CDZ Is FOX NEWS Bad for the GOP?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
One can only hope. Bruce Bartlett, a former adviser to President's Reagan and George H. W. Bush claims Fox News has created a bubble for conservatives to brainwash themselves. Something obvious to most of us who read conservatives' posts on issues like climate change, the economy, health care and government.

LInked below when I goggled "Bob Bartlett on Fox new impact on GOP" are the sources reporting on this not too surprising conclusion:


Pick you poison, there are a number of articles on this issue, but this from the American Conservative may give those who generally have a mind closed to the MSM pause:

Revenge of the Reality-Based Community The American Conservative

If not for Fox News, people not very active in the GOP already wouldn't know much about what was going on. Because of Fox News, anyone mildly curious can see what GOP'ers do on a daily basis. And that isn't always good.
A resounding yes. what do you get when you mix a low info, low educated lemming with a propaganda network...TEAPERS.
Fox is entertainment for conservatives, not 'news.'

For most on the right, therefore, Fox serves as confirmation and reinforcement of subjective, errant dogma, not 'information.'

Because conservatives come to Fox as conservatives, their views and opinions already set, their minds tightly closed, there's little harm Fox can do to the GOP that's not already been done.
The same could be said for MSNBC.
Absolutely...but we are talking about Fox News, no? that simply a deflection? Are you trying to avoid a truth?
OK. let's look at it this way:

MSNBC is entertainment for progressives, not 'news.'

For most on the left, therefore, MSNBC serves as confirmation and reinforcement of subjective, errant dogma, not 'information.'

Because progressives come to Fox as progressives, their views and opinions already set, their minds tightly closed, there's little harm MSNBC can do to the Democret Party that's not already been done.

I'm a Yankees fan, you're a Mets fan. So what? the Mets still suck.
Yes, so you can stop whining about it.

"Whining"? LOL, whose whining? The issue was brought to the fray by a real conservative. Funny that, the real RINO is one who calls real conservatives in the GOP a RINO.

How's that bubble you guys live in? In fact, I always think of it as a box, one your thinking, - so to speak - has been encased in by the Limbaugh Hannity Complex.
The same could be said for MSNBC.
Absolutely...but we are talking about Fox News, no? that simply a deflection? Are you trying to avoid a truth?
OK. let's look at it this way:

MSNBC is entertainment for progressives, not 'news.'

For most on the left, therefore, MSNBC serves as confirmation and reinforcement of subjective, errant dogma, not 'information.'

Because progressives come to Fox as progressives, their views and opinions already set, their minds tightly closed, there's little harm MSNBC can do to the Democret Party that's not already been done.

I'm a Yankees fan, you're a Mets fan. So what? the Mets still suck.

Well, as a Yankee fan you don't hold to traditional values, Met fans do (the DH made managing a game much easier and tossed traditional baseball strategy out the window).

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