Is Flynn's resignation enough?

Nope. We need to find out who leaked to the media.

The leaks are the important thing. Of course you would rather wallow in your Trump hatred.

Let me clearly point out what an IDIOT you are (but you probably already know that you're an idiot.)

What you wrote above is the equivalent of a moron conservative believing that what Wikileaks was pouring out is of NO consequence, the important task is to SILENCE Wikileaks......

Find a grown up to explain the above to you......or go back to bed......LOL

of course what wikileaks put out was of consequence. It was also the truth about corruption, lying, and collusion by the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the media.

are you saying that the voters are not entitled to know the truth about the candidates?

So that's an endorsement of hacking and leaking anything about Trump and his people to learn the truth about them.

sure, as long as its true. We have a right to know the truth. But when you libs and the corrupt media put out lies and propaganda, that is another story.

But we all understand why you do it. When the truth is known, liberalism always loses because it is based on a lie.

Trump's ranting about illegal leaking and your response is to tell him he's full of shit and there's no such thing as illegal leaking.

Very interesting.

I did not say that illegal leaking should be permitted or tolerated. Leaking the hidden corruption of the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the corrupt media was not illegal. If you think what wikileaks did was illegal, give me the statutes that it violated.

Leaking illegal wiretaps is what brought Flynn down.
Without partisan rancor and as American citizens, we should all ask ourselves a couple of crucial questions that a mere resignation by Flynn do NOT settle the matter.

The first question regards whether there exists a cabal within the Trump WH that plots strategy unbeknownst by Trump......or a group that simply keeps information FROM Trump....
Of course we have all heard that the DOJ had warned the incoming administration that Flynn could be subject to Russian blackmail...........which then leads to the second question...

Flynn has had the MOST secret of intelligence on our nation's tactics in protecting all of us.......The fear of Flynn being blackmailed into sharing those secrets with our enemies, however, DOES NOT STOP with his resignation.......he is still a walking and breathing LIABILITY to our security and Flynn should be carefully watched or some of our security measure be quickly changed.
I would hope that they changed enough things since he and Snowden left their jobs. I also don't see why he would have to be blackmailed, and wouldn't be surprised if he already "shared" certain things willingly.
Let me clearly point out what an IDIOT you are (but you probably already know that you're an idiot.)

What you wrote above is the equivalent of a moron conservative believing that what Wikileaks was pouring out is of NO consequence, the important task is to SILENCE Wikileaks......

Find a grown up to explain the above to you......or go back to bed......LOL

of course what wikileaks put out was of consequence. It was also the truth about corruption, lying, and collusion by the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the media.

are you saying that the voters are not entitled to know the truth about the candidates?

So that's an endorsement of hacking and leaking anything about Trump and his people to learn the truth about them.

sure, as long as its true. We have a right to know the truth. But when you libs and the corrupt media put out lies and propaganda, that is another story.

But we all understand why you do it. When the truth is known, liberalism always loses because it is based on a lie.

Trump's ranting about illegal leaking and your response is to tell him he's full of shit and there's no such thing as illegal leaking.

Very interesting.

I did not say that illegal leaking should be permitted or tolerated. Leaking the hidden corruption of the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the corrupt media was not illegal. If you think what wikileaks did was illegal, give me the statutes that it violated.

Leaking illegal wiretaps is what brought Flynn down.

You're an idiot. What's the difference between leaking a wiretap and leaking a hacked email account?
he best case against liberalism is that it has failed every place and every time it has ever been tried. It is a failed ideology that has never worked and will never work.

Try again, Mr. Tuna...................LOL

The 5 Most Liberal Countries In the World

These 5 nations, sorted by their Social Progress Index score for personal freedom and choice, all have a wealth of history, insight and liberty: They are nations where the governments have found a sweet point, with a sphere of influence that appears to encourage economic prosperity while allowing the individual a spacious private sphere with aspects like freedom of expression, opportunity and social equality are the aims of the day.

5. Switzerland 66.4
4. Canada 67.8
3. Australia 68.5
2. Costa Rica 69.4
1. Sweden 72.8

1, 2, 4, and 5 are all small countries with a homogeneous population. More like a big family than a country. It almost works because they all think alike and look alike. They also pay income taxes of 60% or more on all forms of income. Australia is not a liberal country philosophically, Aussies are very conservative socially, financially, and are very nationalistic.

Exactly what does "social equality" mean? That everyone is equally miserable? Remember for socialism (liberalism) to work there has to be a very small group of super elites who control everyone else. Socialism really means dictatorship by minority. Is that really what you want?

Name the best example of a country that prospers without socialism.
So that's an endorsement of hacking and leaking anything about Trump and his people to learn the truth about them.

sure, as long as its true. We have a right to know the truth. But when you libs and the corrupt media put out lies and propaganda, that is another story.

But we all understand why you do it. When the truth is known, liberalism always loses because it is based on a lie.
What are the lies as you see it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

That Russia controlled the results of our election
That Trump colluded with Putin
That Hillary won the legal popular vote

Now, the lies about liberalism in general
1. that all are treated equally
2. that government can run your life better than you can
3. that human beings do not desire to improve their station in life
4. that people want to be controlled by a tiny super elite minority
5. that socialism works
6. that all rich people are evil
7. that all corporations are evil
8. that man is changing the climate of planet earth
9. that Marx was right when he said "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"
10. that empathy is more important than common sense.

Why lie about liberalism? is that because you can't make an honest case against it?

my points were accurate. The best case against liberalism is that it has failed every place and every time it has ever been tried. It is a failed ideology that has never worked and will never work.

Name the failed 'liberal' countries.
of course what wikileaks put out was of consequence. It was also the truth about corruption, lying, and collusion by the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the media.

are you saying that the voters are not entitled to know the truth about the candidates?

So that's an endorsement of hacking and leaking anything about Trump and his people to learn the truth about them.

sure, as long as its true. We have a right to know the truth. But when you libs and the corrupt media put out lies and propaganda, that is another story.

But we all understand why you do it. When the truth is known, liberalism always loses because it is based on a lie.

Trump's ranting about illegal leaking and your response is to tell him he's full of shit and there's no such thing as illegal leaking.

Very interesting.

I did not say that illegal leaking should be permitted or tolerated. Leaking the hidden corruption of the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the corrupt media was not illegal. If you think what wikileaks did was illegal, give me the statutes that it violated.

Leaking illegal wiretaps is what brought Flynn down.

You're an idiot. What's the difference between leaking a wiretap and leaking a hacked email account?

one is illegal, one is legal. Quite a difference, asshole. There is no law against tapping an unsecure email account and publishing the contents. The DNC brought this on themselves by allowing Hillary to have an unsecure server and not having adequate safeguards on theirs.
sure, as long as its true. We have a right to know the truth. But when you libs and the corrupt media put out lies and propaganda, that is another story.

But we all understand why you do it. When the truth is known, liberalism always loses because it is based on a lie.
What are the lies as you see it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

That Russia controlled the results of our election
That Trump colluded with Putin
That Hillary won the legal popular vote

Now, the lies about liberalism in general
1. that all are treated equally
2. that government can run your life better than you can
3. that human beings do not desire to improve their station in life
4. that people want to be controlled by a tiny super elite minority
5. that socialism works
6. that all rich people are evil
7. that all corporations are evil
8. that man is changing the climate of planet earth
9. that Marx was right when he said "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"
10. that empathy is more important than common sense.

Why lie about liberalism? is that because you can't make an honest case against it?

my points were accurate. The best case against liberalism is that it has failed every place and every time it has ever been tried. It is a failed ideology that has never worked and will never work.

Name the failed 'liberal' countries.

Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, North Korea, just to name 4 that you might recognize. We could add California but its not a separate country yet.
So that's an endorsement of hacking and leaking anything about Trump and his people to learn the truth about them.

sure, as long as its true. We have a right to know the truth. But when you libs and the corrupt media put out lies and propaganda, that is another story.

But we all understand why you do it. When the truth is known, liberalism always loses because it is based on a lie.

Trump's ranting about illegal leaking and your response is to tell him he's full of shit and there's no such thing as illegal leaking.

Very interesting.

I did not say that illegal leaking should be permitted or tolerated. Leaking the hidden corruption of the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the corrupt media was not illegal. If you think what wikileaks did was illegal, give me the statutes that it violated.

Leaking illegal wiretaps is what brought Flynn down.

You're an idiot. What's the difference between leaking a wiretap and leaking a hacked email account?

one is illegal, one is legal. Quite a difference, asshole. There is no law against tapping an unsecure email account and publishing the contents. The DNC brought this on themselves by allowing Hillary to have an unsecure server and not having adequate safeguards on theirs.

Hacking email accounts is legal? Prove it.
he best case against liberalism is that it has failed every place and every time it has ever been tried. It is a failed ideology that has never worked and will never work.

Try again, Mr. Tuna...................LOL

The 5 Most Liberal Countries In the World

These 5 nations, sorted by their Social Progress Index score for personal freedom and choice, all have a wealth of history, insight and liberty: They are nations where the governments have found a sweet point, with a sphere of influence that appears to encourage economic prosperity while allowing the individual a spacious private sphere with aspects like freedom of expression, opportunity and social equality are the aims of the day.

5. Switzerland 66.4
4. Canada 67.8
3. Australia 68.5
2. Costa Rica 69.4
1. Sweden 72.8

1, 2, 4, and 5 are all small countries with a homogeneous population. More like a big family than a country. It almost works because they all think alike and look alike. They also pay income taxes of 60% or more on all forms of income. Australia is not a liberal country philosophically, Aussies are very conservative socially, financially, and are very nationalistic.

Exactly what does "social equality" mean? That everyone is equally miserable? Remember for socialism (liberalism) to work there has to be a very small group of super elites who control everyone else. Socialism really means dictatorship by minority. Is that really what you want?

Name the best example of a country that prospers without socialism.

ah, trick question. first define socialism.
What are the lies as you see it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

That Russia controlled the results of our election
That Trump colluded with Putin
That Hillary won the legal popular vote

Now, the lies about liberalism in general
1. that all are treated equally
2. that government can run your life better than you can
3. that human beings do not desire to improve their station in life
4. that people want to be controlled by a tiny super elite minority
5. that socialism works
6. that all rich people are evil
7. that all corporations are evil
8. that man is changing the climate of planet earth
9. that Marx was right when he said "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"
10. that empathy is more important than common sense.

Why lie about liberalism? is that because you can't make an honest case against it?

my points were accurate. The best case against liberalism is that it has failed every place and every time it has ever been tried. It is a failed ideology that has never worked and will never work.

Name the failed 'liberal' countries.

Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, North Korea, just to name 4 that you might recognize. We could add California but its not a separate country yet.

Those are not liberal countries.
he best case against liberalism is that it has failed every place and every time it has ever been tried. It is a failed ideology that has never worked and will never work.

Try again, Mr. Tuna...................LOL

The 5 Most Liberal Countries In the World

These 5 nations, sorted by their Social Progress Index score for personal freedom and choice, all have a wealth of history, insight and liberty: They are nations where the governments have found a sweet point, with a sphere of influence that appears to encourage economic prosperity while allowing the individual a spacious private sphere with aspects like freedom of expression, opportunity and social equality are the aims of the day.

5. Switzerland 66.4
4. Canada 67.8
3. Australia 68.5
2. Costa Rica 69.4
1. Sweden 72.8

1, 2, 4, and 5 are all small countries with a homogeneous population. More like a big family than a country. It almost works because they all think alike and look alike. They also pay income taxes of 60% or more on all forms of income. Australia is not a liberal country philosophically, Aussies are very conservative socially, financially, and are very nationalistic.

Exactly what does "social equality" mean? That everyone is equally miserable? Remember for socialism (liberalism) to work there has to be a very small group of super elites who control everyone else. Socialism really means dictatorship by minority. Is that really what you want?

Name the best example of a country that prospers without socialism.

ah, trick question. first define socialism.

Any country with any institutions considered socialistic.
sure, as long as its true. We have a right to know the truth. But when you libs and the corrupt media put out lies and propaganda, that is another story.

But we all understand why you do it. When the truth is known, liberalism always loses because it is based on a lie.

Trump's ranting about illegal leaking and your response is to tell him he's full of shit and there's no such thing as illegal leaking.

Very interesting.

I did not say that illegal leaking should be permitted or tolerated. Leaking the hidden corruption of the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the corrupt media was not illegal. If you think what wikileaks did was illegal, give me the statutes that it violated.

Leaking illegal wiretaps is what brought Flynn down.

You're an idiot. What's the difference between leaking a wiretap and leaking a hacked email account?

one is illegal, one is legal. Quite a difference, asshole. There is no law against tapping an unsecure email account and publishing the contents. The DNC brought this on themselves by allowing Hillary to have an unsecure server and not having adequate safeguards on theirs.

Hacking email accounts is legal? Prove it.

Who has been charged with a crime for disclosing the contents of Podestra's e-mail account? You do understand that there is no such thing as international law don't you?

Now if you are claiming that the hack was done by someone inside the DNC (which is highly likely) then the answer might be different.
That Russia controlled the results of our election
That Trump colluded with Putin
That Hillary won the legal popular vote

Now, the lies about liberalism in general
1. that all are treated equally
2. that government can run your life better than you can
3. that human beings do not desire to improve their station in life
4. that people want to be controlled by a tiny super elite minority
5. that socialism works
6. that all rich people are evil
7. that all corporations are evil
8. that man is changing the climate of planet earth
9. that Marx was right when he said "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"
10. that empathy is more important than common sense.

Why lie about liberalism? is that because you can't make an honest case against it?

my points were accurate. The best case against liberalism is that it has failed every place and every time it has ever been tried. It is a failed ideology that has never worked and will never work.

Name the failed 'liberal' countries.

Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, North Korea, just to name 4 that you might recognize. We could add California but its not a separate country yet.

Those are not liberal countries.

socialist = liberal

7th grade civics, did you sleep thru that one?
he best case against liberalism is that it has failed every place and every time it has ever been tried. It is a failed ideology that has never worked and will never work.

Try again, Mr. Tuna...................LOL

The 5 Most Liberal Countries In the World

These 5 nations, sorted by their Social Progress Index score for personal freedom and choice, all have a wealth of history, insight and liberty: They are nations where the governments have found a sweet point, with a sphere of influence that appears to encourage economic prosperity while allowing the individual a spacious private sphere with aspects like freedom of expression, opportunity and social equality are the aims of the day.

5. Switzerland 66.4
4. Canada 67.8
3. Australia 68.5
2. Costa Rica 69.4
1. Sweden 72.8

1, 2, 4, and 5 are all small countries with a homogeneous population. More like a big family than a country. It almost works because they all think alike and look alike. They also pay income taxes of 60% or more on all forms of income. Australia is not a liberal country philosophically, Aussies are very conservative socially, financially, and are very nationalistic.

Exactly what does "social equality" mean? That everyone is equally miserable? Remember for socialism (liberalism) to work there has to be a very small group of super elites who control everyone else. Socialism really means dictatorship by minority. Is that really what you want?

Name the best example of a country that prospers without socialism.

ah, trick question. first define socialism.

Any country with any institutions considered socialistic.

that's not a definition. "considered socialistic"? by who?

is social security socialistic? Is income tax socialistic? is limiting individual income socialistic? Is government control of your thermostat socialistic?
Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, North Korea,

hey, wait a minute....I thought you morons LOVED the once-called USSR.

By the way, moron, those other countries are (were) fully communist with some socialism mixed in.
Why lie about liberalism? is that because you can't make an honest case against it?

my points were accurate. The best case against liberalism is that it has failed every place and every time it has ever been tried. It is a failed ideology that has never worked and will never work.

Name the failed 'liberal' countries.

Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, North Korea, just to name 4 that you might recognize. We could add California but its not a separate country yet.

Those are not liberal countries.

socialist = liberal

7th grade civics, did you sleep thru that one?
So then liberal would also mean dictatorial, based on the countries named.

Total 7th grade, it's when we read "1984":
"War is peace."
"Freedom is slavery."
and so on...
So that's an endorsement of hacking and leaking anything about Trump and his people to learn the truth about them.

sure, as long as its true. We have a right to know the truth. But when you libs and the corrupt media put out lies and propaganda, that is another story.

But we all understand why you do it. When the truth is known, liberalism always loses because it is based on a lie.

Trump's ranting about illegal leaking and your response is to tell him he's full of shit and there's no such thing as illegal leaking.

Very interesting.

I did not say that illegal leaking should be permitted or tolerated. Leaking the hidden corruption of the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the corrupt media was not illegal. If you think what wikileaks did was illegal, give me the statutes that it violated.

Leaking illegal wiretaps is what brought Flynn down.

You're an idiot. What's the difference between leaking a wiretap and leaking a hacked email account?

one is illegal, one is legal. Quite a difference, asshole. There is no law against tapping an unsecure email account and publishing the contents. The DNC brought this on themselves by allowing Hillary to have an unsecure server and not having adequate safeguards on theirs.

Hacking is indeed a crime.
Why lie about liberalism? is that because you can't make an honest case against it?

my points were accurate. The best case against liberalism is that it has failed every place and every time it has ever been tried. It is a failed ideology that has never worked and will never work.

Name the failed 'liberal' countries.

Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, North Korea, just to name 4 that you might recognize. We could add California but its not a separate country yet.

Those are not liberal countries.

socialist = liberal

7th grade civics, did you sleep thru that one?

That must be where your schooling ended.
Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, North Korea,

hey, wait a minute....I thought you morons LOVED the once-called USSR.

By the way, moron, those other countries are (were) fully communist with some socialism mixed in.

so, lets see here, gnat. socialism is good but communism is bad. problem is one leads to the other.

Who said they loved the USSR? not me. But you should since you want to live in a socialist state where everything you are allowed to do or say is controlled by the government.

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