Is Flynn's resignation enough?

Whenever you find yourself blaming the media for what's happening to you and/or your own actions, understand that you're FUBAR.

......just another scenario of the Nixon era circa 1974.
You can always join your Jihadi Brethren and start beheading people you disagree with to satisfy your rage and hatred.
What do you mean, is it enough? He committed no crimes, unlike the festering vagina you worship. He stepped down and did the honorable thing simply because he was a distraction, unlike Hillary Clinton who should have resigned after she butchered Benghazi.

I should ask you, is Hillary Clinton being humiliated in the election enough, or should she face a firing squad for violating the Espionage Act, Lying To Congress, Gun Running Weapons to Terrorists, and getting people killed and ignoring their pleas for help.

If justice were served, she'd have a noose around her neck. So I have to ask you, if we hired you as her executioner, would you pull the lever?

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The OP is a conspiracy nut. Per usual in DC, Flynn is in trouble not for the underlying deed, but for the subsequent coverup.

Flynn should of resigned because he apparently misled Pence. You do not do this. Flynn should of just admitted that he spoke to the Russians and that the topic of Obama's sanctions came up, then dare the Gov to initiate a silly Logan Act prosecution. But Flynn fucked up. He did the typical political move and lied. It is today's M.O. In DC. Neither the Obama nor Bill Clinton administrations could function without lies serving as the foundations for their respective presidencies.

There is no proof that Flynn did anything inappropriate except to mislead Pence. He is certainly above the petty nonsensical gripes suggested by the leftist scum like the OP notwithstanding his alleged lie.

Wow way to compartmentalize the bigger picture of constant Russian controversies surrounding Trump.

How many people does Trump have to get rid off due to revelations of ties with the Kremlin, before you start asking yourself why Trump picked all of them?
Don't be a douche. The "constant Russian controversies surrounding Trump" are media constructs.

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We now know that the CIA, FBI and NSA have been deliberately withholding certain information from the President, because they already knew that anything that is said to him will land at the Kremlin as well.

Much like how Democrats provided the Kremlin with their e-mails....or how Barry and Hillary shared info with Al Qaeda and ISIS, to go along with the supplies, funding, weapons, training, & protection they were giving them.

Wow you are crazy. I mean serious looney toons grade insanity.
No, it's called hyper-partisan.

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Yeah, that's why he ran and won. I've never seen as many crybabies as there are here today.

It's that all you have on this and other issues - neener, neener, neener, we wun, u suk!!!

For adults, the purpose of an election is to put the best and most qualified people in place to manage the affairs of the country. For you, it's putting the team in place most likely to piss the rest of the country off. Is that really a sound strategy for good governance.

No wonder the US is dropping in every major category of good goverance. You want your government to fail because that would really piss off Democrats, now wouldn't it.
It's called hyper-partisan. Many on the right are terribly afflicted with it.

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The OP is a conspiracy nut. Per usual in DC, Flynn is in trouble not for the underlying deed, but for the subsequent coverup.

Flynn should of resigned because he apparently misled Pence. You do not do this. Flynn should of just admitted that he spoke to the Russians and that the topic of Obama's sanctions came up, then dare the Gov to initiate a silly Logan Act prosecution. But Flynn fucked up. He did the typical political move and lied. It is today's M.O. In DC. Neither the Obama nor Bill Clinton administrations could function without lies serving as the foundations for their respective presidencies.

There is no proof that Flynn did anything inappropriate except to mislead Pence. He is certainly above the petty nonsensical gripes suggested by the leftist scum like the OP notwithstanding his alleged lie.

The biggest difference between now and the past 8 years is the press actually feels like doing its job now.
Whenever you find yourself blaming the media for what's happening to you and/or your own actions, understand that you're FUBAR.

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When most of the media is merely Democrats with bylines, and they refuse to admit it, the whole country is FUBAR.
Yeah, that's why he ran and won. I've never seen as many crybabies as there are here today.

It's that all you have on this and other issues - neener, neener, neener, we wun, u suk!!!

For adults, the purpose of an election is to put the best and most qualified people in place to manage the affairs of the country. For you, it's putting the team in place most likely to piss the rest of the country off. Is that really a sound strategy for good governance.

No wonder the US is dropping in every major category of good goverance. You want your government to fail because that would really piss off Democrats, now wouldn't it.
It's called hyper-partisan. Many on the right are terribly afflicted with it.

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I'll bet you goons wish you could do magic don't you?
BTW, nobody got this upset over Teddy "Swim Master" Kennedy making direct contact with the USSR about resisting Reagan's policy toward the Soviets. There was actually proof of this treason yet Teddy "Breast Stroke" Kennedy was Lionized b the Senate and DNC.

The Trump administration is having a love affair with Russia... your party thinks it is ok .. This high office general is involved and so is the rest of the administration..It is just a matter of time to bring them down , one at a
Your assertion is factually incorrect. There is no "love affair" with Russia. Now, I know that is what you believe, and what you want to believe. I also know that it hurts to be called wrong. But you are just wrong. There is no evidence that Trump is in bed with Putin. That is patently absurd.

Paul Manifort - paid Russian operative in Ukraine, loved in Kremlin. (was senior campaign adviser for Trump untill revelations)


Flynn - Was Russian State Television (RT) paid analyst with quite nice things to say about Putin and VERY Putin things to say about Obama. Got caught lying about discussing lifting of sanctions with Kremlin. (was a National Security Adviser to Trump until revelations)



Rex Tiller - To say Putin liked him as Exxon CEO is an understatement, he has hand given Rex top honor a foreigner can get.


Russia makes no secret that when it comes to American foreign policy Trump has assembled a dream team for them.

Trump himself never spoke about Putin in less than flattering terms during campaign and was also blatantly lying about Russian ties, saying in 2012 that has close connections with Putin then blatantly denying having ever met him or having any dealing with Russians in 2016 compaign. Trumps own son in 2008 has stated in no uncertain terms that Russian investments in Trump business are extensive.

He constantly used Kremlin talking points on America's involvement in middle east (ideas that perhaps were fed to him by Flynn). He actually, seriously, unblinkingly insisted that Obama founded and aided ISIS, a very popular talking point from Kremlin.

Trump also got into confrontation with American intelligence when it found with high confidence that Russians hacked DNC, his denials lasted months before he finally conceded that yes it in fact probably was Russians. He even went so far as to tout Assange as a credible source on the topic...after having said in the past that the guy should be hung for Iraq leaks.

All of this WITHOUT A SINGLE SHRED OF POLITICAL INCENTIVE. Trump's public bro-fest with Putin clearly is nothing but political disadvantage with Americans, why in the world would he ever do that unless there were strong external motivations?
Thank you.

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Wow you are crazy. I mean serious looney toons grade insanity.
I noticed in an attempt to attack me you deleted the FACT that Obama warned ISIS that the attack by the French and Russians on the oil facilities was coming. Unless you deleted / omitted THAT, your little attack doesn't work. :p

Obama was bombing the shit out of ISIS for years you fucking dolt. You have to be straight insane to claim that he wanted to somehow aid them.
Obama did not "bomb the shit" out of anybody.

You are ignorant:

A campaign that began two years ago this Sunday (aug 2016) has now, 50,000 bombs and 25,000 dead ISIS fighters later, expanded to a whole new continent.

Obama Expands the ISIS Bombing Campaign to a 4th Country, the Media Barely Notice
It's called hyper-partisan. It means that nothing your chosen opponent does is good...ever.

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Pay attention dipshit, there is no question that the corrupt lying DNC and the corrupt lying Hillary campaign were hacked. THE RUSSIANS DID NOT HACK OUR ELECTION. How is putting out the truth about lies and corruption bad for the country? Yeah, it may have contributed to Hillary losing. Funny how the truth can do that.

Did you wipe thoroughly after making the above, bolded assertion?

(Yeah, yeah, I know, if your heard it from Sean Hannity is HAS to be true.....LOL)

OK, dingleberry. Tell us exactly how the Russians changed the vote count in our election.
Nope. We need to find out who leaked to the media.

The leaks are the important thing. Of course you would rather wallow in your Trump hatred.

Let me clearly point out what an IDIOT you are (but you probably already know that you're an idiot.)

What you wrote above is the equivalent of a moron conservative believing that what Wikileaks was pouring out is of NO consequence, the important task is to SILENCE Wikileaks......

Find a grown up to explain the above to you......or go back to bed......LOL

of course what wikileaks put out was of consequence. It was also the truth about corruption, lying, and collusion by the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the media.

are you saying that the voters are not entitled to know the truth about the candidates?
Pay attention dipshit, there is no question that the corrupt lying DNC and the corrupt lying Hillary campaign were hacked. THE RUSSIANS DID NOT HACK OUR ELECTION. How is putting out the truth about lies and corruption bad for the country? Yeah, it may have contributed to Hillary losing. Funny how the truth can do that.

Did you wipe thoroughly after making the above, bolded assertion?

(Yeah, yeah, I know, if your heard it from Sean Hannity is HAS to be true.....LOL)

OK, dingleberry. Tell us exactly how the Russians changed the vote count in our election.

He can't because the only thing they hacked was Podesta's computer. Then then leaked what they got to WikiLeaks.

All it showed was the DNC dirty tricks with Bernie, the infighting, the backstabbing and their absolute belief that Hillary was the next POTUS.

Two outta three ain't bad. LOL
Pay attention dipshit, there is no question that the corrupt lying DNC and the corrupt lying Hillary campaign were hacked. THE RUSSIANS DID NOT HACK OUR ELECTION. How is putting out the truth about lies and corruption bad for the country? Yeah, it may have contributed to Hillary losing. Funny how the truth can do that.

Did you wipe thoroughly after making the above, bolded assertion?

(Yeah, yeah, I know, if your heard it from Sean Hannity is HAS to be true.....LOL)

OK, dingleberry. Tell us exactly how the Russians changed the vote count in our election.

He can't because the only thing they hacked was Podesta's computer. Then then leaked what they got to WikiLeaks.

All it showed was the DNC dirty tricks with Bernie, the infighting, the backstabbing and their absolute belief that Hillary was the next POTUS.

Two outta three ain't bad. LOL

you left out giving the debate questions to Hillary before the debate. giving her interview questions before interviews, and telling the interviewers what questions they were "allowed" to ask her.
Pay attention dipshit, there is no question that the corrupt lying DNC and the corrupt lying Hillary campaign were hacked. THE RUSSIANS DID NOT HACK OUR ELECTION. How is putting out the truth about lies and corruption bad for the country? Yeah, it may have contributed to Hillary losing. Funny how the truth can do that.

Did you wipe thoroughly after making the above, bolded assertion?

(Yeah, yeah, I know, if your heard it from Sean Hannity is HAS to be true.....LOL)

OK, dingleberry. Tell us exactly how the Russians changed the vote count in our election.

He can't because the only thing they hacked was Podesta's computer. Then then leaked what they got to WikiLeaks.

All it showed was the DNC dirty tricks with Bernie, the infighting, the backstabbing and their absolute belief that Hillary was the next POTUS.

Two outta three ain't bad. LOL

you left out giving the debate questions to Hillary before the debate. giving her interview questions before interviews, and telling the interviewers what questions they were "allowed" to ask her.

Yeah. I know. I thought about it after I posted it. Got tied up on another thread and didn't get back to it.

Boy the DNC needs all the help it can get. What a bunch of losers.
Pay attention dipshit, there is no question that the corrupt lying DNC and the corrupt lying Hillary campaign were hacked. THE RUSSIANS DID NOT HACK OUR ELECTION. How is putting out the truth about lies and corruption bad for the country? Yeah, it may have contributed to Hillary losing. Funny how the truth can do that.

Did you wipe thoroughly after making the above, bolded assertion?

(Yeah, yeah, I know, if your heard it from Sean Hannity is HAS to be true.....LOL)

OK, dingleberry. Tell us exactly how the Russians changed the vote count in our election.

He can't because the only thing they hacked was Podesta's computer. Then then leaked what they got to WikiLeaks.

All it showed was the DNC dirty tricks with Bernie, the infighting, the backstabbing and their absolute belief that Hillary was the next POTUS.

Two outta three ain't bad. LOL

you left out giving the debate questions to Hillary before the debate. giving her interview questions before interviews, and telling the interviewers what questions they were "allowed" to ask her.

Yeah. I know. I thought about it after I posted it. Got tied up on another thread and didn't get back to it.

Boy the DNC needs all the help it can get. What a bunch of losers.

whats really funny is that they are too dumb to realize that they are only hurting themselves.
Nope. We need to find out who leaked to the media.

The leaks are the important thing. Of course you would rather wallow in your Trump hatred.

Let me clearly point out what an IDIOT you are (but you probably already know that you're an idiot.)

What you wrote above is the equivalent of a moron conservative believing that what Wikileaks was pouring out is of NO consequence, the important task is to SILENCE Wikileaks......

Find a grown up to explain the above to you......or go back to bed......LOL

of course what wikileaks put out was of consequence. It was also the truth about corruption, lying, and collusion by the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the media.

are you saying that the voters are not entitled to know the truth about the candidates?

Am I entitled to invade your privacy to learn the truth about you?
Nope. We need to find out who leaked to the media.

The leaks are the important thing. Of course you would rather wallow in your Trump hatred.

Let me clearly point out what an IDIOT you are (but you probably already know that you're an idiot.)

What you wrote above is the equivalent of a moron conservative believing that what Wikileaks was pouring out is of NO consequence, the important task is to SILENCE Wikileaks......

Find a grown up to explain the above to you......or go back to bed......LOL

of course what wikileaks put out was of consequence. It was also the truth about corruption, lying, and collusion by the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the media.

are you saying that the voters are not entitled to know the truth about the candidates?

So that's an endorsement of hacking and leaking anything about Trump and his people to learn the truth about them.
so if flynn only mislead pence, then Trump was in on flynn's talk on sanctions with the russians?

did flynn give the russians this message on Trump reneging the obama sanctions when he gets in to office, AT THE REQUEST OF TRUMP?

Get a life. You libs lost the election. Hillary was a terrible candidate and a corrupt lying bitch. Trump won, Trump is president for at least the next 4 years.

Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy. Until you dems wake up to that fact, you will continue to lose.
Without partisan rancor and as American citizens, we should all ask ourselves a couple of crucial questions that a mere resignation by Flynn do NOT settle the matter.

The first question regards whether there exists a cabal within the Trump WH that plots strategy unbeknownst by Trump......or a group that simply keeps information FROM Trump....
Of course we have all heard that the DOJ had warned the incoming administration that Flynn could be subject to Russian blackmail...........which then leads to the second question...

Flynn has had the MOST secret of intelligence on our nation's tactics in protecting all of us.......The fear of Flynn being blackmailed into sharing those secrets with our enemies, however, DOES NOT STOP with his resignation.......he is still a walking and breathing LIABILITY to our security and Flynn should be carefully watched or some of our security measure be quickly changed.

Finally, as most conservative pundits are spewing, further investigations are necessary and crucial.....BUT, who are there to facilitate such investigations, mindful that the republican leadership in congress may NOT want investigations that could reveal their own internal flaws.
You need to calm down and stop huffing whatever paint you have in your garage.

I know you're excited about Flynn's scalp adorning the Democratic Party's cloakroom, but this is bad for the whole country. This is not a victory.

Get some perspective, for chrissakes.
This has nothing at all to do with the election, but if you insist, she did win the vote of the People in this nation by 3 million voters....

Trump was aware of Flynn's lie, and still appointed him as National Security advisor, AFTER he was told about it....and he, AS IN Trump, did NOT notify Pence of the lie. It was not until Fbruary 10th when intelligence finally had enough of the lies being told by the trump team, leaked it to the American people....that the Trump team has now said, becaus Flynn lied to Pence they have to lt him go or he resigned.

Has ANYONE SAID that Flynn lied to Trump on this.....>?????

NO, no one has said such, which means Trump was not lied to, and Trump was aware of what Flynn said to the Russians about sanctions, which undermined President Obama..and it means Trump was aware on January 15th (and more than likely since December 29th when Flynn called the Russian ambassador) when Flynn lied on meet the press....

Trump can not say he was unaware, because they have Flynn on tape telling the ambassador that Trump was aware and would not keep the Obama sanctions in my bet!

Trump has NOT ONCE stated that he was unaware of Flynn's actions, not ONCE!
Thank you.

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