Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

I can fix a lot of things, your immaturity isn't one of them. Time maybe, but I doubt it. You simply can't accept reality. Only drugs or time can fix that, and sometimes not even then.

I doubt you've the means to fix anything. Odds are much higher that you lack even the most basic of intellectual skills, sufficient to understand any semblance of order, let alone such sufficient to repair that which is out of order.

The primary evidence being that you lack even sufficient skills to discern REALITY... given your incessant representation of your own fantasy, as such!

With 'reality' in your argument being our unquestioning acceptance of your subjective personal opinion as defining objective truth.

Um, Keyes....subjective is not objective. And your subjective opinion defines nothing objectively. Not 'nature'. Not 'god'. Not 'objective truth'. Nor 'reality'. Its just you citing you.

And you're nobody.
It states in no uncertain terms that Marriage is as Nature designed it; an extension of the natural, physiological design of the human species...
Nature didn't design anything, not even fucking, and certainly not marriage which has never been limited to just one man and one woman in all of human history but for certain locations. If nature is your guide, there is no such thing as marriage, just coupling and how long that last varies from an anonymous fuck in a bathroom stall to the lifelong fidelity of two virgins until death. What you believe is untrue,. which helps to explain why you reject reality.
nah. Gays lose cause they're a corrupt, dirty, and fucked up community. Read the article and comments here. A pro gay website but still disgusted with themselves. Why I Hate Being Gay 62 Reasons Village Voice
Maybe I can help you out here. See, it matters not a damn if any gays get married or even want to, ever. Equality before the law demands that we allow them to have the option because if they don't then they are not equal, and equality is as American as apple pie. Embrace it, it's a good thing.
It's a made up right. It's not even marriage and we need to get rid of every benefit received for being married after it has been turned into a joke.
As long as you treat married gays the same as married straights, when required to, you will be on the right side of the law. But the reality is, Adam and Steve are just as married as Adam and Eve. If you deny that then you are denying reality.
I'm not denying that by law they have the same relationship. I am denying that it is really marriage. It is an incorrect definition.

Its completely coherent. You just don't like it. There's a difference.
I didn't say it's incoherent. I said that it is incorrect. There's a difference.

Oh, well that's even easier to address: you're obviously wrong. In terms of legal definitions you vs. the federal judiciary has the same winner ever time: not you.

Marriage is what we say it is. Theres no 'inherent' definition. And in 37 of 50 states, it includes a man and a man or a woman and a woman.
Marriage is between a man and a woman. Everything else is sodomy.
Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and has nothing to do with marriage. When my wife is sucking my cock that's sex, and sodomy, just a common part of marriage.

You like definitions right? So, look up sodomy.

noun sod·omy \ˈsäd-ə-mē\ (Medical Dictionary)
Medical Definition of SODOMY
: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal
Sodomy Definition of sodomy by Merriam-Webster
nah. Gays lose cause they're a corrupt, dirty, and fucked up community. Read the article and comments here. A pro gay website but still disgusted with themselves. Why I Hate Being Gay 62 Reasons Village Voice
Maybe I can help you out here. See, it matters not a damn if any gays get married or even want to, ever. Equality before the law demands that we allow them to have the option because if they don't then they are not equal, and equality is as American as apple pie. Embrace it, it's a good thing.
It's a made up right. It's not even marriage and we need to get rid of every benefit received for being married after it has been turned into a joke.
I'm not denying that by law they have the same relationship. I am denying that it is really marriage. It is an incorrect definition.

Its completely coherent. You just don't like it. There's a difference.
I didn't say it's incoherent. I said that it is incorrect. There's a difference.

Oh, well that's even easier to address: you're obviously wrong. In terms of legal definitions you vs. the federal judiciary has the same winner ever time: not you.

Marriage is what we say it is. Theres no 'inherent' definition. And in 37 of 50 states, it includes a man and a man or a woman and a woman.
Marriage is between a man and a woman. Everything else is sodomy.
Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and has nothing to do with marriage. When my wife is sucking my cock that's sex, and sodomy, just a common part of marriage.

You like definitions right? So, look up sodomy.
I know what it is.

Anal or oral intercourse between human beings, or any sexual relations between a human being and an animal, the act of which may be punishable as a criminal offense.

I was thinking about it being similar to fucking animals.
Oh, well that's even easier to address: you're obviously wrong. In terms of legal definitions you vs. the federal judiciary has the same winner ever time: not you.

So kids... what the cultist is saying here, is that the Federal Judiciary is always right.

There's truly no need to delve into the litany of evidence proving that false, as it is self evident.

Which of course proves beyond any potential for doubt, the fallible nature of that cultist and its cult.

And in terms of potential fallibility, there is no greater potential for such, than where the subject is known as having consistently presented inarguable symptoms of Mental Disorder.

Marriage is what we say it is.

And there ya have it. Marriage is what THEY; the mentally disordered ... SAY IT IS!

Does anyone have a better demonstration of The Origin of War, than that?

I'd truly be interested in seeing what ya have to offer, if ya think ya do. Because, that idiocy captures it entirely. it is truly perfection.

BUT! If anyone has something that they'd like to offer that they feel shows a better example of how war starts... again, I'd love to see it.
Maybe I can help you out here. See, it matters not a damn if any gays get married or even want to, ever. Equality before the law demands that we allow them to have the option because if they don't then they are not equal, and equality is as American as apple pie. Embrace it, it's a good thing.
It's a made up right. It's not even marriage and we need to get rid of every benefit received for being married after it has been turned into a joke.
Its completely coherent. You just don't like it. There's a difference.
I didn't say it's incoherent. I said that it is incorrect. There's a difference.

Oh, well that's even easier to address: you're obviously wrong. In terms of legal definitions you vs. the federal judiciary has the same winner ever time: not you.

Marriage is what we say it is. Theres no 'inherent' definition. And in 37 of 50 states, it includes a man and a man or a woman and a woman.
Marriage is between a man and a woman. Everything else is sodomy.
Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and has nothing to do with marriage. When my wife is sucking my cock that's sex, and sodomy, just a common part of marriage.

You like definitions right? So, look up sodomy.
I know what it is.

Anal or oral intercourse between human beings, or any sexual relations between a human being and an animal, the act of which may be punishable as a criminal offense.

I was thinking about it being similar to fucking animals.
Well, don't, because it isn't except for the fact that we are also animals.
But arguing courts need to implement gay government marriage through criminal circumvention of the Constitution which gives the power to make that determination to the legislature is pure authoritarian leftism
Um, the reason these laws got tossed is because they were deemed unconstitutional. That's not going around around the Constitution, that's respecting it.

Right, pure legislation from the bench. Gays had exactly the same rights as straights, the courts had no legitimate say. That leaves it up to the legislature
Marriage is discrimination. It causes people to be treated differently by government.
It does not so much discriminate as allow for different rules to be applied

That's the definition of discrimination, retard. Learn the English language
I am aware of the definition. It's the manner in which you are using it that is wrong. You are suggesting that all people be treated equally in all things, which is never true.
But arguing courts need to implement gay government marriage through criminal circumvention of the Constitution which gives the power to make that determination to the legislature is pure authoritarian leftism
Um, the reason these laws got tossed is because they were deemed unconstitutional. That's not going around around the Constitution, that's respecting it.

Right, pure legislation from the bench. Gays had exactly the same rights as straights, the courts had no legitimate say. That leaves it up to the legislature
Tell us, when the courts toss gun control laws, are they legislating from the bench, yes or no?
It seems you want to ignore the obvious, gays do not fall in love with, and therefore want to marry, the opposite sex

Right. I'm a vegetarian except I eat seafood. I actually am, that's not just suppose. So I am Constitutioally allowed to fish in deer hunting season, right? I don't want to eat deer, I want to eat fish, so the Constitution protects me, right?

It's a stupid argument. Laws don't change based on what you want, that's exactly why it's a job for the legislature. See how that works? Get it now?
Marriage is discrimination. It causes people to be treated differently by government.
It does not so much discriminate as allow for different rules to be applied

That's the definition of discrimination, retard. Learn the English language
I am aware of the definition. It's the manner in which you are using it that is wrong. You are suggesting that all people be treated equally in all things, which is never true.
Allowing everyone to marry the opposite sex is equal. I don't get your point.
Oh, well that's even easier to address: you're obviously wrong. In terms of legal definitions you vs. the federal judiciary has the same winner ever time: not you.

So kids... what the cultist is saying here, is that the Federal Judiciary is always right.

There's truly no need to delve into the litany of evidence proving that false, as it is self evident.

Which of course proves beyond any potential for doubt, the fallible nature of that cultist and its cult.

And in terms of potential fallibility, there is no greater potential for such, than where the subject is known as having consistently presented inarguable symptoms of Mental Disorder.

Marriage is what we say it is.

And there ya have it. Marriage is what THEY; the mentally disordered ... SAY IT IS!

Does anyone have a better demonstration of The Origin of War, than that?

I'd truly be interested in seeing what ya have to offer, if ya think ya do. Because, that idiocy captures it entirely. it is truly perfection.

BUT! If anyone has something that they'd like to offer that they feel shows a better example of how war starts... again, I'd love to see it.
I'd suggest that the authorities keep an eye on you, but I'm quite sure they already are...
Marriage is discrimination. It causes people to be treated differently by government.
It does not so much discriminate as allow for different rules to be applied

That's the definition of discrimination, retard. Learn the English language
I am aware of the definition. It's the manner in which you are using it that is wrong. You are suggesting that all people be treated equally in all things, which is never true.

Using it wrong, am I retard? Discrimination specifically means treating people different. Read your own post, idiot.
Marriage is discrimination. It causes people to be treated differently by government.
It does not so much discriminate as allow for different rules to be applied

That's the definition of discrimination, retard. Learn the English language
I am aware of the definition. It's the manner in which you are using it that is wrong. You are suggesting that all people be treated equally in all things, which is never true.
Allowing everyone to marry the opposite sex is equal. I don't get your point.

His point is that it's not fair and the Constitution says the job of the courts is to make life fair
But arguing courts need to implement gay government marriage through criminal circumvention of the Constitution which gives the power to make that determination to the legislature is pure authoritarian leftism
Um, the reason these laws got tossed is because they were deemed unconstitutional. That's not going around around the Constitution, that's respecting it.

Right, pure legislation from the bench. Gays had exactly the same rights as straights, the courts had no legitimate say. That leaves it up to the legislature
Tell us, when the courts toss gun control laws, are they legislating from the bench, yes or no?

That's a clown question, bro
It's a stupid argument. Laws don't change based on what you want, that's exactly why it's a job for the legislature. See how that works? Get it now?
Laws change for many reasons, being found to be unconstitutional is top of the list here. That is what has killed your position and why gay marriage is about to be ruled legal in all of the US.

It's a stupid argument. Laws don't change based on what you want, that's exactly why it's a job for the legislature. See how that works? Get it now?
Laws change for many reasons, being found to be unconstitutional is top of the list here. That is what has killed your position and why gay marriage is about to be ruled legal in all of the US.

The question was name another law that changes based on what someone wants, try reading it again
Marriage is discrimination. It causes people to be treated differently by government.
It does not so much discriminate as allow for different rules to be applied

That's the definition of discrimination, retard. Learn the English language
I am aware of the definition. It's the manner in which you are using it that is wrong. You are suggesting that all people be treated equally in all things, which is never true.
Allowing everyone to marry the opposite sex is equal. I don't get your point.
That's equal only if you want to marry the opposite sex, and not all people do, which makes their standing unequal if only opposite sex adults can marry.
Oh, well that's even easier to address: you're obviously wrong. In terms of legal definitions you vs. the federal judiciary has the same winner ever time: not you.

So kids... what the cultist is saying here, is that the Federal Judiciary is always right.

I'm saying that in terms of legal definitions, the Federal Judiciary is authoritative. Some random guy on the internet isn't.

And I'm a 'cultist' now? You're kinda taking this whole 'anyone who won't accept me as speaking for the Creator is evil!' schtick a little far, dontcha think?

There's truly no need to delve into the litany of evidence proving that false, as it is self evident.

Except that your 'evidence' is just you stating your personal opinion. And then laughably insisting that whatever you make up is 'objective truth'.

It isn't. Killing your entire argument.

What else have you got? Or is just you screaming that your subjective opinion is 'reality' again?

And there ya have it. Marriage is what THEY; the mentally disordered ... SAY IT IS!

Again, Keyes....your personal opinion doesn't define marriage, nature, god, objectivity, reality or anything else. That you 'believe' that marriage is only one man and one woman doesn't make it so.

As demonstrated elegantly by marriage including a man and a man or a woman and a woman in 37 of 50 States. You say it can't be happening. And yet it is. The bug of your delusions has run straight into the windshield of reality.

And 'splat' goes another one of your Appeal to Authority fallacies.

It's a stupid argument. Laws don't change based on what you want, that's exactly why it's a job for the legislature. See how that works? Get it now?
Laws change for many reasons, being found to be unconstitutional is top of the list here. That is what has killed your position and why gay marriage is about to be ruled legal in all of the US.

The question was name another law that changes based on what someone wants, try reading it again
Someone wanted not to ride in the back of the bus, and the laws were changed when enough people agreed that requiring such a thing was wrong, meaning unequal.

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