Is Either Party Considering Nominating a Good Candidate?

Are either of the major parties considering nominating someone who doesn't suck? eg someone besides Biden, Trump or Desantis?

Why are we stuck on suck?
Four years of peace under Trump
Peace treaties being signed between Israel and serval Muslim countries
Russia wasn't attacking countries
great economy lower gas prices
Energy independent
The one thing both parties can agree on is no other alternatives except the two of them. That way, they never really have to be all that good. Just better than the other side's garbage.
Well yeah. That's why I've pledged to vote for ANY candidate, even one of the duopoly jerkoffs, if they are pushing a real effort to install ranked-choice-voting.
Four years of peace under Trump
Peace treaties being signed between Israel and serval Muslim countries
Russia wasn't attacking countries
great economy lower gas prices
Energy independent
And if the man wasn’t a bloviating ass clown who had to make a big scene and spectacle of himself everywhere he went he would probably still be the president. Acting like an adult was apparently too much to be expected of him.
Well yeah. That's why I've pledged to vote for ANY candidate, even one of the duopoly jerkoffs, if they are pushing a real effort to install ranked-choice-voting.
That’s not really a federal issue, though. That would have to be something done at the state level.
And if the man wasn’t a bloviating ass clown who had to make a big scene and spectacle of himself everywhere he went he would probably still be the president. Acting like an adult was apparently too much to be expected of him.
OMG the mean tweets triggered you
Trump fought back when the democrat controlled media attacked him falsely
He fought with the trolls going after in those witch hunts. And you're worried about some deserved mean tweets
That’s not really a federal issue, though. That would have to be something done at the state level.
True. But a Prez who was behind it could help the effort tremendously. The voting system really is the problem. It's true enough, that if we had voters who didn't fall for all the Lo2e fear mongering, we could vote our way out of this. But we don't have those kinds of voters. We have wrestling fans.
Like? I've checked out Trump and DeSantis - they're both populists hucksters. Christie forever lost me when kissed Trump's ring years ago. Anybody with intelligence and decency?
Like? I've checked out Trump and DeSantis - they're both populists hucksters. Christie forever lost me when kissed Trump's ring years ago. Anybody with intelligence and decency?
Haley, Scott, Elder, Hutchenson, Pence…many others
Well yeah. That's why I've pledged to vote for ANY candidate, even one of the duopoly jerkoffs, if they are pushing a real effort to install ranked-choice-voting.
You and your idiotic rigged choice voting scam will make it certain that nobody that you want to support will ever get elected.
You and your idiotic rigged choice voting scam will make it certain that nobody that you want to support will ever get elected.
LOL - okay. Be careful with that knee-jerk. You could injure yourself.
Biden is a good candidate.

The constant Republican BDS meltdowns demonstrate that. They wouldn't be crying so hard if Biden wasn't so effective.

So, is this just kind of a trolling thread, trying to gaslight people into thinking Biden isn't a good candidate?
What makes Biden a good candidate mamooth? Name the top 3-5 achievements of the Biden presidency you admire most (and that matter to most Americans).
LOL - okay. Be careful with that knee-jerk. You could injure yourself.
Yeah...Could "knee-jerk" myself into shitbags like Janet Mills and Lisa Murkowski.

You've bought a bill of goods and are too thick to have buyer's remorse.
Why are we stuck on suck?

A corrupt election system.
  1. It takes billions of dollars now to run a campaign.
  2. You have to get the backing then of rich special interests who are usually not interested in you or I.
  3. The government is now involved in steering elections as well.
  4. Washington is really fucked up. So you have to be either crazy, evil, or on some big ego trip to even want the job.
Joe Biden has the evil part down pat.

DeSantis maybe has the crazy part going for him.

Trump seems driven by ego, but ego in wanting to be liked, famous, attention, and known for making America the great superpower shining city it once was again combating globalism and "green" agendas.

I carry no truck for evil, I suppose I can live with a little crazy, but given the choice, I'll take ego--- enough ego to stand up to the crazy and the evil in the world while taking great pride in doing a good job well in keeping America what its founders intended, more or less.

The trick in life is to not miss rare golden opportunities to get the closest and the best you can get instead of holding out too long looking for an ideal solution you and I both know isn't coming because of the reasons above. Pass on Trump with all his obvious baggage and you will likely only end up with far worse--- like Joe Biden.
Yeah...Could "knee-jerk" myself into shitbags like Janet Mills and Lisa Murkowski.

You've bought a bill of goods and are too thick to have buyer's remorse.
Seriously - the RCV thing is my breaking point with you. It's what exposes you as either a) a useless partisan drone or b) an idiot. I don't guess is matters much which it is.

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