now let your fake outrage go.
He's got my vote for best president ever.
Making us safe with Muslim ban was a great start. Then he did the right thing by removing everything he could from ObamaCare. Pulling us out of the Iran deal shows his foreign policy expertise. Add to that he meetings and negotiations with world leaders like Putin and Kim Jong-Un. And the icing on the cake is building the border wall to make it impossible for Mexicans to enter America.

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